How close are you to no longer voting at all?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.

I will never stop voting. I make my choices very carefully however, and have never been a party line voter which is the method of a simplistic thinker.
I wont stop doing my write ins.
Maybe one day someone worth a shit will come along so i can just do a checkmark..
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.
/---/ Nice try Sparky, but Conservative NEVER give up their right and duty to vote.
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.

I always vote. Sometimes I vote democrat. Some times republican. Because t I always vote.
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.

That's a good plan. You do that.
Having lost my civil right to vote once, I will never take it for Granted

Taking your toys & running home never solved anything.

We need a conservative movement to replace not supplement the GOP. At the rated the GOP is going I think they need to be burned to the ground. If this shit continues, voting dem will be a necessary evil to purge the establishment GOP and permanently remove them from power.
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.

Aww, poor baby. Are things not going your way little snowflake? :crybaby:
I love the title. The ridiculous, petulant, whiny little snowflake OP just assumes that because he's a ridiculous, petulant, whiny little snowflake who is close to "not voting anymore" that everyone else is too. Conservatism is a mental illness.
Sure whatever, owl. Give up. Stop voting. Colin Kaepernick has never exercised his right to vote. Look what a big deal he is now!
last November, I voted for every office on the ballot with the exception of president.

I could not stomach the idea of either candidate being n the Oval Office.

In 2020, if the choices are no better than what we had last November...

I still won't vote for president
Had we lived in the time when another country ruled America, we might realize that previously, people neither had the right to vote nor to be represented to our European brethren for suggestions on how they could better rule us, we might realize that our system beats alien entitlements to the fruits of our people's hard work.

Just sayin' to our dear, and almost consistently disappointed opposition over here who didn't feel the chill on the feet of General Washington's barefoot patriots who fought to get British monarchs off our backs for once and for all. *sigh*

You go, Donald Trump!

Yeah, still have not seen people identify the problem. In my estimation, the last president of this country was Reagan. Everyone since then has been part of that NEW WORLD ORDER. Ever see the rhetoric shared between the Bushes the clintons and on and on and on?

It is a swamp that consists of globalist corrupt individuals. You all complain about a two party system? Funny. It has not been a two party system in quite some time.

You all have not noticed this? There is no OPPOSITION PARTY. It is all illusion. In the meantime, the globalists keep getting stronger and stronger and our liberty keeps getting stripped.

Just to think how small businesses cannot use the word WAITRESS in their want ads? That is just a part of it. Just a small little part of it. Meanwhile, we all thought (although I was admittedly cynical has hell about it) we had this "hope" after the last election. Only to see exactly WHAT? Just so happens they come up ONE OR TWO votes short of what they had been promising for 7 years?

Now, this is simple little lay up. Tax reform. There should not be ANY dissenting republicans. It should be clear what they are and so therefore what the whole system is after this obamacare shit debacle.

You all see what is happening or not?
I see Senators and Congresspersons trying to represent the interests of the nation for the most part and particularly for those in their districts/states. They just have to take each issue, one at a time, and agree or not agree to it by consensus or the issue goes down. It's a one-by-one choice, and they have a lot to weigh as they ask themselves, is this issue one which helps or harms those in my state/district, and is there justification for raising taxes on already-burdened workers, retirees, not to mention the businesses that serve them.

It's up to voters to decide if their particular congress and senate reps are paying attention to how many other taxes people pay. In our district, several taxes--city, county, state, and federal taxes levied against senior citizens whose only income is Social Security income (regularly taken out of their pockets by force over a lifetime of work) are being taxed out of house, home, and land by high and unforgiving taxes that take far more than half of that Social Security. The newly-impoverished Senior class has been targeted for every penny they saved for old age just to keep what they bought when they were working. It's a national concern, because the time clock is ticking, and spending everywhere needs reining in.

Every congressperson, every mayor, county commissioner, and state legislature/treasurer needs to keep in mind not only hardships imposed by high taxes, but whether or not the government should continue in its nanny state with so many government entities picking the pockets of the people over and over with no thought for their ruining people who saved for a rainy day, but cannot match the rainy day the government presently is with so many of them able to snap their fingers and raise taxes against not only old, but also young families. What good does it do to buy millions of computers every year when fewer and fewer taxpayers can afford all the fees and pocket-picking that goes on in order to enrich the few and eliminate people's retirement benefits which they earned through a lifetime of hard work.

My prayers go out to each person who is elected to do all they can for the nation's people starting with mercy to the people earlier houses and senates, legislatures, commissioners, and city councils leaned on the people, often merely to brag to other districts how perfect conditions are in their area due to taxes they levied using their power. Many legislators never voted to burden people with all this. They're not in the majority. We the people put spendthrifts in. At least Trump and Co. are making an effort to limit the invasion of people's savings accounts for state luxuries. Both sides have their champions, and both sides have rabid spenders who do not consider what raising a tax for exploitable endeavors will do to those who must bear the burden.

It's up to voters to support those who will do no further damage to people's private income, properties, and earnings, and refuse to vote for luxury pushers who entitle themselves to a lot of tax money power.

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