How close are you to no longer voting at all?

If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.

The unfortunate problem is that the public schools are largely putting out graduates by design who really don't know anything this country is really about. Those people go on in one of two directions: they are apathetic and resigned to the process and don't vote. Or they get picked up by the Libcon Dragnet with a lot of bullshit shoved in their ears about the various "injustices" of society and get motivated and driven to vote as a newly found Liberal.

When folks don't vote, or vote assbat crazy like a liberal, big government is happy. The less people vote or pay attention, the easier it is to move their candidates into office. It never hurts to have the Useful Idiots help out by getting them to work for you, usually for free, too. They really are such Dupes.

So as tempting as it is to give up and stop voting, your non-vote equates to a liberal vote, which is worse than death itself, so, it always comes down to holding your nose to pull the GOP ticket because sometimes they have someone not too bad, but usually just to vote against the democrats.
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.

I vote even when ALL the options suck because to fail to do so means I abdicate my moral authority to have a voice as a citizen of my city, county, state, nation, the world.

The Republicans now in Washington are mostly professional politicians just like the Democrats. They all are in it to increase their personal power, prestige, influence, and wealth and they do not want to disturb the status quo in any way that would interfere with their personal benefits. The only difference between the parties are the constituents they represent.

If we stop voting, we are 100% at their mercy and cannot expect anything to significantly change. We have a President who actually wants to accomplish something and Republicans and Democrats alike are determined not to allow that to happen. We have to keep trying to put public servants into those seats and, if we can, we can make the permanent political class an unpleasant distant memory.
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.
Don't sit home.

Vote for the Libertarian candidate. Get them federal funding and we can have a real choice.

I wish everyone on both sides would rebel and vote L so the useless UniParty GOP/DNC has to share power.
Just relax and continue voting. Liberalism is destined to fail and the establishment is borrowing itself to death eventually the money will run out and that will be the end of them. Conservatives ultimately will rule :muahaha:
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.
Don't sit home.

Vote for the Libertarian candidate. Get them federal funding and we can have a real choice.

I wish everyone on both sides would rebel and vote L so the useless UniParty GOP/DNC has to share power.

Sometimes the Libertarian candidate is the better choice. In the 2016 Presidential election he was not, even though I knoiw him personally and know him to be a great guy. He would have made a terrible President and would never have been able to stand up to the sharks and barricudas in Congress and elsewhere.

Also, there is much in the Libertarian platform that I appreciate, but also some things Libertarians have pushed that I cannot support. I consider myself a libertarian (small "L") i.e. classical liberal that is a somewhat different animal from some things the Libertarian Party generally pushes.

No political party is perfect, but I prefer to put my energies into what is practical which means I will vote for good people who really do have a chance to be elected and make a difference.
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.
Don't sit home.

Vote for the Libertarian candidate. Get them federal funding and we can have a real choice.

I wish everyone on both sides would rebel and vote L so the useless UniParty GOP/DNC has to share power.
/----/ My only issue with the Libertarians is #13 - End the prohibition on drugs. I don't want to live in a doped up society. We have enough issues with drunks.

The Libertarian Party (LP) is a political party in the United States that promotes civil liberties, non-interventionism, laissez-faire capitalism and the abolition of the welfare state.[6] The LP was conceived at meetings in the home of David F. Nolan in Westminster, Colorado in 1971[7] and was officially formed on December 11, 1971, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.[7] The founding of the party was prompted in part due to concerns about the Nixon administration, the Vietnam War, conscription, and the end of the gold standard.[8]

The party generally promotes a classical liberal platform, in contrast to the Democrats' modern liberalism and progressivism and the Republicans' conservatism. Gary Johnson, the party's presidential nominee in 2012 and 2016, states that the LP is more culturally liberal than Democrats, but more fiscally conservative than Republicans.[9] Current fiscal policy positions include lowering taxes,[10] abolishing the IRS,[11] decreasing the national debt,[11] allowing people to opt out of Social Security,[12] and eliminating the welfare state, in part by utilizing private charities.[13] Current cultural policy positions include ending the prohibition of illegal drugs,[14] supporting same-sex marriage,[15] ending capital punishment,[16] and supporting gun ownership rights.[17] Many libertarians believe in lowering the drinking age to 18.[18]

While it is the third largest political party in the United States, it currently has no members in Congress or governorships. There are 511,277 voters registered as Libertarian in the 27 states that report Libertarian registration statistics and Washington, D.C.[19] The LP was the party under which the first electoral vote was cast for a woman, Tonie Nathan, for Vice President in the 1972 United States presidential election, due to a faithless elector.[20]
Just relax and continue voting. Liberalism is destined to fail and the establishment is borrowing itself to death eventually the money will run out and that will be the end of them. Conservatives ultimately will rule :muahaha:

And conservatives want what?
I am not even close to not voting.

Local issues in local elections are WAY more important to my everyday life than national elections.

Property tax levels, funding local construction projects, electing district attorneys and sheriffs, school board members....that kind of shit.

If you ONLY vote for POTUS, you're kind of a dipshit.
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Just relax and continue voting. Liberalism is destined to fail and the establishment is borrowing itself to death eventually the money will run out and that will be the end of them. Conservatives ultimately will rule :muahaha:

And conservatives want what?
/—-/ To Be left alone with out your stupid nanny state. I hope that answers your question
I will always vote, I lean in one way but always vote for who ever seems best for the job.left, right or off the grid.
/—-/ I’m an inspector for the Board of Elections. Last November a voter came in and wanted to cast a blank ballot as s protest. I told him the machine would reject it so he scrawled None of the above and tried to put it into the machine. He refused to leave until we threatened to call the police. He stormed out screaming none of the above.
If the republicans fuck this up just so they can make Trump look bad, or because they are being blackmailed by the democrats (which is the real reason they did not pass the repeal btw) then I am done.

We as a country are pretty close to dead as it is. If the republicans cannot even get this right, then we can all pretty much understand it is over, and has probably been over for a longer period than we think.

I am right on the edge of never voting again. As soon as the Democratic Party is eradicated as the vermin they really are, I will never vote again, because as bad as the GOP is right now, their worst day is still a magnitude better than the best the Left ever is.
Just relax and continue voting. Liberalism is destined to fail and the establishment is borrowing itself to death eventually the money will run out and that will be the end of them. Conservatives ultimately will rule :muahaha:

And conservatives want what?
/—-/ To Be left alone with out your stupid nanny state. I hope that answers your question

So you will leave women alone?

You guys seem to want a nanny state too.
Just relax and continue voting. Liberalism is destined to fail and the establishment is borrowing itself to death eventually the money will run out and that will be the end of them. Conservatives ultimately will rule :muahaha:

And conservatives want what?
/—-/ To Be left alone with out your stupid nanny state. I hope that answers your question

You must be good with gay marriage.

You'd never require drug tests for welfare.
Just relax and continue voting. Liberalism is destined to fail and the establishment is borrowing itself to death eventually the money will run out and that will be the end of them. Conservatives ultimately will rule :muahaha:

And conservatives want what?
/—-/ To Be left alone with out your stupid nanny state. I hope that answers your question

You must be good with gay marriage.

You'd never require drug tests for welfare.
/----/ The drug thing is my major roadblock. And I don't care if you want to marry your creepy Uncle as long as you don't try and force your perverted lifestyle on others who find it objectionable.
Just relax and continue voting. Liberalism is destined to fail and the establishment is borrowing itself to death eventually the money will run out and that will be the end of them. Conservatives ultimately will rule :muahaha:

And conservatives want what?
/—-/ To Be left alone with out your stupid nanny state. I hope that answers your question

So you will leave women alone?

You guys seem to want a nanny state too.
/----/ Seem you can't think of a logical response to my post so you're just lashing out with whatever stupid idea pops in your head.

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