How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

Was the pre-thirteenth amendment Constitution even morally legitimate if it allowed for legal chattel slavery? So a bunch of hypocrites got in a fight with another bunch of hypocrites.. yawn. Part of the human condition it seems. Anyway, most people judge historical figures with respect to their era. Nixon lied about a goofy burglary while Jefferson owned slaves.. but they’re judged by their relative accomplishments on balance.

If Constitution wasn't legitimate, then what was Lincoln's justification for invading Virginia?

The people of that era judged Lincoln to be a tyrant and a war criminal. It's only later that he was beatified as a Saint.

Lincoln won reelection in 1864 and who thought that he was a "tyrant" of "war criminal"?
He does apparently. Why do you think he posted that?
Lincoln won reelection in 1864 and who thought that he was a "tyrant" of "war criminal"?
I just can't get over the WTF nature of the above post.


Notice anything strange about the electoral map?

I think the results of the 1864 presidential election are a BIT misleading.
Here is more, for those who have trouble reading small text, WHO STATED THE FOLLOWING?

"...there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality..."

Multiple Choice:

A. Donald Trump
B. Robert Byrd
C. David Duke
D. Adolf Hitler
E. Abraham Lincoln
Notice that there's no response from the Lincoln cult douche bags when the irrefutable facts about their dear leader are posted. The snear at anyone who cricises Lincoln and accuse them of being racist, but Lincoln was far more of a racist than anyone living today.

I don't know why you're pissed that The Union won.

Southern states fought for slavery and the North opposed it.
The Southern states fought foriegn invaders....


It's 100% accurate.
Perpetual Union; join it and stay with it or change the rules legally. Break your oath at your risk.

There were no rules regarding secession, numskull. In a contract, anything not specifically disallowed is permitted.
Here is more, for those who have trouble reading small text, WHO STATED THE FOLLOWING?

"...there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality..."

Multiple Choice:

A. Donald Trump
B. Robert Byrd
C. David Duke
D. Adolf Hitler
E. Abraham Lincoln
Notice that there's no response from the Lincoln cult douche bags when the irrefutable facts about their dear leader are posted. The snear at anyone who cricises Lincoln and accuse them of being racist, but Lincoln was far more of a racist than anyone living today.

I don't know why you're pissed that The Union won.

Southern states fought for slavery and the North opposed it.
...Lincoln invaded the Confederate states only because he wanted to impose his Stalinist tarrifs on them.


Stalin was about 17 when the American Civil War began, dumbass.

There was never an invasion of the Confederate States, merely U.S. troops maneuvering on U.S. territory in a state of rebellion.
States are not, and were not, U.S. Territories.
Another language challenged poster. Territory of the U.S. means all its land, not that the territory in Arizona makes Arizona a territory.
Nope. Until the Civil War, territory didn't include states. There was Virginia territory and Pennsylvania territory. Virginia was no "U.S. territory."
Lincoln’s views on race evolved over time; a testament to his courageous intelligence.
Right up until the day he was executed, he was scheming on how to send all the blacks to Africa or somewhere in the Carribean.
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"How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists"
Because it was done to not let traitors get away with destroying their nation.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been done.
You have it backwards. Dishonest Abe destroyed the nation. His philosophy was we will kill you and destroy your property to keep you. Most illogical and tyrannical.

Yep- because of President Lincoln- the United States was destroyed- by remaining intact and becoming the most powerful nation on Earth, and bringing our citizens to hither unknown levels of prosperity.

I think most nations on earth would love the chance to be destroyed like that.
Under Lincoln the United States ceased being a voluntary association of sovereign states and instead became an empire of subjects. The United States was supposed to be about freedom, not power, you bootlicking asshole.

Yeah assholes like you think that the last time the United States was a voluntary association of sovereign states was 3 million Americans were slaves.

Tell us more how you believe that was when the United States was all about freedom- and not power you fucking douchebag.

It was the last time the United States actually followed the Constitution. The bottom line is that Lincoln was dictator and a tyrant. All his actions were criminal violations of the Constitution. Slavery may have been an abomination, but it was in the Constitution. Those who defend Lincoln are admitting they think the end justifies the means.

LOL- yep- tell us all about how the United States was all about freedom- except for the slaves- you just are upset because the rights of slave owning white men got stepped on- not about the freedom of slaves.

You slavery loving Lincoln attackers are at it again.
Lincoln won reelection in 1864 and who thought that he was a "tyrant" of "war criminal"?
I just can't get over the WTF nature of the above post.


Notice anything strange about the electoral map?

I think the results of the 1864 presidential election are a BIT misleading.

The grey area is the racist part.
A lot of the light grey areas had tribes which were not allowed to vote, and those islands had their own queen.
Here is more, for those who have trouble reading small text, WHO STATED THE FOLLOWING?

"...there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality..."

Multiple Choice:

A. Donald Trump
B. Robert Byrd
C. David Duke
D. Adolf Hitler
E. Abraham Lincoln
Notice that there's no response from the Lincoln cult douche bags when the irrefutable facts about their dear leader are posted. The snear at anyone who cricises Lincoln and accuse them of being racist, but Lincoln was far more of a racist than anyone living today.

I don't know why you're pissed that The Union won.

Southern states fought for slavery and the North opposed it.
The Southern states fought foriegn invaders....


It's 100% accurate.

You’re 100% wrong
Here is more, for those who have trouble reading small text, WHO STATED THE FOLLOWING?

"...there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality..."

Multiple Choice:

A. Donald Trump
B. Robert Byrd
C. David Duke
D. Adolf Hitler
E. Abraham Lincoln
Notice that there's no response from the Lincoln cult douche bags when the irrefutable facts about their dear leader are posted. The snear at anyone who cricises Lincoln and accuse them of being racist, but Lincoln was far more of a racist than anyone living today.

I don't know why you're pissed that The Union won.

Southern states fought for slavery and the North opposed it.
...Lincoln invaded the Confederate states only because he wanted to impose his Stalinist tarrifs on them.


Stalin was about 17 when the American Civil War began, dumbass.


He had no policies regarding tariffs, idiot.
Lincoln was a liar and a dictator, the most hated president in our history.
Raising an army to slaughter people is not a "civil war"

sooner or later Americans will have to face the facts
Yeah..he's so hated that they built a statue to him...named countless streets after him...Those who hated him at the time--are forgotten dust....while Lincoln will be remembered forever. Hate to break it to you..but the Civil War might have had few other supporters besides Lincoln. The South could have toed the line..but they did not...they fired the first shot....and they got their asses kicked..which is what happens when you start a war with an industrialized nation..and you're an agrarian country that's dependent on slave labor.

Your opinion of Lincoln is noted..and so fuckin' what? Raising an army to slaughter people is what you do in slaughter people. He stomped the South..the South needed stomping. You go on believing that history is propaganda....I'll go on laughing.

Now we have Trump...a liar that puts all other liars in the shade..and a wanna be dictator....wake up and smell the coffee...the most hated President in history may well be in the White House right now!
That is my point, and I might have hit a nerve. I have often wondered why Lincoln is not used more for Republican goals; now I think the possibility of the slavery thing is more of an issue than Republicans like to admit.
Read the posts.
Okay. Let's change the facts a little and see if it is somehow possible for people to simply disapprove of the means, no matter how worthy the end.

What if NON-slave states seceded because of they disapproved of slavery?

Would Lincoln's actions be justified against them, as they were against the confederate states?
Yes...Lincoln was driven to preserve the Union. Of course, I doubt the South could have compelled the North in any the succession of the North probably would have succeeded.

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