How come minorities are never thought of as being racist but white people are?

I'm wondering why it is if you picture someone who is racist you are pretty likely to think of someone who is white? We have been so conditioned to think that only white people can be racist. I know there are a lot of minorities who are racist. It is obvious sometimes and other times it isn't but I know it exist so why don't we ever think that non-whites can be racist?
the cultural marxist changes the definition of racism from time to time. lately it's been defined a s a formula racism = prejudice + power, and that on the premise that whites are privileged with all the power and that blacks and other minorities have no power and so cannot be racist. reality gets in the way, though. that formula doesn't work when looking at the faces of the president and the atty gen. and justices in the scotus. but that is what's being pushed in the media.
I'm wondering why it is if you picture someone who is racist you are pretty likely to think of someone who is white? We have been so conditioned to think that only white people can be racist. I know there are a lot of minorities who are racist. It is obvious sometimes and other times it isn't but I know it exist so why don't we ever think that non-whites can be racist?
Does that make it okay for white people to be racist?

You do understand that in this time racism is primarily a matter of disdain for particular behaviors, and not skin color?
Well, when minorities start having white slaves - we'll talk about your point.

The white people ENDED slavery. You should be grateful if something.
How many white people died DEFENDING slavery and how many white people put "Separate but Equal" laws into existence, hung black men without judge or jury, etc. etc. Even the yanks up north didn't really want those freed slaves up north. Until the 1960's they still had to live in their own neighborhoods and take the lowest level jobs due to de facto segregation. Grateful for WHAT?
I'm wondering why it is if you picture someone who is racist you are pretty likely to think of someone who is white? We have been so conditioned to think that only white people can be racist. I know there are a lot of minorities who are racist. It is obvious sometimes and other times it isn't but I know it exist so why don't we ever think that non-whites can be racist?
Does that make it okay for white people to be racist?

You do understand that in this time racism is primarily a matter of disdain for particular behaviors, and not skin color?
I do understand that. It was my next sentence, in fact.
Well, when minorities start having white slaves - we'll talk about your point.

The white people ENDED slavery. You should be grateful if something.
How many white people died DEFENDING slavery and how many white people put "Separate but Equal" laws into existence, hung black men without judge or jury, etc. etc. Even the yanks up north didn't really want those freed slaves up north. Until the 1960's they still had to live in their own neighborhoods and take the lowest level jobs due to de facto segregation. Grateful for WHAT?

Grateful for the fact that white people ENDED slavery. How many times do I have to repeat this for your liberal regressive dumb mind to get it?

Indeed, thousands and thousand of whites died for the cause. We should appreciate that sacrifice.
The Cultural Left seeks to win most arguments by controlling the semantics of the argument.

Lefties (and the MSM) have decreed that "racism" is intrinsically related to cultural power, so that if a "powerless" group - say American "Negros" - hate "white" people because of their race, it cannot be considered "racism," because without cultural power it is meaningless.

A more rational understanding of "racism" is that it is present whenever "race" is used to justify something that would not otherwise be justifiable. For example, if I choose to hire or promote someone BECAUSE their skin color (race) would add to the diversity of the organization, then I am a racist, by definition. And thus, when an institution makes a commitment to "diversity," then that institution is overtly and obviously promoting racism. They INTEND to treat race as something more than incidental and irrelevant. Without racism, the very concept of "diversity" is nonsense.
"How come minorities are never thought of as being racist but white people are?"

Show me a racist,
I will call him a racist,
regardless of his race,
because I am not a racist..................
I'm wondering why it is if you picture someone who is racist you are pretty likely to think of someone who is white? We have been so conditioned to think that only white people can be racist. I know there are a lot of minorities who are racist. It is obvious sometimes and other times it isn't but I know it exist so why don't we ever think that non-whites can be racist?
1) The early explorers and colonists were basically White (Portuguese, Spanish, English, French) and whether they were out to gather riches, to spread religion, or to help modernize societies, lots of Brown (aka non-White) people were enslaved, tortured, and killed. Even if the Whites meant no harm many Brown people died of disease, were forced to give up their family land and/or forced to abandon their religion and culture.
2) Most humans aren't good at admitting fault. Some are so positive about humanity that they won't accept racism exists at all, certainly not enough to be considered a big problem. A few will admit they are racist but only to their They will otherwise gladly shift blame to an easy and big target - The Evil White Man!

Whites will take the brunt of the blame for a long, long time. Until Liberals transform our society into a bunch of guilt ridden, apologetic wusses where tickets are issued for cussing. Or until the Conservatives make the playing field so biased but level that the detritus of society (regardless of color) is scooped up by trash trucks to be processed into food for all.
Well, when minorities start having white slaves - we'll talk about your point.

The white people ENDED slavery. You should be grateful if something.
How many white people died DEFENDING slavery and how many white people put "Separate but Equal" laws into existence, hung black men without judge or jury, etc. etc. Even the yanks up north didn't really want those freed slaves up north. Until the 1960's they still had to live in their own neighborhoods and take the lowest level jobs due to de facto segregation. Grateful for WHAT?

Grateful for the fact that white people ENDED slavery. How many times do I have to repeat this for your liberal regressive dumb mind to get it?

Indeed, thousands and thousand of whites died for the cause. We should appreciate that sacrifice.
Of course, Norman. Some of my ancestors died fighting for that cause, too. No one said they weren't appreciated. Except maybe Ascleipius. He's racist.
I'm wondering why it is if you picture someone who is racist you are pretty likely to think of someone who is white? We have been so conditioned to think that only white people can be racist. I know there are a lot of minorities who are racist. It is obvious sometimes and other times it isn't but I know it exist so why don't we ever think that non-whites can be racist?

True. ANYONE can be racist.

So don't trust anyone anyone and question those who claim to have power over us.

Well, when minorities start having white slaves - we'll talk about your point.

The white people ENDED slavery. You should be grateful if something.
No, liberals ended it in this country. It's still going on in other countries.
The problem with dropping out. You miss so much.

Can you find the writings where some politician wanted to end slavery that said someting like 'as a liberal'? I would like to see the historical evidence that this is true.
The liberal/progressive ideology ended slavery as well as the civil rights act and all other social justice efforts in this country... It's why the ideology is call progressive, it institutes change
I'm wondering why it is if you picture someone who is racist you are pretty likely to think of someone who is white? We have been so conditioned to think that only white people can be racist. I know there are a lot of minorities who are racist. It is obvious sometimes and other times it isn't but I know it exist so why don't we ever think that non-whites can be racist?
the cultural marxist changes the definition of racism from time to time. lately it's been defined a s a formula racism = prejudice + power, and that on the premise that whites are privileged with all the power and that blacks and other minorities have no power and so cannot be racist. reality gets in the way, though. that formula doesn't work when looking at the faces of the president and the atty gen. and justices in the scotus. but that is what's being pushed in the media.
It's not about all or nothing it's about majority and minority
Well, when minorities start having white slaves - we'll talk about your point.

The white people ENDED slavery. You should be grateful if something.
No, liberals ended it in this country. It's still going on in other countries.
The problem with dropping out. You miss so much.

Can you find the writings where some politician wanted to end slavery that said someting like 'as a liberal'? I would like to see the historical evidence that this is true.
The liberal/progressive ideology ended slavery as well as the civil rights act and all other social justice efforts in this country... It's why the ideology is call progressive, it institutes change


Not all changes are progressive - most of the legislation adopted by "progressives" is regressive"

1= Federal Reserve Act
2- Federal graduated "income" tax
3- the massive regulatory state
4- the civil rights act
5- why is the abolition of slavery a "progressive intervention?

Well, when minorities start having white slaves - we'll talk about your point.

The white people ENDED slavery. You should be grateful if something.
No, liberals ended it in this country. It's still going on in other countries.
The problem with dropping out. You miss so much.
What liberals? What color were they? Who gives a fuk about what other countries are doing.
I'm wondering why it is if you picture someone who is racist you are pretty likely to think of someone who is white? We have been so conditioned to think that only white people can be racist. I know there are a lot of minorities who are racist. It is obvious sometimes and other times it isn't but I know it exist so why don't we ever think that non-whites can be racist?
Does that make it okay for white people to be racist? It's not our genes, it's our cultures that rub us the wrong way. In our country (which is the only one I really care about at the moment) whites decided that blacks were subhuman and needed to be kept well away from white society. If some non-whites have decided over time that that deserves a big "fuck you," it is still whites' responsibility for starting it. It will take both sides to end it, though. BOTH sides. Pointing out that non-whites can be racist, too, does not get you off the hook.

Apparently you lack any real education honey. Blacks enslaved blacks before this nation ever existed. Blacks SUPPLIED Blacks to white slavers. Sorry I had to ruin your fantasy, but I simply cannot abide rank stupidity.
Well, when minorities start having white slaves - we'll talk about your point.

The white people ENDED slavery. You should be grateful if something.
No, liberals ended it in this country. It's still going on in other countries.
The problem with dropping out. You miss so much.

Can you find the writings where some politician wanted to end slavery that said someting like 'as a liberal'? I would like to see the historical evidence that this is true.
The liberal/progressive ideology ended slavery as well as the civil rights act and all other social justice efforts in this country... It's why the ideology is call progressive, it institutes change


Not all changes are progressive - most of the legislation adopted by "progressives" is regressive"

1= Federal Reserve Act
2- Federal graduated "income" tax
3- the massive regulatory state
4- the civil rights act
5- why is the abolition of slavery a "progressive intervention?


It was republicans who ended slavery, not democrats.

Their ideology is entirely regressive, based on only coercion and power. Might makes right...


They founded the KKK too. And these regressives haven't changed their way.
I'm wondering why it is if you picture someone who is racist you are pretty likely to think of someone who is white? We have been so conditioned to think that only white people can be racist. I know there are a lot of minorities who are racist. It is obvious sometimes and other times it isn't but I know it exist so why don't we ever think that non-whites can be racist?

Because shaming non-racist white folks grants you resources.

Shaming a black or asian man would only get you "fuck you".

That's not racism when it comes to Asians
That's called nationalism.

Stranger--Leave Japan!
Out now!
Stop raping our kids

All pro-nationalist statements.

Its no different than how right wing Europeans see Muslims.

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