How come no private companies will hire Stacy abrams or Beto O’rourke

Bruce -

This thread is about two individuals not being hired by any companies that have clearly, and easy-to-verify have been hired by companies.

Why are you so retarded? Is the OP your sock, Bruce?

As much as Gator is your sock!

As you clearly pointed out the thread is about Beto and another person and not the personal wealth of the OP'er, so why are you caring so much about the OP'er personal wealth?

Is Gator your sock?
Pointing out the OP's wealth was averse to his claim that the two individuals, that he so retardedly made false claims about, are not worth any money to any company. It was a poetic way of saying, "1. you're wrong. 2. who the fuck are you to judge?"

And was a pretty on-point way to introduce the OP to the reality that it's easy to knock public figures down, too easy actually, but how about we get our facts and figures straight before we're so inclined to do so?

That way, we have less literature on the internet for idiots like you to believe simple because they "read it somewhere," like all of the idiots that gave praise to the factually incorrect OP.

Does that make sense, Bruce? Aren't you in the flame zone starting threads declaring that you are, in fact, retarded? Really weird, Bruce.

As you focus on me it shows the entire board you and gator are trolling to silence those you disagree with.

What does the Flame Zone have anything to do with this Op?


So if you like to discuss the Flame Zone go down there where you belong and troll there.

The Op'er is incorrect but what you and your sock Gator are doing is just as bad as the Op'er and then whine when called on it.

See Beto and the other person wealth is well noted and noticed I am not supporting the Op'er claims but telling you and your sock that you are no better than him.

Now you have called me retarded a few times in this thread and I let it slide but the true retards are the ones that whine about personal attacks when they start the attack.
Bruce, you called yourself retarded and sorry... but that's not my problem. Maybe don't make a thread called "I'm retarded" next time, and folks will not oblige.

The OP started the personal attack, and he made an attempt to dumb-down the national conversation even further than it already is. Don't get butthurt when ppl have the sack to not put up with it, Bruce. It's why politics has become so retarded to talk about, Bruce.

Again, what does my thread in another area have to do with this thread?

Not a damn thing GT.

The only reason why you are introducing it is because and your sock Gator are upset for being called on for your trolling.

Is the Op'er incorrect?

Sure, but neither of you can prove your net worth either.
Your thread in another area has to do with your clear lack of intelligence - and further elucidates why you couldn't understand that this thread is a troll thread to begin with.
When you have to brag about your wealth, well you are usually poor.

I am not bragging, I am stating the facts. Making enough to be in the top 10% is really not all that much.


As you and G.T. derailed this thread with a personal attack on the OP'er by making a rude comment on their personal wealth it shows me what trolls are like.

The facts are evident that the two people the Op'er was attacking along with Obama do not need to prove anything to the Op'er.

As for your claims about being rich enough for plumbing, well most trailers have plumbing in today time.

The OP insulted your.....fucking intelligence.

He expected you and all of the other readers to believe something so apparently ridiculous that a toddler could debunk it with their Mommy's smart-phone.

Don't be so butt-hurt when folks don't buy-into a dupe's OP adolescence by virtue of what "side" they're on, Bruce. You should instead wonder why the OP thought that anyone would buy this thing, and then become even more suspect of this species in seeing that some actually did.

Awww, are you claiming I support the OP nonsense?

If so you would be able to show where I did. No the butt hurt is coming from you and your sock Gator.


Simple, you thought it was funny with what Gator did but then got upset with my remark.

The Op'er opinion is based on talk radio notes and nonsense but how do you know what the Op'er net worth is?

It would be funny if he was worth more than the two of you combined!
I'm a guy on the internet that found this OP to be a bad signal for... intelligence, and who happened upon you first defending such a retarded OP against trolling - which is ironically a troll-job/call-out thread - and are mad at the counter-trolling like some sort of adult with a diaper on.

GT you are the one that is upset and not me. The fact is the troll could have been handled with facts and not trolling.

So you keep on trolling me because unlike Francis I am not that easy unless I want to be.

Oh, I have no socks either but you already knew this.
As much as Gator is your sock!

As you clearly pointed out the thread is about Beto and another person and not the personal wealth of the OP'er, so why are you caring so much about the OP'er personal wealth?

Is Gator your sock?
Pointing out the OP's wealth was averse to his claim that the two individuals, that he so retardedly made false claims about, are not worth any money to any company. It was a poetic way of saying, "1. you're wrong. 2. who the fuck are you to judge?"

And was a pretty on-point way to introduce the OP to the reality that it's easy to knock public figures down, too easy actually, but how about we get our facts and figures straight before we're so inclined to do so?

That way, we have less literature on the internet for idiots like you to believe simple because they "read it somewhere," like all of the idiots that gave praise to the factually incorrect OP.

Does that make sense, Bruce? Aren't you in the flame zone starting threads declaring that you are, in fact, retarded? Really weird, Bruce.

As you focus on me it shows the entire board you and gator are trolling to silence those you disagree with.

What does the Flame Zone have anything to do with this Op?


So if you like to discuss the Flame Zone go down there where you belong and troll there.

The Op'er is incorrect but what you and your sock Gator are doing is just as bad as the Op'er and then whine when called on it.

See Beto and the other person wealth is well noted and noticed I am not supporting the Op'er claims but telling you and your sock that you are no better than him.

Now you have called me retarded a few times in this thread and I let it slide but the true retards are the ones that whine about personal attacks when they start the attack.
Bruce, you called yourself retarded and sorry... but that's not my problem. Maybe don't make a thread called "I'm retarded" next time, and folks will not oblige.

The OP started the personal attack, and he made an attempt to dumb-down the national conversation even further than it already is. Don't get butthurt when ppl have the sack to not put up with it, Bruce. It's why politics has become so retarded to talk about, Bruce.

Again, what does my thread in another area have to do with this thread?

Not a damn thing GT.

The only reason why you are introducing it is because and your sock Gator are upset for being called on for your trolling.

Is the Op'er incorrect?

Sure, but neither of you can prove your net worth either.
Your thread in another area has to do with your clear lack of intelligence - and further elucidates why you couldn't understand that this thread is a troll thread to begin with.

Ummm, the thread you keep on writing about is about the retardation of those like you and the Op'er because downstairs has less trolling than up here.

Poor G.T.

Maybe Mani can sock in for you to help you out ...
i mean if they are so great for running America and they lost the election but are still great why won’t one company hire them as CEO’s

Or Biden? Or any democrat lol republicans retire early because they get hired in the free market, democrats get paid to do hate speeches lol

These people spend their whole lives slopping at the public trough. For Democrats it’s a requirement to have never worked in the private sector for them to be nominated.
I am not bragging, I am stating the facts. Making enough to be in the top 10% is really not all that much.


As you and G.T. derailed this thread with a personal attack on the OP'er by making a rude comment on their personal wealth it shows me what trolls are like.

The facts are evident that the two people the Op'er was attacking along with Obama do not need to prove anything to the Op'er.

As for your claims about being rich enough for plumbing, well most trailers have plumbing in today time.

The OP insulted your.....fucking intelligence.

He expected you and all of the other readers to believe something so apparently ridiculous that a toddler could debunk it with their Mommy's smart-phone.

Don't be so butt-hurt when folks don't buy-into a dupe's OP adolescence by virtue of what "side" they're on, Bruce. You should instead wonder why the OP thought that anyone would buy this thing, and then become even more suspect of this species in seeing that some actually did.

Awww, are you claiming I support the OP nonsense?

If so you would be able to show where I did. No the butt hurt is coming from you and your sock Gator.


Simple, you thought it was funny with what Gator did but then got upset with my remark.

The Op'er opinion is based on talk radio notes and nonsense but how do you know what the Op'er net worth is?

It would be funny if he was worth more than the two of you combined!
I'm a guy on the internet that found this OP to be a bad signal for... intelligence, and who happened upon you first defending such a retarded OP against trolling - which is ironically a troll-job/call-out thread - and are mad at the counter-trolling like some sort of adult with a diaper on.

GT you are the one that us upset and not me. The fact is the troll could have been handled with facts and not trolling.

So you keep on trolling me because unlike Francis I am not that easy unless I want to be.

Oh, I have no socks either but you already knew this.
You can say whatever the hell ya wanna - fact is, the OP is a troll job and you became intolerant at the counter trolling because you've an ax to grind with either gator, or a partisan side...whichever - but it makes no logical sense that you'd first call out gator's trolling, which happened 2nd on the timeline, before you'd call out the OPs trolling, which happened first. You're being a clear-cut phony, Brucetopher. I keep it too real for your panties, apparently.

As you and G.T. derailed this thread with a personal attack on the OP'er by making a rude comment on their personal wealth it shows me what trolls are like.

The facts are evident that the two people the Op'er was attacking along with Obama do not need to prove anything to the Op'er.

As for your claims about being rich enough for plumbing, well most trailers have plumbing in today time.

The OP insulted your.....fucking intelligence.

He expected you and all of the other readers to believe something so apparently ridiculous that a toddler could debunk it with their Mommy's smart-phone.

Don't be so butt-hurt when folks don't buy-into a dupe's OP adolescence by virtue of what "side" they're on, Bruce. You should instead wonder why the OP thought that anyone would buy this thing, and then become even more suspect of this species in seeing that some actually did.

Awww, are you claiming I support the OP nonsense?

If so you would be able to show where I did. No the butt hurt is coming from you and your sock Gator.


Simple, you thought it was funny with what Gator did but then got upset with my remark.

The Op'er opinion is based on talk radio notes and nonsense but how do you know what the Op'er net worth is?

It would be funny if he was worth more than the two of you combined!
I'm a guy on the internet that found this OP to be a bad signal for... intelligence, and who happened upon you first defending such a retarded OP against trolling - which is ironically a troll-job/call-out thread - and are mad at the counter-trolling like some sort of adult with a diaper on.

GT you are the one that us upset and not me. The fact is the troll could have been handled with facts and not trolling.

So you keep on trolling me because unlike Francis I am not that easy unless I want to be.

Oh, I have no socks either but you already knew this.
You can say whatever the hell ya wanna - fact is, the OP is a troll job and you became intolerant at the counter trolling because you've an ax to grind with either gator, or a partisan side...whichever - but it makes no logical sense that you'd first call out gator's trolling, which happened 2nd on the timeline, before you'd call out the OPs trolling, which happened first. You're being a clear-cut phony, Brucetopher. I keep it too real for your panties, apparently.

Poor GT...

You are keeping it real?


In fact it is you that became very upset with the fact that I just pointed out that Gator is no better than the Op'er, which is the truth.

Hell Gator even got his facts incorrect and has been corrected a few times in this thread.

But hey G.T. keep it real while you use a flame zone thread to support your opinion of me while not even knowing it was to state trolls like you, the OP and Gator out retard even me...

The OP insulted your.....fucking intelligence.

He expected you and all of the other readers to believe something so apparently ridiculous that a toddler could debunk it with their Mommy's smart-phone.

Don't be so butt-hurt when folks don't buy-into a dupe's OP adolescence by virtue of what "side" they're on, Bruce. You should instead wonder why the OP thought that anyone would buy this thing, and then become even more suspect of this species in seeing that some actually did.

Awww, are you claiming I support the OP nonsense?

If so you would be able to show where I did. No the butt hurt is coming from you and your sock Gator.


Simple, you thought it was funny with what Gator did but then got upset with my remark.

The Op'er opinion is based on talk radio notes and nonsense but how do you know what the Op'er net worth is?

It would be funny if he was worth more than the two of you combined!
I'm a guy on the internet that found this OP to be a bad signal for... intelligence, and who happened upon you first defending such a retarded OP against trolling - which is ironically a troll-job/call-out thread - and are mad at the counter-trolling like some sort of adult with a diaper on.

GT you are the one that us upset and not me. The fact is the troll could have been handled with facts and not trolling.

So you keep on trolling me because unlike Francis I am not that easy unless I want to be.

Oh, I have no socks either but you already knew this.
You can say whatever the hell ya wanna - fact is, the OP is a troll job and you became intolerant at the counter trolling because you've an ax to grind with either gator, or a partisan side...whichever - but it makes no logical sense that you'd first call out gator's trolling, which happened 2nd on the timeline, before you'd call out the OPs trolling, which happened first. You're being a clear-cut phony, Brucetopher. I keep it too real for your panties, apparently.

Poor GT...

You are keeping it real?


In fact it is you that became very upset with the fact that I just pointed out that Gator is no better than the Op'er, which is the truth.

Hell Gator even got his facts incorrect and has been corrected a few times in this thread.

But hey G.T. keep it real while you use a flame zone thread to support your opinion of me while not even knowing it was to state trolls like you, the OP and Gator out retard even me...
I don't believe that. Co founding things is so nice. She must have spent 18 hours a day working to bring business....bwhahahahaaaa! She be partaying and be pontificating! Lots of government money involved for success.

as opposed to you living in your parents basement and working at Wendys?
Wnedy's is an upgrade. Thank You!

glad you found a better job. that hard work and dedication has paid off
I have seen so many frauds in my life. They will protect their own fiefdoms over justice. It is weary. May I ask you? Would you defend a erson who thinks just like you for survival or a family member/extended member who is the complete opposite for survival or another reason if you had to choose one?

I think pretty much family would win out 9 times out of 10. I am big on the importance of family.
But most of your progressives would not by their ways. Me, I do not care.
Awww, are you claiming I support the OP nonsense?

If so you would be able to show where I did. No the butt hurt is coming from you and your sock Gator.


Simple, you thought it was funny with what Gator did but then got upset with my remark.

The Op'er opinion is based on talk radio notes and nonsense but how do you know what the Op'er net worth is?

It would be funny if he was worth more than the two of you combined!
I'm a guy on the internet that found this OP to be a bad signal for... intelligence, and who happened upon you first defending such a retarded OP against trolling - which is ironically a troll-job/call-out thread - and are mad at the counter-trolling like some sort of adult with a diaper on.

GT you are the one that us upset and not me. The fact is the troll could have been handled with facts and not trolling.

So you keep on trolling me because unlike Francis I am not that easy unless I want to be.

Oh, I have no socks either but you already knew this.
You can say whatever the hell ya wanna - fact is, the OP is a troll job and you became intolerant at the counter trolling because you've an ax to grind with either gator, or a partisan side...whichever - but it makes no logical sense that you'd first call out gator's trolling, which happened 2nd on the timeline, before you'd call out the OPs trolling, which happened first. You're being a clear-cut phony, Brucetopher. I keep it too real for your panties, apparently.

Poor GT...

You are keeping it real?


In fact it is you that became very upset with the fact that I just pointed out that Gator is no better than the Op'er, which is the truth.

Hell Gator even got his facts incorrect and has been corrected a few times in this thread.

But hey G.T. keep it real while you use a flame zone thread to support your opinion of me while not even knowing it was to state trolls like you, the OP and Gator out retard even me...

I feel for you GT.

Now can you explain to the good board why you and Gator ebt card is worth more than the Op'er?

I am sure you can figure I love the Op'er as much as you and your buddy Gator.
Did you ever notice that former presidents Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama and Bubba Bill Clinton never made a dime that wasn't extorted from taxpayers? You almost gotta laugh that the democrat party has evolved to the point that most high profile democrats these days seem to be hypocrites who claim to be socialists
Public servants serving We the People
I'm a guy on the internet that found this OP to be a bad signal for... intelligence, and who happened upon you first defending such a retarded OP against trolling - which is ironically a troll-job/call-out thread - and are mad at the counter-trolling like some sort of adult with a diaper on.

GT you are the one that us upset and not me. The fact is the troll could have been handled with facts and not trolling.

So you keep on trolling me because unlike Francis I am not that easy unless I want to be.

Oh, I have no socks either but you already knew this.
You can say whatever the hell ya wanna - fact is, the OP is a troll job and you became intolerant at the counter trolling because you've an ax to grind with either gator, or a partisan side...whichever - but it makes no logical sense that you'd first call out gator's trolling, which happened 2nd on the timeline, before you'd call out the OPs trolling, which happened first. You're being a clear-cut phony, Brucetopher. I keep it too real for your panties, apparently.

Poor GT...

You are keeping it real?


In fact it is you that became very upset with the fact that I just pointed out that Gator is no better than the Op'er, which is the truth.

Hell Gator even got his facts incorrect and has been corrected a few times in this thread.

But hey G.T. keep it real while you use a flame zone thread to support your opinion of me while not even knowing it was to state trolls like you, the OP and Gator out retard even me...

I feel for you GT.

Now can you explain to the good board why you and Gator ebt card is worth more than the Op'er?

I am sure you can figure I love the Op'er as much as you and your buddy Gator.
I'm still not sure why you became so enraged that someone would dare troll a troll-thread, Bruce. Quit being so damn fake and address why you care so much...

I already told you my view - threads like these are a lowering of our standards of discourse and should be mocked, not obliged.

You have a huuuuUUUuUUuuge problem with that, apparently. My opinion is, that it's because you're stupid. I apologize that this so vastly triggered you, further, and you're STILL on about it.
as opposed to you living in your parents basement and working at Wendys?
Wnedy's is an upgrade. Thank You!

glad you found a better job. that hard work and dedication has paid off
I have seen so many frauds in my life. They will protect their own fiefdoms over justice. It is weary. May I ask you? Would you defend a erson who thinks just like you for survival or a family member/extended member who is the complete opposite for survival or another reason if you had to choose one?

I think pretty much family would win out 9 times out of 10. I am big on the importance of family.
But most of your progressives would not by their ways. Me, I do not care.

I do not have any progressives, so they could not say a damn thing.

what is with this incessant need to lie in every post by so many of you people?
GT you are the one that us upset and not me. The fact is the troll could have been handled with facts and not trolling.

So you keep on trolling me because unlike Francis I am not that easy unless I want to be.

Oh, I have no socks either but you already knew this.
You can say whatever the hell ya wanna - fact is, the OP is a troll job and you became intolerant at the counter trolling because you've an ax to grind with either gator, or a partisan side...whichever - but it makes no logical sense that you'd first call out gator's trolling, which happened 2nd on the timeline, before you'd call out the OPs trolling, which happened first. You're being a clear-cut phony, Brucetopher. I keep it too real for your panties, apparently.

Poor GT...

You are keeping it real?


In fact it is you that became very upset with the fact that I just pointed out that Gator is no better than the Op'er, which is the truth.

Hell Gator even got his facts incorrect and has been corrected a few times in this thread.

But hey G.T. keep it real while you use a flame zone thread to support your opinion of me while not even knowing it was to state trolls like you, the OP and Gator out retard even me...

I feel for you GT.

Now can you explain to the good board why you and Gator ebt card is worth more than the Op'er?

I am sure you can figure I love the Op'er as much as you and your buddy Gator.
I'm still not sure why you became so enraged that someone would dare troll a troll-thread, Bruce. Quit being so damn fake and address why you care so much...

I already told you my view - threads like these are a lowering of our standards of discourse and should be mocked, not obliged.

You have a huuuuUUUuUUuuge problem with that, apparently. My opinion is, that it's because you're stupid. I apologize that this so vastly triggered you, further, and you're STILL on about it.

Poor G.T.

If you noticed you are the one that is triggered here and why?

Simple, you are trolling me to see if I will melt.

Threads like this are created to get trolls like you and Gator to respond so they can be reported.

A very old tactic, so again why do you and Gator believe your ebt is worth more than the Op'er?

Both of you are still not good enough to eat with even Beto just like the Op'er...
I'm going to let this attached psycho melt-off into the abyss and hey Bruce, please stop sending me PM meltdowns because I'm not going to respond to any of them ya creeper. :thup:

Back to the OP -

Hey, good troll thread but a cursory search on google proves you wrong.


Wnedy's is an upgrade. Thank You!

glad you found a better job. that hard work and dedication has paid off
I have seen so many frauds in my life. They will protect their own fiefdoms over justice. It is weary. May I ask you? Would you defend a erson who thinks just like you for survival or a family member/extended member who is the complete opposite for survival or another reason if you had to choose one?

I think pretty much family would win out 9 times out of 10. I am big on the importance of family.
But most of your progressives would not by their ways. Me, I do not care.

I do not have any progressives, so they could not say a damn thing.

what is with this incessant need to lie in every post by so many of you people?
Give us our money back. Just Dodd/Frank and Obamacare to start.
I'm going to let this attached psycho melt-off into the abyss and hey Bruce, please stop sending me PM meltdowns because I'm not going to respond to any of them ya creeper. :thup:

Back to the OP -

Hey, good troll thread but a cursory search on google proves you wrong.



Keep it real GT.

You are just like the OP'er... Wait worst in fact because you take the bait like a sucker fish.

You are like that old poster that thought twenty million amish would vote for Trump and when shown to be ignorant by a retard like me, well it made him go crazy.

So GT why do you believe your ebt card is worth more than the Op'er?

It is clear you are upset that your net worth called into question like Ding Engineering skills...

The Op'er thread is to troll the left for responses to show how many of you care more about the Op'er than the content within.

You even made the claim I believed what the Op'er wrote while never noticing I never said that but in fact insulted the op'er along with Gator.

It is Gator proclaiming his wealth or family wealth which mean he has none and live off someone else hard earnings.

As for Beto, well it is for a fact he is more successful than you will ever be or the Op'er.

I may disagree with Beto but I have respect for him unlike you or Gator or the Op.

I would listen to Beto before reading the retardation of those like the Op'er or those trolling him.
i mean if they are so great for running America and they lost the election but are still great why won’t one company hire them as CEO’s

Or Biden? Or any democrat lol republicans retire early because they get hired in the free market, democrats get paid to do hate speeches lol

Abrams has a net worth of more than 5 million...what is yours? 50 bucks, maybe?
Yes she paid her self from grants lol

Actually, Abrams is a successful lawyer in Atlanta. She was well known before she ran for office.
Oh yea name a case she won

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