How come people put this sign on their lawn?

How many have you seen this truly pompous and even more so UNINFORMED homes with this lawn sign?
View attachment 431179
Honestly I don't have any "HATE" towards anyone so why are these people touting their supposedly lack of "HATE"?
I am 100% confident though that the vast majority of people who put this sign on their lawn "HATE" Donald Trump.
And this hatred is so misplaced and even more so uninformed, unsophisticated and basically evidence of truly ignorant people.
Now some of you might agree with this sign. And some of you use this statement from the BIASED MSM regarding Trump.
For example this question from Chris Wallace during the first debate is illustrative of the both ignorance of Wallace BUT the continued
support of biased news.
Wallace asked: “Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacist and militia groups…”
Wallace evidently forgot this question he asked in 2016: but I’d like to go deeper than that. What are your views on the Klu Klux Klan, and white supremacists?”
So why did he ask it again?
BECAUSE I'm confident that those people ignorant enough to put the above lawn sign out believed the MSM/Biden regarding this statement
by Trump...
The headline by Politico is common by the MSM...
Donald Trump’s incredibly unpresidential statement on Charlottesville
Now what did Trump actually say:
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.
Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.


So based on the totally erroneous, biased MSM reporting Trump said Neo-Nazis fine people we have these lawn sign posters as believing
Trump is HATEFUL! Sad.
These same people believe Trump is Anti-immigrant! Again their totally 100% wrong observation based on totally ignorant MSM!
FACT: Look at these Google Search results:
"Trump anti-immigrant" 67,700 results BUT
"Trump anti illegal-immigrant" 962 results.
Even though Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a LEGAL immigrant and 50+ million people like me with relatives
that are "Legal immigrants or they ARE legal immigrants are NOT anti-immigrant! But these lawn sign people and millions of truly
uninformed, unsophisticated and fundamentally UN AMERICAN because they believe that Trump, me and millions like me are "HATEFUL"!
SO so wrong!!!!

Stop your whining Snowflake

Ya know RW, Trying to silence opposing opinion instead of discussing it, only shows your own lack of intellectual honesty, and curiousity....

I think it is deeper than that.

On some level, he knows that he is in the wrong. Yet he remains emotionally committed to the lib agenda, for reasons he cannot admit.

So he trolls.
Stop whining Snowflake

Make me tough guy.

Oh, you can't. So, piss off.

You know what you really can't do?

Dispute what I said.

I am really interested in why you continue to support an agenda that you can see is killing this country.

Do you hate yourself that much?
I have yet to see you make a post where you are not whining

It is all you bring to the board

Said the liar.
More whining

Said the coward that would not talk to me like that in real life.
Looks like we got us an internet tough guy

You are the one trying to ack tough. I am calling you on it, you fucking moron.
How many have you seen this truly pompous and even more so UNINFORMED homes with this lawn sign?
View attachment 431179
Honestly I don't have any "HATE" towards anyone so why are these people touting their supposedly lack of "HATE"?
I am 100% confident though that the vast majority of people who put this sign on their lawn "HATE" Donald Trump.
And this hatred is so misplaced and even more so uninformed, unsophisticated and basically evidence of truly ignorant people.
Now some of you might agree with this sign. And some of you use this statement from the BIASED MSM regarding Trump.
For example this question from Chris Wallace during the first debate is illustrative of the both ignorance of Wallace BUT the continued
support of biased news.
Wallace asked: “Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacist and militia groups…”
Wallace evidently forgot this question he asked in 2016: but I’d like to go deeper than that. What are your views on the Klu Klux Klan, and white supremacists?”
So why did he ask it again?
BECAUSE I'm confident that those people ignorant enough to put the above lawn sign out believed the MSM/Biden regarding this statement
by Trump...
The headline by Politico is common by the MSM...
Donald Trump’s incredibly unpresidential statement on Charlottesville
Now what did Trump actually say:
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.
Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.


So based on the totally erroneous, biased MSM reporting Trump said Neo-Nazis fine people we have these lawn sign posters as believing
Trump is HATEFUL! Sad.
These same people believe Trump is Anti-immigrant! Again their totally 100% wrong observation based on totally ignorant MSM!
FACT: Look at these Google Search results:
"Trump anti-immigrant" 67,700 results BUT
"Trump anti illegal-immigrant" 962 results.
Even though Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a LEGAL immigrant and 50+ million people like me with relatives
that are "Legal immigrants or they ARE legal immigrants are NOT anti-immigrant! But these lawn sign people and millions of truly
uninformed, unsophisticated and fundamentally UN AMERICAN because they believe that Trump, me and millions like me are "HATEFUL"!
SO so wrong!!!!

Stop your whining Snowflake

Ya know RW, Trying to silence opposing opinion instead of discussing it, only shows your own lack of intellectual honesty, and curiousity....

I think it is deeper than that.

On some level, he knows that he is in the wrong. Yet he remains emotionally committed to the lib agenda, for reasons he cannot admit.

So he trolls.
Stop whining Snowflake

Make me tough guy.

Oh, you can't. So, piss off.

You know what you really can't do?

Dispute what I said.

I am really interested in why you continue to support an agenda that you can see is killing this country.

Do you hate yourself that much?
I have yet to see you make a post where you are not whining

It is all you bring to the board

Said the liar.
More whining

Said the coward that would not talk to me like that in real life.
Looks like we got us an internet tough guy

You are the one trying to ack tough. I am calling you on it, you fucking moron.

You have no idea who you are dealing with Skippy

Imagine how outraged Conservatives get when someone speaks out against hate
Notice that Trump never does speak out against hate?

I guess the below doesn't count?

See your exaggeration "NEVER" is one of the many reasons people don't believe ANYTHING people like you write!
You make statements like "NEVER" and then don't show any substantiation.

Do you really not understand the search function of the Internet?

The day of that incident Trump said,
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides.” Trump said he had spoken to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, and
we agreed that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now. We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation and true affection — really — and I say this so strongly — true affection for each other.

Two days later, on Aug. 14, 2017, Trump issued a statement from the White House, and referred to “KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans."
How many have you seen this truly pompous and even more so UNINFORMED homes with this lawn sign?
View attachment 431179
Honestly I don't have any "HATE" towards anyone so why are these people touting their supposedly lack of "HATE"?
I am 100% confident though that the vast majority of people who put this sign on their lawn "HATE" Donald Trump.
And this hatred is so misplaced and even more so uninformed, unsophisticated and basically evidence of truly ignorant people.
Now some of you might agree with this sign. And some of you use this statement from the BIASED MSM regarding Trump.
For example this question from Chris Wallace during the first debate is illustrative of the both ignorance of Wallace BUT the continued
support of biased news.
Wallace asked: “Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacist and militia groups…”
Wallace evidently forgot this question he asked in 2016: but I’d like to go deeper than that. What are your views on the Klu Klux Klan, and white supremacists?”
So why did he ask it again?
BECAUSE I'm confident that those people ignorant enough to put the above lawn sign out believed the MSM/Biden regarding this statement
by Trump...
The headline by Politico is common by the MSM...
Donald Trump’s incredibly unpresidential statement on Charlottesville
Now what did Trump actually say:
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.
Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.


So based on the totally erroneous, biased MSM reporting Trump said Neo-Nazis fine people we have these lawn sign posters as believing
Trump is HATEFUL! Sad.
These same people believe Trump is Anti-immigrant! Again their totally 100% wrong observation based on totally ignorant MSM!
FACT: Look at these Google Search results:
"Trump anti-immigrant" 67,700 results BUT
"Trump anti illegal-immigrant" 962 results.
Even though Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a LEGAL immigrant and 50+ million people like me with relatives
that are "Legal immigrants or they ARE legal immigrants are NOT anti-immigrant! But these lawn sign people and millions of truly
uninformed, unsophisticated and fundamentally UN AMERICAN because they believe that Trump, me and millions like me are "HATEFUL"!
SO so wrong!!!!

Stop your whining Snowflake

Ya know RW, Trying to silence opposing opinion instead of discussing it, only shows your own lack of intellectual honesty, and curiousity....

I think it is deeper than that.

On some level, he knows that he is in the wrong. Yet he remains emotionally committed to the lib agenda, for reasons he cannot admit.

So he trolls.
Stop whining Snowflake

Make me tough guy.

Oh, you can't. So, piss off.

You know what you really can't do?

Dispute what I said.

I am really interested in why you continue to support an agenda that you can see is killing this country.

Do you hate yourself that much?
I have yet to see you make a post where you are not whining

It is all you bring to the board

Said the liar.
More whining

Said the coward that would not talk to me like that in real life.
Looks like we got us an internet tough guy

You are the one trying to ack tough. I am calling you on it, you fucking moron.

You have no idea who you are dealing with Skippy

View attachment 431594

Except we cons are making real points and you are the one talking shit.

That we don't treat you with kid gloves while you are being a prick, is not us "forgetting" shit, rw.
That we don't treat you with kid gloves while you are being a prick, is not us "forgetting" shit, rw.

Sissy Mary thinks he’s tough

See, you are doing it again. You are the one that keeps going to fighting words, while online.

That is you being the sissy, playing tough.

That you pretend any response other than letting you get away with it, is us acting tough, ,is you being a faggot liar.
That we don't treat you with kid gloves while you are being a prick, is not us "forgetting" shit, rw.

Sissy Mary thinks he’s tough

See, you are doing it again. You are the one that keeps going to fighting words, while online.

That is you being the sissy, playing tough.

That you pretend any response other than letting you get away with it, is us acting tough, ,is you being a faggot liar.
Awww.....You going to hit me with your purse?
And what is wrong with that sign? In an era when many are made to feel unwelcome in this country, it is a good statement.

Assuming that those that oppose you are "hate" is

A. you having an insanely closed mind


B. very divisive.

Also, it is worth noting that many are unwelcome in this country. It is our right, as it is the right of all citizens of all nations, do decide who to welcome and not welcome into their nations.

That is part of the concept of nation.

Those that ARE unwelcome, SHOULD feel unwelcome. And SHOULD go home, in obedience to our laws.
How many have you seen this truly pompous and even more so UNINFORMED homes with this lawn sign?
View attachment 431179
Honestly I don't have any "HATE" towards anyone so why are these people touting their supposedly lack of "HATE"?
I am 100% confident though that the vast majority of people who put this sign on their lawn "HATE" Donald Trump.
And this hatred is so misplaced and even more so uninformed, unsophisticated and basically evidence of truly ignorant people.
Now some of you might agree with this sign. And some of you use this statement from the BIASED MSM regarding Trump.
For example this question from Chris Wallace during the first debate is illustrative of the both ignorance of Wallace BUT the continued
support of biased news.
Wallace asked: “Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacist and militia groups…”
Wallace evidently forgot this question he asked in 2016: but I’d like to go deeper than that. What are your views on the Klu Klux Klan, and white supremacists?”
So why did he ask it again?
BECAUSE I'm confident that those people ignorant enough to put the above lawn sign out believed the MSM/Biden regarding this statement
by Trump...
The headline by Politico is common by the MSM...
Donald Trump’s incredibly unpresidential statement on Charlottesville
Now what did Trump actually say:
We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.
Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.


So based on the totally erroneous, biased MSM reporting Trump said Neo-Nazis fine people we have these lawn sign posters as believing
Trump is HATEFUL! Sad.
These same people believe Trump is Anti-immigrant! Again their totally 100% wrong observation based on totally ignorant MSM!
FACT: Look at these Google Search results:
"Trump anti-immigrant" 67,700 results BUT
"Trump anti illegal-immigrant" 962 results.
Even though Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant, his grandmother was a LEGAL immigrant and 50+ million people like me with relatives
that are "Legal immigrants or they ARE legal immigrants are NOT anti-immigrant! But these lawn sign people and millions of truly
uninformed, unsophisticated and fundamentally UN AMERICAN because they believe that Trump, me and millions like me are "HATEFUL"!
SO so wrong!!!!
They are still trying to promote that Conservatives has hatred for others.

That we don't treat you with kid gloves while you are being a prick, is not us "forgetting" shit, rw.

Sissy Mary thinks he’s tough

See, you are doing it again. You are the one that keeps going to fighting words, while online.

That is you being the sissy, playing tough.

That you pretend any response other than letting you get away with it, is us acting tough, ,is you being a faggot liar.
Awww.....You going to hit me with your purse?
If I was gonna hit anyone I prefer a flag pole
That we don't treat you with kid gloves while you are being a prick, is not us "forgetting" shit, rw.

Sissy Mary thinks he’s tough

See, you are doing it again. You are the one that keeps going to fighting words, while online.

That is you being the sissy, playing tough.

That you pretend any response other than letting you get away with it, is us acting tough, ,is you being a faggot liar.
Awww.....You going to hit me with your purse?

And there you do it again. Talking ONLINE in a manner that would likely lead to a fight, in real life.

That is YOU pretending to be tough, while actually being a coward.

Us calling you on your sissy behavior, and returning your rudeness, is not.

So, fuck you faggot.
That we don't treat you with kid gloves while you are being a prick, is not us "forgetting" shit, rw.

Sissy Mary thinks he’s tough

See, you are doing it again. You are the one that keeps going to fighting words, while online.

That is you being the sissy, playing tough.

That you pretend any response other than letting you get away with it, is us acting tough, ,is you being a faggot liar.
Awww.....You going to hit me with your purse?

And there you do it again. Talking ONLINE in a manner that would likely lead to a fight, in real life.

That is YOU pretending to be tough, while actually being a coward.

Us calling you on your sissy behavior, and returning your rudeness, is not.

So, fuck you faggot.
You still squat when you pee Sissy Mary?
That we don't treat you with kid gloves while you are being a prick, is not us "forgetting" shit, rw.

Sissy Mary thinks he’s tough

See, you are doing it again. You are the one that keeps going to fighting words, while online.

That is you being the sissy, playing tough.

That you pretend any response other than letting you get away with it, is us acting tough, ,is you being a faggot liar.
Awww.....You going to hit me with your purse?

And there you do it again. Talking ONLINE in a manner that would likely lead to a fight, in real life.

That is YOU pretending to be tough, while actually being a coward.

Us calling you on your sissy behavior, and returning your rudeness, is not.

So, fuck you faggot.
You still squat when you pee Sissy Mary?

And there you go again. Talking real tough, safe behind your keyboard. Like the sissy you are.

Us calling you on it, and returning the name calling is not US forgetting where we are, little girl.

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