"How come the GOP doesn't want Americans to have health care?"



This morning on Morning Joe, after Nicole Wallace called Democrats rabid, Meeka told her that at every single book tour stop the one question people asked is why Republicans don't want Americans to have health care. So she asked Nicole and if there was ever a deer in the headlights, it was Nicole.

By what they are doing, the GOP has created the perception that they don't want Americans to have health care. They have no plans. In fact, it's like when McCain said I will share my economic policy if you elect me president. In other words, Republicans are saying "trust us". And after the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, Iraq, what they didn't do after Katrina, all the lies about Obama, why would anyone trust anything they say? How many Americans are dead and maimed because of GOP policies?
Hmmmmm, a progressive Moonbat goes on a book signing tour, to have books signed that only other Moonbats would buy, and she is asked by Moonbats why non Moonbats don't believe in Moonbattery?

Hmmmmm, a progressive Moonbat goes on a book signing tour, to have books signed that only other Moonbats would buy, and she is asked by Moonbats why non Moonbats don't believe in Moonbattery?


That is a real shocker,how could this have happened??!!
Hmmmmm, a progressive Moonbat goes on a book signing tour, to have books signed that only other Moonbats would buy, and she is asked by Moonbats why non Moonbats don't believe in Moonbattery?


That is a real shocker,how could this have happened??!!

In our next episode Winnie the Pooh will ask the President of PETA how the republicans can support shooting Bambi.
Mika was quite right when she said people were telling her," Republicans have no plan! "

If they had one, they could easily answer the question. Instead, they call names. I guess that makes them feel better. What else do they have to feel good about?
This morning on Morning Joe, after Nicole Wallace called Democrats rabid, Meeka told her that at every single book tour stop the one question people asked is why Republicans don't want Americans to have health care. So she asked Nicole and if there was ever a deer in the headlights, it was Nicole.

By what they are doing, the GOP has created the perception that they don't want Americans to have health care. They have no plans. In fact, it's like when McCain said I will share my economic policy if you elect me president. In other words, Republicans are saying "trust us". And after the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, Iraq, what they didn't do after Katrina, all the lies about Obama, why would anyone trust anything they say? How many Americans are dead and maimed because of GOP policies?
I basically stopped watching that RW show for about a year or more now, I can't stand none of them, including Mika, for different reasons, but I did happen to catch the last hour today and saw that exchange near the end.

Mika said to Nicole that you can't tell me that the Republicans haven't done everything in their power to obstruct, destroy and undermine Obama, and Nicole didn't have anything to say, she basically answered a different question by positing something else.

That was CLASSIC!!

I've been Googling, trying to find that clip...not to be found.

I suspect it won't be put on the site by the network, it was too damaging to the RW message.

We'll be lucky if some watcher or media group caught it and posts it on YouTube.
Mika was quite right when she said people were telling her," Republicans have no plan! "

If they had one, they could easily answer the question. Instead, they call names. I guess that makes them feel better. What else do they have to feel good about?

Once again the fact that your ears are way past your sphincter,you would have heard the plan ,right now is not to have Obama care,then we go from there.
Mika was quite right when she said people were telling her," Republicans have no plan! "

If they had one, they could easily answer the question. Instead, they call names. I guess that makes them feel better. What else do they have to feel good about?

Once again the fact that your ears are way past your sphincter,you would have heard the plan ,right now is not to have Obama care,then we go from there.

What's the plan? Give it to us in 50 words or less.
This morning on Morning Joe, after Nicole Wallace called Democrats rabid, Meeka told her that at every single book tour stop the one question people asked is why Republicans don't want Americans to have health care. So she asked Nicole and if there was ever a deer in the headlights, it was Nicole.

By what they are doing, the GOP has created the perception that they don't want Americans to have health care. They have no plans. In fact, it's like when McCain said I will share my economic policy if you elect me president. In other words, Republicans are saying "trust us". And after the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, Iraq, what they didn't do after Katrina, all the lies about Obama, why would anyone trust anything they say? How many Americans are dead and maimed because of GOP policies?
I basically stopped watching that RW show for about a year or more now, I can't stand none of them, including Mika, for different reasons, but I did happen to catch the last hour today and saw that exchange near the end.

Mika said to Nicole that you can't tell me that the Republicans haven't done everything in their power to obstruct, destroy and undermine Obama, and Nicole didn't have anything to say, she basically answered a different question by positing something else.

That was CLASSIC!!

I've been Googling, trying to find that clip...not to be found.

I suspect it won't be put on the site by the network, it was too damaging to the RW message.

We'll be lucky if some watcher or media group caught it and posts it on YouTube.

Strange thing about USMB right wingers. They claim the were unable to stop all the disasters under Bush because of Democrats. Yet, they are able to block Democrats from doing anything now.

So they were powerless under Bush and they are powerless now. That means none of their disasters are their fault. They don't have to be responsible for anything because there was nothing they could do.

For the longest time, they refused to believe that Republicans blocked Obama from investigating BP. They said it just couldn't happen. Then they said subpoena power was tied to some bill and that was why they wouldn't support Obama in investigating BP. We proved that wasn't true. Then they went back to "it's all lies".

What is with these people? It's as if every message was "mixed".
This morning on Morning Joe, after Nicole Wallace called Democrats rabid, Meeka told her that at every single book tour stop the one question people asked is why Republicans don't want Americans to have health care. So she asked Nicole and if there was ever a deer in the headlights, it was Nicole.

By what they are doing, the GOP has created the perception that they don't want Americans to have health care. They have no plans. In fact, it's like when McCain said I will share my economic policy if you elect me president. In other words, Republicans are saying "trust us". And after the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, Iraq, what they didn't do after Katrina, all the lies about Obama, why would anyone trust anything they say? How many Americans are dead and maimed because of GOP policies?


A beautiful example of the media and P.R. tactic commonly used by the Palestinians to achieve an almost guaranteed stalemate in the court of public opinion and in online forums.

When you have no better defense against charges against your side or your cause just boomerang the criticisms hurled at you right back at your opponent.

The Bigoted Poster A - (using the Palestinian tactic): "Your side is full of haters and bigots"

The Un-Bigoted Poster B - (the target of the Palestinian tactic): "No, YOUR side is full of haters and bigots. Not mine!"

Repeat ad infinitum into infinity.

But, now that we all recognize what you are trying to do I will say that you are just boomeranging and lying.


Because you can't otherwise defend the charges against your side.

And the truth supports my point of view, not yours.
This morning on Morning Joe, after Nicole Wallace called Democrats rabid, Meeka told her that at every single book tour stop the one question people asked is why Republicans don't want Americans to have health care. So she asked Nicole and if there was ever a deer in the headlights, it was Nicole.

By what they are doing, the GOP has created the perception that they don't want Americans to have health care. They have no plans. In fact, it's like when McCain said I will share my economic policy if you elect me president. In other words, Republicans are saying "trust us". And after the deficit creating Bush tax cuts, Iraq, what they didn't do after Katrina, all the lies about Obama, why would anyone trust anything they say? How many Americans are dead and maimed because of GOP policies?

Only an idiot like you would ask such a stupid question.

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