How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

Really? When did the Christian faith begin? I believe it was shortly after the death and Resurrection of Christ. So it was around centuries before the RC. Catholicism is not original. It has no authority whatsoever.

Christianity did begin with Christ. The Christian faith quickly became known as "catholic" which meant open and welcoming towards all. (As a contrasting example, there were certain criteria that needed to be followed for one to be a full-fledged member of the Jewish faith.) Fifteen hundred years later, Protestants--in an effort to differentiate their churches from the Catholic Church--simply stuck with Christian, pretty much a distinction without a difference, because these Christians churches consider themselves open/welcoming, just as the first catholic communities considered their churches--and the Catholic Church still does.

Recently, some Protestant churches hope by throwing "Constantine" at the Catholic Church, Protestants will believe that the Catholic Church was not the Church that can be traced back to the Apostles, but only to Constantine. This is wrong, of course, and it can be verified, but some Protestants are fine with deceiving themselves (or their followers) about the recent Constantine myth. Shrug. Some mud will stick, but as always, the truth will always shine forth.

I read an article that said that the word catholic means 'throughout the whole'.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?
The Rulers Use Many Different Opiates on the Masses

The Bible is vague and inconsistent, just like its political substitute, the Constitution, which power-hungry ideologues can interpret in many different ways and make as much sense as other spin doctors do.
Really? Give me one example of how the Bible vague or inconsistent.

Ecclesiastes 7:15-17
15 All things have I seen in the days of my vanity: there is a just man that perisheth in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongeth his life in his wickedness.

16 Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself ?

17 Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time?
Those verses are brilliant, nothing vague or inconsistent.
Prove it.
Until about 50 years ago science said the universe had always existed. Guess what, now the universe had a beginning.
Like it does all the time, the more we learn the more it dovetails with what the Bible says.
Prove what? That the bible is made up? LOL! Really?
There's no proof of any of the big things that take place in the bible. Science is at least looking for real answers and keep an open mind about what they find.
But if you think the bible is true then prove to me that a woman was made from a man's rib. And we'll go from there.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
Man didn't evolve on his own, aliens likely intervened about 50,000 years ago.
You are just full of interesting beliefs, lol. Reincarnation and aliens. What's next?
I don't live my life by this, just some things I notice there is evidence for. Unlike you who lives his life according to an invisible friend he can't prove AT ALL.
I'm not even an atheist, but I guess in your world...
So you think all atheists are alike? Do you have any links to all this shit you claim? Like atheists who want to abolish families? ...
No. Not all. Just the ones I come into contact here on these boards anyway. If you don't believe you are an atheist, then you are in denial. I am married to an agnostic. Probably the only true agnostic in the world. She knows there is more, but has no idea what that more is and has no desire to figure it out.
So you're taking back everything you just said about atheists because you realize that you were wrong? Good for you.
No. See that's how I know you are a militant atheist. Passive aggressive, but still militant. You don't condone respect for anyone who believes in God and it shows.
Don't blame me for your flip-flop on your answer about atheists because you realized the first one was nonsense.
For starters there was no flip flop, and I didn't blame you for anything. I just told you my observations about you. I believe you are a militant atheist. Passive aggressive, but still militant. You don't condone respect for anyone who believes in God and it shows. You are the textbook example of someone who has elevated to a religion. You attack Christians because Christianity is the dominant rival religion.
You claimed that all atheists were against families, among other nonsense, and then took it back. That's called a flip-flop. Now you know.
What's more likely, us dumb ass humans figuring out the universe? Or getting it wrong? And you have ZERO proof, get a grip, brah.
The universe and everything in it wasn't made in 6 days, a woman wasn't made out of a man's rib, there was no worldwide flood... The bible is a made up book by man, a con man's wet dream, if you will.
Prove it.
Until about 50 years ago science said the universe had always existed. Guess what, now the universe had a beginning.
Like it does all the time, the more we learn the more it dovetails with what the Bible says.
Prove what? That the bible is made up? LOL! Really?
There's no proof of any of the big things that take place in the bible. Science is at least looking for real answers and keep an open mind about what they find.
But if you think the bible is true then prove to me that a woman was made from a man's rib. And we'll go from there.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
I think what you are trying to say is that DNA coding did not likely self assemble itself.
No proof. Again.
There's only one truth...

Agreed. Ponder this...

For any given thing there is a final state of fact. Once the final state of fact is arrived at it is known that it was always this way and will always be this way.

I believe this describes reality or existence. When asked His name, He replied, "I am."
So you're saying that you know the reasons of existence? And you read it in the Big Book of Fiction? Did I nail it or what? :D
Did you nail it? Not quite. I believe what I wrote was above your ability to decipher. It was pretty advanced stuff. But don't get discouraged, you keep trying.
You just copied something from a book of nonsense and then pat yourself on the back. :gay:
There's only one truth...

Agreed. Ponder this...

For any given thing there is a final state of fact. Once the final state of fact is arrived at it is known that it was always this way and will always be this way.

I believe this describes reality or existence. When asked His name, He replied, "I am."
So you're saying that you know the reasons of existence? And you read it in the Big Book of Fiction? Did I nail it or what? :D
Did you nail it? Not quite. I believe what I wrote was above your ability to decipher. It was pretty advanced stuff. But don't get discouraged, you keep trying.
You just copied something from a book of nonsense and then pat yourself on the back. :gay:
No. That is not correct. I have proof that I accept. I don't have proof that you will accept. There is no proof that you will accept. I thought we went through this already. You are at work early today. You don't usually get to work until around 7 am. Any way , gotta run. Gotta go to my work.
There's only one truth...

Agreed. Ponder this...

For any given thing there is a final state of fact. Once the final state of fact is arrived at it is known that it was always this way and will always be this way.

I believe this describes reality or existence. When asked His name, He replied, "I am."
So you're saying that you know the reasons of existence? And you read it in the Big Book of Fiction? Did I nail it or what? :D
Did you nail it? Not quite. I believe what I wrote was above your ability to decipher. It was pretty advanced stuff. But don't get discouraged, you keep trying.
You just copied something from a book of nonsense and then pat yourself on the back. :gay:
No. That is not correct. I have proof that I accept. I don't have proof that you will accept. There is no proof that you will accept. I thought we went through this already. You are at work early today. You don't usually get to work until around 7 am. Any way , gotta run. Gotta go to my work.
What proof? You've put forward exactly nothing.:popcorn:

"Any way , gotta run. Gotta go to my work" Don't burn the Happy Meals. :D
Last edited:
Prove it.
Until about 50 years ago science said the universe had always existed. Guess what, now the universe had a beginning.
Like it does all the time, the more we learn the more it dovetails with what the Bible says.
Prove what? That the bible is made up? LOL! Really?
There's no proof of any of the big things that take place in the bible. Science is at least looking for real answers and keep an open mind about what they find.
But if you think the bible is true then prove to me that a woman was made from a man's rib. And we'll go from there.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
Man didn't evolve on his own, aliens likely intervened about 50,000 years ago.
Where did aliens come from?
Let me guess. Aliens.
Is this a feeble attempt to say that god made aliens? :dunno:
What's more likely, us dumb ass humans figuring out the universe? Or getting it wrong? And you have ZERO proof, get a grip, brah.
The universe and everything in it wasn't made in 6 days, a woman wasn't made out of a man's rib, there was no worldwide flood... The bible is a made up book by man, a con man's wet dream, if you will.
Prove it.
Until about 50 years ago science said the universe had always existed. Guess what, now the universe had a beginning.
Like it does all the time, the more we learn the more it dovetails with what the Bible says.
Prove what? That the bible is made up? LOL! Really?
There's no proof of any of the big things that take place in the bible. Science is at least looking for real answers and keep an open mind about what they find.
But if you think the bible is true then prove to me that a woman was made from a man's rib. And we'll go from there.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
Dr Collins won the Nobel Prize for discovering the human genome. He went into his work an athiest and after seeing how life works at the smallest levels he became a Christian. Here is Dr Collins story of his conversion to Christianity.

Collins: Why this scientist believes in God -
"Ultimately, a leap of faith is required." He has no proof either. :lol:
Prove what? That the bible is made up? LOL! Really?
There's no proof of any of the big things that take place in the bible. Science is at least looking for real answers and keep an open mind about what they find.
But if you think the bible is true then prove to me that a woman was made from a man's rib. And we'll go from there.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
Man didn't evolve on his own, aliens likely intervened about 50,000 years ago.
Where did aliens come from?
Let me guess. Aliens.
Is this a feeble attempt to say that god made aliens? :dunno:
Answer the question. Who made your aliens.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.
The universe and everything in it weren't made in 6 days. Need more? That was only page 1. :D
Where's your proof it wasn't 6 days?
Science tells us that the universe is around 13.8 billions years old and that the earth is closer to 4 billion years old. So it took nearly 10 billion years before our solar system formed.
As science once said the universe always existed, science will catch up to the Bible one day.
Prove it.
Until about 50 years ago science said the universe had always existed. Guess what, now the universe had a beginning.
Like it does all the time, the more we learn the more it dovetails with what the Bible says.
Prove what? That the bible is made up? LOL! Really?
There's no proof of any of the big things that take place in the bible. Science is at least looking for real answers and keep an open mind about what they find.
But if you think the bible is true then prove to me that a woman was made from a man's rib. And we'll go from there.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
Dr Collins won the Nobel Prize for discovering the human genome. He went into his work an athiest and after seeing how life works at the smallest levels he became a Christian. Here is Dr Collins story of his conversion to Christianity.

Collins: Why this scientist believes in God -
"Ultimately, a leap of faith is required." He has no proof either. :lol:
Nobody ever claimed they had proof. But the fact remains life is too complex to have appeared without a creator. You yourself acknowledge that by crediting aliens.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
Man didn't evolve on his own, aliens likely intervened about 50,000 years ago.
Where did aliens come from?
Let me guess. Aliens.
Is this a feeble attempt to say that god made aliens? :dunno:
Answer the question. Who made your aliens.
I don't presume to know, but I'm sure you will. :D
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.
The universe and everything in it weren't made in 6 days. Need more? That was only page 1. :D
Where's your proof it wasn't 6 days?
Science tells us that the universe is around 13.8 billions years old and that the earth is closer to 4 billion years old. So it took nearly 10 billion years before our solar system formed.
As science once said the universe always existed, science will catch up to the Bible one day.
And say that the whole universe was made in 6 days? Ummm... no.
At least scientists aren't stuck with bogus theorems forever, if they find something out that contradicts current thinking, they are able to go with an update, unlike the bible.
Prove what? That the bible is made up? LOL! Really?
There's no proof of any of the big things that take place in the bible. Science is at least looking for real answers and keep an open mind about what they find.
But if you think the bible is true then prove to me that a woman was made from a man's rib. And we'll go from there.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
Dr Collins won the Nobel Prize for discovering the human genome. He went into his work an athiest and after seeing how life works at the smallest levels he became a Christian. Here is Dr Collins story of his conversion to Christianity.

Collins: Why this scientist believes in God -
"Ultimately, a leap of faith is required." He has no proof either. :lol:
Nobody ever claimed they had proof. But the fact remains life is too complex to have appeared without a creator. You yourself acknowledge that by crediting aliens.
The aliens didn't create humans, they may have simply altered our DNA. Please try again.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.
The universe and everything in it weren't made in 6 days. Need more? That was only page 1. :D
Where's your proof it wasn't 6 days?
Science tells us that the universe is around 13.8 billions years old and that the earth is closer to 4 billion years old. So it took nearly 10 billion years before our solar system formed.
As science once said the universe always existed, science will catch up to the Bible one day.
And say that the whole universe was made in 6 days? Ummm... no.
At least scientists aren't stuck with bogus theorems forever, if they find something out that contradicts current thinking, they are able to go with an update, unlike the bible.
As soon as you find verifiable truth to prove otherwise I hold the Bible to be true.

Tell me, why is it so important for you to have everyone not believe they are to help their fellow man?
The universe and everything in it weren't made in 6 days. Need more? That was only page 1. :D
Where's your proof it wasn't 6 days?
Science tells us that the universe is around 13.8 billions years old and that the earth is closer to 4 billion years old. So it took nearly 10 billion years before our solar system formed.
As science once said the universe always existed, science will catch up to the Bible one day.
And say that the whole universe was made in 6 days? Ummm... no.
At least scientists aren't stuck with bogus theorems forever, if they find something out that contradicts current thinking, they are able to go with an update, unlike the bible.
As soon as you find verifiable truth to prove otherwise I hold the Bible to be true.

Tell me, why is it so important for you to have everyone not believe they are to help their fellow man?
Unreligious people help their fellow man, that has nothing to do with an invisible friend.

If you claim something is true, the burden of proof is on you, but you can't prove anything, so you make up a prove-my-ghost-isn't-real situation. By the same logic, you can't prove that your god isn't the great spaghetti monster. Check, brah. Your move. :D

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