How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

Not one person on earth has ever believed in a god, they all pretend to believe because it suits their lives at the time. the church is just a big social cult. the purpose of religion is to gain political power, control over people and to make money. the reason why there are so many denominations is because if there was only one then there would be a limited number of leaders. therefore if you want instant power and money all you have to do is change a few things in your own version of the bible and you have it.
Religion just suits my lifestyle? That's a good one. Yeah, guys have no desire to chase skirts, get drunk, rob what they think they can get away with, etc etc.
Not one person on earth has ever believed in a god, they all pretend to believe because it suits their lives at the time. the church is just a big social cult. the purpose of religion is to gain political power, control over people and to make money. the reason why there are so many denominations is because if there was only one then there would be a limited number of leaders. therefore if you want instant power and money all you have to do is change a few things in your own version of the bible and you have it.
I believe in the God of Abraham. I believe that He sent His Son to pay the price for our disobedience to God. I have accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I would die before I would renounce Him. Now, don't you look silly? I just proved that you're a clueless troll.

Abraham who? You believe in God , but no one knows who Abraham was or if he was even real. The bible was wrote by man, stories handed down and mish mashed.
Pene doesn't like Abraham because he was the first Jew. She still has weird justifications when asked about Jesus being a Jew.
Not one person on earth has ever believed in a god, they all pretend to believe because it suits their lives at the time. the church is just a big social cult. the purpose of religion is to gain political power, control over people and to make money. the reason why there are so many denominations is because if there was only one then there would be a limited number of leaders. therefore if you want instant power and money all you have to do is change a few things in your own version of the bible and you have it.
Religion just suits my lifestyle? That's a good one. Yeah, guys have no desire to chase skirts, get drunk, rob what they think they can get away with, etc etc.
Being a Christian isn't easy. It involves a denial of self that most people are not capable of. They would rather smoke, snort, and screw anything that moves, and even some things that don't.
Not one person on earth has ever believed in a god, they all pretend to believe because it suits their lives at the time. the church is just a big social cult. the purpose of religion is to gain political power, control over people and to make money. the reason why there are so many denominations is because if there was only one then there would be a limited number of leaders. therefore if you want instant power and money all you have to do is change a few things in your own version of the bible and you have it.
Religion just suits my lifestyle? That's a good one. Yeah, guys have no desire to chase skirts, get drunk, rob what they think they can get away with, etc etc.
Being a Christian isn't easy. It involves a denial of self that most people are not capable of. They would rather smoke, snort, and screw anything that moves, and even some things that don't.
Being a Christian because it fits your lifestyle, that is one for the record books.
The secular evolutionist position is that murder. rape, killing of the handicapped and infirm must be good as it improves the strength of the species
Actually, that happens in nature, only the strong survive. Don't you consider that your god is responsible for that?
And say that the whole universe was made in 6 days? Ummm... no.
At least scientists aren't stuck with bogus theorems forever, if they find something out that contradicts current thinking, they are able to go with an update, unlike the bible.
As soon as you find verifiable truth to prove otherwise I hold the Bible to be true.

Tell me, why is it so important for you to have everyone not believe they are to help their fellow man?
Unreligious people help their fellow man, that has nothing to do with an invisible friend.

If you claim something is true, the burden of proof is on you, but you can't prove anything, so you make up a prove-my-ghost-isn't-real situation. By the same logic, you can't prove that your god isn't the great spaghetti monster. Check, brah. Your move. :D
Yes, some atheists help those in need, but as a General rule atheists do little charity work. I can provide links to the studies if you wish.

But answer the question. Why is it so important to you that no one believes they are more important than a tree, we are all created equally and we should help our fellow man?
Not important, we're just on a chat board discussing things, and I'm always intrigued by people who are convinced that an invisible superbeing in another dimension needs to be obeyed, all without the smallest shred of proof. And always wondered how you folks do it, because the bible thing sounds so far-fetched, let alone that none of the big things in it can be proven.
Why are you afraid of God? What is wrong with people believing they were all created equally and we are to help those in need? Do you have a problem with being told murder and adultery is bad? What is your motivation to keep posting here?

Don't give me the "it's absurd so I argue against it" rant. You're not over in the flat earth forum or aliens were behind 9-11 threads.
Not afraid of god, if anyone ever finds any proof of god, I'm open to being a convert. Show me some proof, that's all, and that's why I'm here, to see if any of you have any actual proof. Nobody does.
Prove what? That the bible is made up? LOL! Really?
There's no proof of any of the big things that take place in the bible. Science is at least looking for real answers and keep an open mind about what they find.
But if you think the bible is true then prove to me that a woman was made from a man's rib. And we'll go from there.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
I think what you are trying to say is that DNA coding did not likely self assemble itself.
Confining the Debates

Intelligent Design can also mean design itself through its own intelligence. Evolution was a choice. Today, we are choosing to evolve backwards. Because our leaders want to tame us, we, and later even they, will be overrun by those who were born backwards.

Aggressive Christianity seeks to monopolize debates on design, homosexuality, and abortion. But ethical determinations could be presented secularly. Those on the other side also want to limit their opponents to Fundamentalists.
Aggressive Christianity seeks to monopolize debates on design, homosexuality, and abortion. But ethical determinations could be presented secularly. Those on the other side also want to limit their opponents to Fundamentalists.
The secular evolutionist position is that murder. rape, killing of the handicapped and infirm must be good as it improves the strength of the species..
No, it's not a common position and certainly not a mainstream position, even if you can find some fringe person who believes it. and no it doesn't improve the strength of the species.

Cooperation is far superior
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.

I'm not surprised you have not heard of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Unbelievers tend to not have much knowledge of science.
I like to keep up with the latest discoveries in the life sciences. The more we learn, the more it looks really bad for a naturalistic origin of life. In fact, information theory proves that information, such as that contained in human languages and DNA, are the result of intelligent minds. It cannot evolve on it's own. It is the sole province of intelligent agents.
I think what you are trying to say is that DNA coding did not likely self assemble itself.
Confining the Debates

Intelligent Design can also mean design itself through its own intelligence. Evolution was a choice. Today, we are choosing to evolve backwards. Because our leaders want to tame us, we, and later even they, will be overrun by those who were born backwards.

Aggressive Christianity seeks to monopolize debates on design, homosexuality, and abortion. But ethical determinations could be presented secularly. Those on the other side also want to limit their opponents to Fundamentalists.
Aggressive Christianity seeks to monopolize debates on design, homosexuality, and abortion. But ethical determinations could be presented secularly. Those on the other side also want to limit their opponents to Fundamentalists.
The secular evolutionist position is that murder. rape, killing of the handicapped and infirm must be good as it improves the strength of the species..
No, it's not a common position and certainly not a mainstream position, even if you can find some fringe person who believes it. and no it doesn't improve the strength of the species.

Cooperation is far superior
The concept of not using fittest of the species when dealing with man is stolen from God.
Why are you afraid of God?
Why are you afraid that there are no gods?

What is wrong with people believing they were all created equally and we are to help those in need?
Nothing. Who is saying there is?

Do you have a problem with being told murder and adultery is bad?
Why do you have to be told that? Couldn't you have figured that out on your own?
Obviously being a dumbass comes naturally for you.
Why are you afraid of God?
Why are you afraid that there are no gods?

What is wrong with people believing they were all created equally and we are to help those in need?
Nothing. Who is saying there is?

Do you have a problem with being told murder and adultery is bad?
Why do you have to be told that? Couldn't you have figured that out on your own?
Obviously being a dumbass comes naturally for you.
Everyone is good at something. Even if it's being good at being good at nothing. LOL!
The secular evolutionist position is that murder. rape, killing of the handicapped and infirm must be good as it improves the strength of the species
Actually, that happens in nature, only the strong survive. Don't you consider that your god is responsible for that?
So obviously you should have no issue with me shooting someone to take his pretty wife.
As soon as you find verifiable truth to prove otherwise I hold the Bible to be true.

Tell me, why is it so important for you to have everyone not believe they are to help their fellow man?
Unreligious people help their fellow man, that has nothing to do with an invisible friend.

If you claim something is true, the burden of proof is on you, but you can't prove anything, so you make up a prove-my-ghost-isn't-real situation. By the same logic, you can't prove that your god isn't the great spaghetti monster. Check, brah. Your move. :D
Yes, some atheists help those in need, but as a General rule atheists do little charity work. I can provide links to the studies if you wish.

But answer the question. Why is it so important to you that no one believes they are more important than a tree, we are all created equally and we should help our fellow man?
Not important, we're just on a chat board discussing things, and I'm always intrigued by people who are convinced that an invisible superbeing in another dimension needs to be obeyed, all without the smallest shred of proof. And always wondered how you folks do it, because the bible thing sounds so far-fetched, let alone that none of the big things in it can be proven.
Why are you afraid of God? What is wrong with people believing they were all created equally and we are to help those in need? Do you have a problem with being told murder and adultery is bad? What is your motivation to keep posting here?

Don't give me the "it's absurd so I argue against it" rant. You're not over in the flat earth forum or aliens were behind 9-11 threads.
Not afraid of god, if anyone ever finds any proof of god, I'm open to being a convert. Show me some proof, that's all, and that's why I'm here, to see if any of you have any actual proof. Nobody does.
Proof is all around you if you wanted to see it.
That's why I posted the link on Dr Collins story. The evidence was right in front of him and he could no longer deny it.
Collins: Why this scientist believes in God -
The secular evolutionist position is that murder. rape, killing of the handicapped and infirm must be good as it improves the strength of the species
Actually, that happens in nature, only the strong survive. Don't you consider that your god is responsible for that?
So obviously you should have no issue with me shooting someone to take his pretty wife.
Is that what Jesus taught? Us non-believers don't believe in that between humans, but for the rest of the animal kingdom, that's the norm.
The secular evolutionist position is that murder. rape, killing of the handicapped and infirm must be good as it improves the strength of the species
Actually, that happens in nature, only the strong survive. Don't you consider that your god is responsible for that?
So obviously you should have no issue with me shooting someone to take his pretty wife.
Is that what Jesus taught? Us non-believers don't believe in that between humans, but for the rest of the animal kingdom, that's the norm.
It's what atheist teach, dufus.
Why did you steal our belief of murder?
The secular evolutionist position is that murder. rape, killing of the handicapped and infirm must be good as it improves the strength of the species
Actually, that happens in nature, only the strong survive. Don't you consider that your god is responsible for that?
So obviously you should have no issue with me shooting someone to take his pretty wife.
Is that what Jesus taught? Us non-believers don't believe in that between humans, but for the rest of the animal kingdom, that's the norm.
It's what atheist teach, dufus.
Why did you steal our belief of murder?
Is being snooty and throwing insults what they teach in the bible?
Not one person on earth has ever believed in a god, they all pretend to believe because it suits their lives at the time. the church is just a big social cult. the purpose of religion is to gain political power, control over people and to make money. the reason why there are so many denominations is because if there was only one then there would be a limited number of leaders. therefore if you want instant power and money all you have to do is change a few things in your own version of the bible and you have it.
I believe in the God of Abraham. I believe that He sent His Son to pay the price for our disobedience to God. I have accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I would die before I would renounce Him. Now, don't you look silly? I just proved that you're a clueless troll.

Abraham who? You believe in God , but no one knows who Abraham was or if he was even real. The bible was wrote by man, stories handed down and mish mashed.
Pene doesn't like Abraham because he was the first Jew. She still has weird justifications when asked about Jesus being a Jew.

Abraham was not a jew according to scripture. They didn't even have jews way back then. He was not even a Hebrew. Heck he was probably not even real. Jesus was not a jew, Kind David did not have a jewish mom, so he was not a jew. Can you read. I assume you believe in the virgin birth, so that means Father God is jewish as well , well the HS, as the HS is the spouse of Mary according to the RCC.
Not one person on earth has ever believed in a god, they all pretend to believe because it suits their lives at the time. the church is just a big social cult. the purpose of religion is to gain political power, control over people and to make money. the reason why there are so many denominations is because if there was only one then there would be a limited number of leaders. therefore if you want instant power and money all you have to do is change a few things in your own version of the bible and you have it.
I believe in the God of Abraham. I believe that He sent His Son to pay the price for our disobedience to God. I have accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I would die before I would renounce Him. Now, don't you look silly? I just proved that you're a clueless troll.

Abraham who? You believe in God , but no one knows who Abraham was or if he was even real. The bible was wrote by man, stories handed down and mish mashed.
Pene doesn't like Abraham because he was the first Jew. She still has weird justifications when asked about Jesus being a Jew.

Abraham was not a jew according to scripture. They didn't even have jews way back then. He was not even a Hebrew. Heck he was probably not even real. Jesus was not a jew, Kind David did not have a jewish mom, so he was not a jew. Can you read. I assume you believe in the virgin birth, so that means Father God is jewish as well , well the HS, as the HS is the spouse of Mary according to the RCC.
I wouldn't expect you to know the Bible being Catholic. The Torah calls him "Avraham Ha-Ivri" – Abraham the Hebrew. He initiated the knowledge of monotheism showing people who the true God was. And please don't embarrass yourself by saying the Torah and Bible are not related.

And of course you deny the fact Jesus was a Jew. You're Catholic.
The secular evolutionist position is that murder. rape, killing of the handicapped and infirm must be good as it improves the strength of the species
Actually, that happens in nature, only the strong survive. Don't you consider that your god is responsible for that?
So obviously you should have no issue with me shooting someone to take his pretty wife.
Is that what Jesus taught? Us non-believers don't believe in that between humans, but for the rest of the animal kingdom, that's the norm.
It's what atheist teach, dufus.
Why did you steal our belief of murder?
Is being snooty and throwing insults what they teach in the bible?
Only one person in history was perfect.
And they tortured and nailed him up on a cross.

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