How come there are over 40,000 christian denominations and more invented daily

No. Don't be silly. The standard set by nature. Nature has decided that male and female unions are how natural selection is passed down to the next generation.

Thank you for proving my point that atheists worship science but are the first to argue against it.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
Nature created homosexuality and trans... as well. They are a standard of nature as well.

Dear Mudda

I would not call it a standard. The homosexual % of the population is at most 4% and the transgender
a fraction of that. Unless race or gender that is determined by genetics, orientation and identity
are spiritual and these can change by spiritual healing and process.

I agree if people have LBGT beliefs, that is their identity as any other faith-based creed culture or belief.
But I believe this is part of a spiritual process, and is not a fixed standard of nature.
Homosexuality is found throughout nature, making it a standard of nature.
You have absolutely no concept of what the word deviant means, do you.

deviant: departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.
Homosexuality is an accepted standard by everyone except homophobes like you.

Dear Mudda No, I must disagree.
There are a number of Christians, even a Catholic priest, who both accept their homosexual
identity as part of their spiritual being and path, and also understand it is not the norm.

They know they are born that way, as "enuchs made by God", and have prayed about
it and come to the realization they aren't going to change in this lifetime,
but they still agree with church teachings that the normal standard is male/female partners,
and for some spiritual reason they were born to live a life where they would experience otherwise.

Some use their experience to teach forgiveness and unconditional love.
One priest decided it was part of his calling not to get married but to serve the people.
The people most able to forgive all factors, are okay with not being accepted by society
and not being able to get married, and respect the beliefs of others without pushing.
So I find the most developed people spiritually are least judgmental about any beliefs,
including the Christians most successful in healing people of homosexual orientation
that isn't natural or wanted; these are often the most nonjudgmental of all, yet they
will all say that homosexuality is not the natural default state but often caused by abuse.

When I talked with a transgender friend who came out unexpectedly
we were also in the middle of discussion how "past life karma" or "generational sins"
can manifest in future generations until the original trespass is fully forgiven and healed.

So some of these spiritual manifestations may be consequences of past transgressions.
You can call that natural or unnatural, but either way it follows natural law of cause and effect.
the cause happens somewhere, even theorized to be in the chemistry while the
brain is developing in the womb so it's not genetic but environmental but still occurs before birth.

And what I find is that how people address the issue in relations with each other
is part of our spiritual or social growth and development of compassion and understanding of humanity.
That's why I focus on it as a spiritual identity and process, and leave it to people's beliefs
if they focus on it as natural or unnatural.
Nature created homosexuality and trans... as well. They are a standard of nature as well.

Dear Mudda

I would not call it a standard. The homosexual % of the population is at most 4% and the transgender
a fraction of that. Unless race or gender that is determined by genetics, orientation and identity
are spiritual and these can change by spiritual healing and process.

I agree if people have LBGT beliefs, that is their identity as any other faith-based creed culture or belief.
But I believe this is part of a spiritual process, and is not a fixed standard of nature.
Homosexuality is found throughout nature, making it a standard of nature.

So if cancer is found in nature, is cancer a standard of nature Mudda
So are you saying that cancer and homosexuality are the same? Just kidding, I was using Mudda logic there.

Dear ding
we don't judge people for being born with cancer, and understand some cancer is caused later by environment.
Why can't we distinguish also that some cases of homosexuality are born, and some caused by manmade abuse?

The same process of spiritual healing that has been used to heal cancer
has also been used to heal people of unwanted homosexual attractions and orientation, again, if this
was unnaturally caused by some factor that could be addressed. Such as healing abuse, so the symptoms also end.

Still, not all cases of cancer can be healed, manmade or born.
And likewise not all people's orientation can be changed either.

Why do we argue that all cases of homosexuality have to be the same way,
either all are born and cannot change, or all are manmade and can be?
Why do we argue that all cases of homosexuality have to be the same way,
either all are born and cannot change, or all are manmade and can be?

I have not made that argument. The only argument I am making is that it makes no sense to define the rule by the exception.
You have absolutely no concept of what the word deviant means, do you.

deviant: departing from usual or accepted standards, especially in social or sexual behavior.
Homosexuality is an accepted standard by everyone except homophobes like you.
lol, I'm not a homophobe though. I accept your choice to have sex with same gender. I really do. Seriously. Please go forth and fornicate with my blessing. What else would you like for me to do for you?
Why else would you call homosexuality "deviant" behaviour?
Because statistically it is a deviation from the norm.
Homosexuality is part of nature, get over it. Being left handed is a deviation from the norm, so is having green eyes... They all deviants, lol? Or just evildoers? :lol:
Right, and we don't write from right to left to accommodate them. Hence, it makes no sense to define the rule for the exception. Now do you understand?

I am not making the case that they are perverts or evil doers? That is your straw man argument. You are putting words into my mouth to avoid addressing my real argument.

I don't believe that people like yourself who prefer to have sex with the same gender are any more or any less of perverts and evil doers in our society than people who prefer to have sex with the opposite gender. Now do you understand?
Nature created homosexuality and trans... as well. They are a standard of nature as well.

Dear Mudda

I would not call it a standard. The homosexual % of the population is at most 4% and the transgender
a fraction of that. Unless race or gender that is determined by genetics, orientation and identity
are spiritual and these can change by spiritual healing and process.

I agree if people have LBGT beliefs, that is their identity as any other faith-based creed culture or belief.
But I believe this is part of a spiritual process, and is not a fixed standard of nature.
Homosexuality is found throughout nature, making it a standard of nature.

So if cancer is found in nature, is cancer a standard of nature Mudda

Thank you Mudda at least you are fair and consistent with your terms.
One of my atheist friends also answered this question yes, he sees the
sexuality issue as natural and also other anomalies we call diseases
to be naturally occurring. That is fair and consistent, thank you.

Now, If I bring up the issue of spiritual healing, and how this has been
applied to either cure the cause of cancer, or leave people's conditions unchanged.
And also with homosexuality, where in some cases after people let go forgive and are healed spiritually,
they come out as either straight or gay, as transgender, or give up that orientation and identity and no longer feel or identify as transgender or gay,
are you okay with this concept of using "spiritual healing" to restore people's natural "default" state.
Spiritual healing has not been proven to work.
And if you're talking about curing gay people and bringing them back to their natural hetero state, then you're nuts, plain and simple.
Dear Mudda

I would not call it a standard. The homosexual % of the population is at most 4% and the transgender
a fraction of that. Unless race or gender that is determined by genetics, orientation and identity
are spiritual and these can change by spiritual healing and process.

I agree if people have LBGT beliefs, that is their identity as any other faith-based creed culture or belief.
But I believe this is part of a spiritual process, and is not a fixed standard of nature.
Homosexuality is found throughout nature, making it a standard of nature.

So if cancer is found in nature, is cancer a standard of nature Mudda
So are you saying that cancer and homosexuality are the same? Just kidding, I was using Mudda logic there.

Dear ding
we don't judge people for being born with cancer, and understand some cancer is caused later by environment.
Why can't we distinguish also that some cases of homosexuality are born, and some caused by manmade abuse?

The same process of spiritual healing that has been used to heal cancer
has also been used to heal people of unwanted homosexual attractions and orientation, again, if this
was unnaturally caused by some factor that could be addressed. Such as healing abuse, so the symptoms also end.

Still, not all cases of cancer can be healed, manmade or born.
And likewise not all people's orientation can be changed either.

Why do we argue that all cases of homosexuality have to be the same way,
either all are born and cannot change, or all are manmade and can be?
Homosexuality is not a curable thing. It's also prevalent in nature. Stop being such a hater.
Homosexuality is an accepted standard by everyone except homophobes like you.
lol, I'm not a homophobe though. I accept your choice to have sex with same gender. I really do. Seriously. Please go forth and fornicate with my blessing. What else would you like for me to do for you?
Why else would you call homosexuality "deviant" behaviour?
Because statistically it is a deviation from the norm.
Homosexuality is part of nature, get over it. Being left handed is a deviation from the norm, so is having green eyes... They all deviants, lol? Or just evildoers? :lol:
Right, and we don't write from right to left to accommodate them. Hence, it makes no sense to define the rule for the exception. Now do you understand?

I am not making the case that they are perverts or evil doers? That is your straw man argument. You are putting words into my mouth to avoid addressing my real argument.

I don't believe that people like yourself who prefer to have sex with the same gender are any more or any less of perverts and evil doers in our society than people who prefer to have sex with the opposite gender. Now do you understand?
Just how you try to label me gay as some sort of put down shows what a homophobe you are. Busted! :lol:
Homosexuality is found throughout nature, making it a standard of nature.

So if cancer is found in nature, is cancer a standard of nature Mudda
So are you saying that cancer and homosexuality are the same? Just kidding, I was using Mudda logic there.

Dear ding
we don't judge people for being born with cancer, and understand some cancer is caused later by environment.
Why can't we distinguish also that some cases of homosexuality are born, and some caused by manmade abuse?

The same process of spiritual healing that has been used to heal cancer
has also been used to heal people of unwanted homosexual attractions and orientation, again, if this
was unnaturally caused by some factor that could be addressed. Such as healing abuse, so the symptoms also end.

Still, not all cases of cancer can be healed, manmade or born.
And likewise not all people's orientation can be changed either.

Why do we argue that all cases of homosexuality have to be the same way,
either all are born and cannot change, or all are manmade and can be?
Homosexuality is not a curable thing. It's also prevalent in nature. Stop being such a hater.

Dear Mudda Where do you get that I am hating on anything or anyone?
I have found the same process of spiritual healing
helps people come out straight or gay, or transgender as one of my friends did online
once I explained that Christianity is about forgiveness and not judgment: after my friend
let go of his own hatred toward Christianity he came out as a she and now identifies as female.
Because of forgiveness, and this was able to heal the problems causing resentment
and suppression in my friend's case.

So you are talking to someone who counseled a LGBT person to come out as a female
who previously resented having to live as a male and suppress natural identity.

Does that sound hateful to you?
lol, I'm not a homophobe though. I accept your choice to have sex with same gender. I really do. Seriously. Please go forth and fornicate with my blessing. What else would you like for me to do for you?
Why else would you call homosexuality "deviant" behaviour?
Because statistically it is a deviation from the norm.
Homosexuality is part of nature, get over it. Being left handed is a deviation from the norm, so is having green eyes... They all deviants, lol? Or just evildoers? :lol:
Right, and we don't write from right to left to accommodate them. Hence, it makes no sense to define the rule for the exception. Now do you understand?

I am not making the case that they are perverts or evil doers? That is your straw man argument. You are putting words into my mouth to avoid addressing my real argument.

I don't believe that people like yourself who prefer to have sex with the same gender are any more or any less of perverts and evil doers in our society than people who prefer to have sex with the opposite gender. Now do you understand?
Just how you try to label me gay as some sort of put down shows what a homophobe you are. Busted! :lol:

Dear Mudda and you mislabeled me as being hateful when I am not.
So you are at least even with ding, in misjudging people online.

Can I ask you why you think it is hateful if people like me accept
my friends whether they come out gay transgender or straight after going through spiritual healing?

Are you saying that if I accept both, that's hateful?
So I should only accept the one who come out gay
and REJECT the ones who come out straight?

Can you explain how that is being hateful
to accept them no matter how they might change or not change
and trust them either way?

I have a friend who came out transgender
and one who gave up the idea he needed to transition like his father did to a woman
and decided to stay male.

I have friends who are both gay and those who are straight
and have helped counsel and heal people who were gay because of child abuse,
and who changed after that abuse was healed.

Are you saying I should reject any of these people?
Are you saying if I accept them all, then that is hateful?
How? Why can't I let my friends be who they are and accept them no matter
what they believe?
lol, I'm not a homophobe though. I accept your choice to have sex with same gender. I really do. Seriously. Please go forth and fornicate with my blessing. What else would you like for me to do for you?
Why else would you call homosexuality "deviant" behaviour?
Because statistically it is a deviation from the norm.
Homosexuality is part of nature, get over it. Being left handed is a deviation from the norm, so is having green eyes... They all deviants, lol? Or just evildoers? :lol:
Right, and we don't write from right to left to accommodate them. Hence, it makes no sense to define the rule for the exception. Now do you understand?

I am not making the case that they are perverts or evil doers? That is your straw man argument. You are putting words into my mouth to avoid addressing my real argument.

I don't believe that people like yourself who prefer to have sex with the same gender are any more or any less of perverts and evil doers in our society than people who prefer to have sex with the opposite gender. Now do you understand?
Just how you try to label me gay as some sort of put down shows what a homophobe you are. Busted! :lol:
Dude, I have already covered this in posts 507, 510, 512 and 524. I don't believe being gay is a put down. Do you see it as one? I'm not a homophobe. Go and live your life as you choose. My only argument is that it doesn't make any sense at all to define the rule by exception.
What standard? The one set by the book you agree isn't true?
No. Don't be silly. The standard set by nature. Nature has decided that male and female unions are how natural selection is passed down to the next generation.

Thank you for proving my point that atheists worship science but are the first to argue against it.

Their religion is socialism which worships big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. They have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Their doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion. They can be identified by an external locus of control. They worship science but are the first to argue against it.
Nature created homosexuality and trans... as well. They are a standard of nature as well.
Diversity Is Perversity

All you are pointing out is that nature created impurities, deformities, and toxicities. Intelligence weeds them out. Intelligence never accepts what mindless nature imposes on us.

Theists believe without proof. What is worse but loudly preached as better, New Age religion believes what has been obviously disproven. Forced to choose between only those two, we have to accept religion in order to survive.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

“More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.’”

“Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies,

and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval...But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.’”

“Templeton Lecture, May 10, 1983,” in The Solzhenitsyn Reader: New and Essential Writings, 1947-2005, eds. Edward E. Ericson, Jr. and Daniel J. Mahoney (Wilmington, DE: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2006), 577


Just as you do to your cult with Biblical passages, you post these quotations as if they were undeniable mathematical proof. Free men automatically reject such authoritarian bullying attitudes. We refuse to listen to more because being so pushy is a form of verbal abuse.

Undeniable mathematical proof? No. Self evident truths that are proven through reason and experience? Yes. Reason and experience tell us that virtue is necessary for freedom and liberty. I posted those quotes in response to your comment that we have to accept religion to survive. Religion does serve a vital purpose. It does what government cannot do. It teaches morality and virtue. Without virtue and morality there can be no freedom and liberty.
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I know all about your cult.
Very good. Will you please tell me: On what reason died Pope Eleutherus in May/24th 189 AD?
That makes no sense.

In my ears nearly nothing makes sense when people in the english speaking world make conversations and discussions. I seldom have the feeling the people speak with each other. Conversations seem to be a kind of war game in your world. Everything seems to be a kind of war game. War seems to be one of the most positive values in your world. A big problem - maybe even a key problem of the world, because to follow ideas of the english speaking world allows maybe not to solve the problems of the world, because this could infect everything with war.

We wrote the bible. We made it not on the reason to create a god for protestants - we made it because of our doddery brains. We did not like to forget or to remember wrong.
WE? The Old and New Testaments were written by Jews, dufus.
Your inability to justify the catholic cult by Scripture proves it is a cult.

I'm a descendant of king David as well as I am a Catholic.

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It's hard to take seriously someone who has no proof of their invisible friend whom they worship. You act all snooty like I'm the doofus for not believing in invisible people, when you've not put forth even one shred of evidence.

Remember, proof requires something physical to measure. God is spiritual, we can offer no proof. There are questions we can propose: What is more likely: Matter and motion have always been and always will be...and that intelligence (non-matter)--spirit--comes from matter. Or, Intelligence/Spirit is what was/is infinite and matter came from this intelligence. Keep in mind science is now dealing with very small, almost invisible, quarks and their even smaller make-up.

It is not an invisible person in which we believe--but a supreme, intelligent being. The Bible describes the universe as a grain of sand to God.
What's more likely, us dumb ass humans figuring out the universe? Or getting it wrong? And you have ZERO proof, get a grip, brah.
The universe and everything in it wasn't made in 6 days, a woman wasn't made out of a man's rib, there was no worldwide flood... The bible is a made up book by man, a con man's wet dream, if you will.

Dear Mudda if you take the Bible to represent the history and future of humanity's spiritual development,
then that general description can be correct and 100% agreed upon.
Even if we humans get the details wrong here and there.

I compare it to the grief process, where people go through stages to grow from a state of innocence,
to losing their faith to setbacks, overcoming and recovering, and reaching a higher state of resolution with
experience and understanding that wasn't possible except through the learning experience.

The OT represents the early phase of retributive justice and learning by judgment and punishments for wrongs;
the NT represents the later stage of restorative justice and learning by forgiveness and correction to make things right.

So this is very general and describes the overall path of humanity from beginning of awareness to mature fulfillment.
And this applies both to individual life experiences and path in life, to the collective whole of all humanity combined.
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.
The universe and everything in it weren't made in 6 days. Need more? That was only page 1. :D

Dear Mudda the 6 days represent 6 stages.
So depending how you define what these 6 stages mean, this can be universal or relative,
it can be right to some people and different for someone else's perspective on life.

This is faith based, and cannot be proven or disproven right or wrong,
just relative to each person if it has meaning or not. It only makes sense that if someone is actually using
the Bible as a reference, they would use the interpretation to refer to something
REAL that has meaning to them, and thus it represents something true TO THEM.

Now, other people may take what the Bible means to that person,
and say that doesn't relate or isn't true for them. But that doesn't make it untrue.
That interpretation still represents something true for them,
even if it isn't "universal" for all people. A relative truth is still part of the greater collective truth.
Dear ding
Because Mudda does not have any knowledge, understanding or experience with spiritual healing
being used to change people's orientation or identity in cases when this is "unnaturally caused by abuse"
this is causing a bias that you and I must be injecting some opposition to homosexuality for religious reasons
that aren't even true. This wrongful impression can be changed if it is understood spiritual healing is not false or coerced but helps those who agree that the homosexuality is not natural for them but was caused by unnatural circumstances they agree to go through the therapy to heal from. So the unwanted homosexual attractions they decide are unnatural for them will change because and where it is attached to the unnatural abuse that is the focus of healing therapy.

See the source I cited for therapy that has effectively helped people change, but is NOT hateful and is NOT rejecting or judging anyone for homosexuality yet it still recognizes that homosexuality is NOT the natural default state and it CAN be changed as part of someone's spiritual process:
How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education

If more people understand this process is based on forgiveness, inclusion and acceptance
and NOT on judgement rejection coercion fear guilt or anything negative,
then this fear can stop that people are being hateful about it. This spiritual healing process
is the same whether people are overcoming barriers and coming out either gay or straight. It is not about dictating or judging what someone is naturally, but helping them restore and make peace with whatever their natural state is.
Why else would you call homosexuality "deviant" behaviour?
Because statistically it is a deviation from the norm.
Homosexuality is part of nature, get over it. Being left handed is a deviation from the norm, so is having green eyes... They all deviants, lol? Or just evildoers? :lol:
Right, and we don't write from right to left to accommodate them. Hence, it makes no sense to define the rule for the exception. Now do you understand?

I am not making the case that they are perverts or evil doers? That is your straw man argument. You are putting words into my mouth to avoid addressing my real argument.

I don't believe that people like yourself who prefer to have sex with the same gender are any more or any less of perverts and evil doers in our society than people who prefer to have sex with the opposite gender. Now do you understand?
Just how you try to label me gay as some sort of put down shows what a homophobe you are. Busted! :lol:

Dear Mudda and you mislabeled me as being hateful when I am not.
So you are at least even with ding, in misjudging people online.

Can I ask you why you think it is hateful if people like me accept
my friends whether they come out gay transgender or straight after going through spiritual healing?

Are you saying that if I accept both, that's hateful?
So I should only accept the one who come out gay
and REJECT the ones who come out straight?

Can you explain how that is being hateful
to accept them no matter how they might change or not change
and trust them either way?

I have a friend who came out transgender
and one who gave up the idea he needed to transition like his father did to a woman
and decided to stay male.

I have friends who are both gay and those who are straight
and have helped counsel and heal people who were gay because of child abuse,
and who changed after that abuse was healed.

Are you saying I should reject any of these people?
Are you saying if I accept them all, then that is hateful?
How? Why can't I let my friends be who they are and accept them no matter
what they believe?
You healed people from being gay?
Yes, prove the Bible is wrong.
The universe and everything in it weren't made in 6 days. Need more? That was only page 1. :D

Dear Mudda the 6 days represent 6 stages.
So depending how you define what these 6 stages mean, this can be universal or relative,
it can be right to some people and different for someone else's perspective on life.

This is faith based, and cannot be proven or disproven right or wrong,
just relative to each person if it has meaning or not. It only makes sense that if someone is actually using
the Bible as a reference, they would use the interpretation to refer to something
REAL that has meaning to them, and thus it represents something true TO THEM.

Now, other people may take what the Bible means to that person,
and say that doesn't relate or isn't true for them. But that doesn't make it untrue.
That interpretation still represents something true for them,
even if it isn't "universal" for all people. A relative truth is still part of the greater collective truth.
You're wrong, the bible says 6 days, and means 6 days. Please try again.
It's hard to take seriously someone who has no proof of their invisible friend whom they worship. You act all snooty like I'm the doofus for not believing in invisible people, when you've not put forth even one shred of evidence.

Remember, proof requires something physical to measure. God is spiritual, we can offer no proof. There are questions we can propose: What is more likely: Matter and motion have always been and always will be...and that intelligence (non-matter)--spirit--comes from matter. Or, Intelligence/Spirit is what was/is infinite and matter came from this intelligence. Keep in mind science is now dealing with very small, almost invisible, quarks and their even smaller make-up.

It is not an invisible person in which we believe--but a supreme, intelligent being. The Bible describes the universe as a grain of sand to God.
What's more likely, us dumb ass humans figuring out the universe? Or getting it wrong? And you have ZERO proof, get a grip, brah.
The universe and everything in it wasn't made in 6 days, a woman wasn't made out of a man's rib, there was no worldwide flood... The bible is a made up book by man, a con man's wet dream, if you will.

Dear Mudda if you take the Bible to represent the history and future of humanity's spiritual development,
then that general description can be correct and 100% agreed upon.
Even if we humans get the details wrong here and there.

I compare it to the grief process, where people go through stages to grow from a state of innocence,
to losing their faith to setbacks, overcoming and recovering, and reaching a higher state of resolution with
experience and understanding that wasn't possible except through the learning experience.

The OT represents the early phase of retributive justice and learning by judgment and punishments for wrongs;
the NT represents the later stage of restorative justice and learning by forgiveness and correction to make things right.

So this is very general and describes the overall path of humanity from beginning of awareness to mature fulfillment.
And this applies both to individual life experiences and path in life, to the collective whole of all humanity combined.
In which case, you'd be totally wrong.
Dear ding
Because Mudda does not have any knowledge, understanding or experience with spiritual healing
being used to change people's orientation or identity in cases when this is "unnaturally caused by abuse"
this is causing a bias that you and I must be injecting some opposition to homosexuality for religious reasons
that aren't even true. This wrongful impression can be changed if it is understood spiritual healing is not false or coerced but helps those who agree that the homosexuality is not natural for them but was caused by unnatural circumstances they agree to go through the therapy to heal from. So the unwanted homosexual attractions they decide are unnatural for them will change because and where it is attached to the unnatural abuse that is the focus of healing therapy.

See the source I cited for therapy that has effectively helped people change, but is NOT hateful and is NOT rejecting or judging anyone for homosexuality yet it still recognizes that homosexuality is NOT the natural default state and it CAN be changed as part of someone's spiritual process:
How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education

If more people understand this process is based on forgiveness, inclusion and acceptance
and NOT on judgement rejection coercion fear guilt or anything negative,
then this fear can stop that people are being hateful about it. This spiritual healing process
is the same whether people are overcoming barriers and coming out either gay or straight. It is not about dictating or judging what someone is naturally, but helping them restore and make peace with whatever their natural state is.
You're a hateful homophobe, thinking you can change people's sexual orientation. That and you're nuts.
The Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated 34,000 denominations in 2000, rising to an estimated 43,000 in 2012. These numbers have exploded from 1,600 in the year 1900.

so which one is the one "true" church?

Have you ever wondered by all the major world religions of today, except maybe Hinduism, is all based upon the God of the Bible?

No? The hell you say

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