How come USMB Republicans refuse to learn anything about Trump?

How come USMB Republicans refuse to learn anything about Trump?

Probably for the same reasons that democrats refuse to learn anything about Hillary

But I guess you already know that

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated

Jantje, I know you are not interested in the why of my distrust of Donald. I've often said that what I do not know about him is scarier than what I do know about Hillary. But this Orlando Sentinel editorial writer explains how I feel much more than I can. I also make no excuses for Hillary, but hyperbole aside, all I hear are faux knuckle biting horror conspiracies from a legion of investigative head hunters. Read this thru for an explanation of the thoughts of many captured in this blurb.

Editorial: Clinton's foundation woes pale compared with Trump's
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.
I have noticed they don't care what kind of slimeball trump is. They already made up their minds who they are voting for, in 1980

Now they will tell you its cause hillary sucks but God could run as a democrat and Republicans would want to crucify him
God would never be a democrat, there is no way he would treat blacks like ignorant slaves only good for bringing out once every 4 years with fake promises for a vote.
Keep talking. You guys are doing a great job winning over blacks! Lol
This response displays how racist you libtards really are. Blacks don't have to be won over, dumass. They want the same things we all want - a healthy economy with companys competing for good employees, and a safe and secure country with safe cities and communities in which to work.
If you think hillary has the competence to provide either, you are one stupid sonofabitch.
They want the same thing we all want and the GOP ain't the answer. Did you forget bush hastert and Tom delay dummy?

You're just a dumb Republican who blacks and liberal whites can't stand
I spent a lot of years on paranormal and skeptic forums showing the clients of psychics and mediums how they were being conned.

But even after being shown irrefutable proof they were being conned, the rubes refused to admit they had been taken. In fact, the closer you got to the truth, the more violent and nasty they became.

You see, a rube suffers from the "I want to bleev it, so it must be true" syndrome. They have invested their entire belief system in the huckster. If you take away that belief system, it leaves a huge, terrifying hole.

And there is a lot of ego involved. No one likes to admit they were taken, especially when the con is blazingly obvious to everyone else. No one likes to look the fool.

So the rubes will defend the person or the system which has robbed them. Tooth and nail. To the death.

That is why the rubes refuse to learn anything about Trump. Their blindness is deliberate and willful.

And their defense of Trump will cause them to build some of the most hilarious illogical structures.

Nothing you can do.

Is this a major whine because you are being ignored?
That's silly. I just want sTRUMPets to talk about their candidate. They think what they don't know won't hurt them. They thought that about Bush.
Waaaa I just want... waaaaa.

You are not believed. Democrats sent an army to make up crap. They said they were going to do it long before the first mythic hit piece hit lib media.

Ann Coulter just finished a book about the subject. More people will read her book than smell the shit you shoveled here.

Of more truth is.....

We hate you. Conservatives would not spit on a liberal that was burning in the gutter. No matter what you say, we won't believe it. We don't want to talk to you, although we may talk at you from time to time. Other than that scream, twist in the wind, who cares you are sentenced to your own echo chamber.

G5000 was correct...
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.
I have noticed they don't care what kind of slimeball trump is. They already made up their minds who they are voting for, in 1980

Now they will tell you its cause hillary sucks but God could run as a democrat and Republicans would want to crucify him
God would never be a democrat, there is no way he would treat blacks like ignorant slaves only good for bringing out once every 4 years with fake promises for a vote.
Keep talking. You guys are doing a great job winning over blacks! Lol
This response displays how racist you libtards really are. Blacks don't have to be won over, dumass. They want the same things we all want - a healthy economy with companys competing for good employees, and a safe and secure country with safe cities and communities in which to work.
If you think hillary has the competence to provide either, you are one stupid sonofabitch.
They want the same thing we all want and the GOP ain't the answer. Did you forget bush hastert and Tom delay dummy?

You're just a dumb Republican who blacks and liberal whites can't stand
Reread the post shitforbrains. Obama is the most racist president this country has ever seen. And dumfuks like you swallow his spew faster than free pancakes.
What we have learned is that the Republican party is no longer the party of family values or any kind of decency. They chose the candidate who acted like a five year old calling his opponents names like "little marco" , and defending his penis size on national television. And they nominated him overwhelmingly. Not to mention he is a birther, and a con artist that runs sham businesses like Trump university, and won't release his tax returns because he is a fraud. Donald Trump is the face of the Republican party today and proof positive it is a disaster.
And after spewing all that sewage, he's still a damn sight better than the bus stop rat bag old hag lying incompetent power-hungry socialist piece of shit HiLIARy.

If you are dumb as fuck and like being conned I guess so.
Do you mean conned like the dems have been doing to the minorities for the last 40 years telling them about all the great opportunities they are going to have, while leaving them on the democratic plantation? that type of con?

^Approved talking point for this week.
Jantje, I know you are not interested in the why of my distrust of Donald. I've often said that what I do not know about him is scarier than what I do know about Hillary. But this Orlando Sentinel editorial writer explains how I feel much more than I can. I also make no excuses for Hillary, but hyperbole aside, all I hear are faux knuckle biting horror conspiracies from a legion of investigative head hunters. Read this thru for an explanation of the thoughts of many captured in this blurb.

Editorial: Clinton's foundation woes pale compared with Trump's

You misunderstand, I'm not a Trump groupie. I think he's a narcissistic clown who never should be allowed near the oval office. I also think Hillary is a totally corrupt wall street puppet with an unhealthy obsession of regime changes to benefit Israel.

I was just making fun of the two sides calling each other uneducated partisan groupies

Because Facts Don't Matter

The phenomenon is called backfire, and it plays an especially important role in how we shape and solidify our beliefs on immigration, the president's place of birth, welfare and other highly partisan issues.
Jantje, I know you are not interested in the why of my distrust of Donald. I've often said that what I do not know about him is scarier than what I do know about Hillary. But this Orlando Sentinel editorial writer explains how I feel much more than I can. I also make no excuses for Hillary, but hyperbole aside, all I hear are faux knuckle biting horror conspiracies from a legion of investigative head hunters. Read this thru for an explanation of the thoughts of many captured in this blurb.

Editorial: Clinton's foundation woes pale compared with Trump's

You misunderstand, I'm not a Trump groupie. I think he's a narcissistic clown who never should be allowed near the oval office. I also think Hillary is a totally corrupt wall street puppet with an unhealthy obsession of regime changes to benefit Israel.

I was just making fun of the two sides calling each other uneducated partisan groupies

Jantje, I DID misunderstand you, and I regret that. Thank you for calling my attention to my misjudgement.
Trump supporters reading a book?

Thanks for the laugh Tipsycatlover Maybe coloring a book...
If you're so desperate you want to claim we don't read books, we got this in the bag?

Don't read? Can't read. HRC won the election when Marco flamed out and Kasich didn't fill the void. When it became a race between Trump and Cruz, Hillary could have started picking out china patterns right then and there.

That is simply the political reality.
Your pride will be your downfall. God opposes the haughty heart.
Of the two candidates running for president:

Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress.

Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical.

Only Hillary Clinton ordered the deletion of over 30 thousand emails after she was ordered to hand the server containing them over to the Feds.

Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges and then laughed about it during an interview.

Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.

Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails.

Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire after landing in Bosnia.

Only Hillary Clinton lied about actually lying to the American people.

Only Hillary Clinton was involved in “Cash Cow “

Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband's sexual harassment (and rape) accusers.

Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician.

Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks.

Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto.

Only Hillary Clinton was labeled “Extremely careless “about national security by the FBI.

Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class. Surprising right? Watch the speech.

Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election. Bernie never had a chance.

Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House.

Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victim's parents were lying.

Only Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her based on her gender.

Only Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI and found to have put national security at risk.

Only Hillary Clinton made congress and others spend millions and millions of tax dollars having hearings and investigating her to find that she lied, that would not have been spent if she would have simply told the truth in the first place! Fact - all facts!

Only Hillary Clinton regularly cussed out and belittled her Secret Service detail.

But you are going to vote for her because.... you don't like Donald Trump? That is insane!

I will never understand how any moral person in good conscience could vote for this woman.
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.
Of the two candidates running for president:

Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress.

Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical.

Only Hillary Clinton ordered the deletion of over 30 thousand emails after she was ordered to hand the server containing them over to the Feds.

Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges and then laughed about it during an interview.

Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.

Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails.

Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire after landing in Bosnia.

Only Hillary Clinton lied about actually lying to the American people.

Only Hillary Clinton was involved in “Cash Cow “

Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband's sexual harassment (and rape) accusers.

Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician.

Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks.

Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto.

Only Hillary Clinton was labeled “Extremely careless “about national security by the FBI.

Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class. Surprising right? Watch the speech.

Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election. Bernie never had a chance.

Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House.

Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victim's parents were lying.

Only Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her based on her gender.

Only Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI and found to have put national security at risk.

Only Hillary Clinton made congress and others spend millions and millions of tax dollars having hearings and investigating her to find that she lied, that would not have been spent if she would have simply told the truth in the first place! Fact - all facts!

Only Hillary Clinton regularly cussed out and belittled her Secret Service detail.

But you are going to vote for her because.... you don't like Donald Trump? That is insane!

I will never understand how any moral person in good conscience could vote for this woman.
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.
I can play that even better.
Trump supporters reading a book?

Thanks for the laugh Tipsycatlover Maybe coloring a book...
If you're so desperate you want to claim we don't read books, we got this in the bag?

Don't read? Can't read. HRC won the election when Marco flamed out and Kasich didn't fill the void. When it became a race between Trump and Cruz, Hillary could have started picking out china patterns right then and there.

That is simply the political reality.
She already has the china....
Is this a major whine because you are being ignored?
That's silly. I just want sTRUMPets to talk about their candidate. They think what they don't know won't hurt them. They thought that about Bush.
Bush won two elections. Next....
Well, he won one and was given one by the Supreme Court.
No, he won that too. The Supreme Court just stopped the pointless recounts that keep showing Bush taking Orange County.
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.
I have noticed they don't care what kind of slimeball trump is. They already made up their minds who they are voting for, in 1980

Now they will tell you its cause hillary sucks but God could run as a democrat and Republicans would want to crucify him
God would never be a democrat, there is no way he would treat blacks like ignorant slaves only good for bringing out once every 4 years with fake promises for a vote.
Republicans applaud men who shoot black children.
Is this a major whine because you are being ignored?
That's silly. I just want sTRUMPets to talk about their candidate. They think what they don't know won't hurt them. They thought that about Bush.
Bush won two elections. Next....
Well, he won one and was given one by the Supreme Court.
No, he won that too. The Supreme Court just stopped the pointless recounts that keep showing Bush taking Orange County.
Supreme Court Case Study: Bush v. Gore - dummies
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.
I have noticed they don't care what kind of slimeball trump is. They already made up their minds who they are voting for, in 1980

Now they will tell you its cause hillary sucks but God could run as a democrat and Republicans would want to crucify him
God would never be a democrat, there is no way he would treat blacks like ignorant slaves only good for bringing out once every 4 years with fake promises for a vote.
Republicans applaud men who shoot black children.
Trump supporters reading a book?

Thanks for the laugh Tipsycatlover Maybe coloring a book...
If you're so desperate you want to claim we don't read books, we got this in the bag?

Don't read? Can't read. HRC won the election when Marco flamed out and Kasich didn't fill the void. When it became a race between Trump and Cruz, Hillary could have started picking out china patterns right then and there.

That is simply the political reality.
Your pride will be your downfall. God opposes the haughty heart.

Did you read Ann Coulter’s book? Be honest.
Trump supporters reading a book?

Thanks for the laugh Tipsycatlover Maybe coloring a book...
If you're so desperate you want to claim we don't read books, we got this in the bag?

Don't read? Can't read. HRC won the election when Marco flamed out and Kasich didn't fill the void. When it became a race between Trump and Cruz, Hillary could have started picking out china patterns right then and there.

That is simply the political reality.
Your pride will be your downfall. God opposes the haughty heart.

Did you read Ann Coulter’s book? Be honest.
No. But then again, I hate her.

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