How come USMB Republicans refuse to learn anything about Trump?


Trump supporters aren’t readers. They are basically dumb people.
You post some stupid fucking shit, that takes the cake.

Your messiah, ladies and gentlemen

How come Rderp refuses to learn anything about anything?

R-Derp doesn't need to learn...he has Think Progress to tell him what to think. He gets up every morning...hits his far left web sites to get that days rant and then comes here and parrots it in yet another string that gets lampooned from the get go. He's the prototypical low information internet drone!

Trump supporters aren’t readers. They are basically dumb people.
You post some stupid fucking shit, that takes the cake.

Your messiah, ladies and gentlemen


That's because he knew only too well that Hillary Clinton is for give her money...she gives you political favors. Why do you think the Wall Street fat cats are pouring millions into Hillary's campaign? How naive are you, Candy? Oh actually BELIEVE the things that Hillary Clinton're about as naive as they come!

Trump supporters aren’t readers. They are basically dumb people.
You post some stupid fucking shit, that takes the cake.

Your messiah, ladies and gentlemen


That's because he knew only too well that Hillary Clinton is for give her money...she gives you political favors. Why do you think the Wall Street fat cats are pouring millions into Hillary's campaign? How naive are you, Candy? Oh actually BELIEVE the things that Hillary Clinton're about as naive as they come!

That is one polluted stream of consciousness. But, whatever. Trump supporters are not known for being too bright.

Trump supporters aren’t readers. They are basically dumb people.
You post some stupid fucking shit, that takes the cake.

Your messiah, ladies and gentlemen


That's because he knew only too well that Hillary Clinton is for give her money...she gives you political favors. Why do you think the Wall Street fat cats are pouring millions into Hillary's campaign? How naive are you, Candy? Oh actually BELIEVE the things that Hillary Clinton're about as naive as they come!

That is one polluted stream of consciousness. But, whatever. Trump supporters are not known for being too bright.

Oh, are we back to that nonsense about how much "smarter" liberals are than conservatives? Quite frankly, Candy...I don't see much evidence of that here...are you guys holding back the smart liberals and going with the JV team?

Trump supporters aren’t readers. They are basically dumb people.
You post some stupid fucking shit, that takes the cake.

Your messiah, ladies and gentlemen


That's because he knew only too well that Hillary Clinton is for give her money...she gives you political favors. Why do you think the Wall Street fat cats are pouring millions into Hillary's campaign? How naive are you, Candy? Oh actually BELIEVE the things that Hillary Clinton're about as naive as they come!

That is one polluted stream of consciousness. But, whatever. Trump supporters are not known for being too bright.

Oh, are we back to that nonsense about how much "smarter" liberals are than conservatives? Quite frankly, Candy...I don't see much evidence of that here...are you guys holding back the smart liberals and going with the JV team?
freshman team

Trump supporters aren’t readers. They are basically dumb people.
You post some stupid fucking shit, that takes the cake.

Your messiah, ladies and gentlemen


That's because he knew only too well that Hillary Clinton is for give her money...she gives you political favors. Why do you think the Wall Street fat cats are pouring millions into Hillary's campaign? How naive are you, Candy? Oh actually BELIEVE the things that Hillary Clinton're about as naive as they come!

That is one polluted stream of consciousness. But, whatever. Trump supporters are not known for being too bright.

Oh, are we back to that nonsense about how much "smarter" liberals are than conservatives? Quite frankly, Candy...I don't see much evidence of that here...are you guys holding back the smart liberals and going with the JV team?

Well here is one glaring example.

You guys are opposed to HRC taking office. So you nominate someone who is a close friend of hers and who has contributed heavily to both her and her husbands campaigns and the CGI.

Your move slick.
Republicans applaud men who shoot black children.
It really bothers Republicans that Clinton's a womanizer but here they are voting for a womanizer.

It bothered Republicans that Clinton smoked pot but not that bush did cocaine.

They don't like abortion but didn't care Gw got his girlfriend an illegal abortion in the 60s.

And Pants Suit takes money from countries that murder homosexuals while claiming to be supportive of gay rights, a flip flop from the position she held 8 years ago.

Welcome to politics, you poor, dumb son of a bitch.
It was the conservatives who passed citizens united stupid. We told you this could happen stupid. You do know team trumps being funded by Putin, right?

So if you want to stop it vote hillary and her appointee will undo citizens united stupid cock sucker
Really? You think it's OK for her to take money because she CAN? You are such a hypocrite.

she ain't taking foreign $ for her political campaign nor actively seeking it out like trump.

Says Hillary Clinton has been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that "treat women horribly ... and countries that kill gays."

Donald Trump on Saturday, June 18th, 2016 in a Phoenix rally

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat women, gays poorly?
By Anthony Cave on Monday, July 11th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Donald Trump continues to attack Hillary Clinton on everything from campaign spending to ISIS.

At a rally in Phoenix, he accused her of taking money from countries that have a poor rapport with women and gay people.

"She's been given tens of millions of dollars by countries that treat women horribly," Trump said June 18. "And countries that kill gays, they kill gays, they push them off of buildings."

Trump, whose campaign did not return a request for comment, seems to be referencing donations given to the Clinton Foundation. Trump has referenced her foundation ties in the past, saying she needs to "return the $25 million" Saudi Arabia gave the foundation.

The William J. Clinton Foundation was incorporated in 1997. The foundation agreed to disclose its donors when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state in 2009.

We wondered whether the Clintons’ donor list holds up to Trump’s claim.

But first, it is important to note that political candidates cannot take money from foreign entities.

"The prohibition in the Federal Election Campaign Act is against candidates or political committees soliciting, accepting or receiving contributions from foreign nationals, not only governments," said Michael Malbin, a political science professor at the University at Albany.

Hillary Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin also noted that the former first lady played no role in the foundation while she was secretary of state.

"Further, she did not blink before standing up to countries that oppressed their people and denied them of their rights, from LGBT rights to women's rights," Schwerin said.

Did Hillary Clinton take money from countries that treat wom
Democrats should really fight. If democrats think republicans are funded by Putin, they have an obligation to take up weapons and end it.

not republicans. trump. you know the hacking of the DNC was russian & now this:

FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

Michael Isikoff
Chief Investigative Correspondent
August 29, 2016

FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

Trump supporters aren’t readers. They are basically dumb people.
You post some stupid fucking shit, that takes the cake.

Your messiah, ladies and gentlemen


That's because he knew only too well that Hillary Clinton is for give her money...she gives you political favors. Why do you think the Wall Street fat cats are pouring millions into Hillary's campaign? How naive are you, Candy? Oh actually BELIEVE the things that Hillary Clinton're about as naive as they come!

so what has trump claimed he got in return when he donated to the foundation?
not republicans. trump. you know the hacking of the DNC was russian & now this:

FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

Michael Isikoff
Chief Investigative Correspondent
August 29, 2016

FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

Actually Comrade, it was WikiLeaks to who hit the corrupt DNC.

And Hillary had Seth Rich murdered in return

Tried to murder Assange, but fucked it up.
not republicans. trump. you know the hacking of the DNC was russian & now this:

FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

Michael Isikoff
Chief Investigative Correspondent
August 29, 2016

FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

Actually Comrade, it was WikiLeaks to who hit the corrupt DNC.

And Hillary had Seth Rich murdered in return

Tried to murder Assange, but fucked it up.

He must have all the Hillary dirt on a dead mans switch
Probably a similar reason that you refuse to learn anything about Hillary, and just claim her name is being smeared. Denial or stupidity.
not republicans. trump. you know the hacking of the DNC was russian & now this:

FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

Michael Isikoff
Chief Investigative Correspondent
August 29, 2016

FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems

Actually Comrade, it was WikiLeaks to who hit the corrupt DNC.

actually little doggie, assange won't admit whether russia sponsored the hack or not...

DNC hack: What you need to know
By Tal Kopan, CNN
Updated 1:30 PM ET, Tue June 21, 2016

Cyber experts: Russia hacked DNC,
Story highlights
  • The Democratic National Committee discovered it had been hacked and announced its findings last week
  • The perpetrators were believed to be linked to the Russian government
Washington (CNN)After the Democratic National Committee discovered it had been hacked, it made the unusual move of quickly revealing the breach to the public -- including that the perpetrators were believed to be linked to the Russian government.

Since initially making the cyberattack public last week, an online personality has surfaced, claiming to have documents from the DNC files and having no connection to the Russians.
But the claims made by the "Guccifer 2.0" individual are viewed with a dose of skepticism by experts who have analyzed the events.
Here's an explanation of what we know about the hack.
So what happened?

The DNC and the cybersecurity firm that investigated the hack announced last week that it had been breached by two separate cyberespionage groups. One set of these hackers had been in the system about a year and had been monitoring internal communications, including email.
The other group of hackers had only been in the system a few months and had one target: The DNC's opposition research on Donald Trump. That research file was the only data that researchers could definitively say had been taken by the hackers.
RELATED: Russian hackers stole Trump files, firm says
Both groups were linked to the Russian military-intelligence world by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, though they did not appear to even be aware of each others' presence in the DNC system. Given the divided nature of the Russian power structure, it's not uncommon to see hacking groups working for different branches of the Russian military and intelligence agencies without overall coordination, CrowdStrike co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Dmitri Alperovitch said.
Researchers could not definitively find how the groups got into the system, but the typical way in for the groups is through carefully crafted deceptive emails, called "spearphishing," that trick recipients into clicking malicious links.
The hackers were kicked out of the system the weekend before the DNC went public, and CrowdStrike continues to monitor for attempts to break in again.

Why do they believe it's the Russians?

DNC hack: What you need to know -

I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.
I have noticed they don't care what kind of slimeball trump is. They already made up their minds who they are voting for, in 1980

Now they will tell you its cause hillary sucks but God could run as a democrat and Republicans would want to crucify him
God would never be a democrat, there is no way he would treat blacks like ignorant slaves only good for bringing out once every 4 years with fake promises for a vote.
Keep talking. You guys are doing a great job winning over blacks! Lol

It's scary isn't it, the race card may have been played once too often with Trump being the one fighting back...

It's no wonder the status quo (hillary owners) are doing their best to crucify Trump...


trump has had 40 years of showing his racism... time to accept it.

Sorry, you're response has a lot more to do with partisan gullibility than reality... I'm actually quite surprised that you lack any hope of balanced judgement.

Try to explain the 26% of poor Blacks living in Democratic Party ghettos in inner cities across America over the past 50 years. Ultimate racism of the Democratic Party from my perspective, creating and maintaining the suffering of Blacks, poor whites and other minorities in America.

speaking of communists- how much do you think ivanka enjoyed her vacation with putin's gal pal?

Ah, a shit flinging feral baboon.

You're mentor Goebbels would be proud of you.

All slander, all hate, no facts, no brains - yep, it's the Khmer Rouge democrats. :thup:


so now tell me how hillary is practically on life support & need to be held up just to walk...............:lmao:

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