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How Conservatism Killed The GOP

You get lumped in with them because you roll in the mud with them.

sorry. pick your friends better

Exactly how am I rolling in the mud with Social Conservatives when I constantly say I do not agree with their radical whacked out Ideas.

You constantly parrot Liberal stances but get worked up when I call you a liberal, then claim I roll in the mud with Social Conservatives lol.

That's Rich.

You will never see my fighting for Social Conservatives issues my friend.

you're mad. I have always claimed the mantle of liberalism. I have never gotten upset over being called what I am.

pay attention

I said worked up, not upset.

I said it because you said this after my first post.

Libs? I speak as a student of politics and current events.

stop playing the troll.


That quote seems like you are worked up over being called a lib, then 2 posts later you say you claim the mantel of liberalism.

Now I am confused :)
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Hey if you want to live in denial about the fact that the majority of your positions are on the left. Be my guest, but I will continue to call them like I see them.

Yeah right. That is why all the leftists I know accuse me of having positions on the right. :lol:

I am left center for sure. I am a liberal. Never really been a populist or a progressive.

On some issues where I seem to be with the left, the devil is in the details. On many issues where it seems I am with the right, it is only with the conservatives who posses sanity. Some issues deserve a dose of conservatism and that is why I mourn the loss of the once great GOP.

well on that we can agree. I mourn the loss of it too. I also mourn the loss of the formerly more sane Democrat Party as well.

Hell JFK was more a conservative than anything else. Pro Life, Supply side economics.

I feel abandoned by both parties, and it sucks ass. :)

JFK was a liberal. Damn you're stuck on speed dial stupid. JFK was not a supply sider. He was a Roman Catholic that would have supported Roe v Wade. JFK was not a conservative.
Exactly how am I rolling in the mud with Social Conservatives when I constantly say I do not agree with their radical whacked out Ideas.

You constantly parrot Liberal stances but get worked up when I call you a liberal, then claim I roll in the mud with Social Conservatives lol.

That's Rich.

You will never see my fighting for Social Conservatives issues my friend.

you're mad. I have always claimed the mantle of liberalism. I have never gotten upset over being called what I am.

pay attention

I said worked up, not upset.

I said it because you said this after my first post.

Libs? I speak as a student of politics and current events.

stop playing the troll.


That quote seems like you are worked up over being called a lib, then 2 posts later you say you claim the mantel of liberalism.

Now I am confused :)

You mentioned liberal. I was not posting a liberal screed. I posted an observation of political reality.

What you did is telling. You thought I was offended by the term liberal. That says something about how you view the world. I said stop playing the troll, and that might have confused you, but this also would say much about your world view. :lol:

A troll has many definitions.
With the collapse of the GOP the DNC cannot stand alone. It will atrophy. The two party system is falling apart. Blame the right wing.
Keep going. I am just waiting for the Democrats to make the government bankrupt, no nation will give the US more money then, and with no money the police and military will revolt and go on strike.

The full conditions for Anarchy, say goodbye to big government and the Democrats...forever, at least the Republicans will survive through the tea party (and as a whole Republicans have more support in the military than the Democrats) whereas the big government and corporate kissing Democrats will die out. Then America can start over with financial good sense, a free market and no more bailouts.

you need to have a mental health check up
With the collapse of the GOP the DNC cannot stand alone. It will atrophy. The two party system is falling apart. Blame the right wing.
Keep going. I am just waiting for the Democrats to make the government bankrupt, no nation will give the US more money then, and with no money the police and military will revolt and go on strike.

The full conditions for Anarchy, say goodbye to big government and the Democrats...forever, at least the Republicans will survive through the tea party (and as a whole Republicans have more support in the military than the Democrats) whereas the big government and corporate kissing Democrats will die out. Then America can start over with financial good sense, a free market and no more bailouts.

you need to have a mental health check up
Checked America's deficit yet?

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Yeah right. That is why all the leftists I know accuse me of having positions on the right. :lol:

I am left center for sure. I am a liberal. Never really been a populist or a progressive.

On some issues where I seem to be with the left, the devil is in the details. On many issues where it seems I am with the right, it is only with the conservatives who posses sanity. Some issues deserve a dose of conservatism and that is why I mourn the loss of the once great GOP.

well on that we can agree. I mourn the loss of it too. I also mourn the loss of the formerly more sane Democrat Party as well. And guess what happened. You guessed it Revenue to the Fed Increased.

Hell JFK was more a conservative than anything else. Pro Life, Supply side economics.

I feel abandoned by both parties, and it sucks ass. :)

JFK was a liberal. Damn you're stuck on speed dial stupid. JFK was not a supply sider. He was a Roman Catholic that would have supported Roe v Wade. JFK was not a conservative.

"It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now ... Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus."

"Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government."

"In today's economy, fiscal prudence and responsibility call for tax reduction even if it temporarily enlarges the federal deficit – why reducing taxes is the best way open to us to increase revenues."

"It is no contradiction – the most important single thing we can do to stimulate investment in today's economy is to raise consumption by major reduction of individual income tax rates."

"Our tax system still siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power and reduces the incentive for risk, investment and effort – thereby aborting our recoveries and stifling our national growth rate."

"A tax cut means higher family income and higher business profits and a balanced federal budget. Every taxpayer and his family will have more money left over after taxes for a new car, a new home, new conveniences, education and investment. Every businessman can keep a higher percentage of his profits in his cash register or put it to work expanding or improving his business, and as the national income grows, the federal government will ultimately end up with more revenues."

Seems you may be the one stuck on stupid. JFK was the original Supply side Guy my friend. He Cut the Top Marginal Rate DRASTICALLY. From 91 to 70% if I recall correctly.

He was stead Fast in his pro life beliefs. You are simply speculating on whether or not he would have supported ROE V WADE.
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Seems you may be the one stuck on stupid. JFK was the original Supply side Guy my friend. He Cut the Top Marginal Rate DRASTICALLY. From 91 to 70% if I recall correctly.

He was stead Fast in his pro life beliefs. You are simply speculating on whether or not he would have supported ROE V WADE.

Almost all of JFK's whole family supported Roe v Wade.

Check out who were JFK's economic advisers? Then get back to me.


you cannot take tax policies of JFK out of the context of their time and equate them with today. the situation is not the same.
For the simpleton class out there:

So, was Kennedy really a forerunner to Reagan and Bush? Or are supply-siders just cynically appropriating his aura? The Republicans are right, up to a point. Kennedy did push tax cuts, and his plan, which passed in February 1964, three months after his death, did help spur economic growth.

But they're wrong to see the tax reduction as a supply-side cut, like Reagan's and Bush's; it was a demand-side cut. "The Revenue Act of 1964 was aimed at the demand, rather than the supply, side of the economy," said Arthur Okun, one of Kennedy's economic advisers.
This distinction, taught in Economics 101, seldom makes it into the Washington sound-bite wars. A demand-side cut rests on the Keynesian theory that public consumption spurs economic activity. Government puts money in people's hands, as a temporary measure, so that they'll spend it.

A supply-side cut sees business investment as the key to growth. Government gives money to businesses and wealthy individuals to invest, ultimately benefiting all Americans. Back in the early 1960s, tax cutting was as contentious as it is today, but it was liberal demand-siders who were calling for the cuts and generating the controversy. JFK, the demand-side tax cutter. - By David Greenberg - Slate Magazine

sorry folks. We are infected with a supply of nitwits who see things through a closed lens.
Hey Little Redneck Bastard in NC.........you DO realize that talking about someone's family is a bannable offense, right?

I'd remarked that if you get rid of everyone that disagrees with you, you become inbred.

I then stated that the GOP is retarded, referring TO A FUCKING IDEOLOGY YOU STUPID FUCK.

YOU are the douchebag that referred to my sister in a very vile way. Based on what Dante has told you, you still don't get it. By the way, nowhere in my post was a reference to whatever the fuck spawned you.

Maybe I should refer this to Gunny.........Mods?

Moron when you call someone an inbred you are also attacking family members, or do you not understand what an inbred is? If you don't like the insult game cock sucker, I suggest that you not start it.
I served during Reagan's tenure, in fact before and after.

the bulking up of all branches during the Reagan years was a double edged sword, aside from the deficits, I agree. We had a spike in training accidents etc. as cadre was stretched thin.

BUT, the 'worth' that has to be calculated too, was spending the soviets into the poor house which helped push them over the edge.

That's why socialism will never work. Russia had it and got the shit kicked out of them
Thanks Ronald Reagan

no one of any importance has tried to push socialism in America

I am speechless, stupidity knows no bounds on this reply. Dante could you explain your reply?
I did not address you. I merely pointed out that you are an asswipe. I highlighted your quote

You are a fucking liar. You posted the question. It doesn't matter if you wrote the question you quoted it. So you were addressing me bitch.

It is your quote. You used it to refer to another member's family. You're a liar and a coward?

go figure

As I said it doesn't matter if you didn't write the reply, you quoted to me. You quoted the reply and addressed it to me. So tell me when you going to bust a faggot biker for calling someone an inbred?
Hey Little Redneck Bastard in NC.........you DO realize that talking about someone's family is a bannable offense, right?

I'd remarked that if you get rid of everyone that disagrees with you, you become inbred.

I then stated that the GOP is retarded, referring TO A FUCKING IDEOLOGY YOU STUPID FUCK.

YOU are the douchebag that referred to my sister in a very vile way. Based on what Dante has told you, you still don't get it. By the way, nowhere in my post was a reference to whatever the fuck spawned you.

Maybe I should refer this to Gunny.........Mods?

Moron when you call someone an inbred you are also attacking family members, or do you not understand what an inbred is? If you don't like the insult game cock sucker, I suggest that you not start it.

you could and probably are the offspring/spawn of wild animals. who the fuck cares?

but what you did was bring somebody's sister into things.

man up --- own up. stop being a big pussy.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah bigred is a big pussy, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
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You are a fucking liar. You posted the question. It doesn't matter if you wrote the question you quoted it. So you were addressing me bitch.

It is your quote. You used it to refer to another member's family. You're a liar and a coward?

go figure

As I said it doesn't matter if you didn't write the reply, you quoted to me. You quoted the reply and addressed it to me. So tell me when you going to bust a faggot biker for calling someone an inbred?

can you ever stop spinning and at least once get things straight?
bigred has a mental deficiencey. He dropped out of community college studying trees.

Dante, your a bully to pick on a simpleton like bigred
You are a fucking liar. You posted the question. It doesn't matter if you wrote the question you quoted it. So you were addressing me bitch.

It is your quote. You used it to refer to another member's family. You're a liar and a coward?

go figure

As I said it doesn't matter if you didn't write the reply, you quoted to me. You quoted the reply and addressed it to me. So tell me when you going to bust a faggot biker for calling someone an inbred?

Hey stupid.......you were the one that stated you were going to eliminate all the RINO's and anyone that isn't pure GOP.

I stated that if you get rid of those who are different from you, you become inbred.

Then, I stated no wonder the GOP is retarded, they're all inbred.

YOU are the stupid fucker that brought family into it. Apparently you don't comprehend the difference between political ideals and what family members are.

Like I said ya Little Redneck Bastard in NC, take your overweight plumbers crack and go fuck yourself.

You ain't had an intelligent thought since you've been on this board you fat slob.

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