How could anyone be "independent" or a "swing voter" at this time in history?

Proud independent voter here. Proud not to be beholden to a party like a little sheep. If this post is any attempt to induce change it is beyond a fail I laugh like crazy when a post tells me I SHOULD be voting this way or that way. That's more reason NOT to vote for a party.
Nutters on both ends fail to see how unattractive they are making their tribes. Their echo chambers are drowning everything out.
Gipper is correct in the aspect that both parties are beholden to the wealthy and corporatists. Irrefutable when one examines what goes on.
They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.

Do libertarians support equal rights?

Children's rights?

Do libertarians stand against age discrimination?

Do libertarians agree that a child's rights should begin when their life does? Or. . . Do libertarians hold that a child's rights should not begin until we (society) can not somehow justify the denial of their rights anymore?

I'm asking sincerely.
I'm an independent voter.

Last election I voted a strait Republican ticket because they were the best picks.
They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.
Are you high?
They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.
Are you high?

Not at all, why did the truth trigger you once again.
They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.

Do libertarians support equal rights?

Children's rights?

Do libertarians stand against age discrimination?

Do libertarians agree that a child's rights should begin when their life does? Or. . . Do libertarians hold that a child's rights should not begin until we (society) can not somehow justify the denial of their rights anymore?

I'm asking sincerely.

I would say we view equal rights differently than those in the duopoly. I cannot speak for anyone but myself...I believe that any anti-discrimination law applied to anyone but the government is unconstitutional. If a private business owner wants to limit their customer base on things such as race or sex or religious views they should be allowed.

I am not sure what you mean by “children’s rights”.

Libertarians are mixed on abortion. Some base their view on the liberty of the mother and some on the liberty of the baby. I personally am very anti-abortion and think that it is the ultimate removal of the babies liberty.
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They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.
Are you high?

Not at all, why did the truth trigger you once again.
Usually libertarians are high it’s why their views make no sense
Usually dimocraps and repugnants are so busy worshipping the $ and waiting theyfor their party's marching orders don't know what libertarians are doing.
They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.
Are you high?

Not at all, why did the truth trigger you once again.
Usually libertarians are high it’s why their views make no sense

Mindless stereotypes from a brain-dead partisan drone
They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.
Are you high?

Not at all, why did the truth trigger you once again.
Usually libertarians are high it’s why their views make no sense
The usual
trope from the uninformable right.
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
You don't believe there is any difference whether the GOP or the DEMs are in power?

Indy’s take great pride in casting a meaningless vote...they honestly believe that voting for Mickey Mouse is’s the weirdest shit in politics...ask Golfing Gator about it...he’ll spin it for you.

It is only meaningless to those who like the whores.
Nutters on both ends fail to see how unattractive they are making their tribes. Their echo chambers are drowning everything out.
And the nutters that Virtue Signal "center / independent" add nothing to the discussion.
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
Green is the new Soviet union type policies?

SIx of one half a dozen of the others. Greens and Libertarians overlap on many issues.
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
Green is the new Soviet union type policies?

SIx of one half a dozen of the others. Greens and Libertarians overlap on many issues.

You’re right...both are absolute fucking retards harboring hardcore cases of megalomania and fascinated by being “DIFFERENT”.
Indy’s take great pride in casting a meaningless vote...they honestly believe that voting for Mickey Mouse is’s the weirdest shit in politics...ask Golfing Gator about it...he’ll spin it for you.

And yet, your vote for Trump in Cali had the same exact impact as my vote for Johnson in my state. But your vote means something and mine does not. The two parties count on people like you, and you never let them down.

Does that mean you’d vote duopoly if you lived in Michigan? Or would you still vote for Mickey Mouse?
Indy’s take great pride in casting a meaningless vote...they honestly believe that voting for Mickey Mouse is’s the weirdest shit in politics...ask Golfing Gator about it...he’ll spin it for you.

And yet, your vote for Trump in Cali had the same exact impact as my vote for Johnson in my state. But your vote means something and mine does not. The two parties count on people like you, and you never let them down.

Does that mean you’d vote duopoly if you lived in Michigan? Or would you still vote for Mickey Mouse?

A vote for Johnson in Michigan would still have as much impact on the election as your vote for Trump in Cali.
I'm an independent because I know neither side has all the answers nor do I believe that either are evil. We are more nuanced than that and to think everything can be labelled and placed into a neat little one size fits all kind of box is just unrealistic.

Furthermore the only thing party politics has accomplished is to further divide people. We're to busy demonizing and hating one another simply for being on the "wrong side". We have to be better than that because that is the only way we're going to get a leader who truly intends to unite us and work for the betterment of the people. But as long as we continue to behave the way we do, our leadership will only reflect who we are as a society.

If my not choosing "sides" bothers you or anyone else than that's going to have to be something that you work out on your own. Voting party simply beacause we share a D or R in front is just dangerous and irresponsible and I will not blindly contribute to that sort of self destructive behavior. I will always choose integrity, honesty, and respectfulness regardless of affiliation simply because they will legitimately care about this nation and the people. So far those kinds of people are far and few between.
I reject your paradigm.
The two major parties still only disagree on the margins and argue only over who drives the bus.

The two major "establishments" fit your descriptions. But the establishment R's and D's are as relevant as CNN. We are in new times. It ain't the 90's.

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