How could anyone be "independent" or a "swing voter" at this time in history?

I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
Green is the new Soviet union type policies?

SIx of one half a dozen of the others. Greens and Libertarians overlap on many issues.

You’re right...both are absolute fucking retards harboring hardcore cases of megalomania and fascinated by being “DIFFERENT”.

Well we are different, pack animal.
Just vote for Trump and STFU
I have a very high bar for the people I vote for. Basically if you have traits about you that I wouldn't want in a spouse, someone that I will spend the rest of my life with, than I'm not going to vote to put you in a position of power that effects not just me, but billions of of other people. I do not condone dishonesty or bullish behavior and I will not reward it. Now you may see that as fence sitting, but for me that is exercising the only voice I have, however miniscule it may be.
The nutters hate those who choose to think for themselves, even more than hate those from other tribe.

We expose them for what they are.
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
Green is the new Soviet union type policies?

SIx of one half a dozen of the others. Greens and Libertarians overlap on many issues.

You’re right...both are absolute fucking retards harboring hardcore cases of megalomania and fascinated by being “DIFFERENT”.

Well we are different, pack animal.
Just vote for Trump and STFU
I reject your paradigm.
The two major parties still only disagree on the margins and argue only over who drives the bus.

Define "the margins" and clarify the ways they agree and "argue only over who drives", if you please.
Over the past few months there has been a massive demonstration of kabuki theater, the impeachment and trial. Meanwhile the bipartisan spending machine continues to move forward, handing over additional monies and power to this president who was impeached for abusing the powers of his office.
Proud independent voter here. Proud not to be beholden to a party like a little sheep. If this post is any attempt to induce change it is beyond a fail I laugh like crazy when a post tells me I SHOULD be voting this way or that way. That's more reason NOT to vote for a party.

Who asked you to "vote for a party"? I think the question about being "an independent or swing voter" is how you can vacillate between ideological positions as represented by the candidates.
I'm an independent because I know neither side has all the answers nor do I believe that either are evil. We are more nuanced than that and to think everything can be labelled and placed into a neat little one size fits all kind of box is just unrealistic.

Furthermore the only thing party politics has accomplished is to further divide people. We're to busy demonizing and hating one another simply for being on the "wrong side". We have to be better than that because that is the only way we're going to get a leader who truly intends to unite us and work for the betterment of the people. But as long as we continue to behave the way we do, our leadership will only reflect who we are as a society.

If my not choosing "sides" bothers you or anyone else than that's going to have to be something that you work out on your own. Voting party simply beacause we share a D or R in front is just dangerous and irresponsible and I will not blindly contribute to that sort of self destructive behavior. I will always choose integrity, honesty, and respectfulness regardless of affiliation simply because they will legitimately care about this nation and the people. So far those kinds of people are far and few between.

Look, the fence sitter / Libertarian resume always sounds noble as’s supposed to, but that doesn’t make it less ignorant.
Would I have been a total and complete dumbass if on the day of the Super Bowl I bet on the Patriots to win?
I hated both teams...the Niners and the Chiefs but one of the two were going to makes first grade level sense to bet on one of the two with a chance at winning.
I know, I know...”false equivalency”....right Golfing Gator ?

I have a very high bar for the people I vote for. Basically if you have traits about you that I wouldn't want in a spouse, someone that I will spend the rest of my life with, than I'm not going to vote to put you in a position of power that effects not just me, but billions of of other people. I do not condone dishonesty or bullish behavior and I will not reward it. Now you may see that as fence sitting, but for me that is exercising the only voice I have, however miniscule it may be.
so you and mac have no compromise possible to vote for a candidate. it's all or nothing huh?

Depends on what you're asking for. I'm not so much concerned about policy position as I am over who the person is as a person.

Your emotions have you by the balls...daddy issues maybe?
Most of us have / had grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles, friends, mentors, pastors...etc etc...We don't really look to the POTUS for emotional support...we vote for real leaders pushing effective policies, leaders willing to fight for Americas best citizens. This really shouldn't be all that trivial.
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
You don't believe there is any difference whether the GOP or the DEMs are in power?

If you believe that, you're in denial!
Over the past few months there has been a massive demonstration of kabuki theater, the impeachment and trial. Meanwhile the bipartisan spending machine continues to move forward, handing over additional monies and power to this president who was impeached for abusing the powers of his office.

I'd stay out of the fight if I were for Mickey Mouse and brag about it, I'm sure you'll be a difference maker that way. That makes perfect sense in LibTardia.
I vote Green but that is more or less the same thing as independent given how seldom I even have a candidate on the ticket. As for how could I be---that is is pretty easy. Both parties are Wall Street whore houses.
You don't believe there is any difference whether the GOP or the DEMs are in power?

If you believe that, you're in denial!

Is it your position that both parties are pushing the same policies with the same convictions?
Please spare us the Michael Moore conspiracy theory bullshit. Thanks in advance.
Over the past few months there has been a massive demonstration of kabuki theater, the impeachment and trial. Meanwhile the bipartisan spending machine continues to move forward, handing over additional monies and power to this president who was impeached for abusing the powers of his office.

I'd stay out of the fight if I were for Mickey Mouse and brag about it, I'm sure you'll be a difference maker that way. That makes perfect sense in LibTardia.
And your vote for potus matters just exactly how much?
I'm an independent because I know neither side has all the answers nor do I believe that either are evil. We are more nuanced than that and to think everything can be labelled and placed into a neat little one size fits all kind of box is just unrealistic.

Furthermore the only thing party politics has accomplished is to further divide people. We're to busy demonizing and hating one another simply for being on the "wrong side". We have to be better than that because that is the only way we're going to get a leader who truly intends to unite us and work for the betterment of the people. But as long as we continue to behave the way we do, our leadership will only reflect who we are as a society.

If my not choosing "sides" bothers you or anyone else than that's going to have to be something that you work out on your own. Voting party simply beacause we share a D or R in front is just dangerous and irresponsible and I will not blindly contribute to that sort of self destructive behavior. I will always choose integrity, honesty, and respectfulness regardless of affiliation simply because they will legitimately care about this nation and the people. So far those kinds of people are far and few between.

Look, the fence sitter / Libertarian resume always sounds noble as’s supposed to, but that doesn’t make it less ignorant.
Would I have been a total and complete dumbass if on the day of the Super Bowl I bet on the Patriots to win?
I hated both teams...the Niners and the Chiefs but one of the two were going to makes first grade level sense to bet on one of the two with a chance at winning.
I know, I know...”false equivalency”....right Golfing Gator ?

I have a very high bar for the people I vote for. Basically if you have traits about you that I wouldn't want in a spouse, someone that I will spend the rest of my life with, than I'm not going to vote to put you in a position of power that effects not just me, but billions of of other people. I do not condone dishonesty or bullish behavior and I will not reward it. Now you may see that as fence sitting, but for me that is exercising the only voice I have, however miniscule it may be.
so you and mac have no compromise possible to vote for a candidate. it's all or nothing huh?

Depends on what you're asking for. I'm not so much concerned about policy position as I am over who the person is as a person.

Your emotions have you by the balls...daddy issues maybe?
Most of us have / had grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles, friends, mentors, pastors...etc etc...We don't really look to the POTUS for emotional support...we vote for real leaders pushing effective policies, leaders willing to fight for Americas best citizens. This really shouldn't be all that trivial.

The person I vote for is going to be someone who doesn't slam others just for having a different view point. They're going to be someone who doesn't feel the need to deceive or lie about themselves or others. This person will fight to unite us all, not just one party. If you want to see that as me letting my emotions getting the best of me than you go ahead. But I will not vote for someone who strives on division and hate.
Look, the fence sitter / Libertarian resume always sounds noble as’s supposed to, but that doesn’t make it less ignorant.
Would I have been a total and complete dumbass if on the day of the Super Bowl I bet on the Patriots to win?
I hated both teams...the Niners and the Chiefs but one of the two were going to makes first grade level sense to bet on one of the two with a chance at winning.
I know, I know...”false equivalency”....right Golfing Gator ?

I have a very high bar for the people I vote for. Basically if you have traits about you that I wouldn't want in a spouse, someone that I will spend the rest of my life with, than I'm not going to vote to put you in a position of power that effects not just me, but billions of of other people. I do not condone dishonesty or bullish behavior and I will not reward it. Now you may see that as fence sitting, but for me that is exercising the only voice I have, however miniscule it may be.
so you and mac have no compromise possible to vote for a candidate. it's all or nothing huh?

Depends on what you're asking for. I'm not so much concerned about policy position as I am over who the person is as a person.

Your emotions have you by the balls...daddy issues maybe?
Most of us have / had grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles, friends, mentors, pastors...etc etc...We don't really look to the POTUS for emotional support...we vote for real leaders pushing effective policies, leaders willing to fight for Americas best citizens. This really shouldn't be all that trivial.

The person I vote for is going to be someone who doesn't slam others just for having a different view point. They're going to be someone who doesn't feel the need to deceive or lie about themselves or others. This person will fight to unite us all, not just one party. If you want to see that as me letting my emotions getting the best of me than you go ahead. But I will not vote for someone who strives on division and hate.
oh, name one of those politicians?
I have a very high bar for the people I vote for. Basically if you have traits about you that I wouldn't want in a spouse, someone that I will spend the rest of my life with, than I'm not going to vote to put you in a position of power that effects not just me, but billions of of other people. I do not condone dishonesty or bullish behavior and I will not reward it. Now you may see that as fence sitting, but for me that is exercising the only voice I have, however miniscule it may be.
so you and mac have no compromise possible to vote for a candidate. it's all or nothing huh?

Depends on what you're asking for. I'm not so much concerned about policy position as I am over who the person is as a person.

Your emotions have you by the balls...daddy issues maybe?
Most of us have / had grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles, friends, mentors, pastors...etc etc...We don't really look to the POTUS for emotional support...we vote for real leaders pushing effective policies, leaders willing to fight for Americas best citizens. This really shouldn't be all that trivial.

The person I vote for is going to be someone who doesn't slam others just for having a different view point. They're going to be someone who doesn't feel the need to deceive or lie about themselves or others. This person will fight to unite us all, not just one party. If you want to see that as me letting my emotions getting the best of me than you go ahead. But I will not vote for someone who strives on division and hate.
oh, name one of those politicians?

I will when I find one.
I'm an independent because I know neither side has all the answers nor do I believe that either are evil. We are more nuanced than that and to think everything can be labelled and placed into a neat little one size fits all kind of box is just unrealistic.

Furthermore the only thing party politics has accomplished is to further divide people. We're to busy demonizing and hating one another simply for being on the "wrong side". We have to be better than that because that is the only way we're going to get a leader who truly intends to unite us and work for the betterment of the people. But as long as we continue to behave the way we do, our leadership will only reflect who we are as a society.

If my not choosing "sides" bothers you or anyone else than that's going to have to be something that you work out on your own. Voting party simply beacause we share a D or R in front is just dangerous and irresponsible and I will not blindly contribute to that sort of self destructive behavior. I will always choose integrity, honesty, and respectfulness regardless of affiliation simply because they will legitimately care about this nation and the people. So far those kinds of people are far and few between.

Look, the fence sitter / Libertarian resume always sounds noble as’s supposed to, but that doesn’t make it less ignorant.
Would I have been a total and complete dumbass if on the day of the Super Bowl I bet on the Patriots to win?
I hated both teams...the Niners and the Chiefs but one of the two were going to makes first grade level sense to bet on one of the two with a chance at winning.
I know, I know...”false equivalency”....right Golfing Gator ?

I have a very high bar for the people I vote for. Basically if you have traits about you that I wouldn't want in a spouse, someone that I will spend the rest of my life with, than I'm not going to vote to put you in a position of power that effects not just me, but billions of of other people. I do not condone dishonesty or bullish behavior and I will not reward it. Now you may see that as fence sitting, but for me that is exercising the only voice I have, however miniscule it may be.
I thought that was how everyone was supposed to vote? how do you feel you are unique?

I never said I was.
you posted it as you were special in your decision making prospects. You imply others don't have a high bar for people they vote for. again, it would seem you either have someone who matches all your criteria or no one. Compromise is necessary, otherwise you'd never get a candidate voted in. What a waste of a vote.
so you and mac have no compromise possible to vote for a candidate. it's all or nothing huh?

Depends on what you're asking for. I'm not so much concerned about policy position as I am over who the person is as a person.

Your emotions have you by the balls...daddy issues maybe?
Most of us have / had grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles, friends, mentors, pastors...etc etc...We don't really look to the POTUS for emotional support...we vote for real leaders pushing effective policies, leaders willing to fight for Americas best citizens. This really shouldn't be all that trivial.

The person I vote for is going to be someone who doesn't slam others just for having a different view point. They're going to be someone who doesn't feel the need to deceive or lie about themselves or others. This person will fight to unite us all, not just one party. If you want to see that as me letting my emotions getting the best of me than you go ahead. But I will not vote for someone who strives on division and hate.
oh, name one of those politicians?

I will when I find one.
so you don't vote
The only real question is how people can continue to support the duopoly, mostly by not voting at all.
There is no common ground between the parties. The old "two sides of the same coin" paradigm of the 1990's has long past. "The establishment NO LONGER controls either party.

It's now National-Federalist-Libertarian-constitutional-republicans vs Global-Unitary-Marxist- democrats (one world mob-rule).

We want the United States to define and secure its border, maintain the Federalist doctrine of dual sovereignty , with limits on both the federal and state governments on individual persons, in accordance with an enduring social contract (that is meant to be difficult to amend) that preserves a Republican form of government.

Democrats want a global state with no border, with one big giant command center of unelected "experts," to redistribute all resources according to mob demand. LOL
There is no such thing as an elected Independent, because if you notice they always vote with democrats
So I must ask those who vote independent why they vote that way and why don't have never questioned those they voted for?
There is no common ground between the parties.
Well, there's the answer to the question of your thread title.

The chasm between the two whacked out, intolerant, narcissistic parties is so wide now that there are many of us who are repulsed by both.

We're just the kids in the cafeteria, just trying to eat our damn lunch during a food fight. And we wish those kids would stop.

I don't know why this would be a mystery.
Why do elected Independents vote democrat and why haven't you ever asked those you voted for?
There is no common ground between the parties. The old "two sides of the same coin" paradigm of the 1990's has long past. "The establishment NO LONGER controls either party.

It's now National-Federalist-Libertarian-constitutional-republicans vs Global-Unitary-Marxist- democrats (one world mob-rule).

We want the United States to define and secure its border, maintain the Federalist doctrine of dual sovereignty , with limits on both the federal and state governments on individual persons, in accordance with an enduring social contract (that is meant to be difficult to amend) that preserves a Republican form of government.

Democrats want a global state with no border, with one big giant command center of unelected "experts," to redistribute all resources according to mob demand. LOL
Because both parties SUCK! 2 wings of the same bird.

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