How could anyone be "independent" or a "swing voter" at this time in history?

Hey, I'm all for holding politicians to standards. I just don't see how sniffily absenting yourself from the process entirely and allowing other people to choose politicians who can't even SPELL "standards" accomplishes that.

I always used to say that ---- but then came the two awful Obama campaigns when neither candidate was worth gully dust. Now I say it's no one else's business whether I vote or don't vote or who I vote for.

This thread, and others, has been assuming that Independents are leftwing. That's wrong. We are what we are. My husband and I were registered as Independents for years, but we are both conservative. Quite a few Independents are Libertarian, and good for them.

Now I am willing to vote, since Trump showed up, and I agree that this is a poor time to be a fence sitter, but that's just my opinion. People should suit themselves.
But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
Please don't. We already have more than enough people selling their soul for politicians who don't give two shits about them.

We need more people who are willing to hold people to standards.

Hey, I'm all for holding politicians to standards. I just don't see how sniffily absenting yourself from the process entirely and allowing other people to choose politicians who can't even SPELL "standards" accomplishes that.
I agree. So people shouldn't do that. They should stand up for their standards, even if they get incoming from both ends.

And in what way are you "standing up for your standards", exactly? Sanctimoniously flapping your jaw at people about how "moral" you are? Or is there something real?

You're the one who's preaching at me because you feel I must take an action. But if you think asking for kindness, respect, and honesty is me being sanctimonious than have at it.
They should change the name of the Libertarian party to the low IQ party

Golfing Gator is a member? Maximize freedoms by opening the borders to all the people in the world who hate freedoms... not the smartest indeed.

Not all Libertarians favor open borders, the thing about the Libertarian party is that it is not like the two parties of the duopoly, we accept different ideas and views on things and do not drive them away.
And get 3 votes.

Yep, far too many sheep like you.
oh, name one of those politicians?

I will when I find one.
so you don't vote

Not unless someone good comes along.

So meanwhile, someone awful is welcome to take over while you wait for someone who meets your standards of good.

You remind me of Mitt Romney. A moral stance, taken in a vacuum with no reference to the ethical situation to which it will be applied, can all-too-easily become immoral in its evil consequences. And you can quote me on that.

We already have something awful because people refuse to listen and talk. Hate has become fashionable and people cheer on the insults and jabs made at others simply for having a different view point. How do you suppose we make something great from division and rhetoric? It's only by us being the very best that we can that we'll get the people worth leading us. But to say that I "have" to support someone is ridiculous. Settling for meh is a horrible way to give someone a nob.

Be the change you want to see in the world, by actually saying something real for people to listen to, instead of spewing all these vague generalities at me. Please explain to me how 1) choosing one candidate who's better than the other despite neither of them being perfect makes hate fashionable, and 2) what your policy of doing not a damned thing except for lecturing everyone about how you're morally superior by doing not a damned thing somehow makes that better.

I'll wait.
But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
Please don't. We already have more than enough people selling their soul for politicians who don't give two shits about them.

We need more people who are willing to hold people to standards.

I'll never vote "the lesser of two evils" or do it to spite a candidate because of the actions of someone else. Their are some things in this life we can compromise on, morals should not be one of them.

I have a moral for you. Don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

I'm not asking for perfect, I'm asking for common human decency. The same that I want from all the people in my life.

See my last post, re: vague generalities. Butch up and try a few specifics. It only hurts for a moment. EXACTLY what is it you demand in a political candidate in order to bless him with your pure and holy vote, which you are not currently getting?
Depends on what you're asking for. I'm not so much concerned about policy position as I am over who the person is as a person.

Your emotions have you by the balls...daddy issues maybe?
Most of us have / had grandfathers, fathers, brothers, uncles, friends, mentors, pastors...etc etc...We don't really look to the POTUS for emotional support...we vote for real leaders pushing effective policies, leaders willing to fight for Americas best citizens. This really shouldn't be all that trivial.

The person I vote for is going to be someone who doesn't slam others just for having a different view point. They're going to be someone who doesn't feel the need to deceive or lie about themselves or others. This person will fight to unite us all, not just one party. If you want to see that as me letting my emotions getting the best of me than you go ahead. But I will not vote for someone who strives on division and hate.

So until Jesus Christ shows up and throws His hat in the ring, you're just going to abstain and let the world function as it will without your input? What other things in your life do you just blow off and let spiral into Hell unobstructed because of a lack of perfect choices?

I don't owe anyone my support. Who I back is my decision and my right and for you to act like asking for decent human behavior that we expect from anyone else is an unrealistic expectation from our politicians then maybe you need to reevaluate your standards. But when you put two different plates full of feces in front of me and expect me to choose, you don't get to act indignant when I refuse. My choice, my voice, I will use it however I see fit. But no one is entitled to my support.

No one said you owed any candidate your support, Chuckles. You're busy arguing the point you WISH this was about, because you don't want to face the reality of the real topic.

Your support is owed to the society around you, and the individual people who make up that society, and the society which will exist in the future. You owe it to all of the above to do what you can to make the world better, or at least to prevent it from becoming worse. And if you're more interested in congratulating yourself on your "high morals" in dismissing anything and anyone imperfect as "feces" and beneath your vaunted, oh-so-valuable vote than you are in dealing with the realities of who will make things better and who will work evil, then YOU are the one not meeting basic decent human behavior.

You're of the opinion that I must vote or otherwise I'm allowing evil to take place. In order for that than you certainly do feel that I owe someone my support. What you don't realize is that a vote of no confidence is still a vote. You want me to vote for someone, than put up someone worth voting for. But try as you might, you don't get to dictate my actions. I have every right to refuse my vote to those who I feel are undeserving.
I never said I was.
you posted it as you were special in your decision making prospects. You imply others don't have a high bar for people they vote for. again, it would seem you either have someone who matches all your criteria or no one. Compromise is necessary, otherwise you'd never get a candidate voted in. What a waste of a vote.

I never implied I was special. All I did was state my own criteria. And I am well aware that my bar is so high that I probably won't be voting any time soon. But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?

If the alternative is to allow someone who will destroy the nation to become President, yes.

Both parties are always convinced the other one wants to destroy the nation. I'm not buying into that.

If people actually talked to one another with the intent to listen and learn then we would actually begin to try and do what's best for this nation and hold our leaders accountable equally.

Most independents are always convinced that everything is about "parties", and can just be dismissed as beneath them without any real thought.

If people who blather about "talk to one another with the intent to listen and learn" would actually LISTEN AND LEARN, they might not spend as much time posting nonsensical "responses" to posts which have no relation to what's being said in the post.

And yes, I AM calling you a pretentious hypocrite, just in case that wasn't clear.

I really don't care what you call me. But if you think asking for people to behave like adults is blathering than you're more out of touch than you realize.
The "moderates" at this point are assholes who refuse to acknowledge RIGHT Vs. WRONG and sit on a fence they created in their own mind preening themselves and acting as if they're superior because they refuse to take a stand until one side defeats the other.

Miserable pathetic pieces of shit that have nothing to fight for and are only interested in their own ends.

Then there are leftist pieces of shit like Mac1958 who pretend to be "moderate" like fakey, yet they're still just as bigoted and ignorant as any other liberal parasite.


I've been an independent from the first time I voted and won't likely change that.

Your description doesn't match the independents I know and it sure as hell isn't me.

Okay, so how does that play out for you in the real world of having to choose a President?

I have voted for democrats and voted for republicans.

What is it you're having a hard time understanding?
Their are some things in this life we can compromise on, morals should not be one of them.
Well, we're sadly far beyond that now.

We're not all required to be a part of it, thankfully.

The "good men" who allow evil to flourish by standing by and doing nothing are still part of it, no matter how much they assure themselves they're not.

How is my voting for someone who insults a group of people for their view points me fighting evil? If they're not qualified for the position than I'm not going to put them there.

When the alternative is to allow someone to be President who actively prohibits people from expressing their viewpoints? Hmm, let me think about that. How COULD you possibly discern a difference there?
I will when I find one.
so you don't vote

Not unless someone good comes along.

So meanwhile, someone awful is welcome to take over while you wait for someone who meets your standards of good.

You remind me of Mitt Romney. A moral stance, taken in a vacuum with no reference to the ethical situation to which it will be applied, can all-too-easily become immoral in its evil consequences. And you can quote me on that.

We already have something awful because people refuse to listen and talk. Hate has become fashionable and people cheer on the insults and jabs made at others simply for having a different view point. How do you suppose we make something great from division and rhetoric? It's only by us being the very best that we can that we'll get the people worth leading us. But to say that I "have" to support someone is ridiculous. Settling for meh is a horrible way to give someone a nob.

Be the change you want to see in the world, by actually saying something real for people to listen to, instead of spewing all these vague generalities at me. Please explain to me how 1) choosing one candidate who's better than the other despite neither of them being perfect makes hate fashionable, and 2) what your policy of doing not a damned thing except for lecturing everyone about how you're morally superior by doing not a damned thing somehow makes that better.

I'll wait.

How is asking for someone to be honest and respectful vague? Do you keep people in your life who treat you like crap, or do you look for those who actually talk to you like a person? It's not that difficult.

And I'm still not sure how voting for someone who hates others simply for their opinions is the same as me fighting evil. Maybe you can explain that one.
But is asking for someone with honesty and integrity someone you should compromise on?
Please don't. We already have more than enough people selling their soul for politicians who don't give two shits about them.

We need more people who are willing to hold people to standards.

I'll never vote "the lesser of two evils" or do it to spite a candidate because of the actions of someone else. Their are some things in this life we can compromise on, morals should not be one of them.

I have a moral for you. Don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good.

I'm not asking for perfect, I'm asking for common human decency. The same that I want from all the people in my life.

See my last post, re: vague generalities. Butch up and try a few specifics. It only hurts for a moment. EXACTLY what is it you demand in a political candidate in order to bless him with your pure and holy vote, which you are not currently getting?

If common human decency is beyond your scope of understanding than I honestly don't know what to tell you. It just feels like we're talking in circles then when I say respect, honesty, and integrity. I really don't know how that can be confusing but apparently it can. I'm willing to listen if you want to try to explain.
There is no common ground between the parties. The old "two sides of the same coin" paradigm of the 1990's has long past. "The establishment NO LONGER controls either party.

It's now National-Federalist-Libertarian-constitutional-republicans vs Global-Unitary-Marxist- democrats (one world mob-rule).

We want the United States to define and secure its border, maintain the Federalist doctrine of dual sovereignty , with limits on both the federal and state governments on individual persons, in accordance with an enduring social contract (that is meant to be difficult to amend) that preserves a Republican form of government.

Democrats want a global state with no border, with one big giant command center of unelected "experts," to redistribute all resources according to mob demand. LOL
Because both parties SUCK! 2 wings of the same bird.
If both party's suck why is those who ran as independents vote with democrats?
Beats me...I assume you are talking about Angus King and Bernie Sanders? Well Sanders is a Democratic Socialist not a "liberal" or whatever the demoncrats are calling themselves today. No idea why King did.
most issues Independents will vote democrats
You vote Independent your vote goes to the democrats don't ever doubt you're not part of the democrat party.
I am EXTREMELY pro 2nd amendment. Trump and any democrat suck on 2nd amendment, I am for closing ALL foreign bases and bringing ALL troops home, Trump and all democrats aren't the closest to wanting that was Trump that CAMPAIGNED and Tulsi Gabbard. I am for ending ALL foreign aid. No candidate I have heard of wants that. This year I won't vote for president more than likely. I haven't looked at the 3rd party candidates but I know it won't be Green or Libertarian so that MIGHT leave the Constitution party but I dunno.
And if you vote independent it goes to the democrat party
Yet you bash Republicans and democrats lol
Their are some things in this life we can compromise on, morals should not be one of them.
Well, we're sadly far beyond that now.

We're not all required to be a part of it, thankfully.

The "good men" who allow evil to flourish by standing by and doing nothing are still part of it, no matter how much they assure themselves they're not.

How is my voting for someone who insults a group of people for their view points me fighting evil? If they're not qualified for the position than I'm not going to put them there.

When the alternative is to allow someone to be President who actively prohibits people from expressing their viewpoints? Hmm, let me think about that. How COULD you possibly discern a difference there?

And if the other person wants to do the same then what am I supposed to do, flip a coin?
Why do elected Independents vote democrat and why haven't you ever asked those you voted for?
1. I don't know.
2. I've never cared enough to ask.
and you claim you don't support the democrats when you vote supports them and you bragged about not caring lol
Would you like to try that in English this time?

I'll be happy to respond if you can be coherent.
Your dodge is noted
Last try: I definitely think of myself as a left-leaning Independent, and I vote Democrat more often than Republican.

I have also had a few thousand squabbles with people I refer to as the Regressive Left here. Use the search function. You should be able to handle that.

So, I'm just not ideological.

I don't know how I can make this any more fucking simple for you people. I'm tired of pretending that I'm talking to six year olds.
Damn you fucking moron take a few comprehension class. Children can't comprehend adult thought process maybe that's your problem
You're transparent if you vote Independent your vote goes to the democrat party. But most on here that know what you write already know you hold an allegiance to the democrats
1. I don't know.
2. I've never cared enough to ask.
and you claim you don't support the democrats when you vote supports them and you bragged about not caring lol
Would you like to try that in English this time?

I'll be happy to respond if you can be coherent.
Your dodge is noted
Last try: I definitely think of myself as a left-leaning Independent, and I vote Democrat more often than Republican.

I have also had a few thousand squabbles with people I refer to as the Regressive Left here. Use the search function. You should be able to handle that.

So, I'm just not ideological.

I don't know how I can make this any more fucking simple for you people. I'm tired of pretending that I'm talking to six year olds.
Damn you fucking moron take a few comprehension class. Children can't comprehend adult thought process maybe that's your problem
You're transparent if you vote Independent your vote goes to the democrat party. But most on here that know what you write already know you hold an allegiance to the democrats
and you claim you don't support the democrats when you vote supports them and you bragged about not caring lol
Would you like to try that in English this time?

I'll be happy to respond if you can be coherent.
Your dodge is noted
Last try: I definitely think of myself as a left-leaning Independent, and I vote Democrat more often than Republican.

I have also had a few thousand squabbles with people I refer to as the Regressive Left here. Use the search function. You should be able to handle that.

So, I'm just not ideological.

I don't know how I can make this any more fucking simple for you people. I'm tired of pretending that I'm talking to six year olds.
Damn you fucking moron take a few comprehension class. Children can't comprehend adult thought process maybe that's your problem
You're transparent if you vote Independent your vote goes to the democrat party. But most on here that know what you write already know you hold an allegiance to the democrats
that's what a child would respond with
Would you like to try that in English this time?

I'll be happy to respond if you can be coherent.
Your dodge is noted
Last try: I definitely think of myself as a left-leaning Independent, and I vote Democrat more often than Republican.

I have also had a few thousand squabbles with people I refer to as the Regressive Left here. Use the search function. You should be able to handle that.

So, I'm just not ideological.

I don't know how I can make this any more fucking simple for you people. I'm tired of pretending that I'm talking to six year olds.
Damn you fucking moron take a few comprehension class. Children can't comprehend adult thought process maybe that's your problem
You're transparent if you vote Independent your vote goes to the democrat party. But most on here that know what you write already know you hold an allegiance to the democrats
that's what a child would respond with
Hey, I'm all for holding politicians to standards. I just don't see how sniffily absenting yourself from the process entirely and allowing other people to choose politicians who can't even SPELL "standards" accomplishes that.

I always used to say that ---- but then came the two awful Obama campaigns when neither candidate was worth gully dust. Now I say it's no one else's business whether I vote or don't vote or who I vote for.

This thread, and others, has been assuming that Independents are leftwing. That's wrong. We are what we are. My husband and I were registered as Independents for years, but we are both conservative. Quite a few Independents are Libertarian, and good for them.

Now I am willing to vote, since Trump showed up, and I agree that this is a poor time to be a fence sitter, but that's just my opinion. People should suit themselves.

See, THAT I can understand. I didn't vote in the last election, because at the time, I could not find a solid enough reason to believe that Trump would be better than Hillary Clinton, or even remarkably different, given what I knew about him up to that point.

This time around, I still think he's crass, and boorish, and a thin-skinned cretin in his personal behavior, and I certainly have no desire to socialize with him (assuming such an occasion even arose). But I am completely confident that, as a President and on a policy level, he's far and away an improvement to the nation and the world over what his opponents would wreak.

I don't assume that independents are necessarily left-wing. Swing voters, by definition, aren't necessarily left-leaning. And I couldn't care less if people vote or not; in fact, I'm of the opinion that far too many people vote now who really shouldn't.

My problem with most self-identified independents is their air of smug sanctimony and self-congratulation. People should feel free to stand aside and let history descend into chaos without them if that's their choice; just don't try to sell me on how morally superior they are for doing so.

Swing voters, on the other hand, tend to fall under the category mentioned above of "really shouldn't be voting at all".
Your dodge is noted
Last try: I definitely think of myself as a left-leaning Independent, and I vote Democrat more often than Republican.

I have also had a few thousand squabbles with people I refer to as the Regressive Left here. Use the search function. You should be able to handle that.

So, I'm just not ideological.

I don't know how I can make this any more fucking simple for you people. I'm tired of pretending that I'm talking to six year olds.
Damn you fucking moron take a few comprehension class. Children can't comprehend adult thought process maybe that's your problem
You're transparent if you vote Independent your vote goes to the democrat party. But most on here that know what you write already know you hold an allegiance to the democrats
that's what a child would respond with
So you're saying you have childish thought processes?
That's nothing new I've known it for a while.
The "moderates" at this point are assholes who refuse to acknowledge RIGHT Vs. WRONG and sit on a fence they created in their own mind preening themselves and acting as if they're superior because they refuse to take a stand until one side defeats the other.

Miserable pathetic pieces of shit that have nothing to fight for and are only interested in their own ends.

Then there are leftist pieces of shit like Mac1958 who pretend to be "moderate" like fakey, yet they're still just as bigoted and ignorant as any other liberal parasite.


I've been an independent from the first time I voted and won't likely change that.

Your description doesn't match the independents I know and it sure as hell isn't me.

Very hard to be independent when one side is openly hostile to having open minded thinking...

Evidence based decisions should be the middle ground but the Trump guys are very anti that... Not saying there all angels on the left but the nutty boys have taken over the GOP with their new Jesus Trump.

I will point out Trump mocked the words of Jesus at the prayer breakfast and they laughed... So I am up for Facts and Evidence so that must make me Anti-Trump.

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