How could anyone vote for cop killing animals?

Voting for Trump is the only option when the opposition time and again sides with cop killing animals. The clinton/obama animals will be running the country if trump isnt elected.
Absolute stupidity on your part. Show us exactly where any of our politicians from right to left support "cop killing animals."

I see it all the time and you do too. clinto and obama support the radical communist BLM pigs.
Oh, I see your confusion, Sarah. You think BLM's official stance is to kill cops. So if Clinton and Obama have the temerity to listen to BLM, they are supporting killing cops. But you are confused on a number of fronts. No politician invested in the current system wants to see the country plunged into armed insurrection. We've got the NRA and their hired goons the Republicans to thank for the "armed" part and we've got years of racism bolstered by the far right to thank for the insurrection part.
Not Clinton's or Obama's fault.

Clearly you didn't read Obama's speech at the memorial for the five assassinated Dallas policemen.

He justified the slaughter.

  1. 1.
    having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason.
    "the doctors were justified in treating her"
  2. 2.
    declared or made righteous in the sight of God.

Clear enough?

And today....3 more in Baton Rouge.....the fall-out for having this demagogue as President.

Obama put the owness squarely on the Police and the communities they patrol equally. Don't be an asshole and make shit up.

Obama's speech provided a balance including the need to respect the police and more important you cannot take anyone's life, especially police, who protect us all.
So training, they could teach them how to see if someone has a weapon, maybe ask them? If they say they don't but a cop sees one, then that person is stupid, but if they say they do, they could train the cops on how to handle that, either have the cops retrieve the weapon or find a way the person stopped can get their wallet without it seeming like a hostile act. Its mostly just communication and procedure....but it's very important...I think it would have saved the guy in Minnesota.

They can also maybe have a class in schools, about how to deal with cops...kinda like sex ed, maybe in high school and just go over things you should and shouldn't do.....If you have a legal weapon, let the cop know, and do not reach for it...ask the cop how to proceed. If the cop asks you to do something, just do it. IF the cop asks you to do something wrong, then we need to make up a plan....but in most cases, put your hands up, go slow.

Ok, that approach is ok, but you need to get cops and normal people together. It's like dogs, you just introduce them slowly. and in situations where it's not hostile....maybe have a cop/citizen togetherness day, where people in poor areas can hang out with cops, especially younger kids.....get them used to seeing cops as people and vice versa.

And we need our president to quit taking sides, jumping to conclusions in every racial event. WAIT for the facts before speaking. And stop using these to push gun control. Actually try and help. Say knock off the violence, that people will be brought to justice and that we will not tolerate people taking actions into their own hands.

As for BLM, they need to change it to all lives matter, and march for black on black crime as well. They can still talk mostly about blacks, but it would make a huge difference, puttying a race in the name was a huuuge mistake. Only discussing interracial crime is a huuuuge mistake. IF they are what they say they are.

What can congress do? WE don't need MORE's illegal to kill people NOW....congress can come out with a joint statement about killing cops or blacks or anyone is wrong and that ALL lives matter. Other than that, they need to stfu.

Sounds like Police academy 101, I think they already have it covered.

So what's the problem then? People on drugs? Ebonics? what's the big problem?

It's a culture and a lack of accountability. Police investigating police does not work. The only reason we know about these shootings today is because either someone in the vicinity had a phone and the ability to quickly record under what must be a stressful situation. Also police body cams (when they haven't been turned off) also provide us with more information.

Police shootings should not be investigated by police. End of story. Harsher penalties for police who break the law, any law, especially while on duty. I agree there should be training for de-escalation that now is mostly reserved for specialists. Increase the size of Police forces, provide better police support for officers and their families to include psychological help and higher pay, weed out racists and those deemed too violent or too stupid. Better recognize officers who promote values that help integrate with local communities.

Also, establish civilian review boards elected by the public to review abuses by police and work with police to coordinate better relationships between the department and the neighborhoods they patrol.

Lastly, invest in technology like body cams and when they 'malfunction' or otherwise are turned off it should be considered as serious as if a police radio or gun malfunctioned and needs to be repaired asap.

That's great, but they have that stuff already.
^^^ Police investigating police does not work. Try reading this again.

Oh because they aren't trained to investigate crimes?
Manonthestreet believes that Soros is setting up terrorist cells. That would be like Trump doing something for nothing. Neither statement equates with reality.
He is funding blm, which advocates the violence against cops. You know a liberal group. If Hillary don't come out and condone blm, she is history.
Your opinion is erroneous.
Truth hurts?
That's why the truth hurts you in your error.
The problem are far right lies.
The problem is your liberal fascism....
Fascism is a far right disease, of which you are infected.

Facism is left wing, we like small government asshat
Fascism is government statism in cahoots with business. It comes in right wing versions like Trump and Hitler. That has always been your error in that you can't see, hear, or understand fully.
Manonthestreet believes that Soros is setting up terrorist cells. That would be like Trump doing something for nothing. Neither statement equates with reality.
He is funding blm, which advocates the violence against cops. You know a liberal group. If Hillary don't come out and condone blm, she is history.
Your opinion is erroneous.
Truth hurts?
That's why the truth hurts you in your error.

Jake offer something more than your opinion
Manonthestreet believes that Soros is setting up terrorist cells. That would be like Trump doing something for nothing. Neither statement equates with reality.
He is funding blm, which advocates the violence against cops. You know a liberal group. If Hillary don't come out and condone blm, she is history.
Your opinion is erroneous.
Truth hurts?
That's why the truth hurts you in your error.
Jake offer something more than your opinion
I do not have to offer evidence rebuttal of your nonsense opinion. You must do that. Then I can rebuttal. That is how educated people discuss matters. Fascism has leftist and rightist versions. You are a righty fascist, who would use big government to enforce your will on others.
He is funding blm, which advocates the violence against cops. You know a liberal group. If Hillary don't come out and condone blm, she is history.
Your opinion is erroneous.
Truth hurts?
That's why the truth hurts you in your error.
Jake offer something more than your opinion
I do not have to offer evidence rebuttal of your nonsense opinion. You must do that. Then I can rebuttal. That is how educated people discuss matters.

Typical...Starkey wants evidence but never gives any, it's how I Crush him on every topic, this is his only line.......Oh and he disputes things like Time, Newsweek, CNN, Fox, government sites....he's pathetic and predictable.
Your opinion is erroneous.
Truth hurts?
That's why the truth hurts you in your error.
Jake offer something more than your opinion
I do not have to offer evidence rebuttal of your nonsense opinion. You must do that. Then I can rebuttal. That is how educated people discuss matters.

Typical...Starkey wants evidence but never gives any, it's how I Crush him on every topic, this is his only line.......Oh and he disputes things like Time, Newsweek, CNN, Fox, government sites....he's pathetic and predictable.
:lol: You fall on your face every time, bucky, and crying to others simply makes you look as weak as you are. You need to offer evidence, but you don't. I did. Read above.
Manonthestreet believes that Soros is setting up terrorist cells. That would be like Trump doing something for nothing. Neither statement equates with reality.
He is funding blm, which advocates the violence against cops. You know a liberal group. If Hillary don't come out and condone blm, she is history.
Your opinion is erroneous.
Truth hurts?
That's why the truth hurts you in your error.

Jake offer something more than your opinion
Hey, buckeye45 is it possible that was your tag on Halo, could you also be aka fat jimmy?
BLM is indeed making ISIS look like the JV team.

What is your solution to police brutality?


Hmm, I very much would like Sarah to answer this.

Training and prosecution......also having blacks and cops an understanding

Keeping.criminals in jail

But the biggest thing, is stopping these crazy leftwing groups and people from gunning up hate......

Thanks Sarah,

So, I guess you don't have a problem with BLM protesting for prosecution of police officers that shoot unarmed people who pose no threat. Of course the Police need to be trained, that sounds nice, what do you mean? What training should cops get that they aren't getting now?

Obama has already begun having meetings with police chiefs and BLM at the White House, so I'm glad you agree with that approach. Maybe Congress could do something too, what do ya' think?

Keeping criminals in jail...what do you mean? Forever? Sounds a tad unconstitutional.

I agree any group has the right to peaceful protest. If the protest will be on public streets, they should be permitted so police can appropriately direct traffic. Protests should not be allowed to shut down bridges, tunnels, etc so as to cause major delays for civilians, and should not be allowed to block private properties in. Any throwing of moltov cocktails should be treated as the threat it is.

Training: First, we ask too much of our officers. They have been dealing with so many mentally ill since the 80's. Town has no money for animal control and you've got a strange dog on your property? The cops have to take that on. Cops in high violent crime areas are surrounded by a hostile population and deal with aggression daily. After a few years, they either have a breakdown or harden to cynical shitheads without an ounce of compassion. Cops need higher standards, stringent background and mental heath checks, body cams, mental health support, all of which means higher pay. They also need our support and cooperation.

Sure, its fine BO meets with protesters and police. Perfect time to stress "peaceful" and make sure both sides understand that. Great, too, if our Representatives step up. I think it will be an important player in the elections. People will weigh which candidate believes similarly in this increasingly volotile issue.

Gun crimes should have long sentences. If you are serious about this gun epidemic, you must start there. Mandatory sentences for use of a gun in a crime, heavier if an illegally possessed gun. I am always amazed when I hear someone who'd been arrested 35 times did blah blah. That should not happen. I dont care if we turn one of the states into a penal colony, we have to keep violent, multiple felony conviction criminals behind bars.
Truth hurts?
That's why the truth hurts you in your error.
Jake offer something more than your opinion
I do not have to offer evidence rebuttal of your nonsense opinion. You must do that. Then I can rebuttal. That is how educated people discuss matters.

Typical...Starkey wants evidence but never gives any, it's how I Crush him on every topic, this is his only line.......Oh and he disputes things like Time, Newsweek, CNN, Fox, government sites....he's pathetic and predictable.
:lol: You fall on your face every time, bucky, and crying to others simply makes you look as weak as you are. You need to offer evidence, but you don't. I did. Read above.

Jake you get crushed us some got zero.........fake kasich supporter
He is funding blm, which advocates the violence against cops. You know a liberal group. If Hillary don't come out and condone blm, she is history.
Your opinion is erroneous.
Truth hurts?
That's why the truth hurts you in your error.

Jake offer something more than your opinion
Hey, buckeye45 is it possible that was your tag on Halo, could you also be aka fat jimmy?

Nah haven't played halo since the first one

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