How crazy are progressives and liberals? Listen to this INSANE take on why the poor get abortions....

In the natural order of things that's sort of the way it's supposed to work.

It's mostly women responsible for the current freak show we are enduring.

In the natural order of things????? What would YOU know about nature??? You know nothing about abortion or women and should just STFU until you can speak without being an asshole.

Misogynists trying to control women’s bodies. Your own hatred of women shines bright.
In the natural order of things????? What would YOU know about nature??? You know nothing about abortion or women and should just STFU until you can speak without being an asshole.

Misogynists trying to control women’s bodies. Your own hatred of women shines bright.


I guess I could mention (gasp) personal responsibility but I know how you people are about that. ;)
You’re the complete and utter lunatic. That’s where the blame belongs. No maternity leave, no increase in the minimum wage, no universal health care,no subsidized child care. REPUBLICANS OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE.

60% of women who get abortions used birth control AND STILL GOT PREGNANT. Birth control fails - all of the time.
and who pushed birth control?


The Catholic Church has always been against it... they knew it would lead to abortion (Pope John VI)
Without insurance
Birth Control pills cost $20 to $50 a month

I favor the Government providing FREE Birth Control
artificial b control fails AND causes early abortion

natural family planning is the way to go... a reliable method that is natural... but again, liberals are pro nature until ... they're not
You’re the complete and utter lunatic. That’s where the blame belongs. No maternity leave, no increase in the minimum wage, no universal health care,no subsidized child care. REPUBLICANS OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE.

60% of women who get abortions used birth control AND STILL GOT PREGNANT. Birth control fails - all of the time.

Talk about a lunatic. Trump, during his GOP majority funded Planned Parenthood. They didn't repeal any of that crap your trying to spew.

Question is, why didn't you lefties at least acknowledge the things the GOP kept in place, instead of all the fear mongering about how they were going to take it all away?
The GOP now a days are moderate democrats. But the left makes them out to be complete fascist.

The left is retarded.
Well they are poor because they aren't very smart, don't plan ahead, have no ambition in life and are irresponsible. That's why they are poor. Is it really any wonder people like that would abort a baby because they didn't have safe sex?
How to prevent abortions

Open access to free and low cost Birth Control
Job protection for expectant mothers
Maternity leave
Maternity care
Low cost Childcare
Health insurance

All things opposed by Conservatives

Are you saying that women choose to get pregnant knowing that Maternity leave and care, Low cost Childcare and Health insurance are insufficient and then decide to get an abortion because Maternity leave and care, Low cost Childcare and Health insurance are insufficient?
Are you saying that women choose to get pregnant knowing that Maternity leave and care, Low cost Childcare and Health insurance are insufficient and then decide to get an abortion because Maternity leave and care, Low cost Childcare and Health insurance are insufficient?

It is a question of whether they should abort or not
You’re the complete and utter lunatic. That’s where the blame belongs. No maternity leave, no increase in the minimum wage, no universal health care,no subsidized child care. REPUBLICANS OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE.

60% of women who get abortions used birth control AND STILL GOT PREGNANT. Birth control fails - all of the time.

Another hilarious post from the Canadian Communist.
What's lunacy is a bunch of conservative white men telling women what they can do with their bodies.
Go ahead, kill your Dem babies rip their limbs off in horrific abortions while you kill them. Then proudly post the videos on youtube. No? Yeah we thought so.
You’re the complete and utter lunatic. That’s where the blame belongs. No maternity leave, no increase in the minimum wage, no universal health care,no subsidized child care. REPUBLICANS OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE.

60% of women who get abortions used birth control AND STILL GOT PREGNANT. Birth control fails - all of the time.

It is a question of whether they should abort or not
Even if they knew before they got pregnant?

I don’t think most women give two thoughts to such matters except maybe as a reason to not get pregnant in the first place. I believe that typically a woman who chooses to have an abortion never meant to get pregnat in the first place.

I think all the rhetoric about Republicans and maternity leave and other neonatal issues are just talking points to point fingers at them. I’m betting these things have very little to with why women choose to get pregnant or have abortions.

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