How crazy it is.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
The hyperbole, the flailing, the outrage from the press after these shootings. Fact is, all these news people love the images of kids laying on the side walk shot through the guts. It’s not just the media either. We here on message boards like this seem to feel a slight bit of glee and optimism when a mass killing goes off here in the USA. If it’s a mass shooting committed by a white teenager then it’s all about guns. Even after the fact that all their little gun bills are pretty useless in stopping any crime from happening. And if it’s a dude named moohamid hassan jabooti then the rightards get alittle hard and their talking points flow. All manner of crazy shit is said and butthurt flows. Check out this article here.

Hey Muslims, Let’s Join the NRA. We Could Help Solve Gun Violence.

“Think about it. There are anywhere between 3 million and 7 million Muslims in the United States. There are only around 5 million members of the NRA. A mass membership drive by Muslim-Americans could effectively give them control of the organization.

It would also petrify conservatives the length and breadth of the United States. Within days, Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan would be lining up his GOP congressional colleagues to back emergency legislative measures, such as universal background checks and longer waiting times on gun purchases. Some right-wing pundits might even start questioning the hallowed Second Amendment itself. President Donald Trump, meanwhile, would probably start tweeting out attacks on the “losers” at the NRA for cozying up to “radical Islam.”

So the scumbag who wrote this, most likely touching him self while watching images of dead kids on TV spouts some talking points like undefined “universal background check” and “longer waiting periods”, but then goes right to a racist stereotype about Muslims.

I’m no fan of the weak, feckless and corrupt NRA. Not shy to say it either, but what would happen if I, in a position that I can speak to many people suggested that we do a membership drive in Chicago among the black population. That way all of the murders that take place can be put on the NRA! Is that cool? Mm, one thing is for sure, this problem will never be solved.

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