'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies

So it’s only an impeachable offense when it’s the other guy? Haha typical

Your hypocrisy is mind blowing

What hypocrisy? What Trump did was against the law. What law did Biden break?
What law did trump break? Cite the code section for me

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or​

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.​
§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

Haha what contributions did he get? Haha
Cling to those lies, sick, sick, bastard…

Aww, you poor, fucked in the head, con. :itsok:

The other thing. There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ...

'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies are to blame for their deaths and demands an apology

2 Mar 2023 ~~ By JEN SMITH,

A mother who lost her two sons to fentanyl poisoning has reacted scornfully to Joe Biden laughing off the claim that his policies might be to blame for their deaths, saying in a video message last night: 'How dare you?'
Rebecca Kiessling's sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.
Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if 'the government secured the border.'
Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling's story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: 'The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.'
Kiessling, in a video posted online on Wednesday night, reacted to his comments with fury.
'This is how you speak about the death of my sons? Because a congresswoman misspoke? You mock the loss of my sons?' she said.

The Maoist/DSA Democratic party refused to let Trump stop drug trafficking across the southern border. They have never wanted a defensible border and as a result, we don't have a defensible border. Why would she blame a man who tried to stop drug trafficking and not the man and is cabal who, to this day, allows drug trafficking?
Biden snickering because her sons died before his administration is beyond evil… Its reprehensible even by his standards…his karma train is rapidly chugging along the track.
Biden could care less about people who are dying of drug overdoses. Joe is beholden to China because China has given the Dems so much, China created a virus that gave them power. Te CCP has given MILLIONS to the Biden crime family..so Biden will always kiss China’s ass..
Some may say that due to his dementia, they chuckle at inappropriate times, no that is NOT the case here, this is who Biden is, a guy who molested his daughter.

i am outraged! this woman raised those kids to be DRUG ADDICTS . it is HER fault that they are dead, not the president, whose policy, by the way is NOT to import illegal drugs.

'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies are to blame for their deaths and demands an apology

2 Mar 2023 ~~ By JEN SMITH,

A mother who lost her two sons to fentanyl poisoning has reacted scornfully to Joe Biden laughing off the claim that his policies might be to blame for their deaths, saying in a video message last night: 'How dare you?'
Rebecca Kiessling's sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.
Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if 'the government secured the border.'
Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling's story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: 'The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.'
Kiessling, in a video posted online on Wednesday night, reacted to his comments with fury.
'This is how you speak about the death of my sons? Because a congresswoman misspoke? You mock the loss of my sons?' she said.

The Maoist/DSA Democratic party refused to let Trump stop drug trafficking across the southern border. They have never wanted a defensible border and as a result, we don't have a defensible border. Why would she blame a man who tried to stop drug trafficking and not the man and is cabal who, to this day, allows drug trafficking?
Biden snickering because her sons died before his administration is beyond evil… Its reprehensible even by his standards…his karma train is rapidly chugging along the track.
Biden could care less about people who are dying of drug overdoses. Joe is beholden to China because China has given the Dems so much, China created a virus that gave them power. Te CCP has given MILLIONS to the Biden crime family..so Biden will always kiss China’s ass..
Some may say that due to his dementia, they chuckle at inappropriate times, no that is NOT the case here, this is who Biden is, a guy who molested his daughter.

Her sons take fentanyl and it's Biden's fault?

He’s orange and mean and he’s not the cute, popular boy. It’s all just a 5th grade student council election for moronic democrat sheep.
Her sons take fentanyl and it's Biden's fault?

Her sons drug problems are not the fault of Biden, however, the increased rates in which the drug is making it to the streets is. As well as Biden’s total lack of empathy for the Americans he kills.
Her sons drug problems are not the fault of Biden, however, the increased rates in which the drug is making it to the streets is. As well as Biden’s total lack of empathy for the Americans he kills.

sorry, but biden seems to lack trump's famous "empathy."

which article in the constitution makes fentanyl a federal responsibility anyway?
I get it, and agree, Biden is an A list piece of shit. Her sons bought and used street drugs. No one to blame but them.

My brother, now dead and in junkie hell, used to make and sell meth and YES, if anyone died from the poison he enabled them to get their hands on, it's his fault.

sorry, but biden seems to lack trump's famous "empathy."

which article in the constitution makes fentanyl a federal responsibility anyway?
Protecting our borders. Which is where most of it comes from.

That said kids decided to do drugs. And paid the price for it. A responsible campaign would show these deaths and fix the economy that leads to we are fucked kids who turn to drugs.

My brother, now dead and in junkie hell, used to make and sell meth and YES, if anyone died from the poison he enabled them to get their hands on, it's his fault.

Condolences for your loss. Unless somebody is held down and injected, or had pills forced into their throat, what goes into their body is their choice.

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