'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies


Superbadbrutha needs to learn how to quote someone's post in the proper way, unlike the way he/she/it did with post #200, rendering me incapable of responding properly.

Place your post outside of the quote of the other person's post, please. What you did was alter my own quote, which is against TOS.

But at any rate, why are you afraid to say MAGA again, Superbadbrutha?

Respond correctly this time, please.

Few have had the stones to question the Hunter Biden connection to xylazine-laced fentanyl, which smuggling came after Trump's administration.
Lol, yep od is new. It has nothing to do with the idiot that decides to take the drugs nor the idiots that raised them huh. Hilarious 😂 Tell me some more fiction stories retard love to be entertained!
Contrary to known reality. He laughed at the MAGA-IGNORANCE of MTG. But that is all they have lies and innuendos.

Except the Democrats were just as deep in to being drug war warrior types.
Dems are fake drug warriors

In San Francisco they not only dont punish drug use they hand out needles to addicts
Dems are fake drug warriors

In San Francisco they not only dont punish drug use they hand out needles to addicts
"Biden reveled in the politics of the 1994 law, bragging after it passed that “the liberal wing of the Democratic Party” was now for “60 new death penalties,” “70 enhanced penalties,” “100,000 cops,” and “125,000 new state prison cells.”

The law imposed tougher prison sentences at the federal level and encouraged states to do the same. It provided funds for states to build more prisons, aimed to fund 100,000 more cops, and backed grant programs that encouraged police officers to carry out more drug-related arrests — an escalation of the war on drugs."


'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies are to blame for their deaths and demands an apology

2 Mar 2023 ~~ By JEN SMITH,

A mother who lost her two sons to fentanyl poisoning has reacted scornfully to Joe Biden laughing off the claim that his policies might be to blame for their deaths, saying in a video message last night: 'How dare you?'
Rebecca Kiessling's sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.
Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if 'the government secured the border.'
Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling's story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: 'The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.'
Kiessling, in a video posted online on Wednesday night, reacted to his comments with fury.
'This is how you speak about the death of my sons? Because a congresswoman misspoke? You mock the loss of my sons?' she said.

The Maoist/DSA Democratic party refused to let Trump stop drug trafficking across the southern border. They have never wanted a defensible border and as a result, we don't have a defensible border. Why would she blame a man who tried to stop drug trafficking and not the man and is cabal who, to this day, allows drug trafficking?
Biden snickering because her sons died before his administration is beyond evil… Its reprehensible even by his standards…his karma train is rapidly chugging along the track.
Biden could care less about people who are dying of drug overdoses. Joe is beholden to China because China has given the Dems so much, China created a virus that gave them power. Te CCP has given MILLIONS to the Biden crime family..so Biden will always kiss China’s ass..
Some may say that due to his dementia, they chuckle at inappropriate times, no that is NOT the case here, this is who Biden is, a guy who molested his daughter.

Why shouldn't he laugh?

The idea is stupid.

Besides, the border "was secure" from Jan 2017 to Jan 2021.
"Biden reveled in the politics of the 1994 law, bragging after it passed that “the liberal wing of the Democratic Party” was now for “60 new death penalties,” “70 enhanced penalties,” “100,000 cops,” and “125,000 new state prison cells.”

The law imposed tougher prison sentences at the federal level and encouraged states to do the same. It provided funds for states to build more prisons, aimed to fund 100,000 more cops, and backed grant programs that encouraged police officers to carry out more drug-related arrests — an escalation of the war on drugs."

Biden is a two-faced liar who says whatever the audience wants to hear

That was then, but now the theme is defund the police
Aww the poor fragile little......


Okay. I'll take MAGGOT.

We all know what you mean and we love how it proves over and over how terrified you are.

You sling epithets the hardest when you're scared.

So, say MAGGOT.

Y'all are bad spellers anyway, so no biggie.

U R 1.



No, really. Say MAGGOT!!!!!!

It's fun to watch you holler at the monster under your bed!

If you don't say it, we'll all know that you're more scared of us than you are of the monster.

So, come on.

Just say it for us.

Scare that monster away.

Or maybe you need your mommy to do it for you.


Thanks for sharing with us your posts, which tell us how easy you are.


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