'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies

His policies are not killing Americans. Mass shootings have been on the rise since Trump took office.
Mass shooting actually were on the rise during the obama admin.

As far as overall gun violence, there has been a sharp escalation under Xiden’s pro-crime agenda…there were a whopping 5k more shootings in xiden’s first year in office then in trumps
How can American people work for the corrupt Joe Biden that has shouted down the American people who voted for President Trump? And he throws people under the bus who remind him he has crossed the line of acceptability on any of his other evil doings? I've read articles by liberal authors who say they can't believe he would burden the American people with more debt than they can pay back in a lifetime through hiked-up taxes, sans any semblance of propriety. There's a huge march of former Democrats beating a path to the Republican Party. They're sick of his gross negligence of the people he gave an oath he would protect the very day he opened the border to crime of every kind, with countries all over the world emptying their prisons full of dangerous criminals and shipping them to the shores of Mexico to cross the border to sneak across and restart their criminal histories. Biden is the world's biggest creep, and he hates this nation's people with a hatred I've never seen in any President in my lifetime.

Those people who voted for Trump are fascists and nothing else. They are attacking this country. They don't care how many people die from gun violence. Trump and the Republicans are crossing the line of acceptability and committing evil deeds. They are attacking the rights of Americans. The Republicans have burdened us with trillions of dollars in debt through tax cuts such as the unnecessary Trump tax cuts. Former Democrats are moving to Republicans because they want power and nothing more. No one is emptying their prisons unless they are in for political crimes. You are just spouting lies. Trump and the Republicans hate anyone who votes against them. You are the major creeps.
Mass shooting actually were on the rise during the obama admin.

As far as overall gun violence, there has been a sharp escalation under Xiden’s pro-crime agenda…there were a whopping 5k more shootings in xiden’s first year in office then in trumps

No they were not, Just another lie. Right wing fascists have shot more people than Islamic terrorists and it started under Trump.
The point here is, the border is NOT secured, and it's far less secured today UNDER Biden, than the past president.
Joe Biden, instead of continuing the work of securing our border, instead the stupid mother fucker, went in the OPPOSITE direction when he INVITED the flooding of our border!!

Biden in 2019: The Fact

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.

That is untrue. Joe Biden did not invite anyone. You are a piece of shit for brains robot.
How can American people work for the corrupt Joe Biden that has shouted down the American people who voted for President Trump? And he throws people under the bus who remind him he has crossed the line of acceptability on any of his other evil doings? I've read articles by liberal authors who say they can't believe he would burden the American people with more debt than they can pay back in a lifetime through hiked-up taxes, sans any semblance of propriety. There's a huge march of former Democrats beating a path to the Republican Party. They're sick of his gross negligence of the people he gave an oath he would protect the very day he opened the border to crime of every kind, with countries all over the world emptying their prisons full of dangerous criminals and shipping them to the shores of Mexico to cross the border to sneak across and restart their criminal histories. Biden is the world's biggest creep, and he hates this nation's people with a hatred I've never seen in any President in my lifetime.

The only corruption exists in the Republican Party and with Trump and his supporters like you. Trump and the Republicans have crossed the line of acceptability to attack the rights of Americans. The people who voted for Trump are fascists and the sooner they die, the better off this country will be. Republicans are burdening Americans with more debt through tax cuts to the rich. Some corrupt Democrats are selling out their constituents for personal power. The mafia that is the Republican Party will take care of them. They are Nazis and nothing more. He did not open the border to crime. No one is emptying their prisons. Trump and his supporters are the creeps and hate anyone who does not support them.

'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies are to blame for their deaths and demands an apology

2 Mar 2023 ~~ By JEN SMITH,

A mother who lost her two sons to fentanyl poisoning has reacted scornfully to Joe Biden laughing off the claim that his policies might be to blame for their deaths, saying in a video message last night: 'How dare you?'
Rebecca Kiessling's sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.
Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if 'the government secured the border.'
Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling's story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: 'The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.'
Kiessling, in a video posted online on Wednesday night, reacted to his comments with fury.
'This is how you speak about the death of my sons? Because a congresswoman misspoke? You mock the loss of my sons?' she said.

The Maoist/DSA Democratic party refused to let Trump stop drug trafficking across the southern border. They have never wanted a defensible border and as a result, we don't have a defensible border. Why would she blame a man who tried to stop drug trafficking and not the man and is cabal who, to this day, allows drug trafficking?
Biden snickering because her sons died before his administration is beyond evil… Its reprehensible even by his standards…his karma train is rapidly chugging along the track.
Biden could care less about people who are dying of drug overdoses. Joe is beholden to China because China has given the Dems so much, China created a virus that gave them power. Te CCP has given MILLIONS to the Biden crime family..so Biden will always kiss China’s ass..
Some may say that due to his dementia, they chuckle at inappropriate times, no that is NOT the case here, this is who Biden is, a guy who molested his daughter.

This is utterly bizarre. Some woman gets angry because she wants to blame Biden for the deaths of her sons in 2020????
No they were not, Just another lie. Right wing fascists have shot more people than Islamic terrorists and it started under Trump.

Have I told you lately how happy I am that the nice nurses only let you play with the computer once a month?

Thanks for your thought provoking post.


Oh come on man, don't even try to claim that your side is suddenly all for border security. That ship sailed many many years ago, and we all know which direction it went. It's not Republicans who create sanctuary cities, and who actively work to dismantle border security.

Nice non-sequitur. :itsok:

I didn't say my side is all for border security. That's where you tried shifting the argument to which lets me know you know my link proved you wrong.

What I actually showed was that Biden was putting up unfinished segments of Trump's wall; which I showed in response to your bullshit that Biden was not working on securing the border.

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