'How dare you?' Thunberg asks world leaders at UN

What exactly do these mindless minions expect everyone to do? They keep calling for “action”. Hello, marching around and chanting three or four word phrases isn’t going to stop anything.

Of course we know they aren’t interested in solutions for anything, they just want everyone to convert to Marxism.
The stupidity and ignorance of brainwashed GOP voters continues to astound. The world is aghast at your idiocy and blind hate....

Well Francis, maybe you can enlighten us on what “action” needs to take place in order to stop “global warming”, or “climate change”, since global warming got debunked.
Spoiled little dumbass Moon Bat that has been brainwashed to believe the silly AGW scam.
She is no different that other idiotic brainwashed Moon Bat dumbasses.

She has bought that AGW scam hook, line and sinker just like her Libtard handlers knew she would.
Maybe she could marry that David Hogg asshole and they could have TDS afflicted children at birth.
Greta's future! :laugh::laughing0301:

She is no different that other idiotic brainwashed Moon Bat dumbasses.

She has bought that AGW scam hook, line and sinker just like her Libtard handlers knew she would.
She looks slightly insane. The first time I saw her she was so nervous I thought she had a condition....maybe Tourette's.....
She is no different that other idiotic brainwashed Moon Bat dumbasses.

She has bought that AGW scam hook, line and sinker just like her Libtard handlers knew she would.
She looks slightly insane. The first time I saw her she was so nervous I thought she had a condition....maybe Tourette's.....

Probably also suffering from that mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome. A lot of it going around in the world. A serious mental health problem.

Or maybe she is just nothing more than the typical dumbass Moon Bat that can't think for herself.
It sounds like Sweden's educational system is just as screwed up as the US.

Only morons believe this silly ass AGW bullshit.
Does anyone really fall for this sort of horse crap?

Some Eco-wackos that think the Earth is about to end, bring some agit-propped little girl who doesn't know any better to scold the worlds leaders.


Where does this actually work, because the grifters are waiting in line, lol.

'How dare you?' Greta Thunberg asks world leaders at UN

You know, it actually makes sense that the left picked this girl as their representative.

The left are nothing more than petulant children. They demand you give them everything they want. When you don’t, they throw a fit.
Does anyone really fall for this sort of horse crap?

Some Eco-wackos that think the Earth is about to end, bring some agit-propped little girl who doesn't know any better to scold the worlds leaders.


Where does this actually work, because the grifters are waiting in line, lol.

'How dare you?' Greta Thunberg asks world leaders at UN
The world has had these 10 year warnings several times in my lifetime. Nobody's buying it anymore.
She is no different that other idiotic brainwashed Moon Bat dumbasses.

She has bought that AGW scam hook, line and sinker just like her Libtard handlers knew she would.
She looks slightly insane. The first time I saw her she was so nervous I thought she had a condition....maybe Tourette's.....

She's autistic, literally, not kidding. My youngest is slightly autistic. I spotted it in her while watching her give a talk to a EU conference. I know the signs. Anyway, I looked her up when it struck me while watching her speech. Sure enough, my instincts were right. You're picking up on the signs, and it's a certain shade of anxiousness.

Maxime Bernier Attacked Greta Thunberg’s Autism. Naomi Klein Says Autism Made the Teen a Global Voice of Conscience
Omigawd. She's the David Hogg of Climate Change. So grim, so faux-earnest...and so full of excrement.

I hope her 15 minutes expire soon.
She is a pawn, and it's beyond low that the PTSB use children for their "Problem - Reaction - Solution" strategy.

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