How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

At this point I'm going to go back to a radio broadcast by Dr Walter E Williams; not verbatim of course:

"I'm going to run for Congress. My promise to my voters is that if I'm elected, I will bring nothing back from Washington. I will vote down any spending bill, and tell the federal government our state doesn't want their money. Would you vote for me?"

And the people would say, "Fuck you, Uncle Tom, we like infrastructure and civilization."

Your first intelligent comment in a long time. Yes, that's what people would say, so it's really us who are to blame--not the politicians. Politicians only do what we want them to do.
ROTFLMAO!!! The cheating via voter and election fraud, commie Joe......nothing less, nothing more.

You know what, you guys have been trying to "prove" voter fraud since the voters rejected George W. Stupid in 2000....

The reality... the Electoral College doesn't currently reflect the will of the people. So you have this fuckups like 2000 and 2016. It's really just that simple.

The people didn't want Trump, and his approval rating in good economic times has never breached 50%. That's objective reality.

But in your world, the voters were all frauds and all the polls are lying.
Your first intelligent comment in a long time. Yes, that's what people would say, so it's really us who are to blame--not the politicians. Politicians only do what we want them to do.

But the thing is, the people aren't "to blame". The things we want government to do are actually in our best interest.

The real problem is, we want government to do all these things, and we don't have the balls to make the rich pay their fair share. Some Shyster comes out and tells stupid people that the rich deserve their tax cuts we can't afford, they fuck up the economy, and you guys fall for it because they tell you that people getting "welfare" are "lazy", even though the vast majority of entitlements- Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance - go to middle class white folks.
LOL...going to the race card at the first possible moment! It's what intellectual lightweights like Joey do!

Ray spews racist shit every day, whining about his black neighbors, Obama and that motorist he almost ran off the road because he's barely competent at his job.

He's the one who compared black folks to raccoons.

Notice who uses terms like "darkies" and "coons"! It isn't a's a liberal trying to paint conservatives as racists! You want a safety net that doesn't incentivize the poor to stay poor? You hate poor people!

Uh, the only thing that incentizes poor people to stay poor is the unquenchable greed of the rich. Nobody gets up in the morning and says, "I want to go on welfare." The fact you and the Racist from Cleveland think there are is the problem. In fact, most folks on welfare are in fact working poor. 40% of households on SNAP have jobs. Just not jobs that pay well enough to put food on the table.

You want healthcare reform that doesn't put the nation into a death spiral of debt? You want to push Grandma off a cliff!

Except that you guys are more interested in protecting the people who profit off of Grandma's illness than protecting grandma... that's the point, dummy. We spend MORE THAN ANY OTHER NATION ON HEALTH CARE and we get the absolute worst results.

So now that yet another Tax cut for the rich has failed to pay for itself (no, really?), you have the usual suspects talking about cutting Granny's Medicare!

Liberals can't stand people who don't see things the same way they do. Give them an argument why what they demand isn't good policy and they will always respond by calling you a "racist", a "misogynist" and of course a "fascist"!

Well, let's call it what it is. If you took out the racism, misogyny, and homophobia and just told guys like the Racist from Cleveland, "Hey, buddy, we want you to work harder for less money so Daddy Warbucks can buy a new Dressage Pony, because he's earned it", even a person as dumb as fuck as Ray would realize that's a shitty deal for him. But man, you appeal to his insecurities... tell him that "Raccoon" wants his ham, and he'll get all up and behind that shit.

Speaking of which...

But he thinks he doesn’t have an obsession problem. I’ve been living in his head rent-free for about two years now since I told him my employer canceled our healthcare insurance. I would be willing to bet he even dreams about it. He brings it up in almost every reply to me and even to other members.

Yes, because it is the ABSOLUTE PERFECT EXAMPLE of a battered housewife Republican who keeps letting the One Percent fuck him. Single Payer would solve ALL your problems. You would probably benefit more from Single Payer than I would. But your boss screws you, and you don't even try to get insurance through ACA or some other form. Because you enjoy whining about how "the Mulatto" screwed you.

It's taken you liberals nearly sixty years to accomplish it, Joey but yes there ARE people in the US that make the decision to go on welfare and STAY on welfare! You've created an underclass of people who think that's just a normal life. It's not just someone who's fallen on hard times and needs a safety net to get through's GENERATIONS of families that have been on welfare! You on the left have done that...and it hasn't been a "good thing" for the people you've done it to!
ROTFLMAO!!! The cheating via voter and election fraud, commie Joe......nothing less, nothing more.

You know what, you guys have been trying to "prove" voter fraud since the voters rejected George W. Stupid in 2000....

The reality... the Electoral College doesn't currently reflect the will of the people. So you have this fuckups like 2000 and 2016. It's really just that simple.

The people didn't want Trump, and his approval rating in good economic times has never breached 50%. That's objective reality.

But in your world, the voters were all frauds and all the polls are lying.

Asking for proper voter ID is such an obvious thing that it's hard to believe anyone who actually BELIEVED in valid elections would fight it...yet fight it you liberals do! Why? Because you know it gets you more votes! That's the very essence of voter fraud and you know it!
Hildebeast got her ass thoroughly kicked, commie Joe.......

She won by 3 million votes... so, no she didn't.

The people said "No" in 2016.

This year, they said it a little louder.

She won by 3 million votes... so, no she didn't.

That and $8 will get you a yummy drink at Starbucks.
Meanwhile, in the real world, she drinks herself to death alone and Trump is President.
Much, much more is being spent on "entitlements" (handouts) than on interest.

Agreed, but who is going to put their political career on the line to slow them down or stop them? Nobody on the right or the left.

Nah. Cut spending, 10% a year, for 3 years, then see how the budget looks.

Then it boils down to what to cut? The right will object to military spending cuts. The left will object to social program cuts. For crying out loud, we still spend money on Planned Parenthood, funding for NPR and PBS. Our funding for foreign aid that helps keep us out of wars.

You're never going to find middle-ground on what to cut because each party is interested in keeping their voters coming to the polls.

US politicians are not into politics to do the right thing, they are in politics to make a career. Right or left, if we cut anything from SS or Medicare, you just signed your political death sentence.

The link below says that the total value of US sales is about $31T a year.

"While there are significantly more pass-through entities than C corporations, corporations still earn the largest portion of total gross receipts. In 2011, corporations earned 62 percent of the $30.9 trillion in total business receipts."
Corporations Make Up 5 Percent of Businesses but Earn 62 Percent of Revenues - Tax Foundation

A 10% Federal sales tax would raise $3.1T a year, a 5% sales tax would raise $1.6T a year, which would cover the $900b Budget Deficit and start paying down the Debt. there will be tax dodgers, and there are obviously more sales than in 2011, but a 4% or 5% Federal sales tax would fix the Budget and Debt.
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The $21T Debt and the $900b annual deficit means that in a few years its too late to recover.

Baloney. It's never too late to stop overspending.

Correct. But what happens if interest rates keep on rising? Then we won't even have enough money to pay the interest which is what we are just about doing now. The cuts would have to be dramatic, and taxes would have to go up considerably.

This is why I suggested earlier that we have a national consumption tax. All proceeds go to the national debt only. Let's say 10% of every dollar you spend. This way, people might start paying attention to all the spending and where our money is going. However when the top 20% of wage earners in this country are paying 85% of our income tax collections, the rest of the people don't care.

I think it's time everybody had a dog in the race; from Bill Gates to the homeless guy. Everybody pays, and everybody pays attention.

But what happens if interest rates keep on rising? Then we won't even have enough money to pay the interest which is what we are just about doing now.

Much, much more is being spent on "entitlements" (handouts) than on interest.

This is why I suggested earlier that we have a national consumption tax. All proceeds go to the national debt only.

Nah. Cut spending, 10% a year, for 3 years, then see how the budget looks.

Cut spending 10% a year for 3 years????
Here is the 2019 Federal Budget at $4.04T, a 10% cut for 3-years would be about $1.08T in cuts over 3-years. You can't touch "mandatory spending" and total "discretionary" is $1.3T, so your recommendation makes no sense.

2019 Federal Budget

Mandatory spending $2.74T

Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
Defense $893.0
HHS $70.0
Education $59.9
VA $83.1
Homeland $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2
NNSA $15.1
HUD $29.2
State Dept $40.3
NASA $19.0
All Other Agencies $133.1
The $21T Debt and the $900b annual deficit means that in a few years its too late to recover.

Baloney. It's never too late to stop overspending.

Correct. But what happens if interest rates keep on rising? Then we won't even have enough money to pay the interest which is what we are just about doing now. The cuts would have to be dramatic, and taxes would have to go up considerably.

This is why I suggested earlier that we have a national consumption tax. All proceeds go to the national debt only. Let's say 10% of every dollar you spend. This way, people might start paying attention to all the spending and where our money is going. However when the top 20% of wage earners in this country are paying 85% of our income tax collections, the rest of the people don't care.

I think it's time everybody had a dog in the race; from Bill Gates to the homeless guy. Everybody pays, and everybody pays attention.

But what happens if interest rates keep on rising? Then we won't even have enough money to pay the interest which is what we are just about doing now.

Much, much more is being spent on "entitlements" (handouts) than on interest.

This is why I suggested earlier that we have a national consumption tax. All proceeds go to the national debt only.

Nah. Cut spending, 10% a year, for 3 years, then see how the budget looks.

Cut spending 10% a year for 3 years????
Here is the 2019 Federal Budget at $4.04T, a 10% cut for 3-years would be about $1.08T in cuts over 3-years. You can't touch "mandatory spending" and total "discretionary" is $1.3T, so your recommendation makes no sense.

2019 Federal Budget

Mandatory spending $2.74T

Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
Defense $893.0
HHS $70.0
Education $59.9
VA $83.1
Homeland $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2
NNSA $15.1
HUD $29.2
State Dept $40.3
NASA $19.0
All Other Agencies $133.1

Cut spending 10% a year for 3 years????


Here is the 2019 Federal Budget at $4.04T, a 10% cut for 3-years would be about $1.08T in cuts over 3-years.

No. We'd spend about $3.6T in year one, $3.24T in year two, $2.92T in year three.

You can't touch "mandatory spending"

Who says? Is that some sort of law of nature? Thou shalt not...…..?
The $21T Debt and the $900b annual deficit means that in a few years its too late to recover.

Baloney. It's never too late to stop overspending.

Correct. But what happens if interest rates keep on rising? Then we won't even have enough money to pay the interest which is what we are just about doing now. The cuts would have to be dramatic, and taxes would have to go up considerably.

This is why I suggested earlier that we have a national consumption tax. All proceeds go to the national debt only. Let's say 10% of every dollar you spend. This way, people might start paying attention to all the spending and where our money is going. However when the top 20% of wage earners in this country are paying 85% of our income tax collections, the rest of the people don't care.

I think it's time everybody had a dog in the race; from Bill Gates to the homeless guy. Everybody pays, and everybody pays attention.

But what happens if interest rates keep on rising? Then we won't even have enough money to pay the interest which is what we are just about doing now.

Much, much more is being spent on "entitlements" (handouts) than on interest.

This is why I suggested earlier that we have a national consumption tax. All proceeds go to the national debt only.

Nah. Cut spending, 10% a year, for 3 years, then see how the budget looks.

Cut spending 10% a year for 3 years????
Here is the 2019 Federal Budget at $4.04T, a 10% cut for 3-years would be about $1.08T in cuts over 3-years. You can't touch "mandatory spending" and total "discretionary" is $1.3T, so your recommendation makes no sense.

2019 Federal Budget

Mandatory spending $2.74T

Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
Defense $893.0
HHS $70.0
Education $59.9
VA $83.1
Homeland $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2
NNSA $15.1
HUD $29.2
State Dept $40.3
NASA $19.0
All Other Agencies $133.1

Cut spending 10% a year for 3 years????


Here is the 2019 Federal Budget at $4.04T, a 10% cut for 3-years would be about $1.08T in cuts over 3-years.

No. We'd spend about $3.6T in year one, $3.24T in year two, $2.92T in year three.

You can't touch "mandatory spending"

Who says? Is that some sort of law of nature? Thou shalt not...…..?

We'd spend about $3.6T in year one, $3.24T in year two, $2.92T in year three.

Where do you CUT the Budget $1.08T? You can't just put up bullshit numbers.
To cut $1.08T from the $4.04T 2019 Budget you need to show specifically what you would cut. All Welfare, all Medicaid half of Defense? What?

Who says you can't touch mandatory spending? Is that some sort of law of nature? Thou shalt not...…..?

Yes it is, hence the word "mandatory". You tell us you're going to cut Medicare and Social Security and we will lynch you.
Like I said, your 10% bullshit is simply unworkable.
Raising the top rate 7% and implementing a 3% Federal Sales/Consumption tax would be much more appealing to the politicians.
Asking for proper voter ID is such an obvious thing that it's hard to believe anyone who actually BELIEVED in valid elections would fight it...yet fight it you liberals do! Why? Because you know it gets you more votes! That's the very essence of voter fraud and you know it!

No, it's about voter suppression. THey know most poor people really can't afford ID's and don't always have it available...

Now, I'd have no problem with a National ID card as long as everyone gets one for free and if you misplaced it, there's a database where they can look you up and confirm your identity.
She won by 3 million votes... so, no she didn't.

That and $8 will get you a yummy drink at Starbucks.
Meanwhile, in the real world, she drinks herself to death alone and Trump is President.

Yeah, we won on a technicality against the direct will of the people... so, horray for us?

Seriously, this is what you are going with. Then again, when all your ideas are crap and people have to be fooled into voting for you, I guess that's what you go with.
Asking for proper voter ID is such an obvious thing that it's hard to believe anyone who actually BELIEVED in valid elections would fight it...yet fight it you liberals do! Why? Because you know it gets you more votes! That's the very essence of voter fraud and you know it!

No, it's about voter suppression. THey know most poor people really can't afford ID's and don't always have it available...

Now, I'd have no problem with a National ID card as long as everyone gets one for free and if you misplaced it, there's a database where they can look you up and confirm your identity.

Most states (if not all) offer free ID"s for those who don't have the money for one. They have money for wine, they have money for dope, they have money for cigarettes and pop tarts, but they don't have money for an ID.

Democrats have pulled the wool over your eyes like they have so many times before. It's not about voter suppression, it's that Democrats attract the lowest forms of life. They are lazy and will vote only if it's convenient enough. To put some effort into voting, many will say to hell with voting and just stay home. This is what really frightens Democrats.

But of course they can't say that. It would be the truth, and the truth to Democrats is like the cross to Dracula. So they needed to make up a reason for opposing ID's. Because they couldn't come up with a legitimate one, they went into the Democrat default position of racism.

Their supporters never question what they say. They don't think for themselves, they let CNN do their thinking for them. So they echo this lie that it's voter suppression and not the real reason for opposition.
Your first intelligent comment in a long time. Yes, that's what people would say, so it's really us who are to blame--not the politicians. Politicians only do what we want them to do.

But the thing is, the people aren't "to blame". The things we want government to do are actually in our best interest.

The real problem is, we want government to do all these things, and we don't have the balls to make the rich pay their fair share. Some Shyster comes out and tells stupid people that the rich deserve their tax cuts we can't afford, they fuck up the economy, and you guys fall for it because they tell you that people getting "welfare" are "lazy", even though the vast majority of entitlements- Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment Insurance - go to middle class white folks.

No, not all of us want government to do these "wonderful" things, only liberals do.

So yes, have government do all these wonderful things, just as long as you're not paying for those wonderful things. If you had to pay for them yourself, they would no longer be wonderful to you.

That's why we need to fund all these goodies with a national sales tax. If we all had to pay for these wonderful things, you'd see how fast people wouldn't want them anymore.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

I guess you haven't been playing attention, the republicans have been working on tax break part 2. Typical regressives, always leading form behind. LMFAO

The $21T Debt and the $900b annual deficit means that in a few years its too late to recover.

Baloney. It's never too late to stop overspending.

Correct. But what happens if interest rates keep on rising? Then we won't even have enough money to pay the interest which is what we are just about doing now. The cuts would have to be dramatic, and taxes would have to go up considerably.

This is why I suggested earlier that we have a national consumption tax. All proceeds go to the national debt only. Let's say 10% of every dollar you spend. This way, people might start paying attention to all the spending and where our money is going. However when the top 20% of wage earners in this country are paying 85% of our income tax collections, the rest of the people don't care.

I think it's time everybody had a dog in the race; from Bill Gates to the homeless guy. Everybody pays, and everybody pays attention.

But what happens if interest rates keep on rising? Then we won't even have enough money to pay the interest which is what we are just about doing now.

Much, much more is being spent on "entitlements" (handouts) than on interest.

This is why I suggested earlier that we have a national consumption tax. All proceeds go to the national debt only.

Nah. Cut spending, 10% a year, for 3 years, then see how the budget looks.

Cut spending 10% a year for 3 years????
Here is the 2019 Federal Budget at $4.04T, a 10% cut for 3-years would be about $1.08T in cuts over 3-years. You can't touch "mandatory spending" and total "discretionary" is $1.3T, so your recommendation makes no sense.

2019 Federal Budget

Mandatory spending $2.74T

Social Security $878b
Medicare $625b
Medicaid $412b
Welfare $462b
Interest on the Debt $363b

Discretionary spending $1.3T
Defense $893.0
HHS $70.0
Education $59.9
VA $83.1
Homeland $52.7
Energy Dept $29.2
NNSA $15.1
HUD $29.2
State Dept $40.3
NASA $19.0
All Other Agencies $133.1

Cut spending 10% a year for 3 years????


Here is the 2019 Federal Budget at $4.04T, a 10% cut for 3-years would be about $1.08T in cuts over 3-years.

No. We'd spend about $3.6T in year one, $3.24T in year two, $2.92T in year three.

You can't touch "mandatory spending"

Who says? Is that some sort of law of nature? Thou shalt not...…..?

We'd spend about $3.6T in year one, $3.24T in year two, $2.92T in year three.

Where do you CUT the Budget $1.08T? You can't just put up bullshit numbers.
To cut $1.08T from the $4.04T 2019 Budget you need to show specifically what you would cut. All Welfare, all Medicaid half of Defense? What?

Who says you can't touch mandatory spending? Is that some sort of law of nature? Thou shalt not...…..?

Yes it is, hence the word "mandatory". You tell us you're going to cut Medicare and Social Security and we will lynch you.
Like I said, your 10% bullshit is simply unworkable.
Raising the top rate 7% and implementing a 3% Federal Sales/Consumption tax would be much more appealing to the politicians.

You tell us you're going to cut Medicare and Social Security and we will lynch you.

Coming from the guy who wants $1.6 trillion a year in Federal sales taxes, that's fucking hilarious!!!
She won by 3 million votes... so, no she didn't.

That and $8 will get you a yummy drink at Starbucks.
Meanwhile, in the real world, she drinks herself to death alone and Trump is President.

Yeah, we won on a technicality against the direct will of the people... so, horray for us?

Seriously, this is what you are going with. Then again, when all your ideas are crap and people have to be fooled into voting for you, I guess that's what you go with.

Yeah, we won on a technicality against the direct will of the people...

Yeah, we won, based on the rules.
Asking for proper voter ID is such an obvious thing that it's hard to believe anyone who actually BELIEVED in valid elections would fight it...yet fight it you liberals do! Why? Because you know it gets you more votes! That's the very essence of voter fraud and you know it!

No, it's about voter suppression. THey know most poor people really can't afford ID's and don't always have it available...

Now, I'd have no problem with a National ID card as long as everyone gets one for free and if you misplaced it, there's a database where they can look you up and confirm your identity.

That's a crock, Joey...when Democrats were offered a deal where the poor would not be charged for ID's...they turned it down COLD! Why? Their excuse was that having to go and get an ID was too "burdensome" and therefore racially targeting minorities.

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