How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

Where do you get this idiocy that SS and Medicare are owned and used exclusively by white people? White people (like minorities) paid into the system and simply want what they were promised by participating. WTF is wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with it. What's silly is that you are all for welfare for old white people, some of whom are more than capable of working or have savings to draw upon, but man, oh, man, you give some food stamps to a poor black working mom working for minimum wage who doesn't want to work a full 40 hour week, and you go around comparing them to rabid animals in your garbage.

People don't become rich by not doing anything. They become rich by risking their money, creating products, and creating services. Before the big-eared commie, very few offered jobs without healthcare insurance, but you refuse to believe that because you need to protect your Kenyan Messiah.

Again, you mistake the Capitalist parasite for a vital organ. The people creating products and services are the ones working for a living that the One Percenters cheat at every opportunity when they don't have unions and government watching out for them.
Nothing is wrong with it. What's silly is that you are all for welfare for old white people, some of whom are more than capable of working or have savings to draw upon, but man, oh, man, you give some food stamps to a poor black working mom working for minimum wage who doesn't want to work a full 40 hour week, and you go around comparing them to rabid animals in your garbage.

SS is not welfare. The people who collect SS paid into it their entire lives. In fact it was their largest paycheck deduction. Of course they want it back, who wouldn't?

A welfare mom more than likely had a kid she could never afford in the first place, she doesn't pay income tax if she is getting food stamps, and likely has more than one child. We are giving her something she never paid into. That's welfare.

Again, you mistake the Capitalist parasite for a vital organ. The people creating products and services are the ones working for a living that the One Percenters cheat at every opportunity when they don't have unions and government watching out for them.

Joe, if we took every lowlife out of this country, put them on an island somewhere, not only would they never be missed, but the country would be doing much better. If we took all the wealthy in the US and put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses.

That's because all those big buildings you see downtown were built by rich people. All those industrial and housing developments were funded by rich people. Nearly all our income tax collections come from rich people. This country cannot survive without them.

If you go in your backyard and dig a hole, then fill it up again, then dig another hole, and fill that back up again, you didn't earn ten cents. Now if you do the same for an employer, that's when you make money because somebody took the risk to create such a job for you. It's something you would never (or couldn't) do for yourself.
Most of those people don't even know what they are voting on. They are politically ignorant which is how they are able to be coaxed into voting Democrat.

I think they know exactly what they are voting on.. unlike dumbasses like you who keep voting to let the rich fuck you some more.

Yes, we've seen how much they know about politics all the time:

SS is not welfare. The people who collect SS paid into it their entire lives. In fact it was their largest paycheck deduction. Of course they want it back, who wouldn't?

Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks. People in Hell want Ice Water. What is your point here? The fact is, social security payments were always paying the people currently retired, not putting money aside for you when you retire. It was never pitched as an investment scheme.

A welfare mom more than likely had a kid she could never afford in the first place, she doesn't pay income tax if she is getting food stamps, and likely has more than one child. We are giving her something she never paid into. That's welfare.

But you see, it's MEANS and NEEDS tested welfare... that's the point. Unlike the snowbird who winters in Florida getting a big check.

Meeting with a customer now... be back to mock you more later..
Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks. People in Hell want Ice Water. What is your point here? The fact is, social security payments were always paying the people currently retired, not putting money aside for you when you retire. It was never pitched as an investment scheme.

More like a Ponzi scheme. Thanks to Democrats for that one.

When you can show me the deduction in your paycheck for bailing out the banks in your name, let me know.

It's those evil rich people that bailed out the banks because it was their money used to do it. You can send them a Thank You note later.

But you see, it's MEANS and NEEDS tested welfare... that's the point. Unlike the snowbird who winters in Florida getting a big check.

Meeting with a customer now... be back to mock you more later..

Very few would "need" it if not for the Democrat party promoting irresponsibility on a consistent basis. Yeah, it's means tested alright. It's been proven to encourage people to do the same which is have kids they could never support.
SS is not welfare. The people who collect SS paid into it their entire lives. In fact it was their largest paycheck deduction. Of course they want it back, who wouldn't?

Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks. People in Hell want Ice Water. What is your point here? The fact is, social security payments were always paying the people currently retired, not putting money aside for you when you retire. It was never pitched as an investment scheme.

A welfare mom more than likely had a kid she could never afford in the first place, she doesn't pay income tax if she is getting food stamps, and likely has more than one child. We are giving her something she never paid into. That's welfare.

But you see, it's MEANS and NEEDS tested welfare... that's the point. Unlike the snowbird who winters in Florida getting a big check.

Meeting with a customer now... be back to mock you more later..

Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Alright, let’s hear some details of your plan. Which income brackets are you going to cut taxes for, and which brackets will you raise taxes. Specifics please, not just a sissy response of upper and lower, actual income brackets.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Works on the assumption that Americans are smart enough to understand the tax legislation when most of us can't even figure out how to fill out our own 1040's.

All that said, what happens in 2020 will depend on a couple of things.

1) The state of the economy.. If the economy is still where it's at now, Trump will probably be re-elected. He might even be legitimately elected this time without help from the Anachronistic College or the Russians. If the economy is in the shitter, he's toast.

2) Do conservatives - real conservatives - mount a challenge to Trump in the primaries or in a third party.

3) Do the Democrats find a good candidate this time. My biggest worry about 2020 is that the Bernie Bros manage to bully some nut into the nomination.... proposing a lot of crazy stuff Americans just won't go for.

Good observation regarding Trump getting re-elected and the economy. I suspect we will have a recession before 2020 for a few reasons, not the least of which is we are historically overdue for one.

Conservatives (like me) will not likely mount a challenge to Trump because it is too risky for the incumbent party, namely the Republicans (of which I am not a member).

Another fine point, who will the Dems offer as a canidate. We know who can’t win- Hellary, Bernie and Biden.

And finally, regarding your gratuitous butthurt statement regarding the electoral college- Read history and you will understand (if you are open minded and intelligent) why we have this system, why it is good, and why you and POGO and all the other Lib whiners can’t change it.
More like a Ponzi scheme. Thanks to Democrats for that one.

When you can show me the deduction in your paycheck for bailing out the banks in your name, let me know.

It's those evil rich people that bailed out the banks because it was their money used to do it. You can send them a Thank You note later.

Bullshit. The rest of us bailed out the banks while we were stuck with underwater mortgages... then they turned around and screwed the lot of us to pay what little of it they paid back.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.

Um, no, stupid. The banks didn't pay that back. The people they SCREWED with higher interests rates and foreclosures paid it back.

Another Battered Housewife Republican.

Very few would "need" it if not for the Democrat party promoting irresponsibility on a consistent basis. Yeah, it's means tested alright. It's been proven to encourage people to do the same which is have kids they could never support.

Again, nobody has babies to get a big welfare check.. I do find it funny that you guys are pro-baby up until the point they are born.

Joe, if we took every lowlife out of this country, put them on an island somewhere, not only would they never be missed, but the country would be doing much better. If we took all the wealthy in the US and put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses.

Uh, guy, usually countries collapse because the rich are too greedy, and you have a happy day when the rest of us get fed up with them, take them out and shoot them.

What the Democrats are very good at are saving the rich from themselves. Otherwise, we'd have taken all the bastards out in the 1930's and shot them and been better off for it.

That's because all those big buildings you see downtown were built by rich people. All those industrial and housing developments were funded by rich people. Nearly all our income tax collections come from rich people. This country cannot survive without them.

Sure we can... We just need to direct the wealth differently Those big buildings don't do me a bit of good. What I noticed that when I visited your blighted city was the only new buildings belonged to the banks. The rest were old rotting structures of death..

If you go in your backyard and dig a hole, then fill it up again, then dig another hole, and fill that back up again, you didn't earn ten cents. Now if you do the same for an employer, that's when you make money because somebody took the risk to create such a job for you. It's something you would never (or couldn't) do for yourself.

Again, you're confused. Rich people doesn't create jobs, consumer demand does. Or as a VERY VERY VERY wise man said.

Another fine point, who will the Dems offer as a canidate. We know who can’t win- Hellary, Bernie and Biden.

Biden could win fairly easily. he's likable, resonates with working people in a way Hillary didn't, and he's not a commie nut like Bernie.

I do think the Dems should run someone younger, though.

And finally, regarding your gratuitous butthurt statement regarding the electoral college- Read history and you will understand (if you are open minded and intelligent) why we have this system, why it is good, and why you and POGO and all the other Lib whiners can’t change it.

Okay, guy, I know why the SLAVE RAPING ASSHOLES of 1787 gave us the Electoral Anachronism. They didn't trust the people, and they were trying to appease the other slave rapists into staying in the union. Neither of these issues are relevant to today in any way shape or form.

The Electoral Anachronism distorts democracy, not only be putting in failures like Trump and Bush who the people openly rejected, but by reducing elections to a few states where the people don't actually live.

In the past, this wasn't an issue, because usually there was enough middle ground where a President could win most of states if his message resonated. For the moment, it is a problem because we are so divided. It probably won't be a big problem in 20 years when Hispanic immigration flip Texas, Arizona and Florida to Blue and this no longer is a problem.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

By doing what? Sitting on the floor?
Okay, guy, I know why the SLAVE RAPING ASSHOLES of 1787 gave us the Electoral Anachronism. They didn't trust the people, and they were trying to appease the other slave rapists into staying in the union. Neither of these issues are relevant to today in any way shape or form.

The Electoral Anachronism distorts democracy, not only be putting in failures like Trump and Bush who the people openly rejected, but by reducing elections to a few states where the people don't actually live.

In the past, this wasn't an issue, because usually there was enough middle ground where a President could win most of states if his message resonated. For the moment, it is a problem because we are so divided. It probably won't be a big problem in 20 years when Hispanic immigration flip Texas, Arizona and Florida to Blue and this no longer is a problem.

Correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

When they finally force us into a single-party government, the great experiment will end. We will be just like every other Socialist shithole and there will be no other USA to run to; a place where freedom is paramount, a place where investment and work payoff, a place where liberty from government is a reality.

While we will be long off this earth by then, our children will look back, read history and ask "WTF did they do this to us??? Didn't they care about anything but power and themselves?" That is if the Socialists don't destroy history so nobody would learn how great of a country this once was. They are already trying to erase history by violently treating down statues and not teaching real history in school.

And after they take all the guns, we will advance to Communism; the ultimate dream of the left.

On the bright side, they won't have to worry about keeping foreigners out anymore. Nobody will want to come here.
Correct, that's why the Democrat party became the anti-white party.

No, that's when the GOP decided that the best way to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests was to play to racism, which they started to do with Nixon's Southern Strategy. Minorities flocking to the Democrats was just a side effect.

And to give them credit, it worked for a while. They won every election between 1968 and 1988 playing on the fears of stupid white people. Honestly won them, not using voter suppression, the electoral college and Russian bots. But then a funny thing happened... minorities became enough of the voting electorate that it started producing diminishing returns.

Shit, they still got you voting for them while they screw you out of health insurance.

When they finally force us into a single-party government, the great experiment will end. We will be just like every other Socialist shithole and there will be no other USA to run to; a place where freedom is paramount, a place where investment and work payoff, a place where liberty from government is a reality.

Guy, most of Europe is what you call a socialist shithole. The reason why White people don't come here anymore is because the socialism you whine about has made those pretty nice places to live. You see, after WWII, the New Dealers had an opportunity to do what they couldn't do here... impose liberal ideas without conservative objection. Which is why Germany and Japan passed us up after they rose from the ruins.

While we will be long off this earth by then, our children will look back, read history and ask "WTF did they do this to us??? Didn't they care about anything but power and themselves?" That is if the Socialists don't destroy history so nobody would learn how great of a country this once was. They are already trying to erase history by violently treating down statues and not teaching real history in school.

Actually, people will look back at the MAGA brigade the way we look back at McCarthyism or the Klan... dumb scared white people doing stupid things because they are scared. And they will look over at their beautiful Latina wife who stopped speaking Spanish generations ago and wonder what the fuck was wrong with you people.

And after they take all the guns, we will advance to Communism; the ultimate dream of the left.

Yawn, guy, guns don't stop communism...

On the bright side, they won't have to worry about keeping foreigners out anymore. Nobody will want to come here.

People really don't want to come here that badly now... Heck, even immigration from Mexico is down from where it was a decade ago.
Um, no, stupid. The banks didn't pay that back. The people they SCREWED with higher interests rates and foreclosures paid it back.

Another Battered Housewife Republican.

Banks don't profit from foreclosures. They lose money on each and every one.

Again, nobody has babies to get a big welfare check.. I do find it funny that you guys are pro-baby up until the point they are born.

Right, it's just a coincidence that every woman I see using food stamps has two or three kids with her. What do they do, rent these kids?

It's not that we are pro-baby so much, it's we are anti-killing babies. Big difference. What we are pro about is personal responsibility and to limit government services only to those that found themselves in a bad situation even though they were responsible people.

Uh, guy, usually countries collapse because the rich are too greedy, and you have a happy day when the rest of us get fed up with them, take them out and shoot them.

What the Democrats are very good at are saving the rich from themselves. Otherwise, we'd have taken all the bastards out in the 1930's and shot them and been better off for it.

Correct, because then YOU would be paying all that income tax that they are currently paying today. You would have to figure out how to make money with no businesses to give you a job. You would have to support all those people who use charities that the wealthy contribute money to.

Again, you're confused. Rich people doesn't create jobs, consumer demand does. Or as a VERY VERY VERY wise man said.

If consumers demand something, a person with money needs to open up a business to create the products or service of such demand. If there is a lot of demand, then they have to become multi-billion dollar corporations to make those products for millions of people.

Do you really think you'd have a computer to communicate today or the internet that allows you to talk to people all over the world from your dining room without rich people? Better think again. Without the rich, you wouldn't have half the things you have today.

“To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.”
-Thomas Jefferson
What's past is prologue...

I much prefer the US system of government and traditional values and work ethic to anything else on the planet. How these Leftist idiots keep criticizing conservatives and traditional values in favor of socialist policies that have been consistently proven unworkable is nothing short of moronic. 2020 and beyond should tell if the US maintains is status as a superpower, or declines and becomes another Venezuela...
What's past is prologue...

I much prefer the US system of government and traditional values and work ethic to anything else on the planet. How these Leftist idiots keep criticizing conservatives and traditional values in favor of socialist policies that have been consistently proven unworkable is nothing short of moronic. 2020 and beyond should tell if the US maintains is status as a superpower, or declines and becomes another Venezuela...

I don't know if it will be that soon, but it could tell us the direction this country is heading in.

For the past couple of decades we've been slipping into the scenario in the book and movie 1984. The most frightening thing is how many Americans approve of it.
Banks don't profit from foreclosures. They lose money on each and every one.

Yet they insisted on doing them... and charging people late fees, jacking up interest rates, and all the other shit they did to fuck over the taxpayers who just bailed them out.

And guys like you bent over, spread your cheeks and said, 'May I have another?"

Right, it's just a coincidence that every woman I see using food stamps has two or three kids with her. What do they do, rent these kids?

No, they had them, which is their right. But most people on food stamps are only on them for a couple of years. Did they have the baby when ten years ago knowing they'd need food stamps now?

It's not that we are pro-baby so much, it's we are anti-killing babies. Big difference. What we are pro about is personal responsibility and to limit government services only to those that found themselves in a bad situation even though they were responsible people.

That's kind of a subjective measure, isn't it? I could argue you aren't a responsible person because someone cancelled your health insurance, but if you got into a car accident tomorrow, the rest of us will end up paying for your stay in a hospital. You could have done a half dozen things to actually get insurance, but someone how I don't think if you were involved in that accident, you'd say, "Just let me die, Doc! I deserve it!"

Correct, because then YOU would be paying all that income tax that they are currently paying today. You would have to figure out how to make money with no businesses to give you a job. You would have to support all those people who use charities that the wealthy contribute money to.

If we had fairer distribution of wealth, I wouldn't mind paying more in income tax.

Oh, once again, I'm self employed... so no, i do just fine, thanks.

If consumers demand something, a person with money needs to open up a business to create the products or service of such demand. If there is a lot of demand, then they have to become multi-billion dollar corporations to make those products for millions of people.

No, they don't. IN fact, multi-billion dollar corporations are kind of a new thing. Most of history, we got on just fine without them.

Do you really think you'd have a computer to communicate today or the internet that allows you to talk to people all over the world from your dining room without rich people? Better think again. Without the rich, you wouldn't have half the things you have today.

Um, guy, the internet was started by the government, not rich people.

“To take from one,....”
-Thomas Jefferson

Again, this was the same Thomas Jefferson who raped Sally Hemings on a daily basis because he owned her, and when he died, he sold off all his slaves to pay his debts.

Maybe when extolling the virtues of capitalism, you can find someone who didn't benefit from the ENSLAVEMENT of other human beings?

Fuck old Tommy. Once we burn down all the confederate monuments, he's next.
Another fine point, who will the Dems offer as a canidate. We know who can’t win- Hellary, Bernie and Biden.

Biden could win fairly easily. he's likable, resonates with working people in a way Hillary didn't, and he's not a commie nut like Bernie.

I do think the Dems should run someone younger, though.

And finally, regarding your gratuitous butthurt statement regarding the electoral college- Read history and you will understand (if you are open minded and intelligent) why we have this system, why it is good, and why you and POGO and all the other Lib whiners can’t change it.

Okay, guy, I know why the SLAVE RAPING ASSHOLES of 1787 gave us the Electoral Anachronism. They didn't trust the people, and they were trying to appease the other slave rapists into staying in the union. Neither of these issues are relevant to today in any way shape or form.

The Electoral Anachronism distorts democracy, not only be putting in failures like Trump and Bush who the people openly rejected, but by reducing elections to a few states where the people don't actually live.

In the past, this wasn't an issue, because usually there was enough middle ground where a President could win most of states if his message resonated. For the moment, it is a problem because we are so divided. It probably won't be a big problem in 20 years when Hispanic immigration flip Texas, Arizona and Florida to Blue and this no longer is a problem.

Hahhahah, Libs! “Well it’s different now, so we don’t need the EC”. You guys are all so myopic. What you magically fail to recognize is that the EC is doing today what it was designed to do over 200 years ago. And Libs hate it.......which is just another bonus. You can’t change it either, that is the beautiful irony of it all.

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