How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

You must be on drugs. I got a mortgage in 2004, and frankly, they massively checked out every debt I ever had. I know it absolutely HORRIFIES you that poor people couldn't be discriminated against if they had good credit histories and jobs... but the crisis was middle class white assholes buying overpriced McMansions and trying to flip them for a profit. They created a bubble and bubbles pop.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

The CRA wasn't the problem here. The banks were.

The problem is you don't know the difference between the CRA and the lowering of standards to get more minorities to buy homes.
It was about far more than getting minorities to buy homes. Way more. Your head has been stuffed full of shit.

Tell me something. When you saw all those white middle class neighbors foreclosing in your housing development, did you say to yourself, "Gee, I had no idea Biff was a negro!"

It spread into other things, but the original idea was because of minority ownership. Most of them had bad credit and constantly complained to the Democrats they were being discriminated against. As we all know, banks don't discriminate by race, they discriminate based on credit history, job history and ability to repay.

Because many of them didn't have the history of whites, there was only one way to get these people into homes, and that was to lower the standards which they did.
The problem is you don't know the difference between the CRA and the lowering of standards to get more minorities to buy homes. I never said anything about CRA's. When I applied for a home equity loan in the early 2000's, the banker was trying to talk me into purchasing more rental property. He said not to worry about a down payment, just put one of my other properties up for collateral. I didn't understand what was happening at the time, but I found that extremely strange since banks always tried to avoid dealing with rental property. They usually required 30% down cash and even then, gave you a hard time.

Again, given where you live, I suspect the banks were trying to prop up the property market. Dude, you live in Cleveland, half the properties are abandoned.

People didn't take advantage of the banking regulations because the economy was slow until Bush kicked it up again with tax breaks, but that took a couple of years. After that it caught like wildfire and spread across the US; no down payment and no credit checks. Then the ghetto started to invade nice suburban areas, destroying them forever causing billions of dollars in lost value and even lives.

Yeah, Ray brought the racism again... Did you live in some fantasy world where the Bush economy was good? I seem to remember back to back recessions...

The reason you're ignorant to all this is because you refuse to read the truth, you are afraid of watching the truth on video where your very own people support my point. Don't read it--don't watch it--it didn't happen that way. It happened because of evil rich people.

Yes, I don't read the right wing horseshit that the banks wer blameless. They caused this..

You probably don't have serious preexisting conditions either. As one agent told me, it's impossible for any insurance company outside of Commie Care to accept you as a client if you have preexisting conditions. That's because Commie Care took over that part of our medical care. Commie Care just didn't affect the participating insurance companies, it ruined insurance for the entire country.

Again, guy, you must be in pretty bad shape if you can't get insurance.. I'm not sure I want you driving a truck.

I qualify just fine for my job; been at the same company for 25 years. Unlike you, I happen to get along with people.

Or you just lack any ambition...

I'd be pretty embarrased if I was at the same place in my career after 25 years.

However leave it to Democrats to ruin things for good people. Any job I inquired about that I was able to accept have the same policy that my employer does, and that is not provide insurance coverage because thanks to Commie Care, they no longer have to in order to get employees. There is no competition anymore thanks to the commies.

Again, I'm calling bullshit. I went on indeed and identified three jobs for your region that offered health care.

Now, maybe if you stopped looking on Jobs on Craig's LIst. Only lowlifes use Craig's list.
You must be on drugs. I got a mortgage in 2004, and frankly, they massively checked out every debt I ever had. I know it absolutely HORRIFIES you that poor people couldn't be discriminated against if they had good credit histories and jobs... but the crisis was middle class white assholes buying overpriced McMansions and trying to flip them for a profit. They created a bubble and bubbles pop.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

The CRA wasn't the problem here. The banks were.

The problem is you don't know the difference between the CRA and the lowering of standards to get more minorities to buy homes.
It was about far more than getting minorities to buy homes. Way more. Your head has been stuffed full of shit.

Tell me something. When you saw all those white middle class neighbors foreclosing in your housing development, did you say to yourself, "Gee, I had no idea Biff was a negro!"

It spread into other things, but the original idea was because of minority ownership.

Nope. The original idea was to get fees from all the exotic products they were selling.

That's. It.

It had little to do with minorities. Most of the target borrowers were middle class.

After all, a middle class borrower can borrow a lot more money than some low income urban black. McMansions, HELOCs, Option ARMs, etc.

And the loan originators were in no way forced to make those loans as the bigoted ignorant fucks who filled your head with shit would have you bleev.
Banks don't profit from foreclosures. They lose money on each and every one.
The originators of those toxic loans didn't lose money on them. They passed them up the food chain to investors before the ink was even dry.

The investors lost their asses. Bigly.

Sure they lost money on them because they couldn't bundle every security they had. They had to hold on to some of them, especially the real bad ones they couldn't pawn off. By then, it was too late. The loan was made and there was nothing they could do about it.
Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.
At a HUGE loss to investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated. Don't pretend this shit didn't cost BIG, dipshit.

And not all the banks survived. Many hundreds went under. Only the ones the governments picked to survive are still around. In the next crash, they will be Too Big To Save.

At a HUGE loss to investors.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated.

Not because of the bank bailout.
Banks don't profit from foreclosures. They lose money on each and every one.
The originators of those toxic loans didn't lose money on them. They passed them up the food chain to investors before the ink was even dry.

The investors lost their asses. Bigly.

Sure they lost money on them because they couldn't bundle every security they had. They had to hold on to some of them, especially the real bad ones they couldn't pawn off. By then, it was too late. The loan was made and there was nothing they could do about it.
They did plenty about it. They packed the toxic loans into CDOs and sold them to investors. Then they bought CDS which bet against those CDOs. It was fraud through and through.
Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.
At a HUGE loss to investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated. Don't pretend this shit didn't cost BIG, dipshit.

And not all the banks survived. Many hundreds went under. Only the ones the governments picked to survive are still around. In the next crash, they will be Too Big To Save.

At a HUGE loss to investors.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated.

Not because of the bank bailout.
The point was that the financial institutions which caused the crash were bailed out, while everyone else took a loss.

The government chose the winners and losers.

The epitome of socialism.
Right up to August 2007, the broker-dealers were stuffing the most toxic loans into CDOs and extorting the ratings agencies to give those CDOs a AAA rating.
Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.
At a HUGE loss to investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated. Don't pretend this shit didn't cost BIG, dipshit.

And not all the banks survived. Many hundreds went under. Only the ones the governments picked to survive are still around. In the next crash, they will be Too Big To Save.

At a HUGE loss to investors.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated.

Not because of the bank bailout.
The point was that the financial institutions which caused the crash were bailed out, while everyone else took a loss.

The government chose the winners and losers.

The epitome of socialism.

The point was, a moron, JoeB131, thought that the bank bailout was a cost to the taxpayer.
He was wrong.

But thanks for trying to defend his ignorance.
The "lower tax brackets" pay no significant federal taxes. The hypocrite left fails to note that the democrat NYC mayor awarded super rich Amazon executives significant tax breaks for relocating to the Big Apple.
The "lower tax brackets" pay no significant federal taxes. The hypocrite left fails to note that the democrat NYC mayor awarded super rich Amazon executives significant tax breaks for relocating to the Big Apple.
Actually, that socialist gal from NYC was the first to scream about Amazon's tax gift.

There were at least two or three topics about her complaint.

So stop making shit up.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

The Dems won on the number one issue with voters.

Health care.

With premiums rising and people being denied for pre existing conditions, and now several drug companies announcing raising their prices, The Dems just need to pass bill after bill on protecting people from these insurance company, and drug company actions, and dare the Republicans not to pass them and Trump not sign them.

This needs to happen on the first day they are sworn in this January. The Republicans are in a no win situation as the past election jut showed.

Then because they control the budget should pass the Medicare for all national healthcare bill, and force the Republicans to vote for it or shut down the government next October.

The Democrats have the Republicans by the balls on this and should not give them any mercy on the subject.
Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.
At a HUGE loss to investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated. Don't pretend this shit didn't cost BIG, dipshit.

And not all the banks survived. Many hundreds went under. Only the ones the governments picked to survive are still around. In the next crash, they will be Too Big To Save.

At a HUGE loss to investors.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated.

Not because of the bank bailout.
The point was that the financial institutions which caused the crash were bailed out, while everyone else took a loss.

The government chose the winners and losers.

The epitome of socialism.

The point was, a moron, JoeB131, thought that the bank bailout was a cost to the taxpayer.
He was wrong.

But thanks for trying to defend his ignorance.
Actually, the CBO says the bailout did cost us money. Taxpayers lost money on the bailout.

Nevertheless, profit or not profit, does this mean you support socialism?
Again, given where you live, I suspect the banks were trying to prop up the property market. Dude, you live in Cleveland, half the properties are abandoned.

You know nothing of this city, especially the suburbs. My suburb was great before Democrats destroyed it. Property value increased all the time, safest place to live and go to school, many people lived here their entire lives and even second generations.

But like I said, leave it to Democrats to ruin a good thing.

Yeah, Ray brought the racism again... Did you live in some fantasy world where the Bush economy was good? I seem to remember back to back recessions...

I don't know about great, but it was improving. With the new tax breaks, my employer bought several new trucks. Our customers were buying new equipment as well. Things were going pretty good up until the housing crash.

Yes, I don't read the right wing horseshit that the banks wer blameless. They caused this..

Right, the banks caused this but government had nothing to do with it.

Again, guy, you must be in pretty bad shape if you can't get insurance.. I'm not sure I want you driving a truck.

Until that Muslim neanderthal snuck into the White House, I had insurance all my life with preexisting conditions.

Or you just lack any ambition...

I'd be pretty embarrased if I was at the same place in my career after 25 years.

Nobody wanted you at their business for five years yet alone 25.

Again, I'm calling bullshit. I went on indeed and identified three jobs for your region that offered health care.

Now, maybe if you stopped looking on Jobs on Craig's LIst. Only lowlifes use Craig's list.

More than likely I'm restricted from them or their healthcare insurance is entirely employee paid like the companies I checked into that "claimed" they offered medical care.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

The Dems won on the number one issue with voters.

Health care.

With premiums rising and people being denied for pre existing conditions, and now several drug companies announcing raising their prices, The Dems just need to pass bill after bill on protecting people from these insurance company, and drug company actions, and dare the Republicans not to pass them and Trump not sign them.

This needs to happen on the first day they are sworn in this January. The Republicans are in a no win situation as the past election jut showed.

Then because they control the budget should pass the Medicare for all national healthcare bill, and force the Republicans to vote for it or shut down the government next October.

The Democrats have the Republicans by the balls on this and should not give them any mercy on the subject.

I say go for it. Tell the voters they shutdown the government because Republicans turned down yet another entitlement program that would cost us 32 trillion dollars over ten years. Then we'll see you in 2020.
Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.
At a HUGE loss to investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated. Don't pretend this shit didn't cost BIG, dipshit.

And not all the banks survived. Many hundreds went under. Only the ones the governments picked to survive are still around. In the next crash, they will be Too Big To Save.

At a HUGE loss to investors.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

No, the bank bailout did not cause a huge loss for homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated.

Not because of the bank bailout.
The point was that the financial institutions which caused the crash were bailed out, while everyone else took a loss.

The government chose the winners and losers.

The epitome of socialism.

The point was, a moron, JoeB131, thought that the bank bailout was a cost to the taxpayer.
He was wrong.

But thanks for trying to defend his ignorance.
Actually, the CBO says the bailout did cost us money. Taxpayers lost money on the bailout.

Nevertheless, profit or not profit, does this mean you support socialism?

Actually, the CBO says the bailout did cost us money.

The bank bailout did not cost us money. You are confused.

Nevertheless, profit or not profit, does this mean you support socialism?

Not now, not ever, never.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

The Dems won on the number one issue with voters.

Health care.

With premiums rising and people being denied for pre existing conditions, and now several drug companies announcing raising their prices, The Dems just need to pass bill after bill on protecting people from these insurance company, and drug company actions, and dare the Republicans not to pass them and Trump not sign them.

This needs to happen on the first day they are sworn in this January. The Republicans are in a no win situation as the past election jut showed.

Then because they control the budget should pass the Medicare for all national healthcare bill, and force the Republicans to vote for it or shut down the government next October.

The Democrats have the Republicans by the balls on this and should not give them any mercy on the subject.

I say go for it. Tell the voters they shutdown the government because Republicans turned down yet another entitlement program that would cost us 32 trillion dollars over ten years. Then we'll see you in 2020.
If we do nothing, health care will cost us more than 32 trillion over the next ten years.

So yeah. See you in 2020.
It's so simple, even a Fox News viewer can understand it.

We currently pay $3.3 trillion a year in health care. And climbing. So that adds up to more than $33 trillion over the next ten years. It will probably be closer to $40 trillion.

We currently pay $7200 per person for health care each year.

As can be seen below, that is the highest amount paid per capita in the OECD.

The median amount paid for health care in the OECD is about $3000 per person each year.

Therefore, the argument can and will be made that we will save TRILLIONS and TRILLIONs of dollars by switching to UHC.

You must be on drugs. I got a mortgage in 2004, and frankly, they massively checked out every debt I ever had. I know it absolutely HORRIFIES you that poor people couldn't be discriminated against if they had good credit histories and jobs... but the crisis was middle class white assholes buying overpriced McMansions and trying to flip them for a profit. They created a bubble and bubbles pop.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

The CRA wasn't the problem here. The banks were.

The problem is you don't know the difference between the CRA and the lowering of standards to get more minorities to buy homes.
It was about far more than getting minorities to buy homes. Way more. Your head has been stuffed full of shit.

Tell me something. When you saw all those white middle class neighbors foreclosing in your housing development, did you say to yourself, "Gee, I had no idea Biff was a negro!"

It spread into other things, but the original idea was because of minority ownership.

Nope. The original idea was to get fees from all the exotic products they were selling.

That's. It.

It had little to do with minorities. Most of the target borrowers were middle class.

After all, a middle class borrower can borrow a lot more money than some low income urban black. McMansions, HELOCs, Option ARMs, etc.

And the loan originators were in no way forced to make those loans as the bigoted ignorant fucks who filled your head with shit would have you bleev.

No, nobody forced them to make the loans, but why should they turn down good money? Why should they give all that business to their competitors? Banks only made the loans and collected the processing fees. After that, off the loans went into converted securities and it wasn't their problem any longer.

And what does the GOP have to counter that UHC argument?


In the eight years since the enactment of Obamacare, the pseudocons have yet to puke up a replacement or an alternative.

They literally have...NOTHING.

So guess who will win the argument.

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