How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

More like a Ponzi scheme. Thanks to Democrats for that one.

When you can show me the deduction in your paycheck for bailing out the banks in your name, let me know.

It's those evil rich people that bailed out the banks because it was their money used to do it. You can send them a Thank You note later.

Bullshit. The rest of us bailed out the banks while we were stuck with underwater mortgages... then they turned around and screwed the lot of us to pay what little of it they paid back.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.

Um, no, stupid. The banks didn't pay that back. The people they SCREWED with higher interests rates and foreclosures paid it back.

Another Battered Housewife Republican.

Very few would "need" it if not for the Democrat party promoting irresponsibility on a consistent basis. Yeah, it's means tested alright. It's been proven to encourage people to do the same which is have kids they could never support.

Again, nobody has babies to get a big welfare check.. I do find it funny that you guys are pro-baby up until the point they are born.

Joe, if we took every lowlife out of this country, put them on an island somewhere, not only would they never be missed, but the country would be doing much better. If we took all the wealthy in the US and put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses.

Uh, guy, usually countries collapse because the rich are too greedy, and you have a happy day when the rest of us get fed up with them, take them out and shoot them.

What the Democrats are very good at are saving the rich from themselves. Otherwise, we'd have taken all the bastards out in the 1930's and shot them and been better off for it.

That's because all those big buildings you see downtown were built by rich people. All those industrial and housing developments were funded by rich people. Nearly all our income tax collections come from rich people. This country cannot survive without them.

Sure we can... We just need to direct the wealth differently Those big buildings don't do me a bit of good. What I noticed that when I visited your blighted city was the only new buildings belonged to the banks. The rest were old rotting structures of death..

If you go in your backyard and dig a hole, then fill it up again, then dig another hole, and fill that back up again, you didn't earn ten cents. Now if you do the same for an employer, that's when you make money because somebody took the risk to create such a job for you. It's something you would never (or couldn't) do for yourself.

Again, you're confused. Rich people doesn't create jobs, consumer demand does. Or as a VERY VERY VERY wise man said.

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The banks didn't pay that back.

They actually did.

The people they SCREWED with higher interests rates and foreclosures paid it back.

Where have you been? I refi'ed my mortgage at a much lower rate.
And banks lose money on foreclosures. After 2008, they lost hundreds of billions
on that underwater real estate.
Banks don't profit from foreclosures. They lose money on each and every one.

Yet they insisted on doing them... and charging people late fees, jacking up interest rates, and all the other shit they did to fuck over the taxpayers who just bailed them out.

And guys like you bent over, spread your cheeks and said, 'May I have another?"

Right, it's just a coincidence that every woman I see using food stamps has two or three kids with her. What do they do, rent these kids?

No, they had them, which is their right. But most people on food stamps are only on them for a couple of years. Did they have the baby when ten years ago knowing they'd need food stamps now?

It's not that we are pro-baby so much, it's we are anti-killing babies. Big difference. What we are pro about is personal responsibility and to limit government services only to those that found themselves in a bad situation even though they were responsible people.

That's kind of a subjective measure, isn't it? I could argue you aren't a responsible person because someone cancelled your health insurance, but if you got into a car accident tomorrow, the rest of us will end up paying for your stay in a hospital. You could have done a half dozen things to actually get insurance, but someone how I don't think if you were involved in that accident, you'd say, "Just let me die, Doc! I deserve it!"

Correct, because then YOU would be paying all that income tax that they are currently paying today. You would have to figure out how to make money with no businesses to give you a job. You would have to support all those people who use charities that the wealthy contribute money to.

If we had fairer distribution of wealth, I wouldn't mind paying more in income tax.

Oh, once again, I'm self employed... so no, i do just fine, thanks.

If consumers demand something, a person with money needs to open up a business to create the products or service of such demand. If there is a lot of demand, then they have to become multi-billion dollar corporations to make those products for millions of people.

No, they don't. IN fact, multi-billion dollar corporations are kind of a new thing. Most of history, we got on just fine without them.

Do you really think you'd have a computer to communicate today or the internet that allows you to talk to people all over the world from your dining room without rich people? Better think again. Without the rich, you wouldn't have half the things you have today.

Um, guy, the internet was started by the government, not rich people.

“To take from one,....”
-Thomas Jefferson

Again, this was the same Thomas Jefferson who raped Sally Hemings on a daily basis because he owned her, and when he died, he sold off all his slaves to pay his debts.

Maybe when extolling the virtues of capitalism, you can find someone who didn't benefit from the ENSLAVEMENT of other human beings?

Fuck old Tommy. Once we burn down all the confederate monuments, he's next.

Yet they insisted on doing them...

Yeah, when people stop paying their mortgages, banks insist on foreclosing.
Hahhahah, Libs! “Well it’s different now, so we don’t need the EC”. You guys are all so myopic. What you magically fail to recognize is that the EC is doing today what it was designed to do over 200 years ago. And Libs hate it.......which is just another bonus. You can’t change it either, that is the beautiful irony of it all.

It's purpose was to give us complete shitheads like Bush and Trump the people didn't want? This is a good thing by you?

Or do you just admit your ideas all suck donkey balls and if we ever voted on them, you'd lose?
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.
Keep hope alive!
Hahhahah, Libs! “Well it’s different now, so we don’t need the EC”. You guys are all so myopic. What you magically fail to recognize is that the EC is doing today what it was designed to do over 200 years ago. And Libs hate it.......which is just another bonus. You can’t change it either, that is the beautiful irony of it all.

It's purpose was to give us complete shitheads like Bush and Trump the people didn't want? This is a good thing by you?

Or do you just admit your ideas all suck donkey balls and if we ever voted on them, you'd lose?

It's purpose was so that places like NYC didn't pick the President for the entire country. It's why every state has two Senators regardless how big or how small the population is. Democracy is mob rule and our founders in their greatness realized this many years ago.

The only thing you have against the Electoral College is that you are now losing elections using this system. If the Democrats always won by the EC, we wouldn't hear a peep out of you guys because you don't care about fairness or why we have this system. All you care about is winning no matter how much you have to cheat to do it.
Yet they insisted on doing them... and charging people late fees, jacking up interest rates, and all the other shit they did to fuck over the taxpayers who just bailed them out.

And guys like you bent over, spread your cheeks and said, 'May I have another?"

No, most conservatives were against the bailouts. However since government caused the problem (like the federal government always does) they did bear some responsibility to help out.

In case you were hoping to overcome your OCD and get some sleep tonight, read this:

Barack Obama says banks paid back all the federal bailout money

Happy dreams!

No, they had them, which is their right. But most people on food stamps are only on them for a couple of years. Did they have the baby when ten years ago knowing they'd need food stamps now?

I'm sure they did. Of course you are so brainwashed you probably believe these people had secure jobs, a strong future and were professional people with a skill or trade. And no, you don't have a right to taxpayers money just because you want kids.

That's kind of a subjective measure, isn't it? I could argue you aren't a responsible person because someone cancelled your health insurance, but if you got into a car accident tomorrow, the rest of us will end up paying for your stay in a hospital. You could have done a half dozen things to actually get insurance, but someone how I don't think if you were involved in that accident, you'd say, "Just let me die, Doc! I deserve it!"

Government caused my problem. You are too dense to understand that. You'd walk in front of a moving bus if you thought it would save your big-eared commie. I did do the responsible thing, but because people in my income level are not helped by Commie Care, we got screwed. But I know you believe that I had employer healthcare my entire life, and it was just coincidence me and millions like me lost that coverage when Satan invoked his plan on the country.

If we had fairer distribution of wealth, I wouldn't mind paying more in income tax.

Oh, once again, I'm self employed... so no, i do just fine, thanks.

Self employed? Then government should be taking 70% of your income. Because you are self-employed, you are one of those evil 1 percenters.

No, they don't. IN fact, multi-billion dollar corporations are kind of a new thing. Most of history, we got on just fine without them.

They've been around our entire lives. And we didn't have that many before we were born because we had half the population and people only purchased necessities unlike today.

Um, guy, the internet was started by the government, not rich people.

Urban legend: Brief History of the Internet | Internet Society

Again, this was the same Thomas Jefferson who raped Sally Hemings on a daily basis because he owned her, and when he died, he sold off all his slaves to pay his debts.

Maybe when extolling the virtues of capitalism, you can find someone who didn't benefit from the ENSLAVEMENT of other human beings?

Fuck old Tommy. Once we burn down all the confederate monuments, he's next.

I'm sure he is. Hitler would be so proud of ya'll if not for burning in hell.
It's purpose was so that places like NYC didn't pick the President for the entire country. I

Population of New York City in 1787 was 25,000... There was no way they were going to pick the president.

It's why every state has two Senators regardless how big or how small the population is.

Which is stupid, but has nothing to do with the electoral college ignoring the will of the people and selecting clowns the people didn't want.

The only thing you have against the Electoral College is that you are now losing elections using this system. If the Democrats always won by the EC, we wouldn't hear a peep out of you guys because you don't care about fairness or why we have this system. All you care about is winning no matter how much you have to cheat to do it.

Um, yeah, guy, I care that you guys put in presidents the people didn't want, and that they turn out to be fucking incompetent. The people got it right in 2000 and 2016, the EC got it so terribly wrong.

No, most conservatives were against the bailouts. However since government caused the problem (like the federal government always does) they did bear some responsibility to help out.

In case you were hoping to overcome your OCD and get some sleep tonight, read this:

again, the banks did this by ripping off their customers, who didn't get bailouts on their underwater mortgages and busted 401K's...

So it was the government's fault that the banks got greedy when Bush stopped keeping an eye on them?

Or are you going to start babbling about how Jimmy Carter let poor people guy houses again?

Government caused my problem. You are too dense to understand that. You'd walk in front of a moving bus if you thought it would save your big-eared commie. I did do the responsible thing, but because people in my income level are not helped by Commie Care, we got screwed. But I know you believe that I had employer healthcare my entire life, and it was just coincidence me and millions like me lost that coverage when Satan invoked his plan on the country.

You are the only person whose told me he's lost his health care because of the ACA, and frankly, I don't find your story credible. I know of a lot of people who didn't get health care through their employers who got it through ACA. My guess, if you couldn't get it through the ACA, it was probably because you gave the facilitator a lot of attitude like you have here... and she probably figured she had people who actually wanted help to deal with.

One day of surfing Indeed, I found five companies that offer health care to drivers... I was able to find affordable health care for my business pretty easily.
Did you stop paying your mortgage? Sorry bud.

No, but my bank still found ways to screw me. "Ooops, we left your payment sitting on our desk for a week, here's a late fee."

Population of New York City in 1787 was 25,000... There was no way they were going to pick the president.

I was just giving an example. Do you really think the founders thought our nation would not grow? Do you believe that they wouldn't form cities and states?

They didn't want any particular one group of people to have the power to select a President. By using the EC, it gave everybody across the country a dog in the race.

Which is stupid, but has nothing to do with the electoral college ignoring the will of the people and selecting clowns the people didn't want.

It's not stupid, it was brilliant. Every state regardless of size had equal representation in the Senate in their plan. Equality was what they were looking for. The similarity to the EC is they wanted the same thing in selecting a President, but not exact equal representation as what happens in the Senate.

Um, yeah, guy, I care that you guys put in presidents the people didn't want, and that they turn out to be fucking incompetent. The people got it right in 2000 and 2016, the EC got it so terribly wrong.

Only because you lost the EC. If you had won, you wouldn't give a rats ass about it.

again, the banks did this by ripping off their customers, who didn't get bailouts on their underwater mortgages and busted 401K's...

So it was the government's fault that the banks got greedy when Bush stopped keeping an eye on them?

Or are you going to start babbling about how Jimmy Carter let poor people guy houses again?

What I'm saying is that Fanny and Freddy make the loan requirements that banks have to follow. Zero down and no credit check was what they decided on under the Clinton administration. If you want to make loans and sell them off in the market, you do it F and F's way.

Article after article shows that Clinton's main goal was to buy votes from minorities by easing loan requirements so they could buy homes. The problem was that many blacks had bad credit or no credit at all. The only solution to that problem was to force banks to lower their requirements which they did. The banks didn't care. Why should they? They only make money processing the loans. It's not their problem after they sell those loans off.

Bush was no help but Bush didn't start that nonsense. His problem was he was trying to buy votes too, and did nothing to stop the practice because like Clinton, under his leadership, the records showed strong home purchases by minorities.

You are the only person whose told me he's lost his health care because of the ACA, and frankly, I don't find your story credible. I know of a lot of people who didn't get health care through their employers who got it through ACA. My guess, if you couldn't get it through the ACA, it was probably because you gave the facilitator a lot of attitude like you have here... and she probably figured she had people who actually wanted help to deal with.

One day of surfing Indeed, I found five companies that offer health care to drivers... I was able to find affordable health care for my business pretty easily.

The lie is in the title: The Affordable Healthcare Act. There is nothing affordable about it unless you are a french fry maker or sweep floors at Walmart. Evil large companies did keep their healthcare plans, but smaller companies were forced to drop them, and they never reinstated that benefit. I can't work for any large company because of the restrictions I have by the federal government. So my only option is smaller companies--most of which do not offer healthcare plans anymore. The ones that do are not paying anything into them, so you are still buying your own insurance, just indirectly through your employer. But that doesn't make it any cheaper.
I was just giving an example. Do you really think the founders thought our nation would not grow? Do you believe that they wouldn't form cities and states?

They didn't want any particular one group of people to have the power to select a President. By using the EC, it gave everybody across the country a dog in the race.

Bullshit. They did the electoral college because they were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who didn't trust the people and wanted power to stay in the hands of elites...

Only because you lost the EC. If you had won, you wouldn't give a rats ass about it.

You don't see me bitching about any president who legitimately won the popular vote.

What I'm saying is that Fanny and Freddy make the loan requirements that banks have to follow. Zero down and no credit check was what they decided on under the Clinton administration. If you want to make loans and sell them off in the market, you do it F and F's way.

You must be on drugs. I got a mortgage in 2004, and frankly, they massively checked out every debt I ever had. I know it absolutely HORRIFIES you that poor people couldn't be discriminated against if they had good credit histories and jobs... but the crisis was middle class white assholes buying overpriced McMansions and trying to flip them for a profit. They created a bubble and bubbles pop.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

The CRA wasn't the problem here. The banks were.

The lie is in the title: The Affordable Healthcare Act. There is nothing affordable about it unless you are a french fry maker or sweep floors at Walmart. Evil large companies did keep their healthcare plans, but smaller companies were forced to drop them, and they never reinstated that benefit.

Again, I suspect you didn't look very hard. I got a darned good plan for my little company that employees one middle-aged overweight guy. And I didn't even have to apply for ACA programs.

I can't work for any large company because of the restrictions I have by the federal government.

So again- you really don't qualify for your job anymore, you work for a bottem feeder who doesn't care about safety, and you didn't bother to get any other job skills in life... Got it.
I was just giving an example. Do you really think the founders thought our nation would not grow? Do you believe that they wouldn't form cities and states?

They didn't want any particular one group of people to have the power to select a President. By using the EC, it gave everybody across the country a dog in the race.

Bullshit. They did the electoral college because they were a bunch of slave-raping assholes who didn't trust the people and wanted power to stay in the hands of elites...

Only because you lost the EC. If you had won, you wouldn't give a rats ass about it.

You don't see me bitching about any president who legitimately won the popular vote.

What I'm saying is that Fanny and Freddy make the loan requirements that banks have to follow. Zero down and no credit check was what they decided on under the Clinton administration. If you want to make loans and sell them off in the market, you do it F and F's way.

You must be on drugs. I got a mortgage in 2004, and frankly, they massively checked out every debt I ever had. I know it absolutely HORRIFIES you that poor people couldn't be discriminated against if they had good credit histories and jobs... but the crisis was middle class white assholes buying overpriced McMansions and trying to flip them for a profit. They created a bubble and bubbles pop.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

The CRA wasn't the problem here. The banks were.

The lie is in the title: The Affordable Healthcare Act. There is nothing affordable about it unless you are a french fry maker or sweep floors at Walmart. Evil large companies did keep their healthcare plans, but smaller companies were forced to drop them, and they never reinstated that benefit.

Again, I suspect you didn't look very hard. I got a darned good plan for my little company that employees one middle-aged overweight guy. And I didn't even have to apply for ACA programs.

I can't work for any large company because of the restrictions I have by the federal government.

So again- you really don't qualify for your job anymore, you work for a bottem feeder who doesn't care about safety, and you didn't bother to get any other job skills in life... Got it.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

You have that list of the top 25 banks that failed?
You must be on drugs. I got a mortgage in 2004, and frankly, they massively checked out every debt I ever had. I know it absolutely HORRIFIES you that poor people couldn't be discriminated against if they had good credit histories and jobs... but the crisis was middle class white assholes buying overpriced McMansions and trying to flip them for a profit. They created a bubble and bubbles pop.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

The CRA wasn't the problem here. The banks were.

The problem is you don't know the difference between the CRA and the lowering of standards to get more minorities to buy homes. I never said anything about CRA's. When I applied for a home equity loan in the early 2000's, the banker was trying to talk me into purchasing more rental property. He said not to worry about a down payment, just put one of my other properties up for collateral. I didn't understand what was happening at the time, but I found that extremely strange since banks always tried to avoid dealing with rental property. They usually required 30% down cash and even then, gave you a hard time.

People didn't take advantage of the banking regulations because the economy was slow until Bush kicked it up again with tax breaks, but that took a couple of years. After that it caught like wildfire and spread across the US; no down payment and no credit checks. Then the ghetto started to invade nice suburban areas, destroying them forever causing billions of dollars in lost value and even lives.

The reason you're ignorant to all this is because you refuse to read the truth, you are afraid of watching the truth on video where your very own people support my point. Don't read it--don't watch it--it didn't happen that way. It happened because of evil rich people.

Again, I suspect you didn't look very hard. I got a darned good plan for my little company that employees one middle-aged overweight guy. And I didn't even have to apply for ACA programs.

You probably don't have serious preexisting conditions either. As one agent told me, it's impossible for any insurance company outside of Commie Care to accept you as a client if you have preexisting conditions. That's because Commie Care took over that part of our medical care. Commie Care just didn't affect the participating insurance companies, it ruined insurance for the entire country.

So again- you really don't qualify for your job anymore, you work for a bottem feeder who doesn't care about safety, and you didn't bother to get any other job skills in life... Got it.

I qualify just fine for my job; been at the same company for 25 years. Unlike you, I happen to get along with people.

However leave it to Democrats to ruin things for good people. Any job I inquired about that I was able to accept have the same policy that my employer does, and that is not provide insurance coverage because thanks to Commie Care, they no longer have to in order to get employees. There is no competition anymore thanks to the commies.
Tell you what cut spending and just take away all expenditures for everyone for three years and let's reevaluate.

Start with my tenants since I would have to drastically increase their rent.


And ask them if the elimination of all tax expenditures was such a good idea.

Or when you pay more for goods.

Or when you pay more for services.

You see.......if you eliminate deductions, those losses eventually gets passed down to us. WE pay them, not the wealthy.

Ray, whom do you suppose has , by far almost all of the tax expenditures? Quick hint it sure as hell ain't the middle class
As a matter of fact they just eliminated them for most of us.

Yes, they do have the most expenditures; much of which they pay.

People think that when I pay a bill for $3,000, that means I get to take $3,000 from what I owe the government. That's not the way it works. What it means is that I still pay the 3K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

If you tax the rich more, get rid of deductions, create new regulations that cost them money, they simply pass it down to us and we end up paying it.
Utter horseshit.

When you give a tax deduction to someone, EVERYONE has to pay higher tax rates to make up the difference. Or else the difference has to be borrowed.

If we eliminate deductions, credits, and exemptions, everyone pays lower tax rates.

The wealthy benefit more from government interference. They buy bigger houses with bigger mortgages, therefore they deduct more interest from their taxes. The MID is a highly regressive government program. It also causes the price of houses to be artificially higher.

Deductions, exemptions, and credits are government interference in the market and our personal lives. It is government rewarding behaviors and activities, rewarding and punishing capriciously.

No sane conservative would ever support that bullshit.
You must be on drugs. I got a mortgage in 2004, and frankly, they massively checked out every debt I ever had. I know it absolutely HORRIFIES you that poor people couldn't be discriminated against if they had good credit histories and jobs... but the crisis was middle class white assholes buying overpriced McMansions and trying to flip them for a profit. They created a bubble and bubbles pop.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

The CRA wasn't the problem here. The banks were.

The problem is you don't know the difference between the CRA and the lowering of standards to get more minorities to buy homes.
It was about far more than getting minorities to buy homes. Way more. Your head has been stuffed full of shit.

Tell me something. When you saw all those white middle class neighbors foreclosing in your housing development, did you say to yourself, "Gee, I had no idea Biff was a negro!"
Hey, I want all the money back I paid to the bailouts for the big banks.

The banks paid all that money a HUGE profit to the Treasury.
At a HUGE loss to investors.

At a HUGE loss to homeowners.

Many trillions of dollars of wealth evaporated. Don't pretend this shit didn't cost BIG, dipshit.

And not all the banks survived. Many hundreds went under. Only the ones the governments picked to survive are still around. In the next crash, they will be Too Big To Save.
Banks don't profit from foreclosures. They lose money on each and every one.
The originators of those toxic loans didn't lose money on them. They passed them up the food chain to investors before the ink was even dry.

The investors lost their asses. Bigly.

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