How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Breaks and loopholes like what? Can you name and explain any of them, or was that not included in your talking points memo telling you to be "outraged" by them?
It's so simple, even a Fox News viewer can understand it.

We currently pay $3.3 trillion a year in health care. And climbing. So that adds up to more than $33 trillion over the next ten years. It will probably be closer to $40 trillion.

We currently pay $7200 per person for health care each year.

As can be seen below, that is the highest amount paid per capita in the OECD.

The median amount paid for health care in the OECD is about $3000 per person each year.

Therefore, the argument can and will be made that we will save TRILLIONS and TRILLIONs of dollars by switching to UHC.


So who's going to come up with the bucks to fund it? It doesn't matter what we pay now because we don't pay collectively. Many of us still don't have insurance and the people that do are paying an arm and a leg for it. So who are you going to send the bill to?
Trump will veto it. There is no way he will allow himself or his criminal family pay more taxes. Not gonna happen.
And that is rhe point. Trump and Republicans will deny citizens a tax break for selfish greedy reasons. The only way Americans will get a break is by getting rid of Trump and Republicans.

Out of curiosity, how do you get a "break" on federal taxes when you're already paying nothing or next to nothing?
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

The Dems won on the number one issue with voters.

Health care.

With premiums rising and people being denied for pre existing conditions, and now several drug companies announcing raising their prices, The Dems just need to pass bill after bill on protecting people from these insurance company, and drug company actions, and dare the Republicans not to pass them and Trump not sign them.

This needs to happen on the first day they are sworn in this January. The Republicans are in a no win situation as the past election jut showed.

Then because they control the budget should pass the Medicare for all national healthcare bill, and force the Republicans to vote for it or shut down the government next October.

The Democrats have the Republicans by the balls on this and should not give them any mercy on the subject.

I say go for it. Tell the voters they shutdown the government because Republicans turned down yet another entitlement program that would cost us 32 trillion dollars over ten years. Then we'll see you in 2020.
If we do nothing, health care will cost us more than 32 trillion over the next ten years.

So yeah. See you in 2020.

We only take in 3 trillion a year in tax collections. HTF are we going to double that tax collection to pay for this nonsense? There is no possible way. So if Democrats could pass it, then we are talking about going into debt several trillion dollars EVERY year. That would make DumBama look like a piker when it comes to government spending.
You must be on drugs. I got a mortgage in 2004, and frankly, they massively checked out every debt I ever had. I know it absolutely HORRIFIES you that poor people couldn't be discriminated against if they had good credit histories and jobs... but the crisis was middle class white assholes buying overpriced McMansions and trying to flip them for a profit. They created a bubble and bubbles pop.

In fact, of the top 25 banks that FAILED, only one made CRA loans.

The CRA wasn't the problem here. The banks were.

The problem is you don't know the difference between the CRA and the lowering of standards to get more minorities to buy homes.
It was about far more than getting minorities to buy homes. Way more. Your head has been stuffed full of shit.

Tell me something. When you saw all those white middle class neighbors foreclosing in your housing development, did you say to yourself, "Gee, I had no idea Biff was a negro!"

It spread into other things, but the original idea was because of minority ownership.

Nope. The original idea was to get fees from all the exotic products they were selling.

That's. It.

It had little to do with minorities. Most of the target borrowers were middle class.

After all, a middle class borrower can borrow a lot more money than some low income urban black. McMansions, HELOCs, Option ARMs, etc.

And the loan originators were in no way forced to make those loans as the bigoted ignorant fucks who filled your head with shit would have you bleev.

No, nobody forced them to make the loans, but why should they turn down good money? Why should they give all that business to their competitors? Banks only made the loans and collected the processing fees. After that, off the loans went into converted securities and it wasn't their problem any longer.


All those HELOCs your white middle class neighbors took out were thrown at them.

After the crash, I went to a housing auction to scoop up some properties. We were required to bring cashier's checks for earnest money.

At the bank, as the officer pushed the checks to me with one hand, she literally pushed a HELOC application toward me with her other hand.

I was stunned. This was as housing prices were CRASHING!

I shoved the paperwork back at her and said, "This is exactly how we got into this mess!" Then I asked her how the fuck she thought houses would acquire equity in a crashing market.

These bank types are not the brightest people in the world.

But the insanity did not end there.

I had been watching the prices of many, many properties for years. I had them all committed to memory.

Two weeks before the auction, the For Sale signs were removed from all the distressed houses. Anyone going to the auction could not drive by and see how much they had been selling for.

But I knew exactly how much their asking prices had been.

When I got to the auction, you can imagine my surprise and cynicism when the bidders shot their bids past the recent asking price on each house within 30 seconds.

Again, I was stunned.

I was patient, though. Every single house I had been interested in was back on the market within a month, because the bidders could not follow through on their idiotic bids. They lost their earnest money in the process, too.

They DESERVED to lose their asses.

Then I had my pick of houses at rock bottom prices. Pennies on the dollar.
The problem is you don't know the difference between the CRA and the lowering of standards to get more minorities to buy homes.
It was about far more than getting minorities to buy homes. Way more. Your head has been stuffed full of shit.

Tell me something. When you saw all those white middle class neighbors foreclosing in your housing development, did you say to yourself, "Gee, I had no idea Biff was a negro!"

It spread into other things, but the original idea was because of minority ownership.

Nope. The original idea was to get fees from all the exotic products they were selling.

That's. It.

It had little to do with minorities. Most of the target borrowers were middle class.

After all, a middle class borrower can borrow a lot more money than some low income urban black. McMansions, HELOCs, Option ARMs, etc.

And the loan originators were in no way forced to make those loans as the bigoted ignorant fucks who filled your head with shit would have you bleev.

No, nobody forced them to make the loans, but why should they turn down good money? Why should they give all that business to their competitors? Banks only made the loans and collected the processing fees. After that, off the loans went into converted securities and it wasn't their problem any longer.


All those HELOCs your white middle class neighbors took out were thrown at them.

After the crash, I went to a housing auction to scoop up some properties. We were required to bring cashier's checks for earnest money.

At the bank, as the officer pushed the checks to me with one hand, she literally pushed a HELOC application toward me with her other hand.

I was stunned. This was as housing prices were CRASHING!

I shoved the paperwork back at her and said, "This is exactly how we got into this mess!" Then I asked her how the fuck she thought houses would acquire equity in a crashing market.

These bank types are not the brightest people in the world.

But the insanity did not end there.

I had been watching the prices of many, many properties for years. I had them all committed to memory.

Two weeks before the auction, the For Sale signs were removed from all the distressed houses. Anyone going to the auction could not drive by and see how much they had been selling for.

But I knew exactly how much their asking prices had been.

When I got to the auction, you can imagine my surprise and cynicism when the bidders shot their bids past the recent asking price on each house within 30 seconds.

Again, I was stunned.

I was patient, though. Every single house I had been interested in was back on the market within a month, because the bidders could not follow through on their idiotic bids. They lost their earnest money in the process, too.

They DESERVED to lose their asses.

Then I had my pick of houses at rock bottom prices. Pennies on the dollar.

Over here auctions are cash or cashiers checks only. You have to pay for the entire house when you win the bid. If you don't, the bidding starts from the last bid before yours.

They have sort of a cabal over here. All the bidders get together and decide which properties they want. Then when you bid on the property you agreed to with the other bidders, they don't outbid you. They let you have the property at the lowest price possible. Of course you have to do the same for the properties they want.

If an outsider comes in to bid on properties, they all outbid him or her because they are not part of the plot. They either have to figure out how the game is played or go home empty handed every time they come.
It spread into other things, but the original idea was because of minority ownership. Most of them had bad credit and constantly complained to the Democrats they were being discriminated against. As we all know, banks don't discriminate by race, they discriminate based on credit history, job history and ability to repay.

Because many of them didn't have the history of whites, there was only one way to get these people into homes, and that was to lower the standards which they did.

By history, you mean "privilege". Of course, there was and still is systematic racial discrimination in loans.

Banks Continue to Deny Home Loans to People of Color

Five decades after the Fair Housing Act prohibited racial discrimination in lending, African Americans continue to be denied conventional mortgage loans at rates far higher than white homebuyers, especially in the South.

Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting conducted a yearlong analysis of 31 million Home Mortgage Disclosure Act records covering nearly every time an American tried to buy a home with a conventional mortgage in 2015 and 2016. Controlling for nine economic and social factors, including applicants’ income, loan amount, and the neighborhood where they wanted to buy, the analysis found that racial disparities persist in 61 metro areas across the country, including Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and San Antonio. African Americans faced the most discrimination in Southern cities – Mobile, Alabama; Greenville, North Carolina; and Gainesville, Florida.
The point was, a moron, JoeB131, thought that the bank bailout was a cost to the taxpayer.
He was wrong.

But thanks for trying to defend his ignorance.

It was a huge cost to the taxpayer... We are STILL paying for that shit.

Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years later

NEW YORK -- Eight-years after taxpayers rescued the U.S. financial system, some of the country's largest banks, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, continue to receive billions in bailout money, according to government data.

Wells Fargo is eligible for up to $1.5 billion in bailout funds over the next seven years. JPMorgan and Bank of America could receive $1.1 billion and $964 million respectively.

The continuous flow of funds is a remnant of the $700 billion bailout effort, known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program or TARP, put in place during the financial crisis. Some of that money, about $28 billion, was carved out to help distressed homeowners by paying banks to lower their interest rates and monthly payments.

You know nothing of this city, especially the suburbs. My suburb was great before Democrats destroyed it. Property value increased all the time, safest place to live and go to school, many people lived here their entire lives and even second generations.

But like I said, leave it to Democrats to ruin a good thing.

When was this? Because frankly, I was in your city 6 years ago, and it was a shithole then...
The point was, a moron, JoeB131, thought that the bank bailout was a cost to the taxpayer.
He was wrong.

But thanks for trying to defend his ignorance.

It was a huge cost to the taxpayer... We are STILL paying for that shit.

Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years later

NEW YORK -- Eight-years after taxpayers rescued the U.S. financial system, some of the country's largest banks, including JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo, continue to receive billions in bailout money, according to government data.

Wells Fargo is eligible for up to $1.5 billion in bailout funds over the next seven years. JPMorgan and Bank of America could receive $1.1 billion and $964 million respectively.

The continuous flow of funds is a remnant of the $700 billion bailout effort, known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program or TARP, put in place during the financial crisis. Some of that money, about $28 billion, was carved out to help distressed homeowners by paying banks to lower their interest rates and monthly payments.

You know nothing of this city, especially the suburbs. My suburb was great before Democrats destroyed it. Property value increased all the time, safest place to live and go to school, many people lived here their entire lives and even second generations.

But like I said, leave it to Democrats to ruin a good thing.

When was this? Because frankly, I was in your city 6 years ago, and it was a shithole then...

Some of that money, about $28 billion, was carved out to help distressed homeowners by paying banks to lower their interest rates and monthly payments.

Yeah, thanks, now do you have any info that helps your claim?
When was this? Because frankly, I was in your city 6 years ago, and it was a shithole then...

You were stuck in downtown somewhere probably for work on advanced busboy techniques. Like I said, you don't know squat about this city or probably any other ones except your own where nuts are killing people in hospitals.
It spread into other things, but the original idea was because of minority ownership. Most of them had bad credit and constantly complained to the Democrats they were being discriminated against. As we all know, banks don't discriminate by race, they discriminate based on credit history, job history and ability to repay.

Because many of them didn't have the history of whites, there was only one way to get these people into homes, and that was to lower the standards which they did.

By history, you mean "privilege". Of course, there was and still is systematic racial discrimination in loans.

Banks Continue to Deny Home Loans to People of Color

Five decades after the Fair Housing Act prohibited racial discrimination in lending, African Americans continue to be denied conventional mortgage loans at rates far higher than white homebuyers, especially in the South.

Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting conducted a yearlong analysis of 31 million Home Mortgage Disclosure Act records covering nearly every time an American tried to buy a home with a conventional mortgage in 2015 and 2016. Controlling for nine economic and social factors, including applicants’ income, loan amount, and the neighborhood where they wanted to buy, the analysis found that racial disparities persist in 61 metro areas across the country, including Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and San Antonio. African Americans faced the most discrimination in Southern cities – Mobile, Alabama; Greenville, North Carolina; and Gainesville, Florida.

Cherrypicking paragraphs I see. Unlike you, I read links that people post. In fact I'm sure you stopped at the paragraph you thought supported your point. But from the very next paragraph:

Reveal reports that lenders do not dispute that they deny loan applications from people of color at rates far greater than whites, but they say the disparity can be explained by hidden factors, like credit scores, which are not publicly available. Studies have found that credit score algorithms have a discriminatory impact on borrowers of color, and their failure to take into account rent, utility, and cell phone bill payments disproportionately hurts African Americans, Latinos, and young people.

So what your article is saying is that because banks could care less about paying your stupid utility bills on time, and more concerned about credit scores and more significant indicators of repayment availability such as work, income and job history (which banks use for all applicants including whites) they are not getting home loans.

This is the exact reason why F&F under Clinton lowered standards years ago that started the birth of the housing bubble which led to the bust. As a landlord, I have been asked to give rental payment referrals on my tenants who applied for loans with cars and yes, houses. If it was a tenant that I was anxious to see leave, you bet I lied my ass off telling them the tenant paid their rent on time every month. Banks know this, so of course they don't take things like rental payments into consideration.
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You were stuck in downtown somewhere probably for work on advanced busboy techniques. Like I said, you don't know squat about this city or probably any other ones except your own where nuts are killing people in hospitals.

Boy, i've accomplished more than you ever will... Your city is a shithole that the One Percent used like a cheap whore and threw away...
Cherrypicking paragraphs I see. Unlike you, I read links that people post. In fact I'm sure you stopped at the paragraph you thought supported your point. But from the very next paragraph:

What did you think they were going to do, admit it?

This is the exact reason why F&F under Clinton lowered standards years ago that started the birth of the housing bubble which led to the bust. As a landlord, I have been asked to give rental payment referrals on my tenants who applied for loans with cars and yes, houses. If it was a tenant that I was anxious to see leave, you bet I lied my ass off telling them the tenant paid their rent on time every month. Banks know this, so of course they don't take things like rental payments into consideration.

Actually, htey probably don't because they know most slumlords like you are assholes..

Nope, the bust wasn't slumlords losing their customers... it was White middle class chumps who bought McMansions and thought they could flip them.
You were stuck in downtown somewhere probably for work on advanced busboy techniques. Like I said, you don't know squat about this city or probably any other ones except your own where nuts are killing people in hospitals.

Boy, i've accomplished more than you ever will... Your city is a shithole that the One Percent used like a cheap whore and threw away...

ROTFLMAO! Seriously, Joe? List some of those "accomplishments". If one of them was to be an uninformed commie clown, you definitely achieved that one. LOL!!!!
ROTFLMAO! Seriously, Joe? List some of those "accomplishments". If one of them was to be an uninformed commie clown, you definitely achieved that one. LOL!!!!

Let's see now...

First member of my family to get a college degree.
Got out of the Army at the rank of Staff Sergeant
Promoted to managerial positions at several jobs.
Started my own business.

But that's because the Lizard People were behind it all....
Actually, htey probably don't because they know most slumlords like you are assholes..

Nope, the bust wasn't slumlords losing their customers... it was White middle class chumps who bought McMansions and thought they could flip them.

No, it's because when you loan money to people that don't have the resources to repay, there is only one thing that can happen.
No, it's because when you loan money to people that don't have the resources to repay, there is only one thing that can happen.

Except that's not what happened. What happened was that white dumbasses bought McMansions for a lot more than what they were worth, realized they couldn't flip them after they lost their jobs in Bush's recession, and figured it would be easier to just walk away.

The Burb I live in, we had rows of half-finished McMansions, just sat their for years.
No, it's because when you loan money to people that don't have the resources to repay, there is only one thing that can happen.

Except that's not what happened. What happened was that white dumbasses bought McMansions for a lot more than what they were worth, realized they couldn't flip them after they lost their jobs in Bush's recession, and figured it would be easier to just walk away.

The Burb I live in, we had rows of half-finished McMansions, just sat their for years.

You're talking about what happened towards the end. Builders built new homes because the demand was so high. When the market crashed, of course there was no way to sell those new homes. Nobody would buy them and even if they wanted to, banks quit lending money for home purchases.

The housing bubble was created over many years. It just didn't happen in one or two. Interest rates were low and risky buyers could only buy homes on an ARM. These were people ignorant of loans and interest rates. So they bought homes on an ARM at 2% and could make payments. When it went to 4%, they could no longer afford the home and just waited until they got foreclosed on.

The bottom line is that if banks only lent money to people that had the ability to repay, the crash never would have happened because the bubble would have never happened.

Banks generally have two loans for homes: prime loans and subprime loans. Prime loans are when he bank funds the loan themselves. In other words, the bank uses their own money. Subprime loans are just that, below prime. They were created to give people home loans that didn't qualify for prime loans. But the bank doesn't hold on to those loans. They sell those loans off.

If banks only had prime loans, only those with outstanding credit, work history and income would be able to buy homes. That would leave most people out of the loop including most minorities.
No, it's because when you loan money to people that don't have the resources to repay, there is only one thing that can happen.

Except that's not what happened. What happened was that white dumbasses bought McMansions for a lot more than what they were worth, realized they couldn't flip them after they lost their jobs in Bush's recession, and figured it would be easier to just walk away.

The Burb I live in, we had rows of half-finished McMansions, just sat their for years.

What happened was that white dumbasses bought McMansions

McMansions, that's where all the subprime loans were.....DERP!
You're talking about what happened towards the end. Builders built new homes because the demand was so high. When the market crashed, of course there was no way to sell those new homes. Nobody would buy them and even if they wanted to, banks quit lending money for home purchases.

Guy, this wasn't something that was going on for decades. IT was something where most of the bad behavior went on during Bush's watch, when he encouraged reckless home building because he really couldn't bring back the industrial jobs.

The banks were making these loans for McMansions all the way up until 2008, when the bubble popped. It wasn't poor people buying sensible bungalow in working class neighborhoods. It was white middle class idiots who watched house flipping shows, thought they could make a quick buck selling their McMansion.

The housing bubble was created over many years. It just didn't happen in one or two. Interest rates were low and risky buyers could only buy homes on an ARM. These were people ignorant of loans and interest rates. So they bought homes on an ARM at 2% and could make payments. When it went to 4%, they could no longer afford the home and just waited until they got foreclosed on.

But that isn't what caused the problem. A 2% increase on a $100,000 mortgage was a whopping $166.00 a month. Just not a big deal.

Nope, the real problem was that the banks took these worthless ass mortgages and sold them as investments.... and then someone yelled the emperor has no clothes.

The bottom line is that if banks only lent money to people that had the ability to repay, the crash never would have happened because the bubble would have never happened.

No, the bottom line was the banks didn't care... because they thought they could foreclose on the house and sell it off to the next sucker. Until they couldn't.

Banks generally have two loans for homes: prime loans and subprime loans. Prime loans are when he bank funds the loan themselves. In other words, the bank uses their own money. Subprime loans are just that, below prime. They were created to give people home loans that didn't qualify for prime loans. But the bank doesn't hold on to those loans. They sell those loans off.

That was the problem. They LIED about the value of those mortgages when they sold them off. That's why the system collapsed. Not because poor people were buying houses, but because the banksters were cheating the system.

And why shouldn't they? They all got bailouts, not a single fucking one of them went to jail for fraud, some of them even got to keep their seven figure bonuses!

McMansions, that's where all the subprime loans were.....DERP!

Derp, which wasn't poor people... it was middle class people who should have known better... Derp...

Republican Battered Housewife theater... get fucked up the ass by the One Percent, blame poor people.

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