How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

Oh please, like I said, you're talking about a fraction of people who tried to make profits off of housing and then lost out. The bulk of it was loans out to people for their own houses that had little or no ability to pay the bank back. Tens of millions were not flipping houses. Tens of millions were getting home loans with no credit check and no down payment.

If people were just buying houses to LIVE in them, this wouldnt' have become an issue. Instead they were buying houses they didn't need, buying houses as investments like they did in my Condo complex, taking out mortgages on houses that they already paid off or hadn't paid off yet.

No, this was the banking industry outright encouraging and promoting bad behavior...

The problem is that people like you refuse to look at reality. And the reality is the more problems and costs you create for businesses, the more businesses move out. They can't compete with foreign competition with books of rules, high taxes and strong unions. It's just too costly and too much of a headache.

The problem with THIS lame-ass argument is that US industry did not lose out to countries that had less unions and regulation. Germany and Japan have much stronger unions than we do, with 17% of their workforce being unionized compared to the US.

Which Countries Have The Highest Levels Of Labor Union Membership? [Infographic]

They also have higher individual tax rates, much stronger regulations, and oh, yeah, they put workers ahead of the rich.

SO the thing is, when you say, "look at reality', I look at the rest of the world... and yup, Americans, being stupid as we are, we just do it wrong.

Not to worry, someone like Trump tells you to blame the darkies, and you obediently obey.

If people were just buying houses to LIVE in them, this wouldnt' have become an issue. Instead they were buying houses they didn't need, buying houses as investments like they did in my Condo complex, taking out mortgages on houses that they already paid off or hadn't paid off yet.

No, this was the banking industry outright encouraging and promoting bad behavior...

Banks only lent money according to government regulations. If anybody screwed the little people, it was our federal government.

Banks always advertised their services. It's been going on as long as I've been alive. However the bubble and later collapse was caused by setting bank standards way too low and banks wanting to do business or not be hassled by the government made those loans.

When you have millions of people who bought homes they couldn't afford or never had plans on paying for in the first place, of course the market is going to collapse.

Over here, we were overwhelmed with lowlifes from the city. People that lived in the lowest income projects in Cleveland bought homes because of the low standards. They never paid one dime to the bank and had no intention of doing so. Things got so bad here that our police force could not keep up with the crime. Many times we had to call neighboring suburbs for assistance because the calls were way too many.

The problem with THIS lame-ass argument is that US industry did not lose out to countries that had less unions and regulation. Germany and Japan have much stronger unions than we do, with 17% of their workforce being unionized compared to the US.

Which Countries Have The Highest Levels Of Labor Union Membership? [Infographic]

They also have higher individual tax rates, much stronger regulations, and oh, yeah, they put workers ahead of the rich.

SO the thing is, when you say, "look at reality', I look at the rest of the world... and yup, Americans, being stupid as we are, we just do it wrong.

Not to worry, someone like Trump tells you to blame the darkies, and you obediently obey.


The Japanese and German people buy their own products, that's the major difference. The American consumer has a completely different mindset. There is no solidarity between the workers and consumers. We buy the cheapest products we can and we don't care who makes them or where they are made.

When there was more unity among Americans such as in the 60's and early 70's, unions could thrive because consumers supported union made products. As unions got greedy, the American consumer had a change of heart. In the later 70's, the unions created a new slogan. It was "Buy American or bye-bye America." They knew they were in trouble.

Jobs started to leave the country at a rapid pace, and very few if any of them went to Germany or Japan.
Banks only lent money according to government regulations. If anybody screwed the little people, it was our federal government.

Banks always advertised their services. It's been going on as long as I've been alive. However the bubble and later collapse was caused by setting bank standards way too low and banks wanting to do business or not be hassled by the government made those loans.

When you have millions of people who bought homes they couldn't afford or never had plans on paying for in the first place, of course the market is going to collapse.

blah, blah, blah... you're getting repetitive...

Again, I realize that you are a battered housewife republican who bends over for the one percent at every opportunity, but this was a case where the banks screwed us, we bailed them out, and they screwed us again.

Over here, we were overwhelmed with lowlifes from the city. People that lived in the lowest income projects in Cleveland bought homes because of the low standards. They never paid one dime to the bank and had no intention of doing so. Things got so bad here that our police force could not keep up with the crime. Many times we had to call neighboring suburbs for assistance because the calls were way too many.

Again, your whole metro area is a dump... has been for a long time.

The Japanese and German people buy their own products, that's the major difference. The American consumer has a completely different mindset. There is no solidarity between the workers and consumers. We buy the cheapest products we can and we don't care who makes them or where they are made.

Again, has a lot more to do with the fact that American Corporate leaders stopped caring about quality. People didn't buy American cars because if you got a list of the ten worst cars ever designed, they would be all American if the Yugo didn't exist.

Jobs started to leave the country at a rapid pace, and very few if any of them went to Germany or Japan.

Again, I realize you believe whatever lies Trump tells you, but the reality- Most of those jobs were lost to automation, not shipped overseas.
blah, blah, blah... you're getting repetitive...

Again, I realize that you are a battered housewife republican who bends over for the one percent at every opportunity, but this was a case where the banks screwed us, we bailed them out, and they screwed us again.

If major league baseball said that a fair ball is one that lands anywhere on the line, do you blame the guy that drew the chalk lines that the batter hit the ball on it?

If banks wanted to screw people, they would have done so decades ago. Banks didn't change the way they did business, government changed the regulations of the business.

Again, your whole metro area is a dump... has been for a long time.

What do you expect? It's been run by Democrats for decades and more and more minorities kept moving in. Do you think anyplace can be paradise with those two factors involved?

Again, has a lot more to do with the fact that American Corporate leaders stopped caring about quality. People didn't buy American cars because if you got a list of the ten worst cars ever designed, they would be all American if the Yugo didn't exist.

It's not that they didn't want to build quality cars, it's that they couldn't because the unions sucked all the money out of the industry. So they resorted to buying cheaper parts in effort to compete with good quality Japanese cars.

I'm a convert because the last American car I owned, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles. So I switched. He's the one that explained to me why American cars are so cheap. So now when I buy my Japanese car, I'm paying for quality parts and good engineering--not legacy costs to support some fat union slob who retired at 50 years old and still receiving high quality medical coverage on top of his pension.

This is why my Toyota's all came with a 100,000 seven year bumper to bumper warranty, and American cars can only offer a 3 year 30,000 mile warranty. Out of the two Toyota's I owned, I never had to use the warranty once.

Again, I realize you believe whatever lies Trump tells you, but the reality- Most of those jobs were lost to automation, not shipped overseas.

Correct, they were, but the ones that did go overseas were because it cost too much to produce here.
If banks wanted to screw people, they would have done so decades ago

Well, actually, the banks HAVE BEEN SCREWING US FOR DECADES. I'm sorry you were asleep in history class. The thing was, after they fucked everything up in 1929, we passed a bunch of laws to keep them from screwing us as bad..

ANd then the Republicans came along and said, "Hey, you know what we need to do... relax all those pesky regulations and oversight on the banks...

Which is how 2008 happened. I've spent six pages explaining this to you, and you still don't get it.

What do you expect? It's been run by Democrats for decades and more and more minorities kept moving in. Do you think anyplace can be paradise with those two factors involved?

Same can be said about Chicago... and we are still in a building boom!

It's not that they didn't want to build quality cars, it's that they couldn't because the unions sucked all the money out of the industry. So they resorted to buying cheaper parts in effort to compete with good quality Japanese cars.

And your argument would be okay, if the Japanese were non-union. But Japanese unions have more power than ours do... they even have a say in who the CEO is.

What the Japanese don't have? CEO's who get paid 8 figures when their companies FAIL.

I'm a convert because the last American car I owned, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles. So I switched. He's the one that explained to me why American cars are so cheap.

Then I don't know who is dumber.. him or you. the unions don't design the cars... they don't source the component parts that fail.

Correct, they were, but the ones that did go overseas were because it cost too much to produce here.

But again, the Germans work under the same restrictions, have universal health care since Bismarck, stricter environmental rules...

Still kicking our ass.
If banks wanted to screw people, they would have done so decades ago

Well, actually, the banks HAVE BEEN SCREWING US FOR DECADES. I'm sorry you were asleep in history class. The thing was, after they fucked everything up in 1929, we passed a bunch of laws to keep them from screwing us as bad..

ANd then the Republicans came along and said, "Hey, you know what we need to do... relax all those pesky regulations and oversight on the banks...

Which is how 2008 happened. I've spent six pages explaining this to you, and you still don't get it.

What do you expect? It's been run by Democrats for decades and more and more minorities kept moving in. Do you think anyplace can be paradise with those two factors involved?

Same can be said about Chicago... and we are still in a building boom!

It's not that they didn't want to build quality cars, it's that they couldn't because the unions sucked all the money out of the industry. So they resorted to buying cheaper parts in effort to compete with good quality Japanese cars.

And your argument would be okay, if the Japanese were non-union. But Japanese unions have more power than ours do... they even have a say in who the CEO is.

What the Japanese don't have? CEO's who get paid 8 figures when their companies FAIL.

I'm a convert because the last American car I owned, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles. So I switched. He's the one that explained to me why American cars are so cheap.

Then I don't know who is dumber.. him or you. the unions don't design the cars... they don't source the component parts that fail.

Correct, they were, but the ones that did go overseas were because it cost too much to produce here.

But again, the Germans work under the same restrictions, have universal health care since Bismarck, stricter environmental rules...

Still kicking our ass.

ANd then the Republicans came along and said, "Hey, you know what we need to do... relax all those pesky regulations and oversight on the banks...

Pressuring banks to loan to poor credit risks is the epitome of deregulation.
Well, actually, the banks HAVE BEEN SCREWING US FOR DECADES. I'm sorry you were asleep in history class. The thing was, after they fucked everything up in 1929, we passed a bunch of laws to keep them from screwing us as bad..

ANd then the Republicans came along and said, "Hey, you know what we need to do... relax all those pesky regulations and oversight on the banks...

Which is how 2008 happened. I've spent six pages explaining this to you, and you still don't get it.

I posted links showing who made the regulations that caused our bubble and burst, and it sure wasn't the Republicans.

I know your vile hatred towards anybody that has more than you creates this bias you have, but the banks can only lend money according to government regulations. If government stayed out of it, banks would have only made loans to qualified borrowers and demanded a reasonable downpayment and credit history.

The Republicans had no reason to lower the standards that much. Minorities aren't going to vote for them anyways.

And your argument would be okay, if the Japanese were non-union. But Japanese unions have more power than ours do... they even have a say in who the CEO is.

What the Japanese don't have? CEO's who get paid 8 figures when their companies FAIL.

First of all Japanese auto companies are only union in Japan, not the US. Secondly, their unions are not a bunch of greedy bastards that spent decades draining the companies for every dime they had. Japanese auto workers retire at the same age as any other worker. Japanese workers don't have nearly the wages and benefits of a UAW worker.

Then I don't know who is dumber.. him or you. the unions don't design the cars... they don't source the component parts that fail.

That's correct, they don't. But what unions did to is drain all the money out of the auto companies so they couldn't buy quality parts or engineering. If they had to upkeep their unions demands, and build quality cars like the Jap's, then they would be 10K or more than the Japanese brands. Nobody would buy them.

Look, I used to deliver to all the UAW plants in this area and within 100 miles of Cleveland. I know what these lazy SOB"s are like. I know of their lack of concern of the product they produce. I know how they could care less about how much of their companies money they waste. It's really amazing they are still in business today.

Non-union companies promote employees based on merit. Union companies have to promote employees based on how long they've been on the job; meaning they have to promote a totally worthless employee to a higher position in the company whether they want to or not.

But again, the Germans work under the same restrictions, have universal health care since Bismarck, stricter environmental rules...

Still kicking our ass.

And they also buy their own products which we Americans do not. They have a sense of Nationalism that left our country generations ago.
I posted links showing who made the regulations that caused our bubble and burst, and it sure wasn't the Republicans.

you posted horseshit. Even the BANKING INDUSTRY isn't making claims the CRA caused the crash.

I know your vile hatred towards anybody that has more than you creates this bias you have, but the banks can only lend money according to government regulations. If government stayed out of it, banks would have only made loans to qualified borrowers and demanded a reasonable downpayment and credit history.

They'd have made quality loans to white people and ripped off poor people... which is EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID!!!

First of all Japanese auto companies are only union in Japan, not the US. Secondly, their unions are not a bunch of greedy bastards that spent decades draining the companies for every dime they had. Japanese auto workers retire at the same age as any other worker. Japanese workers don't have nearly the wages and benefits of a UAW worker.

Actually, they have more and better rights...

sorry, the only "Greedy bastards" where the inept CEO who demanded eight figure incomes...

Do we really need to recount the tale of the Ford Pinto? Where they figured it would be cheaper to pay off people killed in the "Barbarque that Seats Four" than to recall cars for an $11.00 refit. Wasn't the unions that made that decision.

Look, I used to deliver to all the UAW plants in this area and within 100 miles of Cleveland. I know what these lazy SOB"s are like. I know of their lack of concern of the product they produce. I know how they could care less about how much of their companies money they waste. It's really amazing they are still in business today.

Really, you could see everything going on in the plants from the loading dock? Really?

Sounds to me that you just resented that they got really good wages and you can't.
you posted horseshit. Even the BANKING INDUSTRY isn't making claims the CRA caused the crash.

You're the only one hung-up on CRA's. I never brought it up.

Well that horse shit you speak of came from one of your own: the New York Times. A newspaper very bias to the left, and even they admitted who was to blame.

Of course at the time they wrote the article (1999) they were praising Bill Clinton for pressuring F and F to lower the standards FOR MINORITIES.

They'd have made quality loans to white people and ripped off poor people... which is EXACTLY WHAT THEY DID!!!

No, they can't do that by law. They make loans in accordance to the applicant, their income, their credit history, and their length at their current employer. When I bought this place I had great credit, but never owned a home before yet alone rental property. They put my loans on an arm just like any other white in my position. After a year of repayments, I converted the ARM into a conventional fixed rate loan.

Actually, they have more and better rights...

sorry, the only "Greedy bastards" where the inept CEO who demanded eight figure incomes...

Do we really need to recount the tale of the Ford Pinto? Where they figured it would be cheaper to pay off people killed in the "Barbarque that Seats Four" than to recall cars for an $11.00 refit. Wasn't the unions that made that decision.

CEO's don't demand anything. They are offered money because of their history and talent. If you don't want to pay them the big bucks, your competitor will, and eventually take most if not all of your customers. They don't pay CEO's the money they do because they are good on the back nine of the golf course. You leftists watch way too many movies and think it's reality.

GM Vs. Toyota Wages And Benefits

Really, you could see everything going on in the plants from the loading dock? Really?

Sounds to me that you just resented that they got really good wages and you can't.

I'm sure the guys on the dock are the epitome of the average UAW worker. After all, you don't apply for a job on the dock, you get to bid on the job if or when it ever comes up. The guys on the dock worked at various sections in that plant or another UAW plant.

Besides that, I worked with many companies that had strong unions. All their workers had the same attitude. If I made a delivery or pickup at a company I knew nothing about, I could tell you if they were union or not within five minutes based on how fast they moved, how much they cared about their job and performance, and if they even gave a damn about what they were doing.
Of course at the time they wrote the article (1999) they were praising Bill Clinton for pressuring F and F to lower the standards FOR MINORITIES.

Because it was a good thing, that had nothing to do with the crash.

The crash was dumb white people bankrupting themselves buying McMansions they couldn't flip. Trust me, poor people don't have enough money to start a recession... That's rich people, buddy, always fucking it up for the rest of us.

I'm sure the guys on the dock are the epitome of the average UAW worker. After all, you don't apply for a job on the dock, you get to bid on the job if or when it ever comes up. The guys on the dock worked at various sections in that plant or another UAW plant.

again, all I see are guys making more money than you not being in any big hurry to make a scab company's life any easier.

Besides that, I worked with many companies that had strong unions. All their workers had the same attitude. If I made a delivery or pickup at a company I knew nothing about, I could tell you if they were union or not within five minutes based on how fast they moved, how much they cared about their job and performance, and if they even gave a damn about what they were doing.

Yes, I know you hate that Union guys get good wages and health insurance... and don't have to kiss the boss's ass like you do.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

So you want to deliberately tank the economy for power - fuck the American people?

You fuckers are evil and should be treated as what you are, enemies of America.
Because it was a good thing, that had nothing to do with the crash.

The crash was dumb white people bankrupting themselves buying McMansions they couldn't flip. Trust me, poor people don't have enough money to start a recession... That's rich people, buddy, always fucking it up for the rest of us.

First off, the United States doesn't have enough rich people to cause such a huge domestic crash. Certainly a million or so poor or middle-class people have way more power than one rich person to cause such a disaster. Secondly, lowering loan standards is not a good thing because you are making loans to people that don't have the ability to repay those loans. HTF can you call that a good thing? People not being able to make their mortgage payments is what caused the crash.

again, all I see are guys making more money than you not being in any big hurry to make a scab company's life any easier.

If I don't know who they are, they certainly don't know anything about me or my company. But given you are a member of the Party of Excuses, your comment doesn't surprise me as you usually frantically seek excuses to support the people you like.

Unlike you who is confined to an inside job, I've been to thousands of companies in my life because of my line of work. I have much more experience than you dealing with union and non-union people alike.

Yes, I know you hate that Union guys get good wages and health insurance... and don't have to kiss the boss's ass like you do.

I don't kiss anybody's ass, and you could ask my boss about that one. Unlike you, if I see somebody doing better than myself, I applaud them instead of cursing them like you do. I don't have a success envy bone in my body. I look up to the wealthy because they did something I could probably never do. I respect the risks that they took because I have risked my money as well. I respect the work they put into their career or business that made them wealthy or well to do.

I have several relatives worth well over a million dollars, most of them with their own business. I know what it took for them to do what they did. Our family was never wealthy, so everybody who found great success did it from the bottom up. Some found great wealth while other just did good for themselves as blue collar workers.

In the future (once I get some bills paid) I plan on risking my money again. I'm going back into the commodities market because that's where fast and great wealth are built. I traded contracts for several years, and while not successful myself, I learned a lot and had a hell of a great time. I'm also very well versed in the great financial potential in commodities.

Will I become wealthy myself? I doubt it. But at least I'll keep trying until my dying day.
First off, the United States doesn't have enough rich people to cause such a huge domestic crash

It doesn't matter about their numbers, it matters how much of the wealth they have. the 1% have 43% of the wealth, and when they bought up those bad loans hoping to turn an investment, they crashed the economy.

Unlike you who is confined to an inside job, I've been to thousands of companies in my life because of my line of work. I have much more experience than you dealing with union and non-union people alike.

I've been to lots of companies, too, bud. Part of being in Purchasing... and seeing more of the company than the loading dock.

I don't kiss anybody's ass, and you could ask my boss about that one.

You mean the one who cut your health insurance, and you are still working there?

I have several relatives worth well over a million dollars, most of them with their own business.

Must really grind to watch them be successful while you are a bucket of fail.

Unlike you, if I see somebody doing better than myself, I applaud them instead of cursing them like you do.

No, you just keep bending over and taking it up the butthole.

In the future (once I get some bills paid) I plan on risking my money again. I'm going back into the commodities market because that's where fast and great wealth are built. I traded contracts for several years, and while not successful myself, I learned a lot and had a hell of a great time. I'm also very well versed in the great financial potential in commodities.

And yet today you are a bucket of fail in an economy that is as good as it gets.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Nope all they need to do, is run Blue Dog (moderate Democrat women) and they'll win. That's how they won in 2018, that's how they'll win in 2020. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken.

Nope all they need to do, is run Blue Dog (moderate Democrat women) and they'll win. That's how they won in 2018, that's how they'll win in 2020. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken.

The problem with running "moderates" is that you get what you ended up with in 2009. a bunch of wishy-washy moderates who wouldn't sign on to anything and were all washed out in 2010.

They retook Congress in 2006 and put Obama in during 2008, and then couldn't get all that much done, even ending the war in Iraq, which is why a lot of them got elected to start with.

Now, if your only goal is to get rid of Trump, that's probably fine. But governing beyond that is going to be tricky.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Nope all they need to do, is run Blue Dog (moderate Democrat women) and they'll win. That's how they won in 2018, that's how they'll win in 2020. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken.

Ya... like ALEXANDRIA OCASIO CORTEZ... and she can tell you more about the THREE CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS... errr... GOVERNMENT... :lol:

You jackoffs would vote for a PISS BAG if it had a D on it. This IGNORANT female IDIOT is your new MESSIAH...

House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Nope all they need to do, is run Blue Dog (moderate Democrat women) and they'll win. That's how they won in 2018, that's how they'll win in 2020. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken.

Ya... like ALEXANDRIA OCASIO CORTEZ... and she can tell you more about the THREE CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS... errr... GOVERNMENT... :lol:

You jackoffs would vote for a PISS BAG if it had a D on it. This IGNORANT female IDIOT is your new MESSIAH...

You jackoffs would vote for a PISS BAG if it had a D on it.

Little problem with your master plan the far left segment of the Democratic party which will likely be in the leadership positions when they are sworn in come January would be more willing to cut their own throat before lowering taxes.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Nope all they need to do, is run Blue Dog (moderate Democrat women) and they'll win. That's how they won in 2018, that's how they'll win in 2020. Don't try to fix something that isn't broken.

Ya... like ALEXANDRIA OCASIO CORTEZ... and she can tell you more about the THREE CHAMBERS OF CONGRESS... errr... GOVERNMENT... :lol:

You jackoffs would vote for a PISS BAG if it had a D on it. This IGNORANT female IDIOT is your new MESSIAH...

Well what did you expect when you elected a man with the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of U.S. policy and made him POTUS. Who's gonna look for qualifications anymore.

Trump still doesn't understand the 3 branches of government and their powers---:auiqs.jpg: He is continually trying to undermine them.

I have never seen any President as dumb as this.

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