How devastating will it be for the media when trump wins in 2020

1. If I am able to vote, I will vote for President Trump.

a. The main reason for my choosing him is that it is a protest vote against all the senseless violent crime in this country and letting the perps just walk away.

2. But I do not see how he can possibly win, especially with the mail-in ballots and, of course, the horrific COVID-19 situation.

3. If FATE surprises us, however, and he actually wins, the consequences will be mind-shattering for the media and everyone else.

a. The Dems last time just cried on election night.

b. If he wins this time, there will be riots in all the big cities that will make the recent disorders look like child's play.

c. Some Dems will try to get sympathetic generals to mount a coup.

d. Some Dems will proclaim Mr. Biden (or whoever their candidate is on Nov. 3) as the legitimate president.

e. The media will refer to him as the "so-called president."

f. If the Dems get the House, they will immediately impeach him.

g. If both Houses are in Dems' hands, he will be removed.

In other words, the United States of America will become like Venezuela, with two persons claiming to be the president. We will have finally arrived as a banana republic.
Wow kid,. First pull yer head outta faux news, then go see a Dr.
God I hope you are right. I still sometimes watch the reaction vids from 2016.
Did you watch Sunday nbc national news? Trump has killed thousands of ppl lol, he killing American soldiers, lol he’s a racist haha this is our National News haha
They only say those things because they are true.
Lol why aren’t you up at the White House doing a coup than!? Lol are you serious? Haha how are you going to feel when he wins again.. man your going to be pissed ha
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling
1. If I am able to vote, I will vote for President Trump.

a. The main reason for my choosing him is that it is a protest vote against all the senseless violent crime in this country and letting the perps just walk away.

2. But I do not see how he can possibly win, especially with the mail-in ballots and, of course, the horrific COVID-19 situation.

3. If FATE surprises us, however, and he actually wins, the consequences will be mind-shattering.

a. The Dems last time just cried on election night.

b. If he wins this time, there will be riots in all the big cities that will make the recent disorders look like child's play.

c. Some Dems will try to get sympathetic generals to mount a coup.

d. Some Dems will proclaim Mr. Biden (or whoever their candidate is on Nov. 3) as the legitimate president.

e. If the Dems get the House, they will immediately impeach him.

f. If both Houses are in Dems' hands, he will be removed.

In other words, the United States of America will become like Venezuela, with two persons claiming to be the president. We will have finally arrived as a banana republic. (China will tell its people: "See what happens when you allow people to vote!")
Well, if Trump loses, I see the same sort of things happening, like states seceding, states telling Washington DC they won't follow their new radical democrat taliban laws, etc... so it sounds like no matter what happens, the second civil war is coming.

I welcome it. It's over due. This nation needs a reset.

We all lose if there is any violence.

But the idea of states seceding (whether they be blue or red) is intriguing as long as it is peaceful.

I have always thought that sooner or later, we would have some kind of Yugoslavia divorce, but I never thought it might happen in my lifetime.
I'm not so sure if we all lose if there's a shooting war. Seems the radical left has already started, and look how the panderers and scared shitless politicians are bending over backwards for them.

I think there needs to be a push back in the other direction, like the sooner the better, and I think a violent push back is the only thing that will get it done, since it appears that's all they understand.

I respectfully disagree.

We are in this mess today because of the consequences of the bloody Civil War (1861-1865).

Violence would just bring untold misery for millions and millions of people.

But I have no idea how the extremists on both sides can reach a compromise.

Personally, I was devastated when I noticed how easily the powers-that-be caved to the "anti-cop movement." The Speaker of the House kneeling, for example, was probably the most disgraceful gesture ever made by an American politician.
Nothing wrong with disagreeing, and I respect your opinion.

But I think the time for talk is over. There is no compromise with the new radical democrat party. They're not interested in compromise. Rarely have they ever been. It's either their way or no way at all, and once they gain ground, they don't like to give it up, but give it up is what needs to happen. America needs a reverse course, and I'm afraid the only way that's going to happen is by force. Talking will never get it done.
1. If I am able to vote, I will vote for President Trump.

a. The main reason for my choosing him is that it is a protest vote against all the senseless violent crime in this country and letting the perps just walk away.

2. But I do not see how he can possibly win, especially with the mail-in ballots and, of course, the horrific COVID-19 situation.

3. If FATE surprises us, however, and he actually wins, the consequences will be mind-shattering for the media and everyone else.

a. The Dems last time just cried on election night.

b. If he wins this time, there will be riots in all the big cities that will make the recent disorders look like child's play.

c. Some Dems will try to get sympathetic generals to mount a coup.

d. Some Dems will proclaim Mr. Biden (or whoever their candidate is on Nov. 3) as the legitimate president.

e. The media will refer to him as the "so-called president."

f. If the Dems get the House, they will immediately impeach him.

g. If both Houses are in Dems' hands, he will be removed.

In other words, the United States of America will become like Venezuela, with two persons claiming to be the president. We will have finally arrived as a banana republic.
Wow kid,. First pull yer head outta faux news, then go see a Dr.

Thanks for calling me "kid." I'm 83.

On Nov. 3, we shall see how "faux" the news is.

In any event, Mr. Biden will win. No need for the Dems to mount a coup.
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.
1. If I am able to vote, I will vote for President Trump.

a. The main reason for my choosing him is that it is a protest vote against all the senseless violent crime in this country and letting the perps just walk away.

2. But I do not see how he can possibly win, especially with the mail-in ballots and, of course, the horrific COVID-19 situation.

3. If FATE surprises us, however, and he actually wins, the consequences will be mind-shattering for the media and everyone else.

a. The Dems last time just cried on election night.

b. If he wins this time, there will be riots in all the big cities that will make the recent disorders look like child's play.

c. Some Dems will try to get sympathetic generals to mount a coup.

d. Some Dems will proclaim Mr. Biden (or whoever their candidate is on Nov. 3) as the legitimate president.

e. The media will refer to him as the "so-called president."

f. If the Dems get the House, they will immediately impeach him.

g. If both Houses are in Dems' hands, he will be removed.

In other words, the United States of America will become like Venezuela, with two persons claiming to be the president. We will have finally arrived as a banana republic.
Wow kid,. First pull yer head outta faux news, then go see a Dr.

Thanks for calling me "kid." I'm 83.

On Nov. 3, we shall see how "faux" the news is.

In any event, Mr. Biden will win. No need for the Dems to mount a coup.
I'm 65 today, and no, hidin' Biden doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of winning.
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.

You brought it up,, I’m saying that trump DIDNT ATTACK warren first, you said he did prove it
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.

You brought it up,, I’m saying that trump DIDNT ATTACK warren first, you said he did prove it

How do you prove something didn't happen? The onus of proof is always on the one making the claim. I asserted that Trump attacked Warren and provided the video that showed him doing it. You claim he did it in response to an attack by Warren. The burden to prove that is yours. You also claimed the same for those other instances

In court, you don't ask someone to prove he didn't do something either right?
1. If I am able to vote, I will vote for President Trump.

a. The main reason for my choosing him is that it is a protest vote against all the senseless violent crime in this country and letting the perps just walk away.

2. But I do not see how he can possibly win, especially with the mail-in ballots and, of course, the horrific COVID-19 situation.

3. If FATE surprises us, however, and he actually wins, the consequences will be mind-shattering for the media and everyone else.

a. The Dems last time just cried on election night.

b. If he wins this time, there will be riots in all the big cities that will make the recent disorders look like child's play.

c. Some Dems will try to get sympathetic generals to mount a coup.

d. Some Dems will proclaim Mr. Biden (or whoever their candidate is on Nov. 3) as the legitimate president.

e. The media will refer to him as the "so-called president."

f. If the Dems get the House, they will immediately impeach him.

g. If both Houses are in Dems' hands, he will be removed.

In other words, the United States of America will become like Venezuela, with two persons claiming to be the president. We will have finally arrived as a banana republic.
Wow kid,. First pull yer head outta faux news, then go see a Dr.

Thanks for calling me "kid." I'm 83.

On Nov. 3, we shall see how "faux" the news is.

In any event, Mr. Biden will win. No need for the Dems to mount a coup.
I'm 65 today, and no, hidin' Biden doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

Happy Birthday!

Some people say that they are surviving this COVID-!9 tragedy and the current political "unpleasantness" by basically tuning out and concentrating on personal pursuits, even while locked down.

Take care!
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.

You brought it up,, I’m saying that trump DIDNT ATTACK warren first, you said he did prove it

How do you prove something didn't happen? The onus of proof is always on the one making the claim. I asserted that Trump attacked Warren and provided the video that showed him doing it. You claim he did it in response to an attack by Warren. The burden to prove that is yours. You also claimed the same for those other instances

In court, you don't ask someone to prove he didn't do something either right?

Everyone knows trump only responses to attacks. He would have no reason to respond to Warren at that time.. not sure he even knew who she was until she said something
1. If I am able to vote, I will vote for President Trump.

a. The main reason for my choosing him is that it is a protest vote against all the senseless violent crime in this country and letting the perps just walk away.

2. But I do not see how he can possibly win, especially with the mail-in ballots and, of course, the horrific COVID-19 situation.

3. If FATE surprises us, however, and he actually wins, the consequences will be mind-shattering for the media and everyone else.

a. The Dems last time just cried on election night.

b. If he wins this time, there will be riots in all the big cities that will make the recent disorders look like child's play.

c. Some Dems will try to get sympathetic generals to mount a coup.

d. Some Dems will proclaim Mr. Biden (or whoever their candidate is on Nov. 3) as the legitimate president.

e. The media will refer to him as the "so-called president."

f. If the Dems get the House, they will immediately impeach him.

g. If both Houses are in Dems' hands, he will be removed.

In other words, the United States of America will become like Venezuela, with two persons claiming to be the president. We will have finally arrived as a banana republic.
Wow kid,. First pull yer head outta faux news, then go see a Dr.

Thanks for calling me "kid." I'm 83.

On Nov. 3, we shall see how "faux" the news is.

In any event, Mr. Biden will win. No need for the Dems to mount a coup.
I'm 65 today, and no, hidin' Biden doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

Happy Birthday!

Some people say that they are surviving this COVID-!9 tragedy and the current political "unpleasantness" by basically tuning out and concentrating on personal pursuits, even while locked down.

Take care!
Thanks pard.

What we're seeing is a huge increase in testing, and yes we're finding more people infected with the virus, but it's more and more people that are asymptomatic or just have a sniffle. Far less people are dying. I've read that the virus, like most viruses, is mutating so as not to kill it's host, which they do. So I do think we're seeing a herd immunity starting. Yes the virus is out there, but it's not killing people like it was in the beginning. I think there's far less concern for alarm. Sooner or later, it will die out.
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?

I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.

You brought it up,, I’m saying that trump DIDNT ATTACK warren first, you said he did prove it

How do you prove something didn't happen? The onus of proof is always on the one making the claim. I asserted that Trump attacked Warren and provided the video that showed him doing it. You claim he did it in response to an attack by Warren. The burden to prove that is yours. You also claimed the same for those other instances

In court, you don't ask someone to prove he didn't do something either right?

Everyone knows trump only responses to attacks. He would have no reason to respond to Warren at that time.. not sure he even knew who she was until she said something

"Everyone knows" is not a response. It's a logical fallacy YOU are claiming something, YOU support it. I could support my claims.
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.

You brought it up,, I’m saying that trump DIDNT ATTACK warren first, you said he did prove it

How do you prove something didn't happen? The onus of proof is always on the one making the claim. I asserted that Trump attacked Warren and provided the video that showed him doing it. You claim he did it in response to an attack by Warren. The burden to prove that is yours. You also claimed the same for those other instances

In court, you don't ask someone to prove he didn't do something either right?

Everyone knows trump only responses to attacks. He would have no reason to respond to Warren at that time.. not sure he even knew who she was until she said something

"Everyone knows" is not a response. It's a logical fallacy YOU are claiming something, YOU support it. I could support my claims.

I’m just going off memory,, it was in response to her attack .. he never attacks first never
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.

You brought it up,, I’m saying that trump DIDNT ATTACK warren first, you said he did prove it

How do you prove something didn't happen? The onus of proof is always on the one making the claim. I asserted that Trump attacked Warren and provided the video that showed him doing it. You claim he did it in response to an attack by Warren. The burden to prove that is yours. You also claimed the same for those other instances

In court, you don't ask someone to prove he didn't do something either right?

Everyone knows trump only responses to attacks. He would have no reason to respond to Warren at that time.. not sure he even knew who she was until she said something

"Everyone knows" is not a response. It's a logical fallacy YOU are claiming something, YOU support it. I could support my claims.

I’m just going off memory,, it was in response to her attack .. he never attacks first never

Your memory should be able to be substantiated right? We are talking about 2 high profile individuals. You have google find it. I'll make it easy. You have 4 different people I claimed Trump DID attack first. Find me the attack that according to you happened before for any of them.
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.

You brought it up,, I’m saying that trump DIDNT ATTACK warren first, you said he did prove it

How do you prove something didn't happen? The onus of proof is always on the one making the claim. I asserted that Trump attacked Warren and provided the video that showed him doing it. You claim he did it in response to an attack by Warren. The burden to prove that is yours. You also claimed the same for those other instances

In court, you don't ask someone to prove he didn't do something either right?

Everyone knows trump only responses to attacks. He would have no reason to respond to Warren at that time.. not sure he even knew who she was until she said something

"Everyone knows" is not a response. It's a logical fallacy YOU are claiming something, YOU support it. I could support my claims.

I’m just going off memory,, it was in response to her attack .. he never attacks first never

Your memory should be able to be substantiated right? We are talking about 2 high profile individuals. You have google find it. I'll make it easy. You have 4 different people I claimed Trump DID attack first. Find me the attack that according to you happened before for any of them.

If it wasn’t Blatantly obvious trump doesn’t attack first I would make an attempt.. but we all know he doesn’t.. what else do you have ??
I have never seen blood thirsty group of people before.
they have went from fake news 24 hours a day to personal name-calling attacks 24 hours a day on President Trump.

when he wins in November they will de so defeated, how do you recover?
personal name-calling

They are the media. What's his excuse?

Do you have a point to make?

Yes, your problem with personal attacks seems to just apply to the media. When Trump does it, someone who I would assert has a larger impact on society you have no problem with it.

Trump only responds to attacks. You need to show respect not be a activist for the DNC.. if you can step down as A journalist
Oh can you show exactly what "attack" prompted "Pocahontas" or lying ted or basically any of them? Criticism is not an attack by the way.

You think trump attacked Liz Warren? I’m pretty sure it was a response to her incoherent rambling about trump. And ted did attack trump when he became the leader in the polls.

What name did she call him? What name did Ted Cruz call him?

I don't "think" he attacked her. I "saw" he attacked her.
She attacked him , he responded with her nick name that took her out

And yet you can't show me this attack. It's that simple. As I said your problems with personal attacks seem to be very conditional.

Why would trump ever bring up Warren? He had no reason. She opened her mouth attacked him and he took her out haha I love it.. trump is never the first to attack.. if you can prove it.. please do .. if not take a hike loser

Sure. I'll prove it.
This was an attack on a twitter employee because he posted updated terms on the platform. Updating our Approach to Misleading Information
This was his post. Find the attack here that makes him "a hater"

View attachment 360034
What did she do?

Or she?
I could go on but you get the point.

Let’s start with Warren the. Ted Cruz.. can you prove trump attacked first?

Not how it works. You claimed Trump is NEVER the first to attack. I showed otherwise. So now it's your turn to prove that Warren attacked him first. It's your claim so you need to support it.

You didn’t prove it.. stop trolling

So now you are making other claims. Machado, Cruz and Roth all attacked Trump first? Fine substantiate that. I've shown you Trumps' attack now you need to be able to show a reason why. This is not trolling. Debates require people to substantiate their assertions. If you aren't able to don't blame me.

You brought it up,, I’m saying that trump DIDNT ATTACK warren first, you said he did prove it

How do you prove something didn't happen? The onus of proof is always on the one making the claim. I asserted that Trump attacked Warren and provided the video that showed him doing it. You claim he did it in response to an attack by Warren. The burden to prove that is yours. You also claimed the same for those other instances

In court, you don't ask someone to prove he didn't do something either right?

Everyone knows trump only responses to attacks. He would have no reason to respond to Warren at that time.. not sure he even knew who she was until she said something

"Everyone knows" is not a response. It's a logical fallacy YOU are claiming something, YOU support it. I could support my claims.

I’m just going off memory,, it was in response to her attack .. he never attacks first never

Your memory should be able to be substantiated right? We are talking about 2 high profile individuals. You have google find it. I'll make it easy. You have 4 different people I claimed Trump DID attack first. Find me the attack that according to you happened before for any of them.

If it wasn’t Blatantly obvious trump doesn’t attack first I would make an attempt.. but we all know he doesn’t.. what else do you have ??

If it is so blatantly obvious you shouldn't have to resort to these kinds of arguments
1. If I am able to vote, I will vote for President Trump.

a. The main reason for my choosing him is that it is a protest vote against all the senseless violent crime in this country and letting the perps just walk away.

2. But I do not see how he can possibly win, especially with the mail-in ballots and, of course, the horrific COVID-19 situation.

3. If FATE surprises us, however, and he actually wins, the consequences will be mind-shattering.

a. The Dems last time just cried on election night.

b. If he wins this time, there will be riots in all the big cities that will make the recent disorders look like child's play.

c. Some Dems will try to get sympathetic generals to mount a coup.

d. Some Dems will proclaim Mr. Biden (or whoever their candidate is on Nov. 3) as the legitimate president.

e. If the Dems get the House, they will immediately impeach him.

f. If both Houses are in Dems' hands, he will be removed.

In other words, the United States of America will become like Venezuela, with two persons claiming to be the president. We will have finally arrived as a banana republic. (China will tell its people: "See what happens when you allow people to vote!")
Well, if Trump loses, I see the same sort of things happening, like states seceding, states telling Washington DC they won't follow their new radical democrat taliban laws, etc... so it sounds like no matter what happens, the second civil war is coming.

I welcome it. It's over due. This nation needs a reset.
I'm always amazed by people claiming the Democrats want a civil war while at the same time seeming to root for it. Only one side wants it, that's the side who raises confederate flags.
Rules for Radicals once again at work here. Trying to put you on the defensive by saying you like the Southern White Democrats who wanted to keep slaves. Wont work here asshole, i dont listen to slaves to the government, slaves like you..

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