how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Hmmm no one showed up to vote for him?
God right wing nut jobs are stubborn when it comes to lying to us and against veterans.

View attachment 91662
An awful lot of red for no one voting for him.

And real Veterans have always backed McCain

PRINCETON, NJ -- With both presidential candidates addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention this week (John McCain on Monday and Barack Obama on Tuesday), Gallup finds that registered voters who have served in the U.S. military solidly back McCain over Obama, 56% to 34%.
And he fucking embarrassed all of the veterans, by being a fucked up career politician. You do remember he lost the fucking election?.

Real Veterans clearly disagree with you.

You know- rational America loving Veterans- the ones who are not like you.
I do business with current military people from all over the country and veterans Alike. .

Well you do business with veterans.....clearly then you know how everyone feels- to hell with actual polls of veterans.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
Nonetheless, I have never come across any of them that are supporting either berry or the Hildabeast

So you confuse your anecdotal experiences with what the majority of Veterans think of a wounded war hero like John McCain.
I have been told that by racists many times.

How dare I point out the racist nature of Birthers- I have also been called a race traitor.

Well, of COURSE, it's racist!!!

After all, he's BLACK! Therefore, any question MUST, by definition, be racist..

What a dumb ass thing to post.

You trying to change the subject from your many lies about Barack Obama- and Trump's even greater number of lies?

Do you think that Trump lied about President Obama because he was trying to appeal to racists?

Or for partisan politics?

MY many lies? MY many LIES?

Maybe you could, you know, just quote one?.

I have already addressed several- but I will be glad to point them out again
  1. View attachment 91664
This is where you lied said that President Obama's biography said he was born in Kenya

2. This is where you changed your lie from his 'autobiography' to 'promotional book approved by Obama'
It was a promotional brochure- not a book- and as you know- it was not approved of by President Obama- or written by him:
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

3. It is common practice for presidential candidates to provide a biographical packet to the press - includes things like birth certificate,

President Obama is the first candidate to ever show reporters or voters his birth certificate. It is by definition, not a common practice.
Another out right lie. Barack Obama is the first Presidential candidate to ever produce his birth certificate for reporters. He published his birth certificate on June 13, 2008- the first candidate to ever do so.

Barack Obama set the precedence- since then I know of only two candidates who have shown their birth certificates- certainly on Mitt Romney- the 2012 GOP candidate- nor John McCain(his eligibility was questioned but he never released his Panama BC)- Trump has(because of his own Birther idiocy- and Cruz (because of his Canada birth)- but not any of the other GOP candidates.

So much for 'common practice'- which of course just lie #3

4. As for nobody else releasing their birth certificate - you provided a link to show that others have released their birth certificates- but none had
JFK- nope
LBJ- there is a copy online- dated 1961- without his first name.....
Nixon- a copy that specifies it is not a valid copy- and shows being issued in 1942- when he was 29
Jimmy Carter- no
George HW Bush- no
Bill Clinton- no
George W. Bush- no copy available online- but you might be able to go to his Presidential library and see a copy- maybe.

5. Campaigns put forth a biographical package on all candidates. Included in that package is a birth certificate.
No Presidential candidate does that. Maybe Cruz did- but not Trump or Obama. And those are the only candidates in the history of the United States who have shown voters their birth certificates.

5 solid lies.

All yours

Just like all of Trump's Birther lies.

LOL --- it must be fun living in your little fantasy world.

You were given the facts - you choose to ignore them.

Now, live with the consequences.

Like all Birthers- and that includes the Birther Messiah, Donald Trump- you live in a world wear breathing and lying are the same thing.

I pointed out 5 of your flat out lies- for a Birther thats a short list for a single day.

I have already addressed several- but I will be glad to point them out again
  1. View attachment 91664
This is where you lied said that President Obama's biography said he was born in Kenya

2. This is where you changed your lie from his 'autobiography' to 'promotional book approved by Obama'
It was a promotional brochure- not a book- and as you know- it was not approved of by President Obama- or written by him:
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

3. It is common practice for presidential candidates to provide a biographical packet to the press - includes things like birth certificate,

President Obama is the first candidate to ever show reporters or voters his birth certificate. It is by definition, not a common practice.
Another out right lie. Barack Obama is the first Presidential candidate to ever produce his birth certificate for reporters. He published his birth certificate on June 13, 2008- the first candidate to ever do so.

Barack Obama set the precedence- since then I know of only two candidates who have shown their birth certificates- certainly on Mitt Romney- the 2012 GOP candidate- nor John McCain(his eligibility was questioned but he never released his Panama BC)- Trump has(because of his own Birther idiocy- and Cruz (because of his Canada birth)- but not any of the other GOP candidates.

So much for 'common practice'- which of course just lie #3

4. As for nobody else releasing their birth certificate - you provided a link to show that others have released their birth certificates- but none had
JFK- nope
LBJ- there is a copy online- dated 1961- without his first name.....
Nixon- a copy that specifies it is not a valid copy- and shows being issued in 1942- when he was 29
Jimmy Carter- no
George HW Bush- no
Bill Clinton- no
George W. Bush- no copy available online- but you might be able to go to his Presidential library and see a copy- maybe.

5. Campaigns put forth a biographical package on all candidates. Included in that package is a birth certificate.
No Presidential candidate does that. Maybe Cruz did- but not Trump or Obama. And those are the only candidates in the history of the United States who have shown voters their birth certificates.

5 solid lies.

All yours

Just like all of Trump's Birther lies.
Exactly, stick with that. McCain is a spineless career politician. The not a natural born American when he was born on a military base is tinfoil
That's what I said all along and him being a progressive career politician disqualifies him alone, and he's an absolute embarrassment to the men and women of our military. Anyway, he was probably the shittiest politician this country has ever seen no one showed up to vote for the son of a bitch. Lol

Hmmm no one showed up to vote for him?
God right wing nut jobs are stubborn when it comes to lying to us and against veterans.

View attachment 91662
An awful lot of red for no one voting for him.

And real Veterans have always backed McCain

PRINCETON, NJ -- With both presidential candidates addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention this week (John McCain on Monday and Barack Obama on Tuesday), Gallup finds that registered voters who have served in the U.S. military solidly back McCain over Obama, 56% to 34%.
And he fucking embarrassed all of the veterans, by being a fucked up career politician. You do remember he lost the fucking election?.

Real Veterans clearly disagree with you.

You know- rational America loving Veterans- the ones who are not like you.
I do business with current military people from all over the country and veterans Alike. Believe me they have no respect for that fucking Judis.

I watch with interest your back-and-forth with the uneducated on this site. But, you need to explain your position better.

John McCain was a war hero - he is a decorated veteran who spent his time in the hands of the enemy, and survived.

BUT ... John McCain is no hero to the military veteran. He has consistently voted against veterans' issues, and is, given his voting and speech record, considered to have abandoned, and even sabotaged, care for veterans. It is no coincidence that the whole VA scandal blew up in his state. His failure to address veterans' issues created an environment of a lack of responsibility and accountability.

We veterans recognize his sacrifice --- and we're just as aware of his failures, and his abdication of his responsibilities to his fellow veterans.
It's an insult to call me a Republican, libertarian is a much better stand.

You think you're a libertarian?

Classic sign someone is a Libertarian, deny when someone else claims to be a Libertarian. You guys are your own worst enemies.

I'm not a Libertarian, I'm a libertarian. I don't know what rustic is other than nuts

Good point, actually I didn't mean the party, I meant the ideology that has never governed a successful country ever.

You mean other than the creation of the United States and the first 150 years or so?

They weren't. nice try.
Rustic's a lunatic, that defies party. And shit for brains, your standard of EVERY liberal and EVERY conservative is just as butt stupid as you are

I would consider Rustic (and you) to be typical of what represents an all to large segment of the Republican leaning populace.
It's an insult to call me a Republican, libertarian is a much better stand.

Wow! I got a whole list of names to call you .... and libertarian didn't even make the cut. Reckon I better update that list.

Another libertarian who doesn't like libertarians.

Strawman. I don't like faux libertarians. How are you with faux liberals? You like them?

Of course, and libertarians have this funny knack for pointing out faux libertarians.

How am I with faux liberals? I don't know, point one out.
You think you're a libertarian?

Classic sign someone is a Libertarian, deny when someone else claims to be a Libertarian. You guys are your own worst enemies.

I'm not a Libertarian, I'm a libertarian. I don't know what rustic is other than nuts

Good point, actually I didn't mean the party, I meant the ideology that has never governed a successful country ever.

You mean other than the creation of the United States and the first 150 years or so?

They weren't. nice try.

Swish. What do the founding fathers disagree with libertarians on, hack?
I would consider Rustic (and you) to be typical of what represents an all to large segment of the Republican leaning populace.
It's an insult to call me a Republican, libertarian is a much better stand.

Wow! I got a whole list of names to call you .... and libertarian didn't even make the cut. Reckon I better update that list.

Another libertarian who doesn't like libertarians.

Strawman. I don't like faux libertarians. How are you with faux liberals? You like them?

Of course, and libertarians have this funny knack for pointing out faux libertarians.

How am I with faux liberals? I don't know, point one out.

LOL, useless as always
Classic sign someone is a Libertarian, deny when someone else claims to be a Libertarian. You guys are your own worst enemies.

I'm not a Libertarian, I'm a libertarian. I don't know what rustic is other than nuts

Good point, actually I didn't mean the party, I meant the ideology that has never governed a successful country ever.

You mean other than the creation of the United States and the first 150 years or so?

They weren't. nice try.

Swish. What do the founding fathers disagree with libertarians on, hack?

It's an insult to call me a Republican, libertarian is a much better stand.

Wow! I got a whole list of names to call you .... and libertarian didn't even make the cut. Reckon I better update that list.

Another libertarian who doesn't like libertarians.

Strawman. I don't like faux libertarians. How are you with faux liberals? You like them?

Of course, and libertarians have this funny knack for pointing out faux libertarians.

How am I with faux liberals? I don't know, point one out.

LOL, useless as always

You asked a question, I asked for clarification of your ridiculous question and then mostly likely you read the tea leaves as to where this is going and now you are trying a new tactic.
I'm not a Libertarian, I'm a libertarian. I don't know what rustic is other than nuts

Good point, actually I didn't mean the party, I meant the ideology that has never governed a successful country ever.

You mean other than the creation of the United States and the first 150 years or so?

They weren't. nice try.

Swish. What do the founding fathers disagree with libertarians on, hack?


So you support slavery? OK?
Good point, actually I didn't mean the party, I meant the ideology that has never governed a successful country ever.

You mean other than the creation of the United States and the first 150 years or so?

They weren't. nice try.

Swish. What do the founding fathers disagree with libertarians on, hack?


So you support slavery? OK?

Nobody supports slavery. Including libertarians. The founding fathers if there was one thing they all chose to be OK with it was the legality of slavery. But mostly the founding fathers had a multitude of ideas, some wanted a strong central government, others didn't. Some wanted a religious litmus test. Some were concerned about curbing the power of corporations to include Thomas Jefferson.
And he fucking embarrassed all of the veterans, by being a fucked up career politician. You do remember he lost the fucking election?.

Real Veterans clearly disagree with you.

You know- rational America loving Veterans- the ones who are not like you.
I do business with current military people from all over the country and veterans Alike. .

Well you do business with veterans.....clearly then you know how everyone feels- to hell with actual polls of veterans.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
Nonetheless, I have never come across any of them that are supporting either berry or the Hildabeast

So you confuse your anecdotal experiences with what the majority of Veterans think of a wounded war hero like John McCain.
Out of the thousands I have sold firearms to, I have yet to find one that has any respect for spineless McCain...
Real Veterans clearly disagree with you.

You know- rational America loving Veterans- the ones who are not like you.
I do business with current military people from all over the country and veterans Alike. .

Well you do business with veterans.....clearly then you know how everyone feels- to hell with actual polls of veterans.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
Nonetheless, I have never come across any of them that are supporting either berry or the Hildabeast

So you confuse your anecdotal experiences with what the majority of Veterans think of a wounded war hero like John McCain.
Out of the thousands I have sold firearms to, I have yet to find one that has any respect for spineless McCain...

Broaden your horizons.
That's what I said all along and him being a progressive career politician disqualifies him alone, and he's an absolute embarrassment to the men and women of our military. Anyway, he was probably the shittiest politician this country has ever seen no one showed up to vote for the son of a bitch. Lol

Hmmm no one showed up to vote for him?
God right wing nut jobs are stubborn when it comes to lying to us and against veterans.

View attachment 91662
An awful lot of red for no one voting for him.

And real Veterans have always backed McCain

PRINCETON, NJ -- With both presidential candidates addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention this week (John McCain on Monday and Barack Obama on Tuesday), Gallup finds that registered voters who have served in the U.S. military solidly back McCain over Obama, 56% to 34%.
And he fucking embarrassed all of the veterans, by being a fucked up career politician. You do remember he lost the fucking election?.

Real Veterans clearly disagree with you.

You know- rational America loving Veterans- the ones who are not like you.
I do business with current military people from all over the country and veterans Alike. Believe me they have no respect for that fucking Judis.

I watch with interest your back-and-forth with the uneducated on this site. But, you need to explain your position better.

John McCain was a war hero - he is a decorated veteran who spent his time in the hands of the enemy, and survived.

BUT ... John McCain is no hero to the military veteran. He has consistently voted against veterans' issues, and is, given his voting and speech record, considered to have abandoned, and even sabotaged, care for veterans. It is no coincidence that the whole VA scandal blew up in his state. His failure to address veterans' issues created an environment of a lack of responsibility and accountability.

We veterans recognize his sacrifice --- and we're just as aware of his failures, and his abdication of his responsibilities to his fellow veterans.
Simple, he's a Judas to his own peers. Whatever he did over there in the far east really means nothing because the damage he's done is the reversible. He advertised himself as a conservative knowing that he was nothing of the sort.
I do business with current military people from all over the country and veterans Alike. .

Well you do business with veterans.....clearly then you know how everyone feels- to hell with actual polls of veterans.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
Nonetheless, I have never come across any of them that are supporting either berry or the Hildabeast

So you confuse your anecdotal experiences with what the majority of Veterans think of a wounded war hero like John McCain.
Out of the thousands I have sold firearms to, I have yet to find one that has any respect for spineless McCain...

Broaden your horizons.
He's done nothing but fuck over his fellow veterans…
You mean other than the creation of the United States and the first 150 years or so?

They weren't. nice try.

Swish. What do the founding fathers disagree with libertarians on, hack?


So you support slavery? OK?

Nobody supports slavery. Including libertarians. The founding fathers if there was one thing they all chose to be OK with it was the legality of slavery. But mostly the founding fathers had a multitude of ideas, some wanted a strong central government, others didn't. Some wanted a religious litmus test. Some were concerned about curbing the power of corporations to include Thomas Jefferson.
There you go again talking out of your ass… LOL
They weren't. nice try.

Swish. What do the founding fathers disagree with libertarians on, hack?


So you support slavery? OK?

Nobody supports slavery. Including libertarians. The founding fathers if there was one thing they all chose to be OK with it was the legality of slavery. But mostly the founding fathers had a multitude of ideas, some wanted a strong central government, others didn't. Some wanted a religious litmus test. Some were concerned about curbing the power of corporations to include Thomas Jefferson.
There you go again talking out of your ass… LOL

You're too angry to be taken seriously.
Swish. What do the founding fathers disagree with libertarians on, hack?


So you support slavery? OK?

Nobody supports slavery. Including libertarians. The founding fathers if there was one thing they all chose to be OK with it was the legality of slavery. But mostly the founding fathers had a multitude of ideas, some wanted a strong central government, others didn't. Some wanted a religious litmus test. Some were concerned about curbing the power of corporations to include Thomas Jefferson.
There you go again talking out of your ass… LOL

You're too angry to be taken seriously.
I'm not the least bit angry, I find your career politician worship hilarious….

So you support slavery? OK?

Nobody supports slavery. Including libertarians. The founding fathers if there was one thing they all chose to be OK with it was the legality of slavery. But mostly the founding fathers had a multitude of ideas, some wanted a strong central government, others didn't. Some wanted a religious litmus test. Some were concerned about curbing the power of corporations to include Thomas Jefferson.
There you go again talking out of your ass… LOL

You're too angry to be taken seriously.
I'm not the least bit angry, I find your career politician worship hilarious….

I don't worship any politicians, especially the human-orangutan angry douche hybrid born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

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