how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

What a stupid question. Name one other presidential candidate who was asked for his birth certificate. Just name one or shut the fuck up you dumb ass
The list is endless ... you're letting your ignorance get in your way.

Call your local newspaper --- ask them how many birth certificates for presidential campaigns they have seen in the last 50 years.

Then, crawl back here and apologize.

Why don't you show us?

How do you propose I show you? Rob your local newspaper office? I've been very clear. Those packages are provided to the press. They aren't published on the internet - they aren't handed out to the common folks - they're background material.

Are you NOT capable of making a phone call? Ask them how the vetting process for a candidate is done, and what usually initiates the vetting. (Oh, don't call the Pissant, OR Tribune - call one of the major players in the media).

Until you do, you just simply don't know what the hell you're talking about, and your ignorance is annoying. No, I take that back ---- your ignorance isn't annoying, it's B-O-R-I-N-G.

Prove the process, duh.

Then prove that Obama didn't have to take more additional steps than other candidates.

It's not rocket surgery.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited", and pushed his "lack of American roots", her supporters circulating an email implying that he wasn't born in Hawaii, Bob Kerrey using obama's full name (hussein), talking about him being muslim, saying that "people are acting as if he's an islamic Manchurian candidate" -- that was because he's black. Right?

Yes, in 2008 even in the primary there were unflattering things said about Obama in relation to his race and background. But it's not 2008 anymore. The Democratic party is light years beyond that point and the GOP just can't get past their own racial bigotry. Half you morons still think he is foreign born and many more a secret Muslim. Your current nominee was the man-baby birther king for 5 years. Nobody, not a single Democrat comes close to matching that.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

What a stupid question. Name one other presidential candidate who was asked for his birth certificate. Just name one or shut the fuck up you dumb ass
The list is endless ... you're letting your ignorance get in your way.

Call your local newspaper --- ask them how many birth certificates for presidential campaigns they have seen in the last 50 years.

Then, crawl back here and apologize.

Why don't you show us?

How do you propose I show you? Rob your local newspaper office? I've been very clear. Those packages are provided to the press. They aren't published on the internet - they aren't handed out to the common folks - they're background material.

Are you NOT capable of making a phone call? Ask them how the vetting process for a candidate is done, and what usually initiates the vetting. (Oh, don't call the Pissant, OR Tribune - call one of the major players in the media).

Until you do, you just simply don't know what the hell you're talking about, and your ignorance is annoying. No, I take that back ---- your ignorance isn't annoying, it's B-O-R-I-N-G.

Prove the process, duh.

Then prove that Obama didn't have to take more additional steps than other candidates.

It's not rocket surgery.

As you've been told 10 times, he had to take extra steps because he failed to provide his birth certificate in the original packet,. The minute that happened, some felt he was trying to hide something, thus the questions about what should have been an absolute non-issue.

What is not a non-issue was his refusal to provide his grade transcript, particularly considering he appeared to have special treatment at Harvard.
What a stupid question. Name one other presidential candidate who was asked for his birth certificate. Just name one or shut the fuck up you dumb ass
The list is endless ... you're letting your ignorance get in your way.

Call your local newspaper --- ask them how many birth certificates for presidential campaigns they have seen in the last 50 years.

Then, crawl back here and apologize.

Why don't you show us?

How do you propose I show you? Rob your local newspaper office? I've been very clear. Those packages are provided to the press. They aren't published on the internet - they aren't handed out to the common folks - they're background material.

Are you NOT capable of making a phone call? Ask them how the vetting process for a candidate is done, and what usually initiates the vetting. (Oh, don't call the Pissant, OR Tribune - call one of the major players in the media).

Until you do, you just simply don't know what the hell you're talking about, and your ignorance is annoying. No, I take that back ---- your ignorance isn't annoying, it's B-O-R-I-N-G.

Prove the process, duh.

Then prove that Obama didn't have to take more additional steps than other candidates.

It's not rocket surgery.

As you've been told 10 times, he had to take extra steps because he failed to provide his birth certificate in the original packet,. The minute that happened, some felt he was trying to hide something, thus the questions about what should have been an absolute non-issue.

What is not a non-issue was his refusal to provide his grade transcript, particularly considering he appeared to have special treatment at Harvard.

I remember seeing his certificate of live birth years before Trump even came on board. What the fuck are you going on about? And let's have a link to demonstrate your first paragraph. Not that it matters.

No presidential candidate has ever voluntarily provided their college transcripts. It is a non-issue.
The list is endless ... you're letting your ignorance get in your way.

Call your local newspaper --- ask them how many birth certificates for presidential campaigns they have seen in the last 50 years.

Then, crawl back here and apologize.

Why don't you show us?

How do you propose I show you? Rob your local newspaper office? I've been very clear. Those packages are provided to the press. They aren't published on the internet - they aren't handed out to the common folks - they're background material.

Are you NOT capable of making a phone call? Ask them how the vetting process for a candidate is done, and what usually initiates the vetting. (Oh, don't call the Pissant, OR Tribune - call one of the major players in the media).

Until you do, you just simply don't know what the hell you're talking about, and your ignorance is annoying. No, I take that back ---- your ignorance isn't annoying, it's B-O-R-I-N-G.

Prove the process, duh.

Then prove that Obama didn't have to take more additional steps than other candidates.

It's not rocket surgery.

As you've been told 10 times, he had to take extra steps because he failed to provide his birth certificate in the original packet,. The minute that happened, some felt he was trying to hide something, thus the questions about what should have been an absolute non-issue.

What is not a non-issue was his refusal to provide his grade transcript, particularly considering he appeared to have special treatment at Harvard.

I remember seeing his certificate of live birth years before Trump even came on board. What the fuck are you going on about? And let's have a link to demonstrate your first paragraph. Not that it matters.

No presidential candidate has ever voluntarily provided their college transcripts. It is a non-issue.

I was trying to figure out if you were dyslexic, stubborn, or just plain dumb.

Then, I finally decided I simply don't care. You've been told. Now, it's just time to ignore your prattle.
Why don't you show us?

How do you propose I show you? Rob your local newspaper office? I've been very clear. Those packages are provided to the press. They aren't published on the internet - they aren't handed out to the common folks - they're background material.

Are you NOT capable of making a phone call? Ask them how the vetting process for a candidate is done, and what usually initiates the vetting. (Oh, don't call the Pissant, OR Tribune - call one of the major players in the media).

Until you do, you just simply don't know what the hell you're talking about, and your ignorance is annoying. No, I take that back ---- your ignorance isn't annoying, it's B-O-R-I-N-G.

Prove the process, duh.

Then prove that Obama didn't have to take more additional steps than other candidates.

It's not rocket surgery.

As you've been told 10 times, he had to take extra steps because he failed to provide his birth certificate in the original packet,. The minute that happened, some felt he was trying to hide something, thus the questions about what should have been an absolute non-issue.

What is not a non-issue was his refusal to provide his grade transcript, particularly considering he appeared to have special treatment at Harvard.

I remember seeing his certificate of live birth years before Trump even came on board. What the fuck are you going on about? And let's have a link to demonstrate your first paragraph. Not that it matters.

No presidential candidate has ever voluntarily provided their college transcripts. It is a non-issue.

I was trying to figure out if you were dyslexic, stubborn, or just plain dumb.

Then, I finally decided I simply don't care. You've been told. Now, it's just time to ignore your prattle.

So, you like to make a lot of claims that you can't back up. I have to be honest with you, you met my expectations perfectly.
Real Veterans clearly disagree with you.

You know- rational America loving Veterans- the ones who are not like you.
I do business with current military people from all over the country and veterans Alike. .

Well you do business with veterans.....clearly then you know how everyone feels- to hell with actual polls of veterans.

The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
Nonetheless, I have never come across any of them that are supporting either berry or the Hildabeast

So you confuse your anecdotal experiences with what the majority of Veterans think of a wounded war hero like John McCain.
Out of the thousands I have sold firearms to, I have yet to find one that has any respect for spineless McCain...

So you confuse your anecdotal experiences with what the majority of Veterans think of a decorated war hero like John McCain
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

What a stupid question. Name one other presidential candidate who was asked for his birth certificate. Just name one or shut the fuck up you dumb ass
It has nothing to do with his race dumbass is all about is fucking retarded policies..

So Donald Trump lied about Barack Obama's birth certificate because Trump opposed Obama's policies?

Maybe- or maybe it was because of his race.
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

What a stupid question. Name one other presidential candidate who was asked for his birth certificate. Just name one or shut the fuck up you dumb ass
The list is endless ... you're letting your ignorance get in your way.

Call your local newspaper --- ask them how many birth certificates for presidential campaigns they have seen in the last 50 years.

Then, crawl back here and apologize.

Why do you keep lying? Are you just determined to act like Donald Trump?

Barack Obama is the first presidential candidate to ever show voters or reporters his birth certificate.

You just keep lying- like a good Birther.
What a stupid question. Name one other presidential candidate who was asked for his birth certificate. Just name one or shut the fuck up you dumb ass
The list is endless ... you're letting your ignorance get in your way.

Call your local newspaper --- ask them how many birth certificates for presidential campaigns they have seen in the last 50 years.

Then, crawl back here and apologize.

Why don't you show us?

How do you propose I show you? Rob your local newspaper office? I've been very clear. Those packages are provided to the press. They aren't published on the internet - they aren't handed out to the common folks - they're background material.

Are you NOT capable of making a phone call? Ask them how the vetting process for a candidate is done, and what usually initiates the vetting. (Oh, don't call the Pissant, OR Tribune - call one of the major players in the media).

Until you do, you just simply don't know what the hell you're talking about, and your ignorance is annoying. No, I take that back ---- your ignorance isn't annoying, it's B-O-R-I-N-G.

Prove the process, duh.

Then prove that Obama didn't have to take more additional steps than other candidates.

It's not rocket surgery.

As you've been told 10 times, he had to take extra steps because he failed to provide his birth certificate in the original packet,..

You do realize- you lying 10 times doesn't make it any less of a lie.

There is no 'original packet', no candidates provide their birth certificate- you are just pulling this out of Birther assdom.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited",

So when in 2011, Donald Trump started lying about Barack Obama's birth certificate- what was his motivation- if it was not race?
how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

What a stupid question. Name one other presidential candidate who was asked for his birth certificate. Just name one or shut the fuck up you dumb ass
The list is endless ... you're letting your ignorance get in your way.

Call your local newspaper --- ask them how many birth certificates for presidential campaigns they have seen in the last 50 years.

Then, crawl back here and apologize.

Why don't you show us?

How do you propose I show you? Rob your local newspaper office? I've been very clear. Those packages are provided to the press..

You have been very clear you have been lying your ass off.

You haven't been able to find a single example of your mythical packages, nor an example of a single newspaper office referring to them- and their accompanying birth certificate.

Like all Birthers- you are just lying.
What is not a non-issue was his refusal to provide his grade transcript, particularly considering he appeared to have special treatment at Harvard.

And by 'special treatment' Spare means he graduated law school while being black.

Both Barack Obama and George Bush went to Harvard- Obama for law, Bush for his masters.

Guess what- neither decided to show you his transcripts.

Of course now one expected that Bush got special treatment in Harvard........the son of a wealthy family would never get special treatment.......
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited",

So when in 2011, Donald Trump started lying about Barack Obama's birth certificate- what was his motivation- if it was not race?
He's an incompetent socialist?
Why didn't The Blamer release his college transcripts?
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited",

So when in 2011, Donald Trump started lying about Barack Obama's birth certificate- what was his motivation- if it was not race?
He's an incompetent socialist?
Why didn't The Blamer release his college transcripts?

Why didn't Trump release his college transcripts?

Probably the same reason no other Presidential candidate has voluntarily released his transcripts.

Now tax returns are another thing- President Obama and virtually every Presidential candidate EXCEPT Trump have released their tax returns.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited",

So when in 2011, Donald Trump started lying about Barack Obama's birth certificate- what was his motivation- if it was not race?
He's an incompetent socialist?
Why didn't The Blamer release his college transcripts?

Why didn't Trump release his college transcripts?

Probably the same reason no other Presidential candidate has voluntarily released his transcripts.

Now tax returns are another thing- President Obama and virtually every Presidential candidate EXCEPT Trump have released their tax returns.
You forgot to answer the question.
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited",

So when in 2011, Donald Trump started lying about Barack Obama's birth certificate- what was his motivation- if it was not race?
He's an incompetent socialist?
Why didn't The Blamer release his college transcripts?

Why didn't Trump release his college transcripts?

Probably the same reason no other Presidential candidate has voluntarily released his transcripts.

Now tax returns are another thing- President Obama and virtually every Presidential candidate EXCEPT Trump have released their tax returns.
You forgot to answer the question.

Answered it completely- you asked' Why didn't the Blamer-and no one is a blamer more than Donald Trump- release his college transcripts

Why didn't Trump release his college transcripts?

Probably the same reason no other Presidential candidate has voluntarily released his transcripts.

Now tax returns are another thing- President Obama and virtually every Presidential candidate EXCEPT Trump have released their tax returns.
So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited",

So when in 2011, Donald Trump started lying about Barack Obama's birth certificate- what was his motivation- if it was not race?
He's an incompetent socialist?
Why didn't The Blamer release his college transcripts?

Why didn't Trump release his college transcripts?

Probably the same reason no other Presidential candidate has voluntarily released his transcripts.

Now tax returns are another thing- President Obama and virtually every Presidential candidate EXCEPT Trump have released their tax returns.
You forgot to answer the question.

Answered it completely- you asked' Why didn't the Blamer-and no one is a blamer more than Donald Trump- release his college transcripts

Why didn't Trump release his college transcripts?

Probably the same reason no other Presidential candidate has voluntarily released his transcripts.

Now tax returns are another thing- President Obama and virtually every Presidential candidate EXCEPT Trump have released their tax returns.
Well, allow me to rephrase so that even an armstretched libstain as yourself might understand:
Why didn't your majesty Hussein "The Blamer" Obama release his college transcripts?
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited", and pushed his "lack of American roots", her supporters circulating an email implying that he wasn't born in Hawaii, Bob Kerrey using obama's full name (hussein), talking about him being muslim, saying that "people are acting as if he's an islamic Manchurian candidate" -- that was because he's black. Right?

Yes, in 2008 even in the primary there were unflattering things said about Obama in relation to his race and background. But it's not 2008 anymore. The Democratic party is light years beyond that point and the GOP just can't get past their own racial bigotry. Half you morons still think he is foreign born and many more a secret Muslim. Your current nominee was the man-baby birther king for 5 years. Nobody, not a single Democrat comes close to matching that.

Dems are racist but that's ok because Republicans are moar racist because birther!! :lol:
Because he's the only candidate in recent history who was pressured to show his. Even though he has his short form birth certificate proving his birth, the state of Hawaii backing it up, it apparently wasn't enough.

Not to mention the references to Kenya and the claim that he is Muslim.

When was the last time a candidate had to prove he was American?

So when the 2008 clinton campaign decided to subtly paint obama as "his roots to basic American and values and culture are at best limited",

So when in 2011, Donald Trump started lying about Barack Obama's birth certificate- what was his motivation- if it was not race?


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