how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Actually it is when Donald Trump lies about the place of birth of the first African American President in the United States.


How is questioning his place of birth racism?
If you think the birther movement is just about "questioning his place of birth," there's no hope for you.

There have been hundreds of presidential candidates. Name the other one who was pressed into presenting 2 copies of birth records; and even that was not good enough. Name the candidate who's stated place of birth was reject even after state officials verified his birth records. Name the candidate who was offered a multi-million bribe to release his records. Name the candidate whose birth record was scrutinized as much as Obama's. Name the candidate who was sued in court to release his birth records. Name the candidate who was falsely accused of being born in another country. Name the candidate whose birth records were implored to be stolen and released by hackers. Name the candidate who had a book published about them falsely being foreign born. Name the candidate who had a fake ID made up by his detractors to show he was a foreign born student at a U.S. university. Name the candidate who had a fake foreign born birth certificate made up by his detractors to show he wasn't born in the U.S.. Name the candidate who was falsely accused of being adopted to qualify as a foreign born individual, eligible to receive a Hawaiian birth certificate.

And this has been on-going for 8 years now, despite being put to rest years ago. You have to be crazy to think this is just "questioning his place of birth."

Waah -- waah --- waah
That's read as -- you can't name one.

But that's ok, I already knew you couldn't.

Actually, you misinterpreted it.

What it really meant was that "Some posts are simply offensive by its depth of stupidity, and deserves no response."

(This one came close ... but just didn't quite make the cut)
Like it matters what excuses you invent to avoid answering what I already knew you couldn't answer when I asked?
McCain is not a natural born citizen. dip shit

:badgrin: Tell Kaz what a flaming liberal you are.

Rustic's a lunatic, that defies party. And shit for brains, your standard of EVERY liberal and EVERY conservative is just as butt stupid as you are

I would consider Rustic (and you) to be typical of what represents an all to large segment of the Republican leaning populace.
It's an insult to call me a Republican, libertarian is a much better stand.

Wow! I got a whole list of names to call you .... and libertarian didn't even make the cut. Reckon I better update that list.

Another libertarian who doesn't like libertarians.
Rustic's a lunatic, that defies party. And shit for brains, your standard of EVERY liberal and EVERY conservative is just as butt stupid as you are

I would consider Rustic (and you) to be typical of what represents an all to large segment of the Republican leaning populace.

That's because you're stupid, I'm not a Republican

I didn't specifically call you a Republican, kaz. Which one of you has the brain cell today? Rustic? Kaz? Can't tell.

Um ... yes ... you did, dumb ass

Nope, reread my post, sporto.
kaz doesn't do reading comprehension.
I would consider Rustic (and you) to be typical of what represents an all to large segment of the Republican leaning populace.

That's because you're stupid, I'm not a Republican

I didn't specifically call you a Republican, kaz. Which one of you has the brain cell today? Rustic? Kaz? Can't tell.

Um ... yes ... you did, dumb ass

Nope, reread my post, sporto.
kaz doesn't do reading comprehension.

You could have stopped at reading.
I would consider Rustic (and you) to be typical of what represents an all to large segment of the Republican leaning populace.
It's an insult to call me a Republican, libertarian is a much better stand.

You think you're a libertarian?

Classic sign someone is a Libertarian, deny when someone else claims to be a Libertarian. You guys are your own worst enemies.
All of Washington is one party rule, it's called the progressive party.

It isn't, it's not.
Yes, all of them fucked up career politicians up there in Washington are laughing there asses off. Watching fucked up saps thinking that there are sides to be taken in Washington. It's like WWE, behind the scenes all them politicians are on the same side fucking over the United States population. Lol
It's an insult to call me a Republican, libertarian is a much better stand.

You think you're a libertarian?

Classic sign someone is a Libertarian, deny when someone else claims to be a Libertarian. You guys are your own worst enemies.
All of Washington is one party rule, it's called the progressive party.

It isn't, it's not.
Yes, all of them fucked up career politicians up there in Washington are laughing there asses off. Watching fucked up saps thinking that there are sides to be taken in Washington. It's like WWE, behind the scenes all them politicians are on the same side fucking over the United States population. Lol

I know, if only there was a birther party to join. Shucks.
Nope, I always thought McCain and Cruz met citizenship requirements. Where is that big ol' birther movement on the left?

The democrats started the McCain birther thing before the Obama birther thing was a thing. It was stupid. He was born on a US military base, obviously he was eligible to be President. Though while Obama was born in Hawaii, he'd have been eligible to be President even if he was born in Kenya. His mother was American, he was native born American.

He was one stupid idiot though for telling his publisher he was born in Kenya

Got a source? I'd like to hear about this huge McCain birther movement that Democrats ran. Provide a source to that, something that rivals Trump's actions. Trump is a double birther, btw.

Clinton, Obama Agree: McCain’s a “Natural Born Citizen”
McCain is not a natural born citizen. dip shit

Prove it.

The GOP thought he was. The Democrats did too.

And frankly I do- an American born to American parents while serving the United States overseas- what kind of message would that be telling our soldiers and sailors if we asked them to serve overseas but their children born overseas could never be President.

Why would you want to hurt the children of American servicemen and women?
He's a spineless Progressive career politician, that disqualifies him. He's an embarrassment to the men and women of our military.

Another right wing nut job who despises a combat veteran wounded in the service of our country- if he dares be rational.
"Racist" has become a cheap punchline to a bad joke.

Ever since President Obama has been elected to office,

racists have been pissed off that the 'racist' is being used to describe racists.

You're a RACIST!!!

I have been told that by racists many times.

How dare I point out the racist nature of Birthers- I have also been called a race traitor.

Well, of COURSE, it's racist!!!

After all, he's BLACK! Therefore, any question MUST, by definition, be racist..

What a dumb ass thing to post.

You trying to change the subject from your many lies about Barack Obama- and Trump's even greater number of lies?

Do you think that Trump lied about President Obama because he was trying to appeal to racists?

Or for partisan politics?
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

Even if true, and it isn't, how does that in any way imply that someone thinks blacks are inferior beings or not worthy of the same consideration as whites?

You answered your own question.
Because Obama in no way received the same consideration as every other president.
We have never asked for proof or questioned the validity of any other president in history.
If you can't see that then you're blind.
Absolutely wrong ... dangerously wrong.

We have questioned EVERY presidential candidate. Obama is the first one who refused to provide the information in a timely manner, leading to speculation that he was hiding something.

Show me a link to where/how we secured birth certificates from Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush.

And if you can show me the links, show me where their short form birth certificates were rejected (in each case).

And then show me the links to where the long forms were requested and produced, but those forms were still rejected (until the general election came around, and you had to concede for political reasons).

The reason you can't produce a fucking thing, other than the constitutional issue over McCain, which didn't include accusations of lying, is because your political war against Obama was based around the suggestion that he was a black Muslim in cahoots with our enemies. This is what your side did during the Cold War. It's called McCarthyism and it involves tying your domestic political opponent to a foreign enemy.

Fucking pathetic.

If you lose this election it will be because you finally got swallowed by your dirty tricks.

Would you grow the hell up???

Campaigns put forth a biographical package on all candidates. Included in that package is a birth certificate, a history of residences, curriculum vitae, resume, and any other documents that favor the candidate, such as thesis papers, articles or books published, These are distributed, by the hundreds, to all the important media organizations.

It is the starting point for the media vetting process on all candidates. Obama's bio package didn't have a birth certificate, and when that was requested from the campaign (from various news organizations - most notably, the New York Times, the request was initially ignored - not refused, ignored. That led to the heightened interest. THAT request is the one that Clinton's chief of staff used to start the whole birther question. The birth certificate, as well as the list of residences, is what is used to get those cute, and innocuous, little stories about how Hillary used to pass out milk in the 2nd grade, or how Romney supposedly hazed frat brothers. They send some piss ant rookie reporter out to ask questions of the scrub nurse at the pediatric clinic, or his 4th grade teacher, or his friends in high school. Where the hell did you think those leads come from?

You're letting your paranoia overwhelm your logical thought -- if you ever had any.
Got a source? I'd like to hear about this huge McCain birther movement that Democrats ran. Provide a source to that, something that rivals Trump's actions. Trump is a double birther, btw.

Clinton, Obama Agree: McCain’s a “Natural Born Citizen”
McCain is not a natural born citizen. dip shit

Prove it.

The GOP thought he was. The Democrats did too.

And frankly I do- an American born to American parents while serving the United States overseas- what kind of message would that be telling our soldiers and sailors if we asked them to serve overseas but their children born overseas could never be President.

Why would you want to hurt the children of American servicemen and women?
He's a spineless Progressive career politician, that disqualifies him. He's an embarrassment to the men and women of our military.

Exactly, stick with that. McCain is a spineless career politician. The not a natural born American when he was born on a military base is tinfoil
That's what I said all along and him being a progressive career politician disqualifies him alone, and he's an absolute embarrassment to the men and women of our military. Anyway, he was probably the shittiest politician this country has ever seen no one showed up to vote for the son of a bitch. Lol

Hmmm no one showed up to vote for him?
God right wing nut jobs are stubborn when it comes to lying to us and against veterans.


An awful lot of red for no one voting for him.

And real Veterans have always backed McCain

PRINCETON, NJ -- With both presidential candidates addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention this week (John McCain on Monday and Barack Obama on Tuesday), Gallup finds that registered voters who have served in the U.S. military solidly back McCain over Obama, 56% to 34%.
The democrats started the McCain birther thing before the Obama birther thing was a thing. It was stupid. He was born on a US military base, obviously he was eligible to be President. Though while Obama was born in Hawaii, he'd have been eligible to be President even if he was born in Kenya. His mother was American, he was native born American.

He was one stupid idiot though for telling his publisher he was born in Kenya

Got a source? I'd like to hear about this huge McCain birther movement that Democrats ran. Provide a source to that, something that rivals Trump's actions. Trump is a double birther, btw.

Clinton, Obama Agree: McCain’s a “Natural Born Citizen”
McCain is not a natural born citizen. dip shit

Prove it.

The GOP thought he was. The Democrats did too.

And frankly I do- an American born to American parents while serving the United States overseas- what kind of message would that be telling our soldiers and sailors if we asked them to serve overseas but their children born overseas could never be President.

Why would you want to hurt the children of American servicemen and women?
He's a spineless Progressive career politician, that disqualifies him. He's an embarrassment to the men and women of our military.

Another right wing nut job who despises a combat veteran wounded in the service of our country- if he dares be rational.
McCain rational, he's a fucking loopy kunt. Like I said he's the ultimate example why there should be one term limits for any Washington politicians. Not to mention he's a fucking loser, he couldn't even get the conservative base To show up to vote for him. He's like a fucking seizure in the suit
how did birth certificate qualification turn into racism?

It's always been racism; conservative racists hostile to an African American president contrived the lie that the president wasn't born in the U.S. in a failed attempt to render him "unqualified."

Even if true, and it isn't, how does that in any way imply that someone thinks blacks are inferior beings or not worthy of the same consideration as whites?

You answered your own question.
Because Obama in no way received the same consideration as every other president.
We have never asked for proof or questioned the validity of any other president in history.
If you can't see that then you're blind.
Absolutely wrong ... dangerously wrong.

We have questioned EVERY presidential candidate. Obama is the first one who refused to provide the information in a timely manner, leading to speculation that he was hiding something.

Show me a link to where/how we secured birth certificates from Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush.

And if you can show me the links, show me where their short form birth certificates were rejected (in each case).

And then show me the links to where the long forms were requested and produced, but those forms were still rejected (until the general election came around, and you had to concede for political reasons).

The reason you can't produce a fucking thing, other than the constitutional issue over McCain, which didn't include accusations of lying, is because your political war against Obama was based around the suggestion that he was a black Muslim in cahoots with our enemies. This is what your side did during the Cold War. It's called McCarthyism and it involves tying your domestic political opponent to a foreign enemy.

Fucking pathetic.

If you lose this election it will be because you finally got swallowed by your dirty tricks.

Would you grow the hell up???

Campaigns put forth a biographical package on all candidates. Included in that package is a birth certificate.

Show us an example of one.

You can't because there isn't one.

Why do you keep lying?

Are you just trying to be like Donald Trump?
"Racist" has become a cheap punchline to a bad joke.

Ever since President Obama has been elected to office,

racists have been pissed off that the 'racist' is being used to describe racists.

You're a RACIST!!!

I have been told that by racists many times.

How dare I point out the racist nature of Birthers- I have also been called a race traitor.

Well, of COURSE, it's racist!!!

After all, he's BLACK! Therefore, any question MUST, by definition, be racist..

What a dumb ass thing to post.

You trying to change the subject from your many lies about Barack Obama- and Trump's even greater number of lies?

Do you think that Trump lied about President Obama because he was trying to appeal to racists?

Or for partisan politics?

I'm trying to change the subject, because I replied to a nonsensical post? That doesn't mean I was trying to change the subject - only that the kind of ridiculousness posted needed to be addressed. If you hadn't been stupid enough to post such drivel, I wouldn't have been motivated to respond.

MY many lies? MY many LIES?

Maybe you could, you know, just quote one?

I don't think Trump lied, at all ... I think he raised a question HE felt had not been adequately addressed.
McCain is not a natural born citizen. dip shit

Prove it.

The GOP thought he was. The Democrats did too.

And frankly I do- an American born to American parents while serving the United States overseas- what kind of message would that be telling our soldiers and sailors if we asked them to serve overseas but their children born overseas could never be President.

Why would you want to hurt the children of American servicemen and women?
He's a spineless Progressive career politician, that disqualifies him. He's an embarrassment to the men and women of our military.

Exactly, stick with that. McCain is a spineless career politician. The not a natural born American when he was born on a military base is tinfoil
That's what I said all along and him being a progressive career politician disqualifies him alone, and he's an absolute embarrassment to the men and women of our military. Anyway, he was probably the shittiest politician this country has ever seen no one showed up to vote for the son of a bitch. Lol

Hmmm no one showed up to vote for him?
God right wing nut jobs are stubborn when it comes to lying to us and against veterans.

View attachment 91662
An awful lot of red for no one voting for him.

And real Veterans have always backed McCain

PRINCETON, NJ -- With both presidential candidates addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention this week (John McCain on Monday and Barack Obama on Tuesday), Gallup finds that registered voters who have served in the U.S. military solidly back McCain over Obama, 56% to 34%.
And he fucking embarrassed all of the veterans, by being a fucked up career politician. You do remember he lost the fucking election? Millions of conservatives decided to stay home during the last two presidential elections because both candidates were fucked up progressive career politicians.
Even if true, and it isn't, how does that in any way imply that someone thinks blacks are inferior beings or not worthy of the same consideration as whites?

You answered your own question.
Because Obama in no way received the same consideration as every other president.
We have never asked for proof or questioned the validity of any other president in history.
If you can't see that then you're blind.
Absolutely wrong ... dangerously wrong.

We have questioned EVERY presidential candidate. Obama is the first one who refused to provide the information in a timely manner, leading to speculation that he was hiding something.

Show me a link to where/how we secured birth certificates from Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush.

And if you can show me the links, show me where their short form birth certificates were rejected (in each case).

And then show me the links to where the long forms were requested and produced, but those forms were still rejected (until the general election came around, and you had to concede for political reasons).

The reason you can't produce a fucking thing, other than the constitutional issue over McCain, which didn't include accusations of lying, is because your political war against Obama was based around the suggestion that he was a black Muslim in cahoots with our enemies. This is what your side did during the Cold War. It's called McCarthyism and it involves tying your domestic political opponent to a foreign enemy.

Fucking pathetic.

If you lose this election it will be because you finally got swallowed by your dirty tricks.

Would you grow the hell up???

Campaigns put forth a biographical package on all candidates. Included in that package is a birth certificate.

Show us an example of one.

You can't because there isn't one.

Why do you keep lying?

Are you just trying to be like Donald Trump?

Well, I'm afraid I have to rely on experience. After getting my degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin, I went to work for a newspaper. In my two years there, I probably saw 25 of those "bio packs" - and yes, every one of them contained a birth certificate. Those packages are not typically released to the public - in fact, I can't imagine that every happening. Instead, they are used as background information. The gold is in what is found when you "vet" those claims.
You sure stepped in that one. There has been no major birther movements against either one of those from the left. Trump did go after the Hispanic guy though but why should that shock anyone now?

Anyway, bad answer on your part but you probably know that.

Bull crap, you're full of it

Nope, I always thought McCain and Cruz met citizenship requirements. Where is that big ol' birther movement on the left?

The democrats started the McCain birther thing before the Obama birther thing was a thing. It was stupid. He was born on a US military base, obviously he was eligible to be President. Though while Obama was born in Hawaii, he'd have been eligible to be President even if he was born in Kenya. His mother was American, he was native born American.

He was one stupid idiot though for telling his publisher he was born in Kenya
Stop lying kazzing. We've already established you have no proof Obama ever told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

Don't bother. The Right has a massive media system - much bigger than the Left's - where people are given large incentives to spin a never ending stream of false stories and half truths. And then Trump repeats the fake stories and says he "heard it on the shows."

It's a closed loop, an echo chamber where people actually believe deeply in the fake stories because those stories are distributed at an almost unreal volume. It's a fly trap for low information voters, and it works perfectly with the new republican demographic - uneducated, angry white people who feel left behind and are looking for someone to blame.

You should look into Holocaust Denial, another group housed by the alt right. They claim to be historians who are merely trying to correct a flawed historical record, but when you peel back the onion layer, you discover almost the same collection of neo-Nazi white supremacists who flocked so completely to Trump's birther movement.

Ahhhh --- the ol' "right wing media conspiracy" !!!

Hillary would be proud.
Ever since President Obama has been elected to office,

racists have been pissed off that the 'racist' is being used to describe racists.

You're a RACIST!!!

I have been told that by racists many times.

How dare I point out the racist nature of Birthers- I have also been called a race traitor.

Well, of COURSE, it's racist!!!

After all, he's BLACK! Therefore, any question MUST, by definition, be racist..

What a dumb ass thing to post.

You trying to change the subject from your many lies about Barack Obama- and Trump's even greater number of lies?

Do you think that Trump lied about President Obama because he was trying to appeal to racists?

Or for partisan politics?

I'm trying to change the subject, because I replied to a nonsensical post? That doesn't mean I was trying to change the subject - only that the kind of ridiculousness posted needed to be addressed. If you hadn't been stupid enough to post such drivel, I wouldn't have been motivated to respond.

MY many lies? MY many LIES?

Maybe you could, you know, just quote one?

I don't think Trump lied, at all ... I think he raised a question HE felt had not been adequately addressed.
Here ya go...
Obama is the first one who refused to provide the information in a timely manner...
... in reality, Obama produced his certification of live birth, the document of his birth record certified by the state of Hawaii, in June, 2008.

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