how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

Both Hillary and Donald implied that their opponents were 'less American'

Only Trump lied about the birthplace and birth certificate of the President of the United States for 5 years.

Why do you want to deny Trump's lies? Because you Birthers are lying scum who have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo and like your Messiah Trump- you would prefer to lie rather than admit a fact.

Are you stupid or something?

Do you know what lie is?

Yes- that is what Donald Trump was doing from April 2011 on. Donald Trump had already been told by the State of Hawaii that Barack Obama was born in the United States and that his birth certificate was genuine.

And then Trump lied for 5 years about President Obama.

2011-2016- Donald Trump Birther in Chief- lying about the President of the United States.

Trump is not denying his part in birther controversy, but he did not started it..

Trump is trying to blame his Birther lies on Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think that Trump lied to American for 5 years about President Obama?
Both Hillary and Donald implied that their opponents were 'less American'

Only Trump lied about the birthplace and birth certificate of the President of the United States for 5 years.

Why do you want to deny Trump's lies? Because you Birthers are lying scum who have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo and like your Messiah Trump- you would prefer to lie rather than admit a fact.

Are you stupid or something?

Do you know what lie is?

Yes- that is what Donald Trump was doing from April 2011 on. Donald Trump had already been told by the State of Hawaii that Barack Obama was born in the United States and that his birth certificate was genuine.

And then Trump lied for 5 years about President Obama.

2011-2016- Donald Trump Birther in Chief- lying about the President of the United States.

Trump is not denying his part in birther controversy, but he did not started it..

Trump is trying to blame his Birther lies on Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think that Trump lied to American for 5 years about President Obama?

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

He's not trying, she is to blame for starting the birtherism.

Asking questions and looking for answers is not lying. He did get the answers, did he?

Asking questions and looking for answers is not lying. He did get the answers, did he?

He got the answers in 2011.

And kept lying about President Obama from 2011 to 2016.



Both Hillary and Donald implied that their opponents were 'less American'

Only Trump lied about the birthplace and birth certificate of the President of the United States for 5 years.

Why do you want to deny Trump's lies? Because you Birthers are lying scum who have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo and like your Messiah Trump- you would prefer to lie rather than admit a fact.

Are you stupid or something?

Do you know what lie is?

Yes- that is what Donald Trump was doing from April 2011 on. Donald Trump had already been told by the State of Hawaii that Barack Obama was born in the United States and that his birth certificate was genuine.

And then Trump lied for 5 years about President Obama.

2011-2016- Donald Trump Birther in Chief- lying about the President of the United States.

Trump is not denying his part in birther controversy, but he did not started it..

Trump is trying to blame his Birther lies on Hillary Clinton.

Why do you think that Trump lied to American for 5 years about President Obama?

He's not trying, she is to blame for starting the birtherism

How can Hillary be to blame for something she never said- but Trump said for 5 years?

Why does Trump want to blame Clinton for his Birtherism

Trump: I'm still a birther
Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”

“Do you know that Hillary Clinton was a birther? She wanted those records and fought like hell. People forgot. You know that John McCain was a birther, wanted those records. They couldn’t get the records. Hillary failed. John McCain failed,” he said.

Of course neither Clinton or McCain ever 'tried' to get Barack Obama's birth certificate records- they both knew his birth certificate was posted in June 2008.

Just Trump Birthering again.

Asking questions and looking for answers is not lying. He did get the answers, did he?

He got the answers in 2011.

And kept lying about President Obama from 2011 to 2016.

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Nobody, including Trump is denying that he said all that. Are those lies? Some probably are, but as a private person he had right to raise questions. He didn't run for office, he had nothing to gain by doing so.

What he said still doesn't change the fact that birtherism came from Hillary and her campaign back in 2007. By doing so, she had most to gain and she exploited it.

Just as she's exploiting you now by paying you pennies per post on message boards in her favor. You know, you can make much more money by telling the truth?

Trump is not denying his part in birther controversy, but he did not started it.

Hillary is only one who had something to gain by birth place rumors.
She and her campaign started it, well documented by the leftist media.
Hillary did not start the birther controversy. And it would be totally irrelevant if she did.

Trump had everything to gain with his birther charade. Indeed, the ONLY reason he is the GOP nominee is because he was a messiah to the huge percentage of the Republican base that hate our black president to their cores, and are so seething with hatred that they let their emotions rule their brains.
How can Hillary be to blame for something she never said- but Trump said for 5 years?

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

Clinton is not to blame for what Trump said. She is to blame for what she did.

Clinton campaign started the rumors. It doesn't matter you never heard it from her mouth, she's responsible for everything her campaign does in her name.

Leaking the photo of Obama in African attire? Clinton campaign did it.
Questioning Barry's faith? Clinton campaign did it.
Calling him un-American? Clinton campaign did it.
Questioning Barry's birthplace? Clinton campaign did it.
Sending reporters to Kenya? Clinton campaign did it.

All that happened during primaries when she was running against Barry, and way way before Trump got involved.
Trump is not denying his part in birther controversy, but he did not started it.

Hillary is only one who had something to gain by birth place rumors.
She and her campaign started it, well documented by the leftist media.
Hillary did not start the birther controversy. And it would be totally irrelevant if she did.

Trump had everything to gain with his birther charade. Indeed, the ONLY reason he is the GOP nominee is because he was a messiah to the huge percentage of the Republican base that hate our black president to their cores, and are so seething with hatred that they let their emotions rule their brains.

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

It's started with her and her campaign.

What Trump had to gain with birtherism back in 2007? Nothing, Trump wasn't running for office back then, Hillary did.

Leftist hypocrisy at its best. It's irrelevant if Hillary did it, but it's relevant if Trump did it.
It's started with her and her campaign.
Neither relevant nor sane. Trump went on his birther crusade after Obama’s Hawaiian birth became an immutable fact in the United States on October 31, 2008.

Asking questions and looking for answers is not lying. He did get the answers, did he?

He got the answers in 2011.

And kept lying about President Obama from 2011 to 2016.

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Nobody, including Trump is denying that he said all that. Are those lies? Some probably are, but as a private person he had right to raise questions. He didn't run for office, he had nothing to gain by doing so.]

So why did Donald Trump continue to lie about President Obama from 2011 to 2016?

Apparently he did think he had something to gain- oh wait- more publicity.

Trump was appealing to Birthers- who love Trump......he is their band leader.
It's started with her and her campaign.
Neither relevant nor sane. Trump went on his birther crusade after Obama’s Hawaiian birth became an immutable fact in the United States on October 31, 2008.

Hillary beat him by almost a year. Her campaign, therefore she, started it in December 2007.

Clinton never once claimed Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States.

Trump did for 5 years.
Trump is not denying his part in birther controversy, but he did not started it.

Hillary is only one who had something to gain by birth place rumors.
She and her campaign started it, well documented by the leftist media.
Hillary did not start the birther controversy. And it would be totally irrelevant if she did.

Trump had everything to gain with his birther charade. Indeed, the ONLY reason he is the GOP nominee is because he was a messiah to the huge percentage of the Republican base that hate our black president to their cores, and are so seething with hatred that they let their emotions rule their brains.

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

It's started with her and her campaign..

Where is the quote from Hillary Clinton EVER claiming Barack Obama was not born in the United States or his birth certificate was a fake?

We have Trump making those lies dozens of times.

Now Trump wants to blame his Birther idiocy on Clinton.
So why did Donald Trump continue to lie about President Obama from 2011 to 2016?

Apparently he did think he had something to gain- oh wait- more publicity.

Trump was appealing to Birthers- who love Trump......he is their band leader.

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.


The question is not if Trump is birther. He is.

The question is, why lefties are trying to hide that Hillary and her campaign started the birtherism, way before Trump jumped on the birther train? Apparently she had something to gain when she was running against Barry back in 2007.
Clinton never once claimed Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States.

Trump did for 5 years.

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

Her campaign did it for her. Therefore she started it.
How can Hillary be to blame for something she never said- but Trump said for 5 years?

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

Clinton is not to blame for what Trump said. She is to blame for what she did.

Clinton campaign started the rumors..

Again- where did Clinton ever suggest that Barack Obama was not born in the United States?

Clinton is not to blame for Donald Trump himself lying that:
  • Barack Obama was not born in the United States
  • He didn't know where President Obama was born- this after the State of Hawaii said he was born in Hawaii
  • Implying that the Director of Health died under mysterious circumstances related to President Obama's birth certificate
  • Telling Americans that President Obama might be a Muslim
  • Telling Americans he had sent investigators to Hawaii to look for evidence of Barack Obama's place of birth.
  • Calling Obama un-American- yeah Trump has done that many times.
  • Americans should check out Birther websites to look at Birther false claims about President Obama's birth certificate
  • That President Obama's Birth certificate was a fraud
  • That President Obama fabricated his own birth certificate
  • That President Obama doesn't have birth certificate
  • That President Obama's college applications might show his place of birth outside the United States
  • That President Obama's birth certificate said he was born in Kenya
  • hackers should hack President Obama's college records to check place of birth
So why did Donald Trump continue to lie about President Obama from 2011 to 2016?

Apparently he did think he had something to gain- oh wait- more publicity.

Trump was appealing to Birthers- who love Trump......he is their band leader.

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.


The question is not if Trump is birther. He is..

The question is why you and Trump want to blame Clinton for what she didn't say- and do not want anyone to pay attention to what Donald Trump did say- for 5 years.

So why did Donald Trump continue to lie about President Obama from 2011 to 2016?

Apparently he did think he had something to gain- oh wait- more publicity.

Trump was appealing to Birthers- who love Trump......he is their band leader.

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.


The question is not if Trump is birther. He is..

The question is why you and Trump want to blame Clinton for what she didn't say- and do not want anyone to pay attention to what Donald Trump did say- for 5 years.

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Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary/CTR.

Again dummy, nobody's is saying that Trump is not birther. He is.

Why I am blaming Clinton? Because she and her campaign did started it.

Next thing she did is to post Barry's picture in African attire online.
Then she sent reporter to Kenya to investigate.
After that she claimed he's un-American.
After being bitchslapped, she reduced it to not being American enough.
Then she mentioned Bobby Kennedy was shot in California.

You think those kind of things happens on their own? Nope, it comes from the snake head. Hillary.
Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.
Matthews is not Hillary. Your bullshit claim is that Hillary or her campaign started it.

Truth, Matthews is not Hillary, he just explained what Hillary did:

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

Yes she did.

She did try many things to bring Barry down. Let's not forget how her NH campaign co-chair raised issue of Barry's drug use as a young man, and possibility that Barry could be attacked by republicans as a drug dealer. Next day, MSM started talking how republicans will attack Barry, should he win the primaries. Really? The same day she apologizes to Barry for her campaign co-chair comments and said "she had nothing to do with it". Barry's answer? "Apology is kind but largely meaningless."

For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have. Obama then released this campaign ad.

So you have no quotes, no emails, no websites, nothing indicating Hillary, her campaign, or her supporters started the birther thing, which appears to have begun on the conservative website,

Your concession is noted.

No, I wasn't holding a candle for her.

But Chris Matthews, Morning Joe, Obama campaign and her fired campaign co-chair gives enough proof of what she did.

And your claim that it started on right wing site is pure bullshit, disproved by Chris Matthews transcript.

Love to see leftist with tail between their legs.

No one ever spoke about Obama being born I'm Kenya prior to appearing on that rightwing website. Your delusions to the contrary are noted and dismissed.
  • Thanks
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Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.

And Chris Matthews doesn't quote Hillary then- because of course- there is no quote of Hillary Clinton ever questioning where Barack Obama was born.

But Donald Trump- we have dozens of his lies about President Obama from 2011-2016- lies attacking his place of birth, claiming Obama committed fraud- even implying that Obama might have had something to do with someone's death.

Why do you think Trump lied to you for 5 years?

Trump is not hiding anything. He personally asked questions about Obama because he wanted the know the truth. Once he find out what the truth is, he said on press conference, Obama is born in US. Period.

So again, where is the lie?
He claimed for years that Obama's birth certificate is fake. He now admits he was born in Hawaii which means the birth certificate is authentic as no one is going to fake a birth certificate to prove they were born in a state they were truly born in.

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