how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

That Hillary is original birther?

Nope, he didn't lied about any of that.

That is just his more recent lie- because as you know- Clinton is not the 'original birther'- Donald just lied to you again.

But that is what Birthers do.

Donald Trump- Grand Dragon of Birthers from 2011-2016

The only question is- do you believe he is lying now- or that he was lying before?

Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.
Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.
Matthews is not Hillary. Your bullshit claim is that Hillary or her campaign started it.
Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.
Matthews is not Hillary. Your bullshit claim is that Hillary or her campaign started it.

Truth, Matthews is not Hillary, he just explained what Hillary did:

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

Yes she did.

She did try many things to bring Barry down. Let's not forget how her NH campaign co-chair raised issue of Barry's drug use as a young man, and possibility that Barry could be attacked by republicans as a drug dealer. Next day, MSM started talking how republicans will attack Barry, should he win the primaries. Really? The same day she apologizes to Barry for her campaign co-chair comments and said "she had nothing to do with it". Barry's answer? "Apology is kind but largely meaningless."

For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have. Obama then released this campaign ad.

Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.
Matthews is not Hillary. Your bullshit claim is that Hillary or her campaign started it.

Truth, Matthews is not Hillary, he just explained what Hillary did:

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

Yes she did.

She did try many things to bring Barry down. Let's not forget how her NH campaign co-chair raised issue of Barry's drug use as a young man, and possibility that Barry could be attacked by republicans as a drug dealer. Next day, MSM started talking how republicans will attack Barry, should he win the primaries. Really? The same day she apologizes to Barry for her campaign co-chair comments and said "she had nothing to do with it". Barry's answer? "Apology is kind but largely meaningless."

For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have. Obama then released this campaign ad.

So you have no quotes, no emails, no websites, nothing indicating Hillary, her campaign, or her supporters started the birther thing, which appears to have begun on the conservative website,

Your concession is noted.
Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.
Matthews is not Hillary. Your bullshit claim is that Hillary or her campaign started it.

Truth, Matthews is not Hillary, he just explained what Hillary did:

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

Yes she did.

She did try many things to bring Barry down. Let's not forget how her NH campaign co-chair raised issue of Barry's drug use as a young man, and possibility that Barry could be attacked by republicans as a drug dealer. Next day, MSM started talking how republicans will attack Barry, should he win the primaries. Really? The same day she apologizes to Barry for her campaign co-chair comments and said "she had nothing to do with it". Barry's answer? "Apology is kind but largely meaningless."

For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have. Obama then released this campaign ad.

So you have no quotes, no emails, no websites, nothing indicating Hillary, her campaign, or her supporters started the birther thing, which appears to have begun on the conservative website,

Your concession is noted.

No, I wasn't holding a candle for her.

But Chris Matthews, Morning Joe, Obama campaign and her fired campaign co-chair gives enough proof of what she did.

And your claim that it started on right wing site is pure bullshit, disproved by Chris Matthews transcript.

Love to see leftist with tail between their legs.
Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.

And Chris Matthews doesn't quote Hillary then- because of course- there is no quote of Hillary Clinton ever questioning where Barack Obama was born.

But Donald Trump- we have dozens of his lies about President Obama from 2011-2016- lies attacking his place of birth, claiming Obama committed fraud- even implying that Obama might have had something to do with someone's death.

Why do you think Trump lied to you for 5 years?
Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.
Matthews is not Hillary. Your bullshit claim is that Hillary or her campaign started it.

Truth, Matthews is not Hillary, he just explained what Hillary did:

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

Yes she did.

She did try many things to bring Barry down. Let's not forget how her NH campaign co-chair raised issue of Barry's drug use as a young man, and possibility that Barry could be attacked by republicans as a drug dealer. Next day, MSM started talking how republicans will attack Barry, should he win the primaries. Really? The same day she apologizes to Barry for her campaign co-chair comments and said "she had nothing to do with it". Barry's answer? "Apology is kind but largely meaningless."

For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have. Obama then released this campaign ad.

So you have no quotes, no emails, no websites, nothing indicating Hillary, her campaign, or her supporters started the birther thing, which appears to have begun on the conservative website,

Your concession is noted.

No, I wasn't holding a candle for her.

But Chris Matthews, Morning Joe, Obama campaign and her fired campaign co-chair gives enough proof of what she did.

Chris Matthews mentioning something is not a quote from Hillary Clinton.

Nor can it be the source of Birtherism- because Birtherism was predicated on the idea that Barack Obama was born in Kenya

By the way- where do you think President Obama was born?

Do you think Trump was lying to you for 5 years?

Or that Trump is lying to you now?
For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have]

You mean like Trump pushed American values that he said Ted Cruz didn't have?

Still waiting for that quote from Hillary Clinton- because right now it just looks like another of Trump's Birther lies.

And there are so many Trump Birther lies.
Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.

And Chris Matthews doesn't quote Hillary then- because of course- there is no quote of Hillary Clinton ever questioning where Barack Obama was born.

But Donald Trump- we have dozens of his lies about President Obama from 2011-2016- lies attacking his place of birth, claiming Obama committed fraud- even implying that Obama might have had something to do with someone's death.

Why do you think Trump lied to you for 5 years?

Trump is not hiding anything. He personally asked questions about Obama because he wanted the know the truth. Once he find out what the truth is, he said on press conference, Obama is born in US. Period.

So again, where is the lie?
Chris Matthews mentioning something is not a quote from Hillary Clinton.

Oh right, it's from her campaign.

Nope, it doesn't work that way. Everything that Clinton campaign does is coming from Clinton. She doesn't have to say anything personally, it's still coming from her. Chris Matthews knows that, everyone knows that.

When Trumps campaign does something, like grabbing reporter, or release statement, or Hire O'Bannon, you lefties all call Trump a racist and blame him for everything, and claim he's responsible.Leftist thugs in Chicago cause violence, you blame Trump, leftist "protesters" block the streets, you find Trump responsible.

Well, when picture of Barry in African clothes with turban on his head shows us from Clinton campaign at 3AM, that goes on Clinton. She may apologize all she want, but when damage is done, nobody cares about apology. Here is the admission from her camp that they released that photo...

Clinton aides claim Obama photo wasn't intended as a smear

"It wasn't intended to smear". Really, what exactly was the real intention?

Nor can it be the source of Birtherism- because Birtherism was predicated on the idea that Barack Obama was born in Kenya

By the way- where do you think President Obama was born?

Do you think Trump was lying to you for 5 years?

Or that Trump is lying to you now?

Nope, birtherism started with assumption that he's not born in Hawaii. So if not in Hawaii, where?

Hillary saw the chance to exploit that question and sent reporter to Kenya to find out. She also constantly pounded on Barry that he doesn't have American values since he spent his childhood in Indonesia.



This is few years before Trump continued with birtherism. Way after Hillary started it.
For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have]

You mean like Trump pushed American values that he said Ted Cruz didn't have?

Still waiting for that quote from Hillary Clinton- because right now it just looks like another of Trump's Birther lies.

And there are so many Trump Birther lies.

Now you're getting it. Exactly the same thing.

Hillary did it to Obama, Trump did it to Cruz.

So how it's only bad thing if Trump does it? Because you leftist are lowest scum on earth that have no values and principles, you're lying thru your teeth and hate everyone who get in your way. Yeah, that's about it...
Lie as much as you want, the earliest traces of birtherism started not with Hillary or her campaign, but on a rightwing website...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You posted the link to right wing website that dates to February/March 2008.

Chris Matthews show where he's calling on Hillary's is from December 18, 2007, two months earlier.

You've seen the video clip, and here is the whole transcript of the show.

And Chris Matthews doesn't quote Hillary then- because of course- there is no quote of Hillary Clinton ever questioning where Barack Obama was born.

But Donald Trump- we have dozens of his lies about President Obama from 2011-2016- lies attacking his place of birth, claiming Obama committed fraud- even implying that Obama might have had something to do with someone's death.

Why do you think Trump lied to you for 5 years?

Trump is not hiding anything. He personally asked questions about Obama because he wanted the know the truth. Once he find out what the truth is, he said on press conference, Obama is born in US. Period.

So again, where is the lie?

Trump is hiding his tax returns.

Trump found out the truth in 2011- and kept lying about it for 5 years. Do you believe he was lying when he called Barack Obama's birth certificate a forgery- or is he lying now?




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For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have]

You mean like Trump pushed American values that he said Ted Cruz didn't have?

Still waiting for that quote from Hillary Clinton- because right now it just looks like another of Trump's Birther lies.

And there are so many Trump Birther lies.

Now you're getting it. Exactly the same thing.

Hillary did it to Obama, Trump did it to Cruz.

So how it's only bad thing if Trump does it? Because you leftist are lowest scum on earth that have no values and principles, you're lying thru your teeth and hate everyone who get in your way. Yeah, that's about it...

Both Hillary and Donald implied that their opponents were 'less American'

Only Trump lied about the birthplace and birth certificate of the President of the United States for 5 years.

Why do you want to deny Trump's lies? Because you Birthers are lying scum who have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo and like your Messiah Trump- you would prefer to lie rather than admit a fact.
Both Hillary and Donald implied that their opponents were 'less American'

Only Trump lied about the birthplace and birth certificate of the President of the United States for 5 years.

Why do you want to deny Trump's lies? Because you Birthers are lying scum who have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo and like your Messiah Trump- you would prefer to lie rather than admit a fact.

Are you stupid or something?

Do you know what lie is?
Both Hillary and Donald implied that their opponents were 'less American'

Only Trump lied about the birthplace and birth certificate of the President of the United States for 5 years.

Why do you want to deny Trump's lies? Because you Birthers are lying scum who have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo and like your Messiah Trump- you would prefer to lie rather than admit a fact.

Are you stupid or something?

Do you know what lie is?
Yes, Trump told a racist lie for five years, starting two and a half years after the matter was immutably settled.
Both Hillary and Donald implied that their opponents were 'less American'

Only Trump lied about the birthplace and birth certificate of the President of the United States for 5 years.

Why do you want to deny Trump's lies? Because you Birthers are lying scum who have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo and like your Messiah Trump- you would prefer to lie rather than admit a fact.

Are you stupid or something?

Do you know what lie is?

Yes- that is what Donald Trump was doing from April 2011 on. Donald Trump had already been told by the State of Hawaii that Barack Obama was born in the United States and that his birth certificate was genuine.

And then Trump lied for 5 years about President Obama.

2011-2016- Donald Trump Birther in Chief- lying about the President of the United States.
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Both Hillary and Donald implied that their opponents were 'less American'

Only Trump lied about the birthplace and birth certificate of the President of the United States for 5 years.

Why do you want to deny Trump's lies? Because you Birthers are lying scum who have nothing but lies, speculation and innuendo and like your Messiah Trump- you would prefer to lie rather than admit a fact.

Are you stupid or something?

Do you know what lie is?

Yes- that is what Donald Trump was doing from April 2011 on. Donald Trump had already been told by the State of Hawaii that Barack Obama was born in the United States and that his birth certificate was genuine.

And then Trump lied for 5 years about President Obama.

2011-2016- Donald Trump Birther in Chief- lying about the President of the United States.

Trump is not denying his part in birther controversy, but he did not started it.

Hillary is only one who had something to gain by birth place rumors.
She and her campaign started it, well documented by the leftist media.

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