how did birth certificate qualification turn into "racism"?

I'm posting known facts. Evidence that they're known facts is your inability to demonstrate they're not. Whining about Alinski doesn't actually prove shit.

The only provable evidence to this point is that the first known instance of birtherism was on March 1st, 2008, on a rightwing website.

You'll note that not only do I make that claim, I post a link to it to prove it.

You respond with no links to any quote by Hillary or anyone in her campaign to corroborate your false claims.

Says it all.

Hardball with Chris Matthews, December 18, 2007.

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

That's still not a Hillary quote. Never was. That's a Chris Matthews quote. Matthews is not Hillary nor was he a member of her campaign. You either have no idea what Hillary actually said or you do know but you refuse to quote her because you know she didn't say or imply Obama was born in Indonesia.

Again.... my claim is that the first known instance of birtherism is on a rightwing website from 3.1.2008 ... I post a link to that very site.

You claim Hillary said or implied Obama was born in Indonesia ... you post a link to Chris Matthews and not Hillary.

Says it all.

I posted Matthews video and transcript to show that birtherism started in 2007, and not in 2008 that you claim.

Just questioning where he was born also proves that it was started by Hillary's campaign.

Still not a quote from Hillary's campaign questioning where Barack Obama was born.

And of course Hillary never questioned where Barack Obama was born

But Donald- Donald lied about that for 5 years- 2011- 2016- Donald Trump was the Grand Dragon of Birthers.

Now he wants to blame Hillary for his Birther lies.
I'm posting known facts. Evidence that they're known facts is your inability to demonstrate they're not. Whining about Alinski doesn't actually prove shit.

The only provable evidence to this point is that the first known instance of birtherism was on March 1st, 2008, on a rightwing website.

You'll note that not only do I make that claim, I post a link to it to prove it.

You respond with no links to any quote by Hillary or anyone in her campaign to corroborate your false claims.

Says it all.

Hardball with Chris Matthews, December 18, 2007.

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

i think we all agree was born somewhere. i think maybe they we're afraid of hawaii's status in 1959, and over corrected.

obama is older than he looks. same goes for the draft registration, he never needed it.

it's the most obviously faked document in his skethcy provenance.

I was more puzzled by how he got the Fulbright grant for Columbia Law.

Of course you're puzzled by that. Even the April Fool's fake AP story didn't make such a claim. The internet hoax was that he received a Fulbright Scholarship to Occidental, not Columbia. And even that was proven to be a hoax as the AP confirmed they never published such a story. Even worse for the hoaxters... Fulbright Scholarships are typically awarded to graduate students and Obama was an undergraduate at Occidental.


I post links to back what I say.....

You lie....

Says it all. :mm:
Hillary was asked this question; Was senator Obama born in the united states? Her answer was; As far as I know

No, but you do need to quote Hillary if you're purporting Hillary implied Obama was born in Indonesia.
Hillary was asked this question; Was senator Obama born in the united states? Her answer was; As far as I know

So once again- you have an example of Hillary not questioning where Barack Obama was born- but we have Donald Trump lying about it for 5 years.

I'm posting known facts. Evidence that they're known facts is your inability to demonstrate they're not. Whining about Alinski doesn't actually prove shit.

The only provable evidence to this point is that the first known instance of birtherism was on March 1st, 2008, on a rightwing website.

You'll note that not only do I make that claim, I post a link to it to prove it.

You respond with no links to any quote by Hillary or anyone in her campaign to corroborate your false claims.

Says it all.

Hardball with Chris Matthews, December 18, 2007.

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

That's still not a Hillary quote. Never was. That's a Chris Matthews quote. Matthews is not Hillary nor was he a member of her campaign. You either have no idea what Hillary actually said or you do know but you refuse to quote her because you know she didn't say or imply Obama was born in Indonesia.

Again.... my claim is that the first known instance of birtherism is on a rightwing website from 3.1.2008 ... I post a link to that very site.

You claim Hillary said or implied Obama was born in Indonesia ... you post a link to Chris Matthews and not Hillary.

Says it all.

I posted Matthews video and transcript to show that birtherism started in 2007, and not in 2008 that you claim.

Just questioning where he was born also proves that it was started by Hillary's campaign.

Not without a quote from Hillary, it doesn't. You either have no idea what she said or you're refusing to quote her because you know she didn't say what you're claiming she said or implied.
Hillary was asked this question; Was senator Obama born in the united states? Her answer was; As far as I know.

Donald Trump was asked this question: Do you believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States? Clinton said as far as she knows he was born in the U.S.- Donald said he still didn't know- and that was 4 years later.

He doesn't have a birth certificate. He may have one, but there's something on that, maybe religion, maybe it says he is a Muslim," Trump told Fox News in 2011. "I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want that."

Truth, Matthews is not Hillary, he just explained what Hillary did:

Yes she did.

She did try many things to bring Barry down. Let's not forget how her NH campaign co-chair raised issue of Barry's drug use as a young man, and possibility that Barry could be attacked by republicans as a drug dealer. Next day, MSM started talking how republicans will attack Barry, should he win the primaries. Really? The same day she apologizes to Barry for her campaign co-chair comments and said "she had nothing to do with it". Barry's answer? "Apology is kind but largely meaningless."

For months her campaign and herself were constantly pushing "American values" that in her every speech she said that Barry doesn't have. Obama then released this campaign ad.

So you have no quotes, no emails, no websites, nothing indicating Hillary, her campaign, or her supporters started the birther thing, which appears to have begun on the conservative website,

Your concession is noted.

No, I wasn't holding a candle for her.

But Chris Matthews, Morning Joe, Obama campaign and her fired campaign co-chair gives enough proof of what she did.

And your claim that it started on right wing site is pure bullshit, disproved by Chris Matthews transcript.

Love to see leftist with tail between their legs.

No one ever spoke about Obama being born I'm Kenya prior to appearing on that rightwing website. Your delusions to the contrary are noted and dismissed.

As always the far left drones will deny reality!


It comes from a short bio that was “used by Barack Obama’s literary agency beginning in 1991 and ending in 2007 – the year he declared his candidacy for president.” Here’s the first sentence of the opening paragraph

We all know Barry is born in Hawaii. Officially.

How is someone born somewhere 'officially'- versus 'unofficially'?


I'm posting known facts. Evidence that they're known facts is your inability to demonstrate they're not. Whining about Alinski doesn't actually prove shit.

The only provable evidence to this point is that the first known instance of birtherism was on March 1st, 2008, on a rightwing website.

You'll note that not only do I make that claim, I post a link to it to prove it.

You respond with no links to any quote by Hillary or anyone in her campaign to corroborate your false claims.

Says it all.

Hardball with Chris Matthews, December 18, 2007.

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

i think we all agree was born somewhere. i think maybe they we're afraid of hawaii's status in 1959, and over corrected.

obama is older than he looks. same goes for the draft registration, he never needed it.

it's the most obviously faked document in his skethcy provenance.

I was more puzzled by how he got the Fulbright grant for Columbia Law.

grade inflation.
I'm posting known facts. Evidence that they're known facts is your inability to demonstrate they're not. Whining about Alinski doesn't actually prove shit.

The only provable evidence to this point is that the first known instance of birtherism was on March 1st, 2008, on a rightwing website.

You'll note that not only do I make that claim, I post a link to it to prove it.

You respond with no links to any quote by Hillary or anyone in her campaign to corroborate your false claims.

Says it all.

Hardball with Chris Matthews, December 18, 2007.

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

i think we all agree was born somewhere. i think maybe they we're afraid of hawaii's status in 1959, and over corrected.

obama is older than he looks. same goes for the draft registration, he never needed it.

it's the most obviously faked document in his skethcy provenance.

I was more puzzled by how he got the Fulbright grant for Columbia Law.

Of course you're puzzled by that. Even the April Fool's fake AP story didn't make such a claim. The internet hoax was that he received a Fulbright Scholarship to Occidental, not Columbia. And even that was proven to be a hoax as the AP confirmed they never published such a story. Even worse for the hoaxters... Fulbright Scholarships are typically awarded to graduate students and Obama was an undergraduate at Occidental.


I post links to back what I say.....

You lie....

Says it all. :mm:

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

It's still puzzling how did he get there (Occidental and Columbia), regardless of grants.
That purportedly occurred after such rumors were already spread. How is acting on rumors, "starting" it?

In order to spread the rumor, you need to start one. Especially when you desperate for loosing to black junior Senator from IL. Of course, she can't spread the rumors herself, it would be too obvious, so Sid is the perfect man for the job, and to take a fall if something goes bad. Sid did take a fall, Obama never approved him to work in the State Department.

As bad as reporter calling her out reminding her of what she did eight years ago.
You've been shown repeatedly where it started...

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"

You have failed miserably to prove your nonsensical claim that Hillary started it in light of that.


Your link is from February 2008.

Chris Matthews transcript is from December 2007.

Do I really need to ask you what comes before the other? Wait...
No, but you do need to quote Hillary if you're purporting Hillary implied Obama was born in Indonesia.

Hillary's campaign is Hillary.

If her campaign does something, it's with her blessing. They can't do shit without her giving it a go.

LOL- you can't find a single example of Clinton attacking Obama for his birth certificate or his place of birth.

But Trump lies about President Obama's birth certificate for 5 years and now wants to blame Clinton for his Birther idiocy- and you give that a hand wave- like Trump you want to divert attention from his 5 years of being the Grand Duke of Birtherism.
I'm posting known facts. Evidence that they're known facts is your inability to demonstrate they're not. Whining about Alinski doesn't actually prove shit.

The only provable evidence to this point is that the first known instance of birtherism was on March 1st, 2008, on a rightwing website.

You'll note that not only do I make that claim, I post a link to it to prove it.

You respond with no links to any quote by Hillary or anyone in her campaign to corroborate your false claims.

Says it all.

Hardball with Chris Matthews, December 18, 2007.

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

i think we all agree was born somewhere. i think maybe they we're afraid of hawaii's status in 1959, and over corrected.

obama is older than he looks. same goes for the draft registration, he never needed it.

it's the most obviously faked document in his skethcy provenance.

I was more puzzled by how he got the Fulbright grant for Columbia Law.

Of course you're puzzled by that. Even the April Fool's fake AP story didn't make such a claim. The internet hoax was that he received a Fulbright Scholarship to Occidental, not Columbia. And even that was proven to be a hoax as the AP confirmed they never published such a story. Even worse for the hoaxters... Fulbright Scholarships are typically awarded to graduate students and Obama was an undergraduate at Occidental.


I post links to back what I say.....

You lie....

Says it all. :mm:

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

It's still puzzling how did he get there (Occidental and Columbia), regardless of grants.

I am pretty confident that he flew from Hawaii to California to go to Occidental. Probably flew to the East Coast too.
I'm posting known facts. Evidence that they're known facts is your inability to demonstrate they're not. Whining about Alinski doesn't actually prove shit.

The only provable evidence to this point is that the first known instance of birtherism was on March 1st, 2008, on a rightwing website.

You'll note that not only do I make that claim, I post a link to it to prove it.

You respond with no links to any quote by Hillary or anyone in her campaign to corroborate your false claims.

Says it all.

Hardball with Chris Matthews, December 18, 2007.

"But didn‘t Hillary dump on Obama a few days ago for playing up his Indonesian roots? So, what is she up to here? Is she pushing how great he is for having been born in Indonesia, or what, or simply reminding everybody about his background, his Islamic background?"

i think we all agree was born somewhere. i think maybe they we're afraid of hawaii's status in 1959, and over corrected.

obama is older than he looks. same goes for the draft registration, he never needed it.

it's the most obviously faked document in his skethcy provenance.

I was more puzzled by how he got the Fulbright grant for Columbia Law.

Of course you're puzzled by that. Even the April Fool's fake AP story didn't make such a claim. The internet hoax was that he received a Fulbright Scholarship to Occidental, not Columbia. And even that was proven to be a hoax as the AP confirmed they never published such a story. Even worse for the hoaxters... Fulbright Scholarships are typically awarded to graduate students and Obama was an undergraduate at Occidental.


I post links to back what I say.....

You lie....

Says it all. :mm:

Congratulations, 5 pesos will be deposited in your PayPal account. Yours, Hillary.

It's still puzzling how did he get there (Occidental and Columbia), regardless of grants.

Is that your way of apologizing for lying?
We all know Barry is born in Hawaii. Officially.

How is someone born somewhere 'officially'- versus 'unofficially'?



How? By showing official birth certificate?

A person is born where they are born- regardless of whether they show their birth certificate.

A Birth certificate just is legal evidence of where they were born- and Barack Obama showed voters that in 2008.

3 years before Trump started lying about his birth certificate.
LOL- you can't find a single example of Clinton attacking Obama for his birth certificate or his place of birth.

But Trump lies about President Obama's birth certificate for 5 years and now wants to blame Clinton for his Birther idiocy- and you give that a hand wave- like Trump you want to divert attention from his 5 years of being the Grand Duke of Birtherism.

Her campaign is the example. The co-chair that was fired. The unnamed campaign "person" that circulated emails. The Chris Matthews show that call her on that. The request to send reporter to Kenya to investigate.

Hillary's campaign is Hillary. Everything that her campaign does is with her approval.
then who do think it is faun ? remember there could be destroyed birther emails too, among the thousands and thousands of others. i don't think "obama's right side of history" plan is going to work.
I was told today that Obama swore in on a Koran for his Senate seat. I do not believe he did. Can someone clarify this for me? I am under the impression only a Congressman has so far sworn in on a Koran.

Also that Obama’s mother gave birth to him overseas and then immediately flew into Hawaii and registered his birth as having taken place in Hawaii.

Again, any clarifications on this? Defintely disqualifies him for Prez. There must be some trace of an airticket. While small babies are not charged air fare they do have a ticket issued for them.

Long time ago but there may be some residual information somewhere. Good ammo (if available and true) BEST USED AFTER he becomes PREZ (if that occurs) and it’s too late for Dems - except accept the VP.

391 posted on 3/1/2008, 4:47:59 AM by FARS

FR CONTEST: "Pin the Middle Name on the Obama"
what about:


Are you saying Alan Keyes started it?

i don't recall.

Well that's what you posted. Do you not stand behind your posts or do you not understand what you post?

i don't understand obots like you and sy.
LOL- you can't find a single example of Clinton attacking Obama for his birth certificate or his place of birth.

But Trump lies about President Obama's birth certificate for 5 years and now wants to blame Clinton for his Birther idiocy- and you give that a hand wave- like Trump you want to divert attention from his 5 years of being the Grand Duke of Birtherism.

Her campaign is the example. The co-chair that was fired. The unnamed campaign "person" that circulated emails. The Chris Matthews show that call her on that. The request to send reporter to Kenya to investigate.

Hillary's campaign is Hillary. Everything that her campaign does is with her approval.
What co-chair?
LOL- you can't find a single example of Clinton attacking Obama for his birth certificate or his place of birth.

But Trump lies about President Obama's birth certificate for 5 years and now wants to blame Clinton for his Birther idiocy- and you give that a hand wave- like Trump you want to divert attention from his 5 years of being the Grand Duke of Birtherism.

Her campaign is the example. The co-chair that was fired. The unnamed campaign "person" that circulated emails. The Chris Matthews show that call her on that. The request to send reporter to Kenya to investigate.

Hillary's campaign is Hillary. Everything that her campaign does is with her approval.
What co-chair?

Don't tell me now you got ADHD...

I already posted about it, why don't you go back and read it.
LOL- you can't find a single example of Clinton attacking Obama for his birth certificate or his place of birth.

But Trump lies about President Obama's birth certificate for 5 years and now wants to blame Clinton for his Birther idiocy- and you give that a hand wave- like Trump you want to divert attention from his 5 years of being the Grand Duke of Birtherism.

Her campaign is the example. The co-chair that was fired. The unnamed campaign "person" that circulated emails. The Chris Matthews show that call her on that. The request to send reporter to Kenya to investigate.

Hillary's campaign is Hillary. Everything that her campaign does is with her approval.

So you are speculating about Hillary- while trying to get everyone to ignore Donald Trump's 5 years of lying on National TV and on tweets about President Obama

Why do you think that Trump lied for 5 years about President Obama?

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