How did the GOP fuck up so bad as to let this election become about pills and rubber?

Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?


Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



Economy recovering..... doubtful. Figures lie and President Obama lies. That figures.

Al Qaeda destroyed.....false. But the head of the organization did get terminated. (Good on President, by the way!)

GM rebuilt.......bullshit. :eusa_liar:
Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?

How are people so retarded they neglect the First Amendment???

Fuck opinions - they were settled on December 15, 1791.
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



Even if what you said was true - it doesn't give the federal government a "right" to dictate.

You're wrong BTW, and do you really want me to prove it???
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Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?

I have criticized Mr. Obama for almost having a criminal naivety thinking he could just reason with the opposition and they would see he was right--whether or not he was of course.

I think he finally learned to play you guys.

He now understands (or at least the campaign wonks have and he's listening to them) that if he wants to make the campaign about X, all he has to do is bring it up and you guys will reflexively suck up the other side.

Look at your brethren here; no matter what it is, the other side is joined. I've documented Mudwhistle calling the execution of the World's #1 terrorist a "mistake". We've had morons here this weekend call a woman whom they never met a "slut" or at least agree with Rush Limabugh that a woman that HE'S never met is a "slut." You should be disgusted that your candidates reflect your party's low moral character.

If Obama said it was partly cloudy, you guys would be saying it's partly sunny followed up by a thread swearing Obama is all in favor of bad weather.

It isn't so much that the election is about this; it is that the dialogue is currently being dictated by the White House. You're being played and you look like a bunch of idiots.
You'll see if the Tea party is finished off.
you all just keep PRETENDING the 2010 elections didn't happen

Angle and O'Donnell lost in 2010.

Ironic, no?

They were so off-the-wall they couldn't even ride the wave of Republican good fortune into office.

But they were only nominated because of Tea Party activism in the GOP primaries.

Now ask yourself, why did the Tea Party push to get 2 Christian fundamentalist nutcases nominated if,

as we were led to believe, the laser-like be-all end-all focus of the Tea Party was/is economic issues???

Where's the answer to that question?
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



Romney's running on giving himself a huge tax cut that is going to bust the budget.

Santorum is running on changing the title of Mr. President to His Holiness.
Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?

who the fuck ever told you this discussion was the GoP's idea?
Who forced them to talk about it?
The LAST fucking thing the Obama Administration and the re-election crew wish to discuss is the Obama Administration "record." And, naturally, you can't blame them.

You are blinded by your irrational hatred. He can certainly run on his record. Starting with avoiding a depression.

No. You are blinded by your baseless adulation.

His record sucks moose cock in hell.

The unemployment rate in our republic is higher now than when he took office. Fact.

The old "blame the last guy" routine he usually tries to fob off on everyone has warn quite thin after over three years.

He didn't avoid a depression. He is taking us closer all the time.

There's not an honest rational person on Earth who can justify that idiot's deficit spending.

He is a lawless dope.

I have enough objectivity to give hm the occasional props for the rare things he has done right. Very rare.

But you (and you have plenty of company) seem unwilling to acknowledge how dangerously, hideously bad he has been.
A bit of that. Mostly, I am coming to the conclusion that they need to be a whole lot more disciplined.

OH bullshit. It's about money. $$$$ Congress, both sides, are bought and paid for. Quit blaming the media.

No no, dope-o.

First of all, I was not blaming the media. I was just (accurately) INCLUDING the media. Reading comprehension could serve you well if you ever give it a try.

And no. It's NOT all about the money. That's such a cheap bit of freshman sophistry it is barely worth commenting on. Money is a motivator for many a politician. But the real fight is not about money. The real fight is about power and control. Until you someday can come to grips with that fundamental truth, you are destined to stay in the minors of political discourse.

Meanwhile, what the GOP needs to do is to get disciplined in HOW they react when the liberal Democratics and their propagandist-handmaiden media try to frame bullshit "debates" that are not actually worth discussing. They NEED to stop allowing themselves to have their eyes taken off the ball.

It's very difficult to hit a home run -- or even make contact with the pitch -- when you are looking at some shiny piece of foil on the outfield grass.

Who, exactly? You can't mean MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc. We are constantly being told by Rightwingers that nobody watches them anymore, and that FOXNEWS is the clear leader.

NY Times? They have been losing readership for years.

I think you are just looking for a familiar scapegoat to blame once conservatism is once again soundly rejected by the American people.
Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?

Because morons like Santorum and Gingrich love to get sucked into such debates. Romney handled the question correctly by saying it's simply not an issue. Santorum, on the other hand, stupidly tries to debate it.

And then a couple of hours later, after his handlers took him to the woodshed, he changed his position and acted like he didn't understand the original question. He's a man of convictions, you know :thup:
Yeah, I loved that! He was specifically asked about the Blunt-Rubio bill, but he was confused and thought it was some state bill. :lol:

And they want this moron to be president?
No no, dope-o.

First of all, I was not blaming the media. I was just (accurately) INCLUDING the media. Reading comprehension could serve you well if you ever give it a try.

And no. It's NOT all about the money. That's such a cheap bit of freshman sophistry it is barely worth commenting on. Money is a motivator for many a politician. But the real fight is not about money. The real fight is about power and control. Until you someday can come to grips with that fundamental truth, you are destined to stay in the minors of political discourse.

Meanwhile, what the GOP needs to do is to get disciplined in HOW they react when the liberal Democratics and their propagandist-handmaiden media try to frame bullshit "debates" that are not actually worth discussing. They NEED to stop allowing themselves to have their eyes taken off the ball.

It's very difficult to hit a home run -- or even make contact with the pitch -- when you are looking at some shiny piece of foil on the outfield grass.

A Cain supporter lectures someone else regarding politics. Priceless.

An Obama supporter commenting on ANYthing political? Worthless. And laughable.

Laughable. Suits you, LonelyLaughable. :thup:
Obama is President Of The United States.

Cain is back to offending women with unwelcome advances.

You lose, Waddles.
Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?

WHAAAAAT? I've been saying that for months and right wingers on this board say I'm lying. Republicans haven't been all about gays and women's rights and contraception.

But when you think about it, it makes sense. The only policy they have is cut taxes and taxes are currently at historic lows. So now they say, "Let's cut taxes on corporations to ZERO". Then what? Once that fails, what's left? Gays and women's rights and guns and rants and screaming and accusations.

After the last election, they said "government can't make jobs" after they ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

They said corporations won't make jobs because of "uncertainty". Even when corporations have been saying, "there is no demand". No demand no jobs. It's just common sense.

Oh, and Obamacare. Only corporations are paying taxes at historic lows. They are sitting on trillions. They simply don't want to pay ANY health care because they got spoiled with the Chinese. So that's the other Republican policy. Get rid of health care or move the entire cost to those making minimum wage?
Because you keep letting the left get away with defining the issues.

The real issues we are talking about is Freedom of Religion and the right not to be forced to pay for the needs of others. It's called liberty.

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