How did the GOP fuck up so bad as to let this election become about pills and rubber?

Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?

WHAAAAAT? I've been saying that for months and right wingers on this board say I'm lying. Republicans haven't been all about gays and women's rights and contraception.

But when you think about it, it makes sense. The only policy they have is cut taxes and taxes are currently at historic lows. So now they say, "Let's cut taxes on corporations to ZERO". Then what? Once that fails, what's left? Gays and women's rights and guns and rants and screaming and accusations.

After the last election, they said "government can't make jobs" after they ran on "Jobs Jobs Jobs".

They said corporations won't make jobs because of "uncertainty". Even when corporations have been saying, "there is no demand". No demand no jobs. It's just common sense.

Oh, and Obamacare. Only corporations are paying taxes at historic lows. They are sitting on trillions. They simply don't want to pay ANY health care because they got spoiled with the Chinese. So that's the other Republican policy. Get rid of health care or move the entire cost to those making minimum wage?

Here's the problem, Dean-O.

Obama doesn't really have a plan to fix the economy either.

Yes, it's getting a little better, but the fact is, if Bush or Clinton had gone into re-election with a 8.3% unemployment rate, they'd have tarred and feathered them. The very fact we are accepting this abuse says a lot.

All Obama is doing is managing the decline, he's not fixing the problems. Unfortunately, none of the GOP candidates right now are offering to do anything other than manage the decline differently.
Because you keep letting the left get away with defining the issues.

The real issues we are talking about is Freedom of Religion and the right not to be forced to pay for the needs of others. It's called liberty.

Two silly lies.

The first one is that it's a freedom of religion issue. Nope. My employer can believe whatever batshit crazy religious stuff he wants to. He just can't impose his beliefs on me because I happen to work for him.

The other issue is taking care of the needs of others. Nope. Health Insurance is compensation. The government defines compensation all the time. Minimum wage laws, equal pay laws, overtime laws, and so on.
Because you keep letting the left get away with defining the issues.

The real issues we are talking about is Freedom of Religion and the right not to be forced to pay for the needs of others. It's called liberty.

I'm not letting anyone define the issue. The gop is. I'm not the one on tv every damn day talking about this LOSING topic.

Try again
Yes, it's getting a little better, but the fact is, if Bush or Clinton had gone into re-election with a 8.3% unemployment rate, they'd have tarred and feathered them.

So then, that just goes to show that there's no point in making this a partisan criticism. As you say, neither side has been able to offer a substantial plan to improve the economy. So rallying against one side for that, and not the other, is a double standard. The economy is certainly the most pressing issue facing our country. And in the absence of either side being able to offer substantial solutions, the winning side will end up being whomever the American people feel is most likely to at least give the economy some attention, or at the very least whomever will fuck it up the least. If Republicans want to win, they will have to get over the gays and condoms arguments. And they will have to present something more to the American people other than make the rich richer. Neither one of those platforms is going to make the average American feel any kind of security over whether his/her paycheck beyond what little security they have now.
How did the GOP fuck up so bad as to let this election become about pills and rubber?

It won't be. It will be about Obama's $5 gallon gas, regardless of how hard you try elsewise.

“Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
- Obama Energy Secretary, Steven Chu
Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?

Without reading this entire thread, I'm just going to say that IMO, the reason that we're discussing pills and rubbers is because the GOP is still allowing the MSM to control the message. They allow themselves to be pulled off topic over and over by thinking that somehow they can make the media "like" them. If they would remember that the MSM tends to work against them and blow off their inane questions in the way that Newt blew off the ex-wife expose, they would be better off. They play into the media and democrats hands, by thinking that they can use these manufactured issues against one another for the nomination.

It can easily be exploited.
Notice how it's the religious supporting Romney and Santorum, and the non-religious on the other side.

The right side is exploiting the religion of Christianity to get easy followers while the left side is just doing whatever.
They don't have anything else to run on.

The economy is shaping up.
Foreign policy is a slam dunk.

All CONZ have is wedge issues that motivate their base, but turn off independents.
"The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 25% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -18"

This is the real world liberal losers.
GOP had nothing to do with it. It's Saul Alinsky 'Community Organizing' at work. These so-called 'controversies' are completely concocted farces. There is no real controversy. It was invented by the Socialists/Progressives, with the help of the corrupt MSM. It's just how the game is played. It really is a non-issue. Most common sense thinking Americans do not support the Government forcing anyone to subsidize Citizens' personal sexual behavior. The Government shouldn't be involved with this issue at all. It's just a concocted distraction. When will the Sheople finally wise up to these games?
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Once this run for the nom is over you will see the GOP nominee, whoever it may be, going after Barry and his inept policies.

Thats when the real fun begins.
How did the GOP fuck up so bad as to let this election become about pills and rubber?

It won't be. It will be about Obama's $5 gallon gas, regardless of how hard you try elsewise.

“Somehow, we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”
- Obama Energy Secretary, Steven Chu
Your post is a lie.

Chu said that back when he was director of the University of California's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
And Obama IS a man of principle? Really?


Have a seat...Drink up...On Me​

I didn't realize we were talking about Obama. Deflection noted.

Obama and his handlers started this detract from his abysmal performance as a man, A world YOU bought right into it.

That's how.

See how it works assclown?

Sure you do.

Thank Me.

Gawd, you're stupid :lol:
Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?

Cuz they're extremist freaks...who think they can do and say any damn thing they want. That's how. They're SO used to the echo of their own extremism coming out of the speakers of their AM talk radio stations that they don't even see and hear it the way normal people perceive it anymore. Translation: You guys aren't mainstream anymore. You've moved TOO far to the right.
Obama is sitting in the oval office right now with a big ole smile on his face. I can see it....

We need a course correction and the one who could do it is Rubio. By removing his sponsorship of the Blunt bill. Explain that he made a mistake and fell into the trap and wants to get the discussion back on track.

He won't, but he should. We need some damn leadership!
Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?
I'm sure the GOP candidates want to discuss real issues, but, let's be real, we know the mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. They of course, are focusing on this rather than the real issues. Not to mention that they put a spin on it to make it about "women's health" rather than what it really started out as.
Yes....nutters like them some victims. He fell into the a hapless insect.
Seriously? Talking about my neighbors sexual preferences is NOT important to the future of our country.

Debt, jobs, wars, taxes and the damn discussion is about some stupid college kid who wants free pills. If we don't change the subject we deserve to lose. Yeah, we may excite the base but at what expense?
I'm sure the GOP candidates want to discuss real issues, but, let's be real, we know the mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. They of course, are focusing on this rather than the real issues. Not to mention that they put a spin on it to make it about "women's health" rather than what it really started out as.

Who is stopping them? These are real issues to Santorum.

And the mainstream media is FOXNEWS and a bunch of Rightwing newspapers, which counter MSNBC and the NY Times, which the wingnuts claim nobody watches/reads any more.

Wingnut FAIL.

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