How Do Bill's Peccadillos Relate to Hillary's Presidential Qualifications In Any Way?

How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.
It speaks to character. Hillary Clinton let her personal ambition override her Christian sensibilities. And it was all downhill from there.

She could have made an equally successful life for herself without Bill. In fact, she may have been even more successful.

If Hillary betrayed herself, her own moral code, what is to stop her from betraying the American people for her personal gain?

Name Democrats who paid more taxes than they needed to pay. You people don't even give a shit when Democrats cheat on their taxes

Bring out the PROVABLE allegations against democrats, and I'll also condemn them....Until then, we have PROOF of trump's tax avoidance.............................BTW, Hillary showed ALL her tax returns.
Comey laid it out chapter and verse you dumb shit. He said "she did these criminal things but we will not indict any ways". How fucking stupid are you?
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Actually, I had enough of you right wing morons for a while....Stay on this thread and bitch and moan all you want.....November 8th is coming up fast. LOL
Yep, cuz the only reason you support Cankles is because you know she has it rigged and she can't lose, even though everybody despises her almost as much as the Trump. If you didn't think she was gonna cheat, you would be bawling for Bernie.
She claims he will be instrumental in policy making decisions in her administration.

He was impeached and disbarred for lying to a grand jury while POTUS.

That's enough for me, and should be enough for anyone.

He was impeached and found not guilty.
Name Democrats who paid more taxes than they needed to pay. You people don't even give a shit when Democrats cheat on their taxes

Bring out the PROVABLE allegations against democrats, and I'll also condemn them....Until then, we have PROOF of trump's tax avoidance.............................BTW, Hillary showed ALL her tax returns.

Off the top of "my" head: Charlie Rangle, Tom Daschle, Tim Geithner, William Jefferson, Zoe Baird are a few. All "met with" a yawn by Democrats.

Then you "have" Democrat supporter, George Soros who owes the US government $7 billion and won't pay.

"Then you have" tax evaders like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates who hire an army of "attorneys" to reduce and avoid "taxes."

And then there "are" skin flints like Obama and Biden who pay their taxes "but" give dick to charity. Though Obama got better after "running for government"
How much has Trump given to charity. He tell us how much he has given to 9/11 charities, but in reality he has given nothing.
Warren Buffet has paid taxes every year since 1944. Is that what you call an evader?
George Soros owes the US government NOTHING, not 7 billion but nothing, fruit loop
I am really angry at the way a politician's personal character is dismissed as long as they have the right letter after their name and vote up on all the things the base wants, and vote down all the things the base does not want.

This is how America crumbles, boys and girls.

You can make up all the myths about cabals and cronyism and "The Establishment" you like, but as I have pointed out a zillion times on a zillion different issues, the real culprit is looking back at you in the mirror.

It is YOUR fault we are in this mess. It is time to take responsibility and stop pointing fingers at everyone but yourselves. You are just allowing the fuckers to keep getting away with it when you do that.

You see, when you elect some scumbag of filth, you are telling the world, "This is the best guy we could find."

Think about that. Get some perspective. That is the message you are communicating.

Once you realize that is what you are telling the world, it instantly becomes OBVIOUS there are BETTER people out there to represent us.

Think about it. You have subsconciously trapped yourselves in a twisted paradigm which says the only people who can get you the things you want are evil people.

So what does that tell you about the things you want? Huh?

If the only person you can find to do what you think is "good works" is one of satan's henchmen, it's time to take a step back and examine your entire belief system. Chances are you are seriously self-deluded about what is right and and what is wrong.
The progressive claim was "yes bill clinton is personally a scumbag, but he's a great POTUS".

Sound familiar?

LAME............Trump is UNFIT to ever enter the oval office NOT ONLY because of his predatory practices against women, but for a ton of other flaws in this orange charlatan......Hope this helps clarify your "logic".....

shrilary is a criminal who has basically told you that you have been sold out to Wall Street. The fact that trump is being attacked by ALL sides ESPECIALLY the Wall Street crowd tells me he is the most qualified to be POTUS.
Maybe you can fill us in on exactly what are Trump qualifications for the office. He has zero experience in politics or government

So far the only qualification I see is that the establishment, you know the one percenters who have been ripping us off blind, hate him. That tells me they fear him. So the question would be, why?
Most everyone hates him, that why his poll number are so pathetic
Name Democrats who paid more taxes than they needed to pay. You people don't even give a shit when Democrats cheat on their taxes

Bring out the PROVABLE allegations against democrats, and I'll also condemn them....Until then, we have PROOF of trump's tax avoidance.............................BTW, Hillary showed ALL her tax returns.

Off the top of "my" head: Charlie Rangle, Tom Daschle, Tim Geithner, William Jefferson, Zoe Baird are a few. All "met with" a yawn by Democrats.

Then you "have" Democrat supporter, George Soros who owes the US government $7 billion and won't pay.

"Then you have" tax evaders like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates who hire an army of "attorneys" to reduce and avoid "taxes."

And then there "are" skin flints like Obama and Biden who pay their taxes "but" give dick to charity. Though Obama got better after "running for government"
How much has Trump given to charity. He tell us how much he has given to 9/11 charities, but in reality he has given nothing.
Warren Buffet has paid taxes every year since 1944. Is that what you call an evader?
George Soros owes the US government NOTHING, not 7 billion but nothing, fruit loop

I don't care. I don't like Trump and I'm not going to vote for him. I won't vote for anyone who's not a free market capitalist. But if I were going to vote for him, this wouldn't matter either. I care what he's going to do to my liberty.

I'm not all about judging him like you are. And you do it with such a double standard. Hillary enables sexual predators, doesn't care if liberals pay taxes or give to charity, writes off her used underwear.

They're both useless, despicable people. Or should I say deplorable ...
Trump and his people are now trashing his accusers.

That's because they are not believable. How could ANY person sit next to trump and not know who he was? I flew 1st Class a lot back in the 1970's and the first womans claims that he lifted the armrest is bullshit. They didn't raise, and the seats were far enough apart that what she claims to have happened was physically impossible. There is a legal term that basically says "once a liar, always a liar" This woman lied, the People woman lied, thus it is a legal standard that they are ALL lying.
I am really angry at the way a politician's personal character is dismissed as long as they have the right letter after their name and vote up on all the things the base wants, and vote down all the things the base does not want.

This is how America crumbles, boys and girls.

You can make up all the myths about cabals and cronyism and "The Establishment" you like, but as I have pointed out a zillion times on a zillion different issues, the real culprit is looking back at you in the mirror.

It is YOUR fault we are in this mess. It is time to take responsibility and stop pointing fingers at everyone but yourselves. You are just allowing the fuckers to keep getting away with it when you do that.

You see, when you elect some scumbag of filth, you are telling the world, "This is the best guy we could find."

Think about that. Get some perspective. That is the message you are communicating.

Once you realize that is what you are telling the world, it instantly becomes OBVIOUS there are BETTER people out there to represent us.

Think about it. You have subsconciously trapped yourselves in a twisted paradigm which says the only people who can get you the things you want are evil people.

So what does that tell you about the things you want? Huh?

If the only person you can find to do what you think is "good works" is one of satan's henchmen, it's time to take a step back and examine your entire belief system. Chances are you are seriously self-deluded about what is right and and what is wrong.

America IS crumbling. And you are watching it happen with no response. shrilary is a criminal. The ESTABLISHMENT has protected her. She has made hundreds of millions by ripping off the middle class of this country, and she has sold her soul to the one percenters that you claim to hate. She has ADMITTED this fact. And you don't care. Thus, when you are sitting in whatever hell hole you will be calling home, just remember that YOU allowed it to happen.
Trump and his people are now trashing his accusers.

That's because they are not believable. How could ANY person sit next to trump and not know who he was? I flew 1st Class a lot back in the 1970's and the first womans claims that he lifted the armrest is bullshit. They didn't raise, and the seats were far enough apart that what she claims to have happened was physically impossible. There is a legal term that basically says "once a liar, always a liar" This woman lied, the People woman lied, thus it is a legal standard that they are ALL lying.

lol, first of all, all of that defense has been debunked. Second of all, since when does one person lying, if that were the case, prove that anyone else is lying? Third of all, what the fuck is wrong with you people?
Trump and his people are now trashing his accusers.

That's because they are not believable. How could ANY person sit next to trump and not know who he was? I flew 1st Class a lot back in the 1970's and the first womans claims that he lifted the armrest is bullshit. They didn't raise, and the seats were far enough apart that what she claims to have happened was physically impossible. There is a legal term that basically says "once a liar, always a liar" This woman lied, the People woman lied, thus it is a legal standard that they are ALL lying.

lol, first of all, all of that defense has been debunked. Second of all, since when does one person lying, if that were the case, prove that anyone else is lying? Third of all, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Because they are all from the same source, stupid. We all know you're as dumb as a post, don't assume that we are too. M'kay....
I am really angry at the way a politician's personal character is dismissed as long as they have the right letter after their name and vote up on all the things the base wants, and vote down all the things the base does not want.

This is how America crumbles, boys and girls.

You can make up all the myths about cabals and cronyism and "The Establishment" you like, but as I have pointed out a zillion times on a zillion different issues, the real culprit is looking back at you in the mirror.

It is YOUR fault we are in this mess. It is time to take responsibility and stop pointing fingers at everyone but yourselves. You are just allowing the fuckers to keep getting away with it when you do that.

You see, when you elect some scumbag of filth, you are telling the world, "This is the best guy we could find."

Think about that. Get some perspective. That is the message you are communicating.

Once you realize that is what you are telling the world, it instantly becomes OBVIOUS there are BETTER people out there to represent us.

Think about it. You have subsconciously trapped yourselves in a twisted paradigm which says the only people who can get you the things you want are evil people.

So what does that tell you about the things you want? Huh?

If the only person you can find to do what you think is "good works" is one of satan's henchmen, it's time to take a step back and examine your entire belief system. Chances are you are seriously self-deluded about what is right and and what is wrong.

America IS crumbling. And you are watching it happen with no response. shrilary is a criminal. The ESTABLISHMENT has protected her. She has made hundreds of millions by ripping off the middle class of this country, and she has sold her soul to the one percenters that you claim to hate. She has ADMITTED this fact. And you don't care. Thus, when you are sitting in whatever hell hole you will be calling home, just remember that YOU allowed it to happen.

You don't know it, but you just made my point for me. You tossed out a red herring about the other guy's evil to avoid looking at your own guy's evil.

You are stuck in that mindset. Literally stuck.

It is amazing you rubes make an assumption I support Hillary, despite posts like I made in post 121.

It's like a willful blindness.

Read my posts again.
Trump and his people are now trashing his accusers.

That's because they are not believable. How could ANY person sit next to trump and not know who he was? I flew 1st Class a lot back in the 1970's and the first womans claims that he lifted the armrest is bullshit. They didn't raise, and the seats were far enough apart that what she claims to have happened was physically impossible. There is a legal term that basically says "once a liar, always a liar" This woman lied, the People woman lied, thus it is a legal standard that they are ALL lying.

lol, first of all, all of that defense has been debunked. Second of all, since when does one person lying, if that were the case, prove that anyone else is lying? Third of all, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Because they are all from the same source, stupid. We all know you're as dumb as a post, don't assume that we are too. M'kay....

Still hurting huh? lol, priceless. my best thrashing ever on this forum

No, they don't all come from the same source if that even mattered.
We keep overlooking the evil in our own midst. And when we are forced to confront it, we say, "The other guy is MOAR EBULL!"

This is why a Tu Quoque Fallacy is a fallacy. When you employ the "two rights make a wrong" argument, you are denying the evil in your own midst.

Instead of confronting and condemning the evil in your own midst, you deflect your attention to the other guy's evil.

Which is the same thing as condoning the evil in your camp.

That's how we have gotten here, boys and girls.

It wasn't cabals. It wasn't "The Establishment".

It was YOU.

Politicians only do exactly what you want them to do. With your condoning of the evil in your own houses, you demanded they be the evil bastards they are. You demanded it.
Trump and his people are now trashing his accusers.

That's because they are not believable. How could ANY person sit next to trump and not know who he was? I flew 1st Class a lot back in the 1970's and the first womans claims that he lifted the armrest is bullshit. They didn't raise, and the seats were far enough apart that what she claims to have happened was physically impossible. There is a legal term that basically says "once a liar, always a liar" This woman lied, the People woman lied, thus it is a legal standard that they are ALL lying.

lol, first of all, all of that defense has been debunked. Second of all, since when does one person lying, if that were the case, prove that anyone else is lying? Third of all, what the fuck is wrong with you people?

Because they are all from the same source, stupid. We all know you're as dumb as a post, don't assume that we are too. M'kay....

Still hurting huh? lol, priceless. my best thrashing ever on this forum

No, they don't all come from the same source if that even mattered.

I'm not hurting you twit. And yes, they are all from the same source. You couldn't beat your way out of a wet paper bag. I'm just astounded at the basement level intellect that you possess and you think you are clever. With people like you it's no wonder this country is collapsing.
Most everyone hates him, that why his poll number are so pathetic

I'm starting to think that even Melania is beginning to hate him.....(although she must like the lavish lifestyle....why else would she put up with this degenerate?)
How do Bill Clinton's actions relate in any way to Hillary Clinton's qualifications to be President?

In discussing this, bear in mind, that the only PROVEN actions of Bill Clinton involved his stepping out with CONSENTING, adult females.
The rapist is going to run the economy....
Please,tell me you are not this fucking clueless...and if you are, you're not voting....

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