How Do Bill's Peccadillos Relate to Hillary's Presidential Qualifications In Any Way?

He said "she did these criminal things but we will not indict any ways"

Then do us ALL a favor and find the video/tape where Comey stated EXACTLY that......Go on...we'll wait....

It's right here numbnuts. I have already provided it repeatedly.

July 5, 2016
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System
He said "she did these criminal things but we will not indict any ways"

Then do us ALL a favor and find the video/tape where Comey stated EXACTLY that......Go on...we'll wait....

It's right here numbnuts. I have already provided it repeatedly.

July 5, 2016
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

NO, moron......Comey NEVER sateted exactly what you did......
There must be a grown up around your trailer park to help you.
He said "she did these criminal things but we will not indict any ways"

Then do us ALL a favor and find the video/tape where Comey stated EXACTLY that......Go on...we'll wait....

It's right here numbnuts. I have already provided it repeatedly.

July 5, 2016
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System

NO, moron......Comey NEVER sateted exactly what you did......
There must be a grown up around your trailer park to help you.

What a pathetic clown you are. Yes, comey did. The fact that you ignore what he said only demonstrates your intellectual dishonesty. No surprise there. You're a grade A douche.
How about those three little words, "Bimbo Eruption Squad"? Hillary spent her entire sick abused sorry assed adult life covering for her husband's sexual abuse of women by using government power to threaten and intimidate her husband's victims in exchange for reflected political power.
Guys in the military are not running for President of the United States. They are guys in the military. Certainly nothing wrong with that, but the standards are decidedly different when it comes to language used about women.
Disagree entirely. I do not expect presidents to be inhuman and to do so is silly. Extra marital affairs, infidelity and asinine statements abound from almost all past presidents and none of that idle banter or 'immoral' behavior had anything to do with the office.

What is interesting is that the standards for military members actually seem higher in some respects - neither Hillary or Obama would be allowed entry with Hillary being unable to handle classified materials and Obama with admitted drug use. They were just fine with the presidency.
I don't buy into the "Hillary's lies" business nor that she was a failed secy of state because of Bangladesh or for any other reason. Obviously, that's where we part company on Hillary. I listen to what she is saying and I compare it to what Trump says. There is no comparison. Do you want Trump in there? I don't think so. Well, it's either him or Hillary. I have no problem with the choice. I submit that "Hillary haters" should do the right thing, even if they have a problem with it. The alternative appears unthinkable.
If you don't buy Hillary lies then you are ignoring objective fact. I do not know how else to point out the blatantly obvious. Her lies are extremely well documented. If you do not want to acknoledge hard fact there is noting I can do about it.

What she says is also largely irrelevant. She says a lot of things. What she DOES matters more and there is plenty of that to pick through. The alternative may be unthinkable to you but Hillary is also unthinkable. The very fact she is even on the ballot is amazing to me.

I submit that doing the right thing does not involve voting out of fear of the other guy. I submit that is one of the core problems that has destroyed our political system. If I was going to vote out of fear I would not be voting for Hillary anyway - the very idea that she will pick some SCOTUS members scares the shit out of me.
I just heard Pres. Obama give a lengthy speech. He rattled off the domestic accomplishments of his administration during the past 8 years. Significant improvement in ALL important areas. Unemployment is down. Income is up. Poverty level is down. I will give you that our foreign situation needs a little work. I, for one, sure do not intend to have Trump doing that work. I see Hillary as having the potential to make significant improvement in the area of foreign policy.
We differ greatly here. There certainly is not significant improvement in 'all' important areas and economic improvement has been pathetic though rather steady. When you hit historical lows in economic numbers up is the only direction left. The fact that unemployment is down is a given - the economy recovers.

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