How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

i response to you post 315 , yes , you are correct . South America is not a falling down society for the mostly WHITE ruling class in 'mexico in particular SOB .
how long has Poland been rebounding eh :afro:. And 'germany' being 'catholic' sounds like they are stupid 'papists' with their importation of 'muslims' eh SOB . And maybe all 'german' catholics are stupid . My only real point is that the USA was Protestant built by Protestants [mostly] and it is the pinnacle of human civilization SOB .

Hate to tell ya' but quality of life now in the United States is better than it was in the old timey days.
i response to you post 315 , yes , you are correct . South America is not a falling down society for the mostly WHITE ruling class SOB .

You should quote the post you are responding to. Oh, yeah and if you're anti-immigrant then at least use something resembling English.
how long has Poland been rebounding eh :afro:. And 'germany' being 'catholic' sounds like they are stupid 'papists' with their importation of 'muslims' eh SOB . And maybe all 'german' catholics are stupid . My only real point is that the USA was Protestant built by Protestants [mostly] and it is the pinnacle of human civilization SOB .

Hate to tell ya' but quality of life now in the United States is better than it was in the old timey days.
-------------------------------------------------- yeah eh , hey its fine with me , i find that the only ones being affected by silly quality of life issues are young people , hip hoppers , millenials and their widdle kids HJoy .
how long has Poland been rebounding eh :afro:. And 'germany' being 'catholic' sounds like they are stupid 'papists' with their importation of 'muslims' eh SOB . And maybe all 'german' catholics are stupid . My only real point is that the USA was Protestant built by Protestants [mostly] and it is the pinnacle of human civilization SOB .

Hate to tell ya' but quality of life now in the United States is better than it was in the old timey days.
-------------------------------------------------- yeah eh , hey its fine with me , i find that the only ones being affected by silly quality of life issues are young people , hip hoppers , millenials and their widdle kids HJoy .

In other words those who have more of a future than you do.
yeah , health insurance , you youngers cry about it and many who have it can't afford it . And then from what i hear many of you youngers live in your Moms basement because you can't get out on your own . Plus you youngers are throwing away your Constitutional RIGHTS as regards guns and FREE Speech as you youngers then yell and cry for 15 dollars an hour . Its funny , i was married with 3 kids at 22 , a good job with health insurance , a house [mortgage] and 10 acres of land [hardwoods] , a 40 hour work week with occasional overtime at time and a half , a family car , a motorcycle or 2 and a snow machine plus a pair of WESCSO Boss boots . Yeah , you youngers have fine quality of life as you cry and yell for 15 dollars an hour and health insurance plus :afro:subsidized disposable diapers [chuckle] and talk about Quality of Life and Diversity HJoy .
how long has Poland been rebounding eh :afro:. And 'germany' being 'catholic' sounds like they are stupid 'papists' with their importation of 'muslims' eh SOB . And maybe all 'german' catholics are stupid . My only real point is that the USA was Protestant built by Protestants [mostly] and it is the pinnacle of human civilization SOB .

Hate to tell ya' but quality of life now in the United States is better than it was in the old timey days.
-------------------------------------------------- yeah eh , hey its fine with me , i find that the only ones being affected by silly quality of life issues are young people , hip hoppers , millenials and their widdle kids HJoy .

In other words those who have more of a future than you do.
---------------------------- well i am 68 so yes of course , certainly happy that i am not 18 with a POOR Future that i envision for YOU youngers HJoy .
yeah , health insurance , you youngers cry about it and many who have it can't afford it . And then from what i hear many of you youngers live in your Moms basement because you can't get out on your own . Plus you youngers are throwing away your Constitutional RIGHTS as regards guns and FREE Speech as you youngers then yell and cry for 15 dollars an hour . Its funny , i was married with 3 kids at 22 , a good job with health insurance , a house [mortgage] and 10 acres of land [hardwoods] , a 40 hour work week with occasional overtime at time and a half , a family car , a motorcycle or 2 and a snow machine plus a pair of WESCSO Boss boots . Yeah , you youngers have fine quality of life as you cry and yell for 15 dollars an hour and health insurance plus :afro:subsidized disposable diapers [chuckle] and talk about Quality of Life and Diversity HJoy .

So, other than the rambling about how good you think you have it you also like to make huge rash assumptions, don't you?
crying and rioting for 15 dollars an hour to flip burgers as if thats big money in 2018 , its funny HJoy .
how long has Poland been rebounding eh :afro:. And 'germany' being 'catholic' sounds like they are stupid 'papists' with their importation of 'muslims' eh SOB . And maybe all 'german' catholics are stupid . My only real point is that the USA was Protestant built by Protestants [mostly] and it is the pinnacle of human civilization SOB .

Hate to tell ya' but quality of life now in the United States is better than it was in the old timey days.
-------------------------------------------------- yeah eh , hey its fine with me , i find that the only ones being affected by silly quality of life issues are young people , hip hoppers , millenials and their widdle kids HJoy .

In other words those who have more of a future than you do.
---------------------------- well i am 68 so yes of course , certainly happy that i am not 18 with a POOR Future that i envision for YOU youngers HJoy .

Who are you talking about? Who has a poor future, people younger than you as a whole or are you addressing certain people? Please, clear the cobwebs out or something before replying to me it would be much appreciated.
yeah , health insurance , you youngers cry about it and many who have it can't afford it . And then from what i hear many of you youngers live in your Moms basement because you can't get out on your own . Plus you youngers are throwing away your Constitutional RIGHTS as regards guns and FREE Speech as you youngers then yell and cry for 15 dollars an hour . Its funny , i was married with 3 kids at 22 , a good job with health insurance , a house [mortgage] and 10 acres of land [hardwoods] , a 40 hour work week with occasional overtime at time and a half , a family car , a motorcycle or 2 and a snow machine plus a pair of WESCSO Boss boots . Yeah , you youngers have fine quality of life as you cry and yell for 15 dollars an hour and health insurance plus :afro:subsidized disposable diapers [chuckle] and talk about Quality of Life and Diversity HJoy .

So, other than the rambling about how good you think you have it you also like to make huge rash assumptions, don't you?
--------------------------------------- ASSUMPTIONS , maybe but i don't think so , i see where the USA Society is headed imo . Course it is assumptions and guessing but i personally think that young people are pretty stupid as they rant and rave for stupid ideas like diversity that their Grandparents [if they had brains] would have probably rejected HJoy .
yeah , health insurance , you youngers cry about it and many who have it can't afford it . And then from what i hear many of you youngers live in your Moms basement because you can't get out on your own . Plus you youngers are throwing away your Constitutional RIGHTS as regards guns and FREE Speech as you youngers then yell and cry for 15 dollars an hour . Its funny , i was married with 3 kids at 22 , a good job with health insurance , a house [mortgage] and 10 acres of land [hardwoods] , a 40 hour work week with occasional overtime at time and a half , a family car , a motorcycle or 2 and a snow machine plus a pair of WESCSO Boss boots . Yeah , you youngers have fine quality of life as you cry and yell for 15 dollars an hour and health insurance plus :afro:subsidized disposable diapers [chuckle] and talk about Quality of Life and Diversity HJoy .

So, other than the rambling about how good you think you have it you also like to make huge rash assumptions, don't you?
--------------------------------------- ASSUMPTIONS , maybe but i don't think so , i see where the USA Society is headed imo . Course it is assumptions and guessing but i personally think that young people are pretty stupid as they rant and rave for stupid ideas like diversity that their Grandparents [if they had brains] would have probably rejected HJoy .

We need diversity. Our economy for one depends on it, you're 68, you should know that the rest of the country can't support you with our current population. Maybe we should have death panels.
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yeah , health insurance , you youngers cry about it and many who have it can't afford it . And then from what i hear many of you youngers live in your Moms basement because you can't get out on your own . Plus you youngers are throwing away your Constitutional RIGHTS as regards guns and FREE Speech as you youngers then yell and cry for 15 dollars an hour . Its funny , i was married with 3 kids at 22 , a good job with health insurance , a house [mortgage] and 10 acres of land [hardwoods] , a 40 hour work week with occasional overtime at time and a half , a family car , a motorcycle or 2 and a snow machine plus a pair of WESCSO Boss boots . Yeah , you youngers have fine quality of life as you cry and yell for 15 dollars an hour and health insurance plus :afro:subsidized disposable diapers [chuckle] and talk about Quality of Life and Diversity HJoy .

So, other than the rambling about how good you think you have it you also like to make huge rash assumptions, don't you?
--------------------------------------- ASSUMPTIONS , maybe but i don't think so , i see where the USA Society is headed imo . Course it is assumptions and guessing but i personally think that young people are pretty stupid as they rant and rave for stupid ideas like diversity that their Grandparents [if they had brains] would have probably rejected HJoy .

We need diversity. Our economy for one depends on it, you're 68, you should know that the rest of the country can't support you with our current population. Maybe we should have death panels.
------------------------------------------------------------- yeah maybe , and death panels may be coming as YOU close in on retirement age . Course for now just keep working hard :afro:and kicking into Social Security for the old guys HJoy
many color people have done many bad things over the course of our history. white men freed black men back during the civil war. I'd say that's rather a great thing especially since the black men in africa still sell black men as slaves.
I killed someone yesterday but did not kill anyone today. Does that make me great?

That would depend on your profession and goals.
Well, we’re 250+ posts in. How about a recap...what have we learned so far?
“How does U.S. democracy benefit from diversity?”
“How do U.S. citizens benefit from diversity?”

I’ve com up with...citizens benefit from food, music and a peek into cultural differences.
Nobody has explained how our democracy benefits.
I mean, if politicians are going to force Americans to allow them to shit on the U.S. Constitution shouldn’t Americans and our democracy atleast be the beneficiary of such?

You ignore the positives . USA has been diverse since day one . And we’ve become the greatest country . So it’s on you to explain why it’s bad .

How does it hurt? 250 in and you can’t give a good example . Other than it annoys racists .

"Diverse?" You mean Brits, and Germans and the Dutch is "diverse?"
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
It forces us to examine the world more accurately. Rather than being isolated from the real world we learn to accept others that are different and in necessary examine what makes a decent person, their color or character.

Diversity allows that relearning of the values we once had. It can also work about educating ourselves and family about those who could be dangerous to us as in cultures that see us as their enemy.
That's what Muzzie savages committing mass murder does?

Who would have ever thunk it?

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