How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.
It's about bringing what used to be called "Christiandom" to its knees.

Never forget, when the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act was signed into law, there were celebrations that night in New York City. Jews correctly saw it--and celebrated it--as a Jewish victory.

You know the conservatives pushed for chain immigration because they saw it as a wh to keep the us for whites only .

Conservatives pushed for it?

Yes. Go look it up . Most immigrants had been from white countries . That was the plan to keep it going . White immigrants would bring in white relatives .
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Diversity is genocide. Think about it.
"The Great Migration"

.a.k.a. "The Revenge of the Confederacy"

Makes ya wonder sometimes who really won the Civil War.

Everything they touch turns to $hit.

Jefferson Davis is laughing his ass off at Harlem, and Detroit, and Gary, and the South and West Sides of Chicago, and St. Louis, and Watts,
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All of Western Europe.

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

Look at the American wishing for cultural suicide.

What exactly are you afraid of? America has been multi since day one and we've been very successful since .
It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.
It's about bringing what used to be called "Christiandom" to its knees.

Never forget, when the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act was signed into law, there were celebrations that night in New York City. Jews correctly saw it--and celebrated it--as a Jewish victory.

You know the conservatives pushed for chain immigration because they saw it as a wh to keep the us for whites only .

Conservatives pushed for it?

Yes. Go look it up . Most immigrants had been from white countries . That was the plan to keep it going . White immigrants would bring in white relatives .
Kennedy is the one responsible for chain mirgation, dumbass.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All of Western Europe.

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

Look at the American wishing for cultural suicide.

What exactly are you afraid of? America has been multi since day one and we've been very successful since .

Multi? You call having eveyrone from Western Europe "multi?" If that's what you're calling for, I'll go with it.
We need to bring in good people to counter vile cancers like you.

You seem pretty hateful yourself.
Timmy thinks he's an example of what an American should be.

Isn't that a riot?

Oh definitely . Country could you more Timmys.
What are you?

I'm a good person .

Timmy dictionary
Good = stupid
It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.
It's about bringing what used to be called "Christiandom" to its knees.

Never forget, when the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act was signed into law, there were celebrations that night in New York City. Jews correctly saw it--and celebrated it--as a Jewish victory.

You know the conservatives pushed for chain immigration because they saw it as a wh to keep the us for whites only .

Conservatives pushed for it?

Yes. Go look it up . Most immigrants had been from white countries . That was the plan to keep it going . White immigrants would bring in white relatives .
Kenned is the one responsible for chain mirgation, dumbass.

Who benefits more from chain than white Irishman? Chain was a compromise to get conservatives on board.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All of Western Europe.

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

Look at the American wishing for cultural suicide.

What exactly are you afraid of? America has been multi since day one and we've been very successful since .

Look to our South, and what do you see? Is that really what you think we need more of here in the United States? Mexico is a shit hole because it's populated with Mexicans, and you want to bring that here.
It's about bringing what used to be called "Christiandom" to its knees.

Never forget, when the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act was signed into law, there were celebrations that night in New York City. Jews correctly saw it--and celebrated it--as a Jewish victory.

You know the conservatives pushed for chain immigration because they saw it as a wh to keep the us for whites only .

Conservatives pushed for it?

Yes. Go look it up . Most immigrants had been from white countries . That was the plan to keep it going . White immigrants would bring in white relatives .
Kenned is the one responsible for chain mirgation, dumbass.

Who benefits more from chain than white Irishman? Chain was a compromise to get conservatives on board.

Mexicans are the ones who benefit, moron. Have you noticed a huge influx of the Irish lately?
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All of Western Europe.

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

Look at the American wishing for cultural suicide.

What exactly are you afraid of? America has been multi since day one and we've been very successful since .

Multi? You call having eveyrone from Western Europe "multi?" If that's what you're calling for, I'll go with it.

I ask what's wrong with diversity in the US and you bring up Western Europe .

Our diversity is why we ain't Europe and don't have their issues.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All of Western Europe.

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

Look at the American wishing for cultural suicide.

What exactly are you afraid of? America has been multi since day one and we've been very successful since .

Look to our South, and what do you see? Is that really what you think we need more of that here in the United States? Mexico is a shit hole because it's populated with Mexicans, and you want to bring that here.
They are fine qualified humans, that merely fk up their country to show how great they are!
America is a diverse country. America has always been a diverse country. Our democracy should reflect our society, not suppress it.
It depends on what the premises are for diversity. Different white European ancestry or different races? It started when alien shapeshifters were allowed in, then the same ones pushed through the 1965 Immigration Law to eliminate western civilization by outbreeding white people in their own country with different races. Same goes for Europe nowadays. The same shapeshifters infiltrated all branches of government over there also.

You are a subvesive idiot trying to push your Cultural Marxist lies.

Shape shifting aliens. Right....

What the fuck is wrong with people around here?

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