How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
I once started a thread on that very subject, and it ran for thousands of posts. You know what the answer was? Mexican food. Tacos and burritos. That's it!

Haha...I believe it. Truth be told, there’s not much else anyone sane and logical can say.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Diversity is genocide. Think about it.

Yes it absolutely is. I’ve referred to diversity as discreet genocide for years.

Geez, then explain how . You got strong anti diversity feelings but don't bother to back them up with examples .
It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.

My daughter, a poli sci freshman has to write a paper describing how Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity....WTF!
I told her to write....”We/it don’t.....The End.”
I’m sure her LefTard Professor would love that...This blatant indoctrination bullshit from educators has got to end.
Simple. Have her show all the statistics for the higher violence level here,poverty level,low education levels HERE vs a place like Japan or Switzerland which are mostly homogeneous.

You mean socialists. You a socialist now?
What the hell are you talking about?

Well youre bragging about Switzerland .
Polish, Irish, isrealies, german, English, Scotish, Mexican. None tried to fk up the US, until obammy. Now illegals think our house is theirs. Shit on us. None of those original immigrants wanted to ruin the country. That’s not diversity, that’s commorardary . They didn’t piss on the flag
Their culture stinks. So does their art. We don't need to import them to import their food.

Why don't you tell us what American culture is? And why it's in danger?
Oh no, you tell us. You’re the history major!

Fine . Our culture is based on taking pieces from others and making them new . Since the start Americans came from different places .

Look at American music. It's a spectrum . Jazz, country , rap, rock . All borrow from each other . All considered American ( mostly) .
Pieces from where?

From all over the world . What do you think ? American music is just some western euro offshoot.
Pretty much
My daughter, a poli sci freshman has to write a paper describing how Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity....WTF!
I told her to write....”We/it don’t.....The End.”
I’m sure her LefTard Professor would love that...This blatant indoctrination bullshit from educators has got to end.
Simple. Have her show all the statistics for the higher violence level here,poverty level,low education levels HERE vs a place like Japan or Switzerland which are mostly homogeneous.

You mean socialists. You a socialist now?
What the hell are you talking about?

Well youre bragging about Switzerland .
Polish, Irish, isrealies, german, English, Scotish, Mexican. None tried to fk up the US, until obammy. Now illegals think our house is theirs. Shit on us. None of those original immigrants wanted to ruin the country. That’s not diversity, that’s commorardary . They didn’t piss on the flag
Your definition of diversity is tearing up the constitution
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Diversity is genocide. Think about it.

Yes it absolutely is. I’ve referred to diversity as discreet genocide for years.

Geez, then explain how . You got strong anti diversity feelings but don't bother to back them up with examples .

Timmy, it doesn’t need to be “explained”...the writing is on the wall...third graders see it. Come on bud, save us all some time here, don’t play stupid.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia
Diversity doesn’t include Irish, Italian, polish. Got to be from hondorous and kill 16 year old girls now that is diversity
My daughter, a poli sci freshman has to write a paper describing how Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity....WTF!
I told her to write....”We/it don’t.....The End.”
I’m sure her LefTard Professor would love that...This blatant indoctrination bullshit from educators has got to end.
Simple. Have her show all the statistics for the higher violence level here,poverty level,low education levels HERE vs a place like Japan or Switzerland which are mostly homogeneous.

You mean socialists. You a socialist now?
What the hell are you talking about?

Well youre bragging about Switzerland .
Polish, Irish, isrealies, german, English, Scotish, Mexican. None tried to fk up the US, until obammy. Now illegals think our house is theirs. Shit on us. None of those original immigrants wanted to ruin the country. That’s not diversity, that’s commorardary . They didn’t piss on the flag

Yeah ok. So you have nothing but xenophobic racist propaganda .
Simple. Have her show all the statistics for the higher violence level here,poverty level,low education levels HERE vs a place like Japan or Switzerland which are mostly homogeneous.

You mean socialists. You a socialist now?
What the hell are you talking about?

Well youre bragging about Switzerland .
Polish, Irish, isrealies, german, English, Scotish, Mexican. None tried to fk up the US, until obammy. Now illegals think our house is theirs. Shit on us. None of those original immigrants wanted to ruin the country. That’s not diversity, that’s commorardary . They didn’t piss on the flag

Yeah ok. So you have nothing but xenophobic racist propaganda .
No your diversity says kill all white people . Come and take me out bubba. I’ve grown tired of your white hate. So move forward with your plan and let’s see how that goes.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia guys are awesome with your acute little points of view.
It’s what you tards hate grand scheme and big picture.
Forget that “other cultures” rape, kill and suck the American taxpayer dry at a much larger rate....”But, but, but....their food and music is good because it’s different. Damnit I want tacos and Desposito, therefore the raping, killing, welfare and mass degradation of communities is a small price to pay.”
It all makes perfect sense in the backward world of LibTardoLand.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia
Diversity doesn’t include Irish, Italian, polish. Got to be from hondorous and kill 16 year old girls now that is diversity

Sure it does. Oh, your only barometer is skin color? How basic. PS: You misspelled "Honduras".
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia guys are awesome with your acute little points of view.
It’s what you tards hate grand scheme and big picture.
Forget that “other cultures” rape, kill and suck the American taxpayer dry at a much larger rate....”But, but, but....their food and music is good because it’s different. Damnit I want tacos and Desposito, therefore the raping, killing, welfare and mass degradation of communities is a small price to pay.”
It all makes perfect sense in the backward world of LibTardoLand.

I'm pretty awesome, you're right there. The rest of your post? Pure shit.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia guys are awesome with your acute little points of view.
It’s what you tards hate grand scheme and big picture.
Forget that “other cultures” rape, kill and suck the American taxpayer dry at a much larger rate....”But, but, but....their food and music is good because it’s different. Damnit I want tacos and Desposito, therefore the raping, killing, welfare and mass degradation of communities is a small price to pay.”
It all makes perfect sense in the backward world of LibTardoLand.

I'm pretty awesome, you're right there. The rest of your post? Pure shit.

Sorry the truth doesn’t fit for you...I don’t make this shit up...the data is know this...your people make great food, shitty music and are third world, savage, human cockroaches. Sorry bud...truth sucks.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia
Diversity doesn’t include Irish, Italian, polish. Got to be from hondorous and kill 16 year old girls now that is diversity

Sure it does. Oh, your only barometer is skin color? How basic. PS: You misspelled "Honduras".
Skin color is the issue bubba. Too many white people. You leftists say it daily. You all want white people dead. Come and get me bubba! I’m done with leftists and their hate of my skin color! Grow some balls and just come get us!

by the way, Ibet you don’t know the BLM is organized by a White Australian!
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia
Diversity doesn’t include Irish, Italian, polish. Got to be from hondorous and kill 16 year old girls now that is diversity

Sure it does. Oh, your only barometer is skin color? How basic. PS: You misspelled "Honduras".
Skin color is the issue bubba. Too many white people. You leftists say it daily. You all want white people dead. Come and get me bubba! I’m done with leftists and their hate of my skin color! Grow some balls and just come get us!

by the way, Ibet you don’t know the BLM is organized by a White Australian!

You misspelled "I bet". The "internet tough guy" routine is a source of great humor. Encore.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia guys are awesome with your acute little points of view.
It’s what you tards hate grand scheme and big picture.
Forget that “other cultures” rape, kill and suck the American taxpayer dry at a much larger rate....”But, but, but....their food and music is good because it’s different. Damnit I want tacos and Desposito, therefore the raping, killing, welfare and mass degradation of communities is a small price to pay.”
It all makes perfect sense in the backward world of LibTardoLand.

I'm pretty awesome, you're right there. The rest of your post? Pure shit.

Sorry the truth doesn’t fit for you...I don’t make this shit up...the data is know this...your people make great food, shitty music and are third world, savage, human cockroaches. Sorry bud...truth sucks.

You're right the data is everywhere; the most successful species in the history of the universe, Americans, are a diverse culture. One reason the Asians who developed Yahoo and many other devices we use were happy to be here was because their culture is well represented. The facts are not your friends; neither is anyone else. Am I right?
Food. Art. Culture.

Their culture stinks. So does their art. We don't need to import them to import their food.

Why don't you tell us what American culture is? And why it's in danger?
Oh no, you tell us. You’re the history major!

Fine . Our culture is based on taking pieces from others and making them new . Since the start Americans came from different places .

Look at American music. It's a spectrum . Jazz, country , rap, rock . All borrow from each other . All considered American ( mostly) .

They are all American. They originated here. Not in Europe. Not Mexico. Right here in the good ole USA. We didn't borrow them from anywhere else.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia guys are awesome with your acute little points of view.
It’s what you tards hate grand scheme and big picture.
Forget that “other cultures” rape, kill and suck the American taxpayer dry at a much larger rate....”But, but, but....their food and music is good because it’s different. Damnit I want tacos and Desposito, therefore the raping, killing, welfare and mass degradation of communities is a small price to pay.”
It all makes perfect sense in the backward world of LibTardoLand.

I'm pretty awesome, you're right there. The rest of your post? Pure shit.

Sorry the truth doesn’t fit for you...I don’t make this shit up...the data is know this...your people make great food, shitty music and are third world, savage, human cockroaches. Sorry bud...truth sucks.

You're right the data is everywhere; the most successful species in the history of the universe, Americans, are a diverse culture. One reason the Asians who developed Yahoo and many other devices we use were happy to be here was because their culture is well represented. The facts are not your friends; neither is anyone else. Am I right?

Asians developed Yahoo? That's news to me. I never realized Yahoo was such a powerful force in your economy.

History of Yahoo! - Wikipedia!

It was founded in January 1994 by Jerry Yang and David Filo

Apparently it's only half Asian.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia

Ask the families of all the people who were slaughtered in that night club in Orlando if diversity made their lives interesting.

As I already pointed out, the culture and art of people from Mexico and the Middle East sucks. I wouldn't have a problem if they both disappeared from the face of the Earth.

As for food, I think we can learn how to make tacos without importing 40 million Mexicans into our country.

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