How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia guys are awesome with your acute little points of view.
It’s what you tards hate grand scheme and big picture.
Forget that “other cultures” rape, kill and suck the American taxpayer dry at a much larger rate....”But, but, but....their food and music is good because it’s different. Damnit I want tacos and Desposito, therefore the raping, killing, welfare and mass degradation of communities is a small price to pay.”
It all makes perfect sense in the backward world of LibTardoLand.

I'm pretty awesome, you're right there. The rest of your post? Pure shit.

Sorry the truth doesn’t fit for you...I don’t make this shit up...the data is know this...your people make great food, shitty music and are third world, savage, human cockroaches. Sorry bud...truth sucks.

You're right the data is everywhere; the most successful species in the history of the universe, Americans, are a diverse culture. One reason the Asians who developed Yahoo and many other devices we use were happy to be here was because their culture is well represented. The facts are not your friends; neither is anyone else. Am I right?
If you look at the numbers of Asians who made a big impact in American history, you won't find much. Furthermore, Asians are the kind of people who actually contribute to this country. They work hard and don't go on welfare.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia

Ask the families of all the people who were slaughtered in that night club in Orlando if diversity made their lives interesting.
Can we ask the families of OKC if they benefited from white folks based on Timothy McVeigh? Your point is moronic.

As I already pointed out, the culture and art of people from Mexico and the Middle East sucks. I wouldn't have a problem if they both disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Nobody would miss you; that is for sure.

As for food, I think we can learn how to make tacos without importing 40 million Mexicans into our country.

Again, you miss the point. To the surprise of no one. The cultural influences are the paradigm; not who makes the items. You hate anyone who isn't white. That is your curse. I'm sure it has caused you to miss many opportunities to expand your narrow view of the world. Meanwhile, it is no great loss to those you have chosen to alienate. I would think they are the richer for not having encountered you.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
Steve Jobs (Syrian father)
Einstein (German/Jewish)
Jerry Yang from Yahoo (chinese)
Elon Musk, Tesla (south Africa)
I can go on forever...from university teachers, surgeons, NASA, sports, entertainment and so on.
Quiet honestly it was a stupid question, this country is built on immigration and immigrants.
It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.

My daughter, a poli sci freshman has to write a paper describing how Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity....WTF!
I told her to write....”We/it don’t.....The End.”
I’m sure her LefTard Professor would love that...This blatant indoctrination bullshit from educators has got to end.
You are POS and I'm sorry you have kids.
Diversity didn't make America great. What made America great was freedom, freedom to be whatever one wanted and the freedom to be as successful as one's ingenuity and hard work would take them. Being of British, Irish, African, Syrian, Chinese, etc. descent has nothing to do with an individual's ability to be successful.
What the left essentially advocates is unlimited immigration of anyone and everyone who wants to come here, regardless of whether it benefits or hurts Americans already here. I have no problem with "diversity", but I'm not an adherent to the idea that diversity for diversity's sake is somehow "good" for America. What's good for America are capable, hardworking people who respect one another and respect the law and who contribute to their communities and to our nation. It doesn't matter what their heritage is nor their skin color.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

That's a justification for importing genius physicists. What's the excuse for importing ignorant Muslim savages and Mexican peasants?
Oh btw Mr racist your orange racist president's Mar-a-Lago architecture is mainly Moroccan (Islamic).
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia

Ask the families of all the people who were slaughtered in that night club in Orlando if diversity made their lives interesting.
Can we ask the families of OKC if they benefited from white folks based on Timothy McVeigh? Your point is moronic.

As I already pointed out, the culture and art of people from Mexico and the Middle East sucks. I wouldn't have a problem if they both disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Nobody would miss you; that is for sure.

As for food, I think we can learn how to make tacos without importing 40 million Mexicans into our country.

Again, you miss the point. To the surprise of no one. The cultural influences are the paradigm; not who makes the items. You hate anyone who isn't white. That is your curse. I'm sure it has caused you to miss many opportunities to expand your narrow view of the world. Meanwhile, it is no great loss to those you have chosen to alienate. I would think they are the richer for not having encountered you.

The families of OKC are white folks, dumbass.

The "influence" you refer to is the knowledge of how to make tacos. Other cultural influences, like a fondness for joining gangs, smuggling drugs, living off welfare and havng more children than they can afford are things we can do without. There's a reason Mexico is a shit hole, and that's the fact that it's infested with Mexicans.

The cultural influence of Muzzie savages is likewise something we don't need and isn't desirable.

If they don't want to encounter me, then let them stay where they were born so their brethren can benefit from their cultural influence. I would be perfectly happy if I never set eyes on another muzzie.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

That's a justification for importing genius physicists. What's the excuse for importing ignorant Muslim savages and Mexican peasants?
Oh btw Mr racist your orange racist president's Mar-a-Lago architecture is mainly Moroccan (Islamic).
Yeah, so that happened only because we imported a bunch of Morrocans to this country? I think not. By the time it was built the airplane and the camera had already been invented.

And BTW, Islam isn't a race.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

Go to the Walmart in Dearborn and you'll see plenty of Muslims living on welfare.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

Go to the Walmart in Dearborn and you'll see plenty of Muslims living on welfare.

Go to the WalMart in Dearborn and you will see more white people living on welfare.

Sent from my iPhone using
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
We gain:
An insight into other cultures
More rape
More murder
More welfare
More crime in general
More bias
More racism
More taxes
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

That is racist!
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?


They want to import anybody that will go on welfare because that would be future Democrat voters. Without importing Browns, Blacks, Muslims etc to be put on the welfare rolls there is no future for the Democrat Party and the desire to make America a socialists shithole.
I do love threads like this...always good to know who the racist and the bigots are.

Sent from my iPhone using
Liberal Dictionary.
Racism - facts.

BTW, Gator, accusing their critics of being racists is the classic leftwing modus operandi.

Also, Mexican isn't a race, and neither is Muzzie. The leftwing belief that all cultures are equal could be more obviously wrong. There's a reason the U.S. is wealthy and Mexico is a shithole, and it isn't the water.
Last edited:
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All of Western Europe.

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

Look at the American wishing for cultural suicide.

What exactly are you afraid of? America has been multi since day one and we've been very successful since .

Look to our South, and what do you see? Is that really what you think we need more of here in the United States? Mexico is a shit hole because it's populated with Mexicans, and you want to bring that here.

Timmy likes burritos and thinks if we bring in more Mexicans and sign them up for Obamacare subsidies then he will get better burritos on Cinco de Mayo Day.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
------------------------------------- everything i see is that 'diversity' leads to weakness and division and sparring amongst different groups for political power . Look at recent imported people that want to change the way things are done and have been done in the USA using their voting power . 'diversity' doesn't make any sense to me !!
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

They are also successful at shooting up people, bombing, running vehicles into people and crashing airplanes into buildings. They belong to a vile group that have declared war on Christians, Jews and non believers. Who wants those little shits and there burkas and their Sharia law and all the other shitty Middle East cultural things? That is not America.

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