How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?


They want to import anybody that will go on welfare because that would be future Democrat voters. Without importing Browns, Blacks, Muslims etc to be put on the welfare rolls there is no future for the Democrat Party and the desire to make America a socialists shithole.
A policy doomed to fail. Once welfare payments exceed taxes collected from the few who work, what then?
Diversity has helped our country in many ways throughout history.
However, third world savages wouldnt help, i dont think.
When people are entitled? No thanks
When people believe buying a ten year old sex slave is normal? Stoning a woman for getting raped? No thanks
see the imported 'berbers' view on the Second Amendment and Guns in the USA to see that Americans are importing their destruction on that particular issue and others .
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

Go to the Walmart in Dearborn and you'll see plenty of Muslims living on welfare.

Go to the WalMart in Dearborn and you will see more white people living on welfare.

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You have obviously never been there.
and then check out the SAMENESS of the Founders and original groups of MEN that laid the Foundations of this great nation of America, They were ALL from the same and from the SAME small area of the world . They were ALL the same sex , the same color , the same Race and were the FOUNDERS of the Greatest Nation the World has ever seen . [course the USA has been going to 'ell' these last 70 years or so as it becomes bigger and more diverse] See the reworking of immigration in 'dead kennedy's' rework of immigration law' as being the cause .
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I do love threads like this...always good to know who the racist and the bigots are.

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Liberal Dictionary.
Racism - facts.

We have established you are more liberal than I am, and “muzzie” is not a fact it is a bigoted slang term, not unlike wetback

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All you establish is that you are a troll.
If America weren't so great, no one would want to move there. Stop Trump's campaign to make things worse!
and then this talk of money called TAXES . Oh boy , the possibility of MORE taxes !! And some boneheads think that taxes - money are more important than Cohesive Society are crazy . As my DAD told me 60 years ago . Only WHORES will do anything for money known as increased taxes !!
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Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia
Diversity doesn’t include Irish, Italian, polish. Got to be from hondorous and kill 16 year old girls now that is diversity

Sure it does. Oh, your only barometer is skin color? How basic. PS: You misspelled "Honduras".
Skin color is the issue bubba. Too many white people. You leftists say it daily. You all want white people dead. Come and get me bubba! I’m done with leftists and their hate of my skin color! Grow some balls and just come get us!

by the way, Ibet you don’t know the BLM is organized by a White Australian!

You misspelled "I bet". The "internet tough guy" routine is a source of great humor. Encore.
so did you know that the BLM founder was a white Australian? hmmmmmmmm? what's the matter can't answer a simple question? racist
AMI on the streets of Minnesota talking tp 'sharia' loving somali muslims . --------------------------------- ---
I do love threads like this...always good to know who the racist and the bigots are.

Sent from my iPhone using
Liberal Dictionary.
Racism - facts.

We have established you are more liberal than I am, and “muzzie” is not a fact it is a bigoted slang term, not unlike wetback

Sent from my iPhone using

We haven't established anything of the sort.

Is Muzzie derogatory? Sure, in the same sense that "barbarian" or "ignorant" or "Democrat" are derogatory terms. That doesn't mean they aren't accurate.
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r "Democrat
I do love threads like this...always good to know who the racist and the bigots are.

Sent from my iPhone using
Liberal Dictionary.
Racism - facts.

We have established you are more liberal than I am, and “muzzie” is not a fact it is a bigoted slang term, not unlike wetback

Sent from my iPhone using

We haven't established anything of the sort.

Is Muzzie derogatory? Sure, in the same sense that "barbarian" or "ignorant" or "Democrat" are derogatory terms. That doesn't mean they aren't accurate.
-------------------------------------- who cares if 'muzzie' is derogatory ?? Even some saying that the term 'muzzie' is derogatory shows the depths that the USA is under 'muzzy' influence and the depths that the USA has fallen to . 50 years ago Americans on the street would ask , what the 'ell' is a 'muzzy' ??
What the left essentially advocates is unlimited immigration of anyone and everyone who wants to come here, regardless of whether it benefits or hurts Americans already here. I have no problem with "diversity", but I'm not an adherent to the idea that diversity for diversity's sake is somehow "good" for America. What's good for America are capable, hardworking people who respect one another and respect the law and who contribute to their communities and to our nation. It doesn't matter what their heritage is nor their skin color.
no, Americans are good for America's sake. it is not the diversity, it is the person that believes in the concept created by our founding fathers that makes America great. Every culture that has been involved. It has nothing to do with diversity, diversity is but a by product of the greatness that is an American.
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia

Ask the families of all the people who were slaughtered in that night club in Orlando if diversity made their lives interesting.
Can we ask the families of OKC if they benefited from white folks based on Timothy McVeigh? Your point is moronic.

As I already pointed out, the culture and art of people from Mexico and the Middle East sucks. I wouldn't have a problem if they both disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Nobody would miss you; that is for sure.

As for food, I think we can learn how to make tacos without importing 40 million Mexicans into our country.

Again, you miss the point. To the surprise of no one. The cultural influences are the paradigm; not who makes the items. You hate anyone who isn't white. That is your curse. I'm sure it has caused you to miss many opportunities to expand your narrow view of the world. Meanwhile, it is no great loss to those you have chosen to alienate. I would think they are the richer for not having encountered you.

The families of OKC are white folks, dumbass.

The "influence" you refer to is the knowledge of how to make tacos. Other cultural influences, like a fondness for joining gangs, smuggling drugs, living off welfare and havng more children than they can afford are things we can do without. There's a reason Mexico is a shit hole, and that's the fact that it's infested with Mexicans.

The cultural influence of Muzzie savages is likewise something we don't need and isn't desirable.

If they don't want to encounter me, then let them stay where they were born so their brethren can benefit from their cultural influence. I would be perfectly happy if I never set eyes on another muzzie.
exactly Bri, why would someone want to come where white people exist?
Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia
Diversity doesn’t include Irish, Italian, polish. Got to be from hondorous and kill 16 year old girls now that is diversity

Sure it does. Oh, your only barometer is skin color? How basic. PS: You misspelled "Honduras".
Skin color is the issue bubba. Too many white people. You leftists say it daily. You all want white people dead. Come and get me bubba! I’m done with leftists and their hate of my skin color! Grow some balls and just come get us!

by the way, Ibet you don’t know the BLM is organized by a White Australian!

You misspelled "I bet". The "internet tough guy" routine is a source of great humor. Encore.
so did you know that the BLM founder was a white Australian? hmmmmmmmm? what's the matter can't answer a simple question? racist
------------------------------------------------- replying because its funny but just yesterday that newly arrived imported 'berber' that was calling me RACIST was bragging that he himself was WHITE [chuckle] .
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia

Ask the families of all the people who were slaughtered in that night club in Orlando if diversity made their lives interesting.
Can we ask the families of OKC if they benefited from white folks based on Timothy McVeigh? Your point is moronic.

As I already pointed out, the culture and art of people from Mexico and the Middle East sucks. I wouldn't have a problem if they both disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Nobody would miss you; that is for sure.

As for food, I think we can learn how to make tacos without importing 40 million Mexicans into our country.

Again, you miss the point. To the surprise of no one. The cultural influences are the paradigm; not who makes the items. You hate anyone who isn't white. That is your curse. I'm sure it has caused you to miss many opportunities to expand your narrow view of the world. Meanwhile, it is no great loss to those you have chosen to alienate. I would think they are the richer for not having encountered you.

The families of OKC are white folks, dumbass.

The "influence" you refer to is the knowledge of how to make tacos. Other cultural influences, like a fondness for joining gangs, smuggling drugs, living off welfare and havng more children than they can afford are things we can do without. There's a reason Mexico is a shit hole, and that's the fact that it's infested with Mexicans.

The cultural influence of Muzzie savages is likewise something we don't need and isn't desirable.

If they don't want to encounter me, then let them stay where they were born so their brethren can benefit from their cultural influence. I would be perfectly happy if I never set eyes on another muzzie.
exactly Bri, why would someone want to come where white people exist?
The snowflakes claim this country is such a horrible place to live, but they say it's cruel to prevent people from coming here.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.
his culture did not create the device, it was his need to be successful in the country that allowed him to be just that. Again, this is a great country that allows it by americans who believe in the core value of the country, hard work to prosper. Understanding humans that welcome in those willing to assimilate.

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