How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

see the imported people , third worlders coming to the USA simply to eat a few times a day at taxpayer expense and to change Americas Foundations [Second Amendment for example] SGuy .
Oh yeah? Like where?

All of Western Europe.

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

Look at the American wishing for cultural suicide.

What exactly are you afraid of? America has been multi since day one and we've been very successful since .

Multi? You call having eveyrone from Western Europe "multi?" If that's what you're calling for, I'll go with it.

I ask what's wrong with diversity in the US and you bring up Western Europe .

Our diversity is why we ain't Europe and don't have their issues.
We aren’t Europe cause we kicked their ass. Go learn you some history

LOL, the U.S.A helped kick Germany's ass, not Europe as a collective.
checkout some of the imported peoples thinking on the Second Amendment which they can influence with their votes . Same goes for Free Speech as some third worlders may riot and destroy , murder if a picture or cartoon is drawn of a muslims 'gawd' SGuy .
and then check out the SAMENESS of the Founders and original groups of MEN that laid the Foundations of this great nation of America, They were ALL from the same and from the SAME small area of the world . They were ALL the same sex , the same color , the same Race and were the FOUNDERS of the Greatest Nation the World has ever seen . [course the USA has been going to 'ell' these last 70 years or so as it becomes bigger and more diverse] See the reworking of immigration in 'dead kennedy's' rework of immigration law' as being the cause .

The Founding Fathers immigration law, the Naturalization Act of 1790 said that only freed Whites of good character were to become U.S.A citizens.
--------------------------------------------------- not worth polluting the finest country the world has ever seen . From what i see , the USA is number 1 in all regards that matter to me SGuy .
Let me be clear. I don't give a flying fuck what you look like, what god you pray to (or not) and who you enjoy fucking. I care what's in your head. Do you value freedom? Do you value allowing others to live how they want to live so long as they're not hurting you? Do you think you could learn a thing or two from people from other walks of life and also help teach them a thing or two? Are you interested in working hard to help lift yourself and those around you to better lives? If so, i want you here, around me, working with me.

If you're interested in coming near me, to take try to take what i have and/or dictate to me how to live, then fuck off.
Simple. Have her show all the statistics for the higher violence level here,poverty level,low education levels HERE vs a place like Japan or Switzerland which are mostly homogeneous.

You mean socialists. You a socialist now?
What the hell are you talking about?

Well youre bragging about Switzerland .
Polish, Irish, isrealies, german, English, Scotish, Mexican. None tried to fk up the US, until obammy. Now illegals think our house is theirs. Shit on us. None of those original immigrants wanted to ruin the country. That’s not diversity, that’s commorardary . They didn’t piss on the flag

Obama didn't start the pro-Illegal movement, R. Reagan did by granting millions of illegals amnesty.
who said he did?
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
--------------------------------------- they will never ever answer the question . Many times i ask , why does America a of 310 million not counting ILLEGALS Nation want more immigration and imported people . I never get an answer . My guess is that it is Government of both parties that wants the diversity no matter what Americans want BLoser . ------------------------ as comparison , USA had about 210 million in the 1970 census BLoser ,

More population = More government
More population = More tax revenue stolen from good people.
The twisted motives of politicians and government is clear.

It’s awfully odd though that seemingly sane people have been so indoctrinated and programmed...they’re scared shitless to admit that the importation of Brown people is destructive to American’s destroying the U.S. from the inside out and Mexico is deciding U.S. elections.
The Loons essentially champion the path we’re on...they can’t wait for the U.S. to become North Mexico. Meanwhile they’ll hunger strike and sleep on the steps of capital buildings in protest to protect a bird, to keep it native to its habitat. Total fuckin whack-jobs.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

Indeed, a lot of the Muslims we've gotten thus far have been in the U.S.A at least have been largely the upper classes.

That still doesn't make everything peachy, however.

- Muslims of a higher class level are more likely to be terrorists.

- Muslims high class or not, are still more likely to support Sharia Law, and other oppressive religious elements.

- Muslims high class, or not change the culture of the U.S.A.
Diversity sucks. Just a way to destroy a country's culture. We are seeing it big time in the US and it is despicable.

Oh yeah? Like where?

All this intermingling is creating a future of mocha colored Americans . Soon skin cancer will be a thing of the past . Too bad whites like you will be extinct soon. Well not really too bad. Neanderthals need to be replaced .

So that's a reason for us to import Mexican peasants and Muzzie savages?

Muslims in general here in the US are one of the most successful minorities.

Fazlur Rahman Khan. The Dhaka-born Bangladeshi-American was known as the “Einstein of structural engineering”

Without Ayub Ommaya lots of people, some of them American, would be dead or suffering appalling pain. In 1963, the Pakistani-born Muslim neurosurgeon invented an intraventricular catheter system that can be used for the aspiration of cerebrospinal fluid or the delivery of drugs. What that means is that a soft, plastic, dome-shaped device is placed under the scalp

I know dozens of muslims like myself...all immigrants, they all upper middle class or rich...with higher education, speak multiple languages and live better than most US born whites.
Don't let racism make you stupid.

Indeed, a lot of the Muslims we've gotten thus far have been in the U.S.A at least have been largely the upper classes.

That still doesn't make everything peachy, however.

- Muslims of a higher class level are more likely to be terrorists.

- Muslims high class or not, are still more likely to support Sharia Law, and other oppressive religious elements.

- Muslims high class, or not change the culture of the U.S.A.
muslims hate women.
that is why i have my personal curse on Diversity Worshippers and their widdle babies and kids . Don't mean to be repeating but my curse is that the LOONS and their kids get exactly what they Deserve BLoser !!
in other words, if he doesn't agree with you he should die right? your way or no way. got it. it's your stupidity that we mock daily in here. and you do care what he looks like. I say that because you wouldn't bash bad illegal people or blacks ever. Even though there are many that are dirt bags that shouldn't be allowed on the streets.
How in the hell do you get that from what i said?

My stance on immigration is just that: i want people who will work hard to better themselves and value freedom and tolerance, and i want them here legally. Doesn't matter where they come from or what they look like.
that is why i have my personal curse on Diversity Worshippers and their widdle babies and kids . Don't mean to be repeating but my curse is that the LOONS and their kids get exactly what they Deserve BLoser !!
------------------------------------------- only problem with that CURSE though is that REAL and innocent Americans are also cursed by my curse . [oh well]
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
Steve Jobs (Syrian father)
Einstein (German/Jewish)
Jerry Yang from Yahoo (chinese)
Elon Musk, Tesla (south Africa)
I can go on forever...from university teachers, surgeons, NASA, sports, entertainment and so on.
Quiet honestly it was a stupid question, this country is built on immigration and immigrants.

Most of these look pretty White, I mean Jobs, and Einstein could've passed as Greeks, or Italians, and Elon Musk looks very White, like a Scandinavian really.
in other words, if he doesn't agree with you he should die right? your way or no way. got it. it's your stupidity that we mock daily in here. and you do care what he looks like. I say that because you wouldn't bash bad illegal people or blacks ever. Even though there are many that are dirt bags that shouldn't be allowed on the streets.
How in the hell do you get that from what i said?

My stance on immigration is just that: i want people who will work hard to better themselves and value freedom and tolerance, and i want them here legally. Doesn't matter where they come from or what they look like.

Sounds noble as’re a stand-up mothafucker.
So now do you screen for those attributes?
Are you inventing a “Productive Hard Worker” meter?
Will thousands stand at our southern border with these awesome meters to screen each illegal cockroach trying to enter the U.S.?
It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.

My daughter, a poli sci freshman has to write a paper describing how Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity....WTF!
I told her to write....”We/it don’t.....The End.”
I’m sure her LefTard Professor would love that...This blatant indoctrination bullshit from educators has got to end.

Your daughter's paper could be interesting if you set aside the professor's wishes and looked at reality. Diversity up to a point is fine. However, Canada has a long history of problems between the French speaking and English speaking parts of the country - even if we declared the country all white.

America has a history of religious diversity that at times has created problems. Wow, you could write a paper on this alone.

Historically speaking, it would be interesting to simply build a list of the types of diversity that have created problems for a country even if there are times when the same issue is not a problem.

Then, of course, there is the question of, "Are these issues additive!" That is, can two issues combine to make divisiveness even worse? (e.g. language and religion as in some Muslims coming to America). All of this could be based on the majorities mind set! It makes a person . . . well, uncomfortable when they do not know either the language or the religion of the other person.

I would end by saying that two issues are not necessary. You would think Mexico would be considered a great neighbor. The people have the same religion, the same family values, and more - with the only difference being language. All of this brings you to the impact of the immigrant on the people who live in the country receiving the new diverse immigrants.

Again, it could be an interesting paper.
in other words, if he doesn't agree with you he should die right? your way or no way. got it. it's your stupidity that we mock daily in here. and you do care what he looks like. I say that because you wouldn't bash bad illegal people or blacks ever. Even though there are many that are dirt bags that shouldn't be allowed on the streets.
How in the hell do you get that from what i said?

My stance on immigration is just that: i want people who will work hard to better themselves and value freedom and tolerance, and i want them here legally. Doesn't matter where they come from or what they look like.

The cold hard truth is that the ones that don't work hard, don't value freedom. don't have tolerance and who come here illegally do look different.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

Let’s see

More opportunities open to women, blacks, minorities, non-christians

How do you like living in a society where all the good jobs are reserved for white males
It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.

My daughter, a poli sci freshman has to write a paper describing how Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity....WTF!
I told her to write....”We/it don’t.....The End.”
I’m sure her LefTard Professor would love that...This blatant indoctrination bullshit from educators has got to end.

I would end by saying that two issues are not necessary. You would think Mexico would be considered a great neighbor. The people have the same religion, the same family values, and more - with the only difference being language. All of this brings you to the impact of the immigrant on the people who live in the country receiving the new diverse immigrants.

Again, it could be an interesting paper.

Not really, most Mexicans are Catholic, and most in the U.S.A are Protestant.

Besides, Mexicans have cock-fights, Donkey shows, and pit-bull fights, cultural degenerate elements heavily lacking in White American culture, at least.

Also, note that Mexico's got a high murder rate.

Yes, Mexicans do speak another language, and culturally are totally different, having a totally different taste in food.

No, they don't really behave like us, for example here, the Mexicans, and Guatemalans tend to hang out on the streets, something that is frowned upon in White American culture.
The cold hard truth is that the ones that don't work hard, don't value freedom. don't have tolerance and who come here illegally do look different.
The least tolerant people in today's society are the ones who are well off. The elites with their agendas, the spoiled middle-class kids who are offended about everything on behalf of other people because they're so woke. Some of the hardest working, most well intentioned people on the planet are those who are fleeing some horrible situations created by people like the ones we currently having making all the important decisions. It doesn't mean all of them are, which can be said for literally any broad group ever. But if you don't want to be painted broadly as a racist xenophobe, then don't talk like one.
--------------------------------------------------- not worth polluting the finest country the world has ever seen . From what i see , the USA is number 1 in all regards that matter to me SGuy .
Let me be clear. I don't give a flying fuck what you look like, what god you pray to (or not) and who you enjoy fucking. I care what's in your head. Do you value freedom? Do you value allowing others to live how they want to live so long as they're not hurting you? Do you think you could learn a thing or two from people from other walks of life and also help teach them a thing or two? Are you interested in working hard to help lift yourself and those around you to better lives? If so, i want you here, around me, working with me.

If you're interested in coming near me, to take try to take what i have and/or dictate to me how to live, then fuck off.
---------------------------------------------------------- everything in your post is cool . But 'muslims' for example need to put their 'gawds shariah laws' over and above USA Constitution and American law to be faithful 'muslims' . Also , let them stay in their own messed up lands and practice their so called freedoms in those lands . They come here though and try and do influence Americans Freedoms like the Second Amendment and Free Speech using political power and votes . I want third worlders to stay where they belong and to work to raise themselves up . And NO , i don't care about raising some third worlder living conditions [or meal count per day] status SGuy !!

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