How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

The cold hard truth is that the ones that don't work hard, don't value freedom. don't have tolerance and who come here illegally do look different.
The least tolerant people in today's society are the ones who are well off. The elites with their agendas, the spoiled middle-class kids who are offended about everything on behalf of other people because they're so woke. Some of the hardest working, most well intentioned people on the planet are those who are fleeing some horrible situations created by people like the ones we currently having making all the important decisions. It doesn't mean all of them are, which can be said for literally any broad group ever. But if you don't want to be painted broadly as a racist xenophobe, then don't talk like one.

LOL, where did you get that one?

The Elites today at least, tend to be far less racist / prejudiced.

They typically didn't have to deal with minorities very much, and are far more likely to hire them, or profit off of them.

Furthermore, a lot of the times the elites are kind of feminine, and feminine personalities typically are more anti-Racist....... (Not always, but typically)
---------------------------------------------------------- everything in your post is cool . But 'muslims' for example need to put their 'gawds shariah laws' over and above USA Constitution and American law to be faithful 'muslims' . Also , let them stay in their own messed up lands and practice their so called freedoms in those lands . They come here though and try and do influence Americans Freedoms like the Second Amendment and Free Speech using political power and votes . I want third worlders to stay where they belong and to work to raise themselves up . And NO , i don't care about raising some third worlder living conditions [or meal count per day] status SGuy !!
What you're explaining, in essence, is someone who doesn't share what i listed above, and thus, i wouldn't want them here. Quite simple. Not all muslims that want to come here practice their faith in that way though.

I never said that discerning someone's true intentions would be easy. ;)
The cold hard truth is that the ones that don't work hard, don't value freedom. don't have tolerance and who come here illegally do look different.
The least tolerant people in today's society are the ones who are well off. The elites with their agendas, the spoiled middle-class kids who are offended about everything on behalf of other people because they're so woke. Some of the hardest working, most well intentioned people on the planet are those who are fleeing some horrible situations created by people like the ones we currently having making all the important decisions. It doesn't mean all of them are, which can be said for literally any broad group ever. But if you don't want to be painted broadly as a racist xenophobe, then don't talk like one.
---------------------------------- name calling . who cares about that kinda silliness SGuy ?? ------------------------------------ And i certainly don't care about their horrible conditions that they created and then flee at the expense of Americans and their kids you emotion driven SomeGuy . Are you really an 'anti Trumper' named 'mrobama' or 'illary' SomeGuy ??
---------------------------------------------------------- everything in your post is cool . But 'muslims' for example need to put their 'gawds shariah laws' over and above USA Constitution and American law to be faithful 'muslims' . Also , let them stay in their own messed up lands and practice their so called freedoms in those lands . They come here though and try and do influence Americans Freedoms like the Second Amendment and Free Speech using political power and votes . I want third worlders to stay where they belong and to work to raise themselves up . And NO , i don't care about raising some third worlder living conditions [or meal count per day] status SGuy !!
What you're explaining, in essence, is someone who doesn't share what i listed above, and thus, i wouldn't want them here. Quite simple. Not all muslims that want to come here practice their faith in that way though.

I never said that discerning someone's true intentions would be easy. ;)

Well, if there's a higher risk for "Bad actions" within a certain group, what's the sense in importing them into your country?

I don't like playing Russian Roulette with my country.
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It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.

My daughter, a poli sci freshman has to write a paper describing how Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity....WTF!
I told her to write....”We/it don’t.....The End.”
I’m sure her LefTard Professor would love that...This blatant indoctrination bullshit from educators has got to end.

Your daughter's paper could be interesting if you set aside the professor's wishes and looked at reality. Diversity up to a point is fine. However, Canada has a long history of problems between the French speaking and English speaking parts of the country - even if we declared the country all white.

America has a history of religious diversity that at times has created problems. Wow, you could write a paper on this alone.

Historically speaking, it would be interesting to simply build a list of the types of diversity that have created problems for a country even if there are times when the same issue is not a problem.

Then, of course, there is the question of, "Are these issues additive!" That is, can two issues combine to make divisiveness even worse? (e.g. language and religion as in some Muslims coming to America). All of this could be based on the majorities mind set! It makes a person . . . well, uncomfortable when they do not know either the language or the religion of the other person.

I would end by saying that two issues are not necessary. You would think Mexico would be considered a great neighbor. The people have the same religion, the same family values, and more - with the only difference being language. All of this brings you to the impact of the immigrant on the people who live in the country receiving the new diverse immigrants.

Again, it could be an interesting paper.

Haha...thank you for the perfect example of what I’m talking about.
You followed your “tolerant” nobility programming to the tee. See how this works people....despite loads of data staring this person in the face they simply ignore it and pretend it doesn’t exist...they deflect to “yeah, but, but, but....once upon a time American religion caused a few problems too you know.”
It’s just plain’s a total brainwashing.

America has a history of religious diversity that at times has created problems. Wow, you could write a paper on this alone.”
How many were raped and killed as a result of American religion?
How many communities were degraded and ruined as a result of American religion?
How many American taxpayers get fucked over as a result of American religion?
Further, you couldn’t be more wrong about Mexicans being likeminded with Americans. They’re thirdworld cockroaches, one step above Zulu’s in the jungles. They hang people from bridges and behead people with chainsaws...they’re savages. You know this.
I can’t make this shit up people. The total indoctrination of weak minded filth is alive and well.
---------------------------------------------------------- everything in your post is cool . But 'muslims' for example need to put their 'gawds shariah laws' over and above USA Constitution and American law to be faithful 'muslims' . Also , let them stay in their own messed up lands and practice their so called freedoms in those lands . They come here though and try and do influence Americans Freedoms like the Second Amendment and Free Speech using political power and votes . I want third worlders to stay where they belong and to work to raise themselves up . And NO , i don't care about raising some third worlder living conditions [or meal count per day] status SGuy !!
What you're explaining, in essence, is someone who doesn't share what i listed above, and thus, i wouldn't want them here. Quite simple. Not all muslims that want to come here practice their faith in that way though.

I never said that discerning someone's true intentions would be easy. ;)
------------------------------------------------------ Not ALL but its still Americas responsibilty to Discern a 'muslim' or other third worlders true intentions ehh . Best to leave them where they belong to make something of themselves . Maybe YOU bleeding hearts oughta take up a collection and then send the third worlders and others some weapons so that they can take care of themselves SomeGuy .
LOL, where did you get that one?

The Elites today at least, tend to be far less racist / prejudiced.

They typically didn't have to deal with minorities very much, and are far more likely to hire them, or profit off of them.

Furthermore, a lot of the times the elites are kind of feminine, and feminine personalities typically are more anti-Racist....... (Not always, but typically)
Depends on your terms, and how you define racism and discrimination. Grouping people by defining characteristics out of their control (such as race and gender) and making sweeping generalizations and/or dismissing them because of it is racism. So anyone who says "you're white" as a way to dismiss you or lessen you is, by definition, a racist.

The elites are the ones with power and influence to mislead, and as you said, use people for their own benefit. Look at the heavily biased media outlets and the politicians we currently have, who are more than happy to pit people against each other based on immutable characteristics to get stupid people to give them money and/or votes. They gather money and power by vast swaths of people being hateful and ignorant toward their fellow Americans in pursuit of their agenda. That's far worse than someone just not liking you for your skin color and calling you a slur.

I'm not saying all elites, but there's plenty of them.
The cold hard truth is that the ones that don't work hard, don't value freedom. don't have tolerance and who come here illegally do look different.
The least tolerant people in today's society are the ones who are well off. The elites with their agendas, the spoiled middle-class kids who are offended about everything on behalf of other people because they're so woke. Some of the hardest working, most well intentioned people on the planet are those who are fleeing some horrible situations created by people like the ones we currently having making all the important decisions. It doesn't mean all of them are, which can be said for literally any broad group ever. But if you don't want to be painted broadly as a racist xenophobe, then don't talk like one.

Some of the hardest working, most well intentioned people on the planet are those who are fleeing some horrible situations created by people like the ones we currently having making all the important decisions.”
Surely you have supporting data to back your noble claims? You couldn’t dare speak so matter of fact otherwise...right?
If you are writing a paper, you want to find the issues that have "historically" been a problem and have created political instability. The issues of "cock-fights, Donkey shows, and pit-bull fights" do not have such a history.

About "hang out on the streets", all teenagers do that! And yes, I wrote, "It makes a person . . . well, uncomfortable when they do not know either the language or the religion of the other person." Being uncomfortable is one thing! Political and social divisiveness is another.

Frankly, the biggest complaint regarding all immigrants from anywhere in the America's is the suppression of wages in the US. Regarding language, there is immense pressure on the Spanish speaking people to learn English, and there is little pressure on English speaking people to learn Spanish.
LOL, where did you get that one?

The Elites today at least, tend to be far less racist / prejudiced.

They typically didn't have to deal with minorities very much, and are far more likely to hire them, or profit off of them.

Furthermore, a lot of the times the elites are kind of feminine, and feminine personalities typically are more anti-Racist....... (Not always, but typically)
Depends on your terms, and how you define racism and discrimination. Grouping people by defining characteristics out of their control (such as race and gender) and making sweeping generalizations and/or dismissing them because of it is racism. So anyone who says "you're white" as a way to dismiss you or lessen you is, by definition, a racist.

The elites are the ones with power and influence to mislead, and as you said, use people for their own benefit. Look at the heavily biased media outlets and the politicians we currently have, who are more than happy to pit people against each other based on immutable characteristics to get stupid people to give them money and/or votes. They gather money and power by vast swaths of people being hateful and ignorant toward their fellow Americans in pursuit of their agenda. That's far worse than someone just not liking you for your skin color and calling you a slur.

I'm not saying all elites, but there's plenty of them.

If the elites were so racist / supremacist, they wouldn't be supporting / importing the 40 - 50 million immigrants we have (Most of them non-White)

The fact of the matter is the elites love diversity overwhelmingly, they can use these immigrants from the Third-World who will work cheaper, just to maximize their profits.
The cold hard truth is that the ones that don't work hard, don't value freedom. don't have tolerance and who come here illegally do look different.
The least tolerant people in today's society are the ones who are well off. The elites with their agendas, the spoiled middle-class kids who are offended about everything on behalf of other people because they're so woke. Some of the hardest working, most well intentioned people on the planet are those who are fleeing some horrible situations created by people like the ones we currently having making all the important decisions. It doesn't mean all of them are, which can be said for literally any broad group ever. But if you don't want to be painted broadly as a racist xenophobe, then don't talk like one.

I am a racist xenophobe and make no apologies for it. I am protective of my race and my culture. The race and culture that built the greatest nation on the face of the earth and I am proud of it.

As an example of what I am talking about California use to be a conservative state. Whites mostly built the state. It built up great wealth. The Browns flooded in illegally and joined the Blacks and White Guilt dumbasses and pretty well used the democracy to rob the state of its wealth. Nowadays it still has residue of its wealth but it is losing it fast. It is a debt ridden welfare state that is oppressive to freedom with state mandated politically correctness to accommodate diversity.

We need to stop importing third world shitheads. In my opinion we need to put an end to all immigration now that we have over 300 million people. However, if we are going to have immigration we need to return to allowing only White Europeans (providing they are not socialist) and restore the balance we use to enjoy.
Diversity didn't make America great. What made America great was freedom, freedom to be whatever one wanted and the freedom to be as successful as one's ingenuity and hard work would take them. Being of British, Irish, African, Syrian, Chinese, etc. descent has nothing to do with an individual's ability to be successful.

Definitely made America greater.
Some of the hardest working, most well intentioned people on the planet are those who are fleeing some horrible situations created by people like the ones we currently having making all the important decisions.”
Surely you have supporting data to back your noble claims? You couldn’t dare speak so matter of fact otherwise...right?
All you have to do is go out and interact with people. I can't "prove" my claims with numbers just like you can't prove your assertion the other way. All i can say is that if you think everyone that comes here illegally has bad intentions, then i feel sorry for you.
What the left essentially advocates is unlimited immigration of anyone and everyone who wants to come here, regardless of whether it benefits or hurts Americans already here. I have no problem with "diversity", but I'm not an adherent to the idea that diversity for diversity's sake is somehow "good" for America. What's good for America are capable, hardworking people who respect one another and respect the law and who contribute to their communities and to our nation. It doesn't matter what their heritage is nor their skin color.

News to me (and I’m on the left). I personally think we should have immigration holidays anytime the unemployment rate gets over 6% and allow no immigration at all until companies reduce the rate and hire more native born Americans. You’d have a revolving door effect in some areas but a lot of the jobs would stick.
I am a racist xenophobe and make no apologies for it. I am protective of my race and my culture. The race and culture that built the greatest nation on the face of the earth and I am proud of it.

As an example of what I am talking about California use to be a conservative state. Whites mostly built the state. It built up great wealth. The Browns flooded in illegally and joined the Blacks and White Guilt dumbasses and pretty well used the democracy to rob the state of its wealth. Nowadays it still has residue of its wealth but it is losing it fast. It is a debt ridden welfare state that is oppressive to freedom with state mandated politically correctness to accommodate diversity.

We need to stop importing third world shitheads. In my opinion we need to put an end to all immigration now that we have over 300 million people. However, if we are going to have immigration we need to return to allowing only White Europeans (providing they are not socialist) and restore the balance we use to enjoy.
Your honesty is refreshing.
in other words, if he doesn't agree with you he should die right? your way or no way. got it. it's your stupidity that we mock daily in here. and you do care what he looks like. I say that because you wouldn't bash bad illegal people or blacks ever. Even though there are many that are dirt bags that shouldn't be allowed on the streets.
How in the hell do you get that from what i said?

My stance on immigration is just that: i want people who will work hard to better themselves and value freedom and tolerance, and i want them here legally. Doesn't matter where they come from or what they look like.
--------------------------------------------------------------- You say LEGALLY :afro: eh [chuckle] !!! So you want them here LEGALLY eh ?? And the decision makers on Legal or Illegal are the same law making enemies that have already fecked America up already for Americas young widdle school kids eh SomeGuy ?? [i don't care about their stupid hip hopping parents and school teachers] See 'ted dead kennedy' and the 'dems' redo of American Immigration law in , think it was in 1965 or 1966 SomeGuy !!
Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia

Ask the families of all the people who were slaughtered in that night club in Orlando if diversity made their lives interesting.
Can we ask the families of OKC if they benefited from white folks based on Timothy McVeigh? Your point is moronic.

As I already pointed out, the culture and art of people from Mexico and the Middle East sucks. I wouldn't have a problem if they both disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Nobody would miss you; that is for sure.

As for food, I think we can learn how to make tacos without importing 40 million Mexicans into our country.

Again, you miss the point. To the surprise of no one. The cultural influences are the paradigm; not who makes the items. You hate anyone who isn't white. That is your curse. I'm sure it has caused you to miss many opportunities to expand your narrow view of the world. Meanwhile, it is no great loss to those you have chosen to alienate. I would think they are the richer for not having encountered you.

The families of OKC are white folks, dumbass.
Screen Shot 2018-04-18 at 9.58.41 AM.png

As always, you have no clue as to what you’re talking about.

If they don't want to encounter me, then let them stay where they were born so their brethren can benefit from their cultural influence. I would be perfectly happy if I never set eyes on another muzzie.

I think they do encounter you whenever they step on a dog turd.
I am a racist xenophobe and make no apologies for it. I am protective of my race and my culture. The race and culture that built the greatest nation on the face of the earth and I am proud of it.

As an example of what I am talking about California use to be a conservative state. Whites mostly built the state. It built up great wealth. The Browns flooded in illegally and joined the Blacks and White Guilt dumbasses and pretty well used the democracy to rob the state of its wealth. Nowadays it still has residue of its wealth but it is losing it fast. It is a debt ridden welfare state that is oppressive to freedom with state mandated politically correctness to accommodate diversity.

We need to stop importing third world shitheads. In my opinion we need to put an end to all immigration now that we have over 300 million people. However, if we are going to have immigration we need to return to allowing only White Europeans (providing they are not socialist) and restore the balance we use to enjoy.
Your honesty is refreshing.

If some intolerant asshole wants to hate me because I am proud of my race then that is their problem, not mine.
If the elites were so racist / supremacist, they wouldn't be supporting / importing the 40 - 50 million immigrants we have (Most of them non-White)

The fact of the matter is the elites love diversity overwhelmingly, they can use these immigrants from the Third-World who will work cheaper, just to maximize their profits.
The fuck they love "diversity." They love power, and will use the idea of "diversity" as a way to get it. "Diversity" in this respect has everything to do with skin color and nothing to do with what those people actually think.

Their game is simple. "Fight" for "diversity" by allowing more people in so long as they vote for you, so you maintain/gather power in effort to stomp out those who you don't agree with, i.e. those who don't think like you do. If democrats thought that illegals would vote republican, you could bet your ass they would be calling for the wall and be opposed to DACA.
Some of the hardest working, most well intentioned people on the planet are those who are fleeing some horrible situations created by people like the ones we currently having making all the important decisions.”
Surely you have supporting data to back your noble claims? You couldn’t dare speak so matter of fact otherwise...right?
All you have to do is go out and interact with people. I can't "prove" my claims with numbers just like you can't prove your assertion the other way. All i can say is that if you think everyone that comes here illegally has bad intentions, then i feel sorry for you.

Haha...actually there’s tons of data to prove my point.
There’s a little tiny website at up welfare stats by ethnicity, criminality by ethnicity, abortion by ethnicity, school dropouts by ethnicity, college graduates by ethnicity. Think per capita.
You’ll quickly learn who our most productive are. Simple shit.

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