How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

Food. Art. Culture.

Game, set, match....DOC.

I would add in that I enjoy Polka music as much as anyone. And while the originators of Polka are not brown skinned and therefore are not considered diverse by the lesser lights around here, listening to exclusively Polka music would drive me batty; the same goes for Classic Rock (much of which was influenced by England and Canadians), Country Western (much of which was influenced by Creole which is derivative from Haitian and French cultures), and Abba (Swedish).

Diversity just makes life more interesting.

And you find those who stand counter to it are, by and large, the least interesting persons on the board.

Source material:
Creole music - Wikipedia
British Invasion - Wikipedia
ABBA - Wikipedia

Ask the families of all the people who were slaughtered in that night club in Orlando if diversity made their lives interesting.
Can we ask the families of OKC if they benefited from white folks based on Timothy McVeigh? Your point is moronic.

As I already pointed out, the culture and art of people from Mexico and the Middle East sucks. I wouldn't have a problem if they both disappeared from the face of the Earth.
Nobody would miss you; that is for sure.

As for food, I think we can learn how to make tacos without importing 40 million Mexicans into our country.

Again, you miss the point. To the surprise of no one. The cultural influences are the paradigm; not who makes the items. You hate anyone who isn't white. That is your curse. I'm sure it has caused you to miss many opportunities to expand your narrow view of the world. Meanwhile, it is no great loss to those you have chosen to alienate. I would think they are the richer for not having encountered you.

The families of OKC are white folks, dumbass.
View attachment 188698

As always, you have no clue as to what you’re talking about.

You mean only five people survived the bombing? Wow, I didn't know that!

If they don't want to encounter me, then let them stay where they were born so their brethren can benefit from their cultural influence. I would be perfectly happy if I never set eyes on another muzzie.

I think they do encounter you whenever they step on a dog turd.

My, my, my, you are so full of hate!
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I am a racist xenophobe and make no apologies for it. I am protective of my race and my culture. The race and culture that built the greatest nation on the face of the earth and I am proud of it.

As an example of what I am talking about California use to be a conservative state. Whites mostly built the state. It built up great wealth. The Browns flooded in illegally and joined the Blacks and White Guilt dumbasses and pretty well used the democracy to rob the state of its wealth. Nowadays it still has residue of its wealth but it is losing it fast. It is a debt ridden welfare state that is oppressive to freedom with state mandated politically correctness to accommodate diversity.

We need to stop importing third world shitheads. In my opinion we need to put an end to all immigration now that we have over 300 million people. However, if we are going to have immigration we need to return to allowing only White Europeans (providing they are not socialist) and restore the balance we use to enjoy.
Your honesty is refreshing.

If some intolerant asshole wants to hate me because I am proud of my race then that is their problem, not mine.

They want us to apologize for being white. fk them all
----------------------------------------------------- agree , even though i may not be WHITE i recognize the ability and Greatness of Western Style Christian WHITE Men and their ability in building the USA the Greatest Nation on GOD's Good Green Earth . But nowadays as the USA slides down hill i know Who to blame as i renew my curse on hip hopper and younger society , millenials and their ilk and their widdle kids .
This board really needs an anti-Nazi filth policy.

I've been pushing for that, but sadly a few of our mods allow a post such as this to remain in "Politics" as opposed to "Rubber Room".

Sad :(

Something should be done. I've seen more and more complaints about what is considered politics on this forum.
let me help. (-:

It's the Founders fault for letting in the Quakers, Papists, Jews and even the infidel Muslims.
I’m not “strawmanning” at all bud.
Look back at your’ve made it clear that your opinion derives from your personal experiences. That’s awfully acute thinking when you are aware of the large amounts of data that conflicts with your personal experiences. No offense, but we sometimes call that Headinassitus.
You did suggest screening immigrants before they suggested we make sure they’re hard working, productive and with values that align with Americans. I asked you if you were inventing such a scanner to detect said never replied for obvious reasons...remember?
I didn't see that post. We already do screen legal applicants. The process is quite prohibitive though and takes a long time, which inherently blocks people who are looking to quickly move in order to leech off the government. The much bigger problem is illegal immigration, which i think we would agree on.

Still, your stats don't prove that there aren't lots of well intentioned immigrants out there. I addressed that earlier so no need to go back to it. If you've got some stats that can prove intentions of illegal immigrants with relation to their desperation to get out of a bad situation elsewhere then i'd be happy to check it out. ;)
You’re staying awfully acute in keeping with your point of view.
You: “This ONE immigrant I know is awesome.”
You: “This ONE immigrant family I know is nice and productive as all hell.”
That’s exactly what blinds LefTards...they judge the 98% on the actions of the 2% whereas logical, sane, decent people judge the 2% on the actions of the 98%...there’s a big difference. Yes, I said JUDGE...that scares the shit out of nutless fools but it’s what intuitive, rational beings do.
You're strawmanning. The basis of my initial statement was that i want prospective immigrants to be judged before they're allowed to come in, i just want them judged on what they believe and what their values are, not where they're coming from or what color they are.

I’m not “strawmanning” at all bud.
Look back at your’ve made it clear that your opinion derives from your personal experiences. That’s awfully acute thinking when you are aware of the large amounts of data that conflicts with your personal experiences. No offense, but we sometimes call that Headinassitus.
You did suggest screening immigrants before they suggested we make sure they’re hard working, productive and with values that align with Americans. I asked you if you were inventing such a scanner to detect said never replied for obvious reasons...remember?
------------------------------------ and yeah , he made it Americas responsibility to screen third worlders . Best thing is to STOP importing alien cultures that can easily be i dentified by seeing what they have built in the past . My solution of course is to STOP ALL immigration into the USA .
I am a racist xenophobe and make no apologies for it. I am protective of my race and my culture. The race and culture that built the greatest nation on the face of the earth and I am proud of it.

As an example of what I am talking about California use to be a conservative state. Whites mostly built the state. It built up great wealth. The Browns flooded in illegally and joined the Blacks and White Guilt dumbasses and pretty well used the democracy to rob the state of its wealth. Nowadays it still has residue of its wealth but it is losing it fast. It is a debt ridden welfare state that is oppressive to freedom with state mandated politically correctness to accommodate diversity.

We need to stop importing third world shitheads. In my opinion we need to put an end to all immigration now that we have over 300 million people. However, if we are going to have immigration we need to return to allowing only White Europeans (providing they are not socialist) and restore the balance we use to enjoy.
Your honesty is refreshing.

If some intolerant asshole wants to hate me because I am proud of my race then that is their problem, not mine.

They want us to apologize for being white. fk them all
----------------------------------------------------- agree , even though i may not be WHITE i recognize the ability and Greatness of Western Style Christian WHITE Men and their ability in building the USA the Greatest Nation on GOD's Good Green Earth . But nowadays as the USA slides down hill i know Who to blame as i renew my curse on hip hopper and younger society , millenials and their ilk and their widdle kids .

Very well said...
You know, it’s never really been about skin color for me...personally, I hate ALL piece of shit human beings regardless of skin color. I take great pride in my bigotry. However, there is no debate over who/what is causing the mass degradation of our once great nation. Nobody sane can deny it.
Further, imagine if a dominant sports franchise that won many back to back world titles suddenly signed a bunch of real shitty players and allowed them to dictate plays and the critical workings of the ‘team’....How batshit fucking crazy would that be? Now tell me how the U.S. isn’t perpetuating exactly that.
You’re staying awfully acute in keeping with your point of view.
You: “This ONE immigrant I know is awesome.”
You: “This ONE immigrant family I know is nice and productive as all hell.”
That’s exactly what blinds LefTards...they judge the 98% on the actions of the 2% whereas logical, sane, decent people judge the 2% on the actions of the 98%...there’s a big difference. Yes, I said JUDGE...that scares the shit out of nutless fools but it’s what intuitive, rational beings do.
You're strawmanning. The basis of my initial statement was that i want prospective immigrants to be judged before they're allowed to come in, i just want them judged on what they believe and what their values are, not where they're coming from or what color they are.

I’m not “strawmanning” at all bud.
Look back at your’ve made it clear that your opinion derives from your personal experiences. That’s awfully acute thinking when you are aware of the large amounts of data that conflicts with your personal experiences. No offense, but we sometimes call that Headinassitus.
You did suggest screening immigrants before they suggested we make sure they’re hard working, productive and with values that align with Americans. I asked you if you were inventing such a scanner to detect said never replied for obvious reasons...remember?
------------------------------------ and yeah , he made it Americas responsibility to screen third worlders . Best thing is to STOP importing alien cultures that can easily be i dentified by seeing what they have built in the past . My solution of course is to STOP ALL immigration into the USA .
No MORE Slovoks.
Ever notice how white supremacists have to stand on the shoulders of others to proclaim their own greatness?
You’re staying awfully acute in keeping with your point of view.
You: “This ONE immigrant I know is awesome.”
You: “This ONE immigrant family I know is nice and productive as all hell.”
That’s exactly what blinds LefTards...they judge the 98% on the actions of the 2% whereas logical, sane, decent people judge the 2% on the actions of the 98%...there’s a big difference. Yes, I said JUDGE...that scares the shit out of nutless fools but it’s what intuitive, rational beings do.
You're strawmanning. The basis of my initial statement was that i want prospective immigrants to be judged before they're allowed to come in, i just want them judged on what they believe and what their values are, not where they're coming from or what color they are.

I’m not “strawmanning” at all bud.
Look back at your’ve made it clear that your opinion derives from your personal experiences. That’s awfully acute thinking when you are aware of the large amounts of data that conflicts with your personal experiences. No offense, but we sometimes call that Headinassitus.
You did suggest screening immigrants before they suggested we make sure they’re hard working, productive and with values that align with Americans. I asked you if you were inventing such a scanner to detect said never replied for obvious reasons...remember?
------------------------------------ and yeah , he made it Americas responsibility to screen third worlders . Best thing is to STOP importing alien cultures that can easily be i dentified by seeing what they have built in the past . My solution of course is to STOP ALL immigration into the USA .
No MORE Slovoks.
----------------------------- Think that it is Slovaks with an ;A' rather than an 'O' Ben .
I’m not “strawmanning” at all bud.
Look back at your’ve made it clear that your opinion derives from your personal experiences. That’s awfully acute thinking when you are aware of the large amounts of data that conflicts with your personal experiences. No offense, but we sometimes call that Headinassitus.
You did suggest screening immigrants before they suggested we make sure they’re hard working, productive and with values that align with Americans. I asked you if you were inventing such a scanner to detect said never replied for obvious reasons...remember?
I didn't see that post. We already do screen legal applicants. The process is quite prohibitive though and takes a long time, which inherently blocks people who are looking to quickly move in order to leech off the government. The much bigger problem is illegal immigration, which i think we would agree on.

Still, your stats don't prove that there aren't lots of well intentioned immigrants out there. I addressed that earlier so no need to go back to it. If you've got some stats that can prove intentions of illegal immigrants with relation to their desperation to get out of a bad situation elsewhere then i'd be happy to check it out. ;) that’s some funny shit. Data that proves intent...really bud?
Fuck intent....look at all the data that proves the actions...shouldn’t that suffice? Come on’re trying way too hard to stay unenlightened.
Did you forget that U.S. citizens/taxpayers do not owe the world an opportunity or the chance to flee their “bad situation”?
Fuck, why not fly giant airplanes around the globe, harvest the worlds most desperate and drop them in the laps of good Americans? Fuck it...huh?
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

The Native Americans and Jew refugees were hired based on skill set, not because of their race/ethnicity. You so missed the point. Would we have won WWII if those positions were based on Affirmative Action?
You’re staying awfully acute in keeping with your point of view.
You: “This ONE immigrant I know is awesome.”
You: “This ONE immigrant family I know is nice and productive as all hell.”
That’s exactly what blinds LefTards...they judge the 98% on the actions of the 2% whereas logical, sane, decent people judge the 2% on the actions of the 98%...there’s a big difference. Yes, I said JUDGE...that scares the shit out of nutless fools but it’s what intuitive, rational beings do.
You're strawmanning. The basis of my initial statement was that i want prospective immigrants to be judged before they're allowed to come in, i just want them judged on what they believe and what their values are, not where they're coming from or what color they are.

I’m not “strawmanning” at all bud.
Look back at your’ve made it clear that your opinion derives from your personal experiences. That’s awfully acute thinking when you are aware of the large amounts of data that conflicts with your personal experiences. No offense, but we sometimes call that Headinassitus.
You did suggest screening immigrants before they suggested we make sure they’re hard working, productive and with values that align with Americans. I asked you if you were inventing such a scanner to detect said never replied for obvious reasons...remember?
------------------------------------ and yeah , he made it Americas responsibility to screen third worlders . Best thing is to STOP importing alien cultures that can easily be i dentified by seeing what they have built in the past . My solution of course is to STOP ALL immigration into the USA .
No MORE Slovoks.
----------------------------- Think that it is Slovaks with an ;A' rather than an 'O' Ben .
Who cares. They need to stay the FUCK OUT
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

The Native Americans and Jew refugees were hired based on skill set, not because of their race/ethnicity. You so missed the point. Would we have won WWII if those positions were based on Affirmative Action?
Isn't it a bit of an oxymoron to be talking about Native Americans and diversity. I'm reasonably certain a maj of them would want us to go.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

The Native Americans and Jew refugees were hired based on skill set, not because of their race/ethnicity. You so missed the point. Would we have won WWII if those positions were based on Affirmative Action?
Isn't it a bit of an oxymoron to be talking about Native Americans and diversity. I'm reasonably certain a maj of them would want us to go.

I don't know. Perhaps. I was just responding to the post and the example given.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

The Native Americans and Jew refugees were hired based on skill set, not because of their race/ethnicity. You so missed the point. Would we have won WWII if those positions were based on Affirmative Action?
Isn't it a bit of an oxymoron to be talking about Native Americans and diversity. I'm reasonably certain a maj of them would want us to go.

I don't know. Perhaps. I was just responding to the post and the example given.
Oh, I realize that, and I wasn't trying to bust your chops about the post you responded to. I just find it odd to be talking American diversity and the notion that its ok to keep the Indians. King Philip War and all that.
You're strawmanning. The basis of my initial statement was that i want prospective immigrants to be judged before they're allowed to come in, i just want them judged on what they believe and what their values are, not where they're coming from or what color they are.

I’m not “strawmanning” at all bud.
Look back at your’ve made it clear that your opinion derives from your personal experiences. That’s awfully acute thinking when you are aware of the large amounts of data that conflicts with your personal experiences. No offense, but we sometimes call that Headinassitus.
You did suggest screening immigrants before they suggested we make sure they’re hard working, productive and with values that align with Americans. I asked you if you were inventing such a scanner to detect said never replied for obvious reasons...remember?
------------------------------------ and yeah , he made it Americas responsibility to screen third worlders . Best thing is to STOP importing alien cultures that can easily be i dentified by seeing what they have built in the past . My solution of course is to STOP ALL immigration into the USA .
No MORE Slovoks.
----------------------------- Think that it is Slovaks with an ;A' rather than an 'O' Ben .
Who cares. They need to stay the FUCK OUT
------------------------------ Testy , testy , testy --- quit being so testy Ben , i was simply being Friendly as i corrected yer incorrect spelling . I'd expect YOU to correct my poor spelling and bad punkuation Ben .
Well, we’re 250+ posts in. How about a recap...what have we learned so far?
“How does U.S. democracy benefit from diversity?”
“How do U.S. citizens benefit from diversity?”

I’ve com up with...citizens benefit from food, music and a peek into cultural differences.
Nobody has explained how our democracy benefits.
I mean, if politicians are going to force Americans to allow them to shit on the U.S. Constitution shouldn’t Americans and our democracy atleast be the beneficiary of such?

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