How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

The Native Americans and Jew refugees were hired based on skill set, not because of their race/ethnicity. You so missed the point. Would we have won WWII if those positions were based on Affirmative Action?
Isn't it a bit of an oxymoron to be talking about Native Americans and diversity. I'm reasonably certain a maj of them would want us to go.
---------------------------------------------- back in the old days maybe but most Injuns i know as i grew up with them think of themselves as Americans Ben .
Well, we’re 250+ posts in. How about a recap...what have we learned so far?
“How does U.S. democracy benefit from diversity?”
“How do U.S. citizens benefit from diversity?”

I’ve com up with...citizens benefit from food, music and a peek into cultural differences.
Nobody has explained how our democracy benefits.
I mean, if politicians are going to force Americans to allow them to shit on the U.S. Constitution shouldn’t Americans and our democracy atleast be the beneficiary of such?
------------------------------- mixing of different spices maybe but thats no big deal as recipe instructions in recipe books are followed . My Mom made excellent 'chili' in the 50s with out ever seeing a 'mexican' anywhere she looked . And excellent ' chinese food' could be bought all day long at the grocery store in the 50s . And who in the 'ell' needs 'camel milk yogurt' or 'falaffel' made by a REAL Camel milker , huh ?? ------------------------------ USA Society doesn't benefit at all , look at that single imported guy on the board and from the middle east that will use his vote to disarm Americans who have a RIGHT to be armed BLoser .
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Well, we’re 250+ posts in. How about a recap...what have we learned so far?
“How does U.S. democracy benefit from diversity?”
“How do U.S. citizens benefit from diversity?”

I’ve com up with...citizens benefit from food, music and a peek into cultural differences.
Nobody has explained how our democracy benefits.
I mean, if politicians are going to force Americans to allow them to shit on the U.S. Constitution shouldn’t Americans and our democracy atleast be the beneficiary of such?
------------------------------- mixing of different spices maybe but thats no big deal . My Mom made excellent 'chili' in the 50s with out ever seeing a 'mexican' anywhere she looked . And excellent ' chinese food' could be bought all day long in the 50s BLoser ------------------------------ USA Society doesn't benefit at all , look at that single imported guy on the board and from the middle east that will use his vote to disarm Americans who have a RIGHT to be armed BLoser .

You are exactly right...unAmerican minded foreigners have infiltrated to the point where they are now able to influence our legislation and even make changes to our constitution...There’s so much that isn’t right about that.
Well, we’re 250+ posts in. How about a recap...what have we learned so far?
“How does U.S. democracy benefit from diversity?”
“How do U.S. citizens benefit from diversity?”

I’ve com up with...citizens benefit from food, music and a peek into cultural differences.
Nobody has explained how our democracy benefits.
I mean, if politicians are going to force Americans to allow them to shit on the U.S. Constitution shouldn’t Americans and our democracy atleast be the beneficiary of such?
------------------------------- mixing of different spices maybe but thats no big deal . My Mom made excellent 'chili' in the 50s with out ever seeing a 'mexican' anywhere she looked . And excellent ' chinese food' could be bought all day long in the 50s BLoser ------------------------------ USA Society doesn't benefit at all , look at that single imported guy on the board and from the middle east that will use his vote to disarm Americans who have a RIGHT to be armed BLoser .

You are exactly right...unAmerican minded foreigners have infiltrated to the point where they are now able to influence our legislation and even make changes to our constitution...There’s so much that isn’t right about that.
------------------------------------------ and think of the things that foreign born teachers teach American kids . Lefty teachers born in the USA are bad enough but then add in taxpayer paid foreign teachers that hate or dislike the USA and then teach American kids BLoser .
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

That's a justification for importing genius physicists. What's the excuse for importing ignorant Muslim savages and Mexican peasants?
Oh btw Mr racist your orange racist president's Mar-a-Lago architecture is mainly Moroccan (Islamic).

mar a lago!? That ain’t American !? Burn it down!
Well, we’re 250+ posts in. How about a recap...what have we learned so far?
“How does U.S. democracy benefit from diversity?”
“How do U.S. citizens benefit from diversity?”

I’ve com up with...citizens benefit from food, music and a peek into cultural differences.
Nobody has explained how our democracy benefits.
I mean, if politicians are going to force Americans to allow them to shit on the U.S. Constitution shouldn’t Americans and our democracy atleast be the beneficiary of such?

You ignore the positives . USA has been diverse since day one . And we’ve become the greatest country . So it’s on you to explain why it’s bad .

How does it hurt? 250 in and you can’t give a good example . Other than it annoys racists .
Ever notice how white supremacists have to stand on the shoulders of others to proclaim their own greatness?

NOPE....enlighten us. Keep it “political” though.

You rely on what you perceive your white ancestors did rather than what you have accomplished. It can't be any more simple than that.

This thread isn't about politics, it's about you not being proud of you and having to depend on a race of people to do it for you.
The thread itself is stupid.
Because you ignorance won't allow any intelligence to enter your racists ignorant mind.
The End.

I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

We've seen enough of your racist-ass posts to know that wrapping YOUR head around anything deeper than a fidget spinner is going to be a challenge.


Enlighten us all....add something of value to the thread.
“How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity?”
Please save us the “this one time back in 1940” bunch of bullshit...the other ignorant fools have already made that pathetic play ...Go ahead, we’re standing by waiting patiently.
you sound like a silly 'berber' but you probably think you said something important eh Boilermaker [chuckle] .
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

How'd that zero diversity work out for Japan in ww2?

We had Native American code talkers and Jew refugees making nuke bombs.

That's a justification for importing genius physicists. What's the excuse for importing ignorant Muslim savages and Mexican peasants?
Oh btw Mr racist your orange racist president's Mar-a-Lago architecture is mainly Moroccan (Islamic).

mar a lago!? That ain’t American !? Burn it down!
---------------------------------- you too , you sound like a silly 'berber' proud of some commercial architecture thats likely to be torn down on a whim Timmy .
and the 'original berber' brags in one of his posts that he is WHITE and thats funny Tim !!
not a complete list but muslims , the muslim gawd , female genital mutilation , berbers , iraqis , afghanis , somalis , sharia law , beheadings , stonings , shiites , sunnis plus more non Western delights are some of the bad things Alang .
If the elites were so racist / supremacist, they wouldn't be supporting / importing the 40 - 50 million immigrants we have (Most of them non-White)

The fact of the matter is the elites love diversity overwhelmingly, they can use these immigrants from the Third-World who will work cheaper, just to maximize their profits.
The fuck they love "diversity." They love power, and will use the idea of "diversity" as a way to get it. "Diversity" in this respect has everything to do with skin color and nothing to do with what those people actually think.

Their game is simple. "Fight" for "diversity" by allowing more people in so long as they vote for you, so you maintain/gather power in effort to stomp out those who you don't agree with, i.e. those who don't think like you do. If democrats thought that illegals would vote republican, you could bet your ass they would be calling for the wall and be opposed to DACA.

Well, not all of the elite are exactly the same, probably nearly half the elite in this country is Jewish, and then another near half is Anglo.

The Anglo elites use diversity for cheap labor, but tend to be Republican.

The Jewish elites not only use diversity for cheap labor, but tend to support Democrat minorities, and then support minorities for strength by numbers against the White power structure.

The bottom-line is they all profit off of their labor, that's why multi-cultural diversity has prevailed, and the elites have done virtually nothing to stop it, but in fact have done much to support it.
the throwing of 'homosexuals off of high buildings , child marriage , jihad by rapes , caliphates , taqiyah , kitman , jihabs , funny clothes that hide identity , suicide bombers , knifings , mowing down of pedestrians with cars [not camels] in Western lands that import the murderers eh Alang .
Well, we’re 250+ posts in. How about a recap...what have we learned so far?
“How does U.S. democracy benefit from diversity?”
“How do U.S. citizens benefit from diversity?”

I’ve com up with...citizens benefit from food, music and a peek into cultural differences.
Nobody has explained how our democracy benefits.
I mean, if politicians are going to force Americans to allow them to shit on the U.S. Constitution shouldn’t Americans and our democracy atleast be the beneficiary of such?

You ignore the positives . USA has been diverse since day one . And we’ve become the greatest country . So it’s on you to explain why it’s bad .

How does it hurt? 250 in and you can’t give a good example . Other than it annoys racists .

LOL, the U.S.A, like Australia, and Canada were at an advantage over Europe due to having much more resources, and avoiding a lot of economically crippling wars caused by "Diverse Balkanization" in Europe.

As to why the U.S.A is slightly ahead of Australia, and Canada, while it maybe true that "diversity" played a role , but it's "White Diversity" however that's likely the culprit, and that it's actually because the U.S.A lured in a lot of White Catholic, and , or Jewish elites from Ireland, Poland, and Italy etc.

Indeed, if we look at regions of the U.S.A of a similar ethnicity as Australia, and Canada (The Southern, and some of the Western states) where British Protestant backgrounds prevail like in Australia, and Canada, then there's virtually no difference in wealth between the U.S.A vs Australia & Canada.
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I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
It forces us to examine the world more accurately. Rather than being isolated from the real world we learn to accept others that are different and in necessary examine what makes a decent person, their color or character.

Diversity allows that relearning of the values we once had. It can also work about educating ourselves and family about those who could be dangerous to us as in cultures that see us as their enemy.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.

It's really quite simple. It's only complicated for racist fucks like you.

America is a diverse country. America has always been a diverse country. Our democracy should reflect our society, not suppress it.

In WWII America used our diversity by employing Navajo code talkers for undecipherable encryption that the enemy was never able to crack. Japan was busy trying to force everyone to be all the same. The result was that Japan got nuked and America won. Since then, we have been the most powerful nation in the history of human kind.

The end.
Actually America is the most diverse country on the planet.
It's hilarious that on one hand Liberals are touting of the U.S.A as the greatest country when it comes to "Diversity" but then when it comes to "Murder rates" they think the U.S.A is a Third-World cess-pool of no not a "Diversity problem" but instead a "Gun problem"

Hilarious, Blacks make up 13% of the U.S.A, but over 50% of the murderers, how can this not be about a diversity problem?

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