How do good Americans and our democracy benefit from diversity again?

--------------------------------------------------------------- You say LEGALLY :afro: eh [chuckle] !!! So you want them here LEGALLY eh ?? And the decision makers on Legal or Illegal are the same law making enemies that have already fecked America up already for Americas young widdle school kids eh SomeGuy ?? [i don't care about their stupid hip hopping parents and school teachers] See 'ted dead kennedy' and the 'dems' redo of American Immigration law in , think it was in 1965 or 1966 SomeGuy !!
If you're saying that the government is fucked up in too many ways to even mention, then i'm right there with you man.
i'm saying that there is no difference between legal and illegal even from my non politician Status . Illegal or legal , they are all the same simply from the standpoint of flooding the USA with thirdworlders SGuy !!
Haha...actually there’s tons of data to prove my point.
There’s a little tiny website at up welfare stats by ethnicity, criminality by ethnicity, abortion by ethnicity, school dropouts by ethnicity, college graduates by ethnicity. Think per capita.
You’ll quickly learn who our most productive are. Simple shit.
Ethnicity doesn't mean "immigrants" dude. Look at the state of the black community as a whole. It's tragic how high the crime rates, abortions and single motherhood are and that has nothing to do with immigration. Meanwhile, you've got Indians, who on the whole, do pretty well. Asians do even better than whites. It has much, much more to do with where you're jumping off from rather than what your skin color is.

Nonetheless, i'll use an anecdotal example. I'd much rather grab lunch from a shop run by a poorer "brown" immigrant who's nice and works their ass off to make sure what i buy from them tastes great every time rather than a local chain owned/ran by some white asshole who's food is meh and he doesn't appreciate my business. It all comes down to the individual and their motivations.
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i'm saying that there is no difference between legal and illegal even from my non politician Status . Illegal or legal , they are all the same simply from the standpoint of flooding the USA with thirdworlders SGuy !!
We're on the same page here man, for the most part, i think. I want the borders effectively secured. I want illegal immigration gone entirely (not possible but gotta set goals) and i want to welcome legal immigrants into the country who value freedom and want to work hard to create a nice life for themselves.
STOP Immigration , there is no need for importing third worlders that can't build and KEEP a functioning society in 6000 years . As i may have mentioned USA was 210 million in 1970 Census and 310 million not counting Illegals in the 2010 census . Imported people try to influence and do diminish the power of American voters votes SGuy !!
It's about changing demographics to win elections and implement communism.

My daughter, a poli sci freshman has to write a paper describing how Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity....WTF!
I told her to write....”We/it don’t.....The End.”
I’m sure her LefTard Professor would love that...This blatant indoctrination bullshit from educators has got to end.

I would end by saying that two issues are not necessary. You would think Mexico would be considered a great neighbor. The people have the same religion, the same family values, and more - with the only difference being language. All of this brings you to the impact of the immigrant on the people who live in the country receiving the new diverse immigrants.

Again, it could be an interesting paper.

Not really, most Mexicans are Catholic, and most in the U.S.A are Protestant.

Besides, Mexicans have cock-fights, Donkey shows, and pit-bull fights, cultural degenerate elements heavily lacking in White American culture, at least.

Also, note that Mexico's got a high murder rate.

Yes, Mexicans do speak another language, and culturally are totally different, having a totally different taste in food.

No, they don't really behave like us, for example here, the Mexicans, and Guatemalans tend to hang out on the streets, something that is frowned upon in White American culture.
we really don't like the shooting of 16 year old teenage girls they seem to be inspired to do. they have no respect for authority therefore anything is their's. we frown on that.
I do love threads like this...always good to know who the racist and the bigots are.

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Liberal Dictionary.
Racism - facts.

We have established you are more liberal than I am, and “muzzie” is not a fact it is a bigoted slang term, not unlike wetback

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We haven't established anything of the sort.

Is Muzzie derogatory? Sure, in the same sense that "barbarian" or "ignorant" or "Democrat" are derogatory terms. That doesn't mean they aren't accurate.

Just as calling you a bigot is accurate

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Define "diversity." If it's just people who all think exactly the same but happen to have different skin colors, then i agree with you. If it's a bunch of people regardless of skin color who are bouncing ideas off each other informed by what they've learned through differing formal education and life experiences, thus working together toward finding better solutions to relevant problems in a productive manner... then diversity is a massive strength.

That rules out importing Mexicans and Muzzie savages.
Haha...actually there’s tons of data to prove my point.
There’s a little tiny website at up welfare stats by ethnicity, criminality by ethnicity, abortion by ethnicity, school dropouts by ethnicity, college graduates by ethnicity. Think per capita.
You’ll quickly learn who our most productive are. Simple shit.
Ethnicity doesn't mean "immigrants" dude. Look at the state of the black community as a whole. It's tragic how high the crime rates, abortions and single motherhood are and that has nothing to do with immigration. Meanwhile, you've got Indians, who on the whole, do pretty well. Asians do even better than Americans. It has much, much more to do with where you're jumping off from rather than what your skin color is.

Nonetheless, i'll use an anecdotal example. I'd much rather grab lunch from a shop run by a poorer "brown" immigrant who's nice and works their ass off to make sure what i buy from them tastes great every time rather than a local chain owned/ran by some white asshole who's food is meh and he doesn't appreciate my business. It all comes down to the individual and their motivations.

You’re staying awfully acute in keeping with your point of view.
You: “This ONE immigrant I know is awesome.”
You: “This ONE immigrant family I know is nice and productive as all hell.”
That’s exactly what blinds LefTards...they judge the 98% on the actions of the 2% whereas logical, sane, decent people judge the 2% on the actions of the 98%...there’s a big difference. Yes, I said JUDGE...that scares the shit out of nutless fools but it’s what intuitive, rational beings do.
I am a racist xenophobe and make no apologies for it. I am protective of my race and my culture. The race and culture that built the greatest nation on the face of the earth and I am proud of it.

As an example of what I am talking about California use to be a conservative state. Whites mostly built the state. It built up great wealth. The Browns flooded in illegally and joined the Blacks and White Guilt dumbasses and pretty well used the democracy to rob the state of its wealth. Nowadays it still has residue of its wealth but it is losing it fast. It is a debt ridden welfare state that is oppressive to freedom with state mandated politically correctness to accommodate diversity.

We need to stop importing third world shitheads. In my opinion we need to put an end to all immigration now that we have over 300 million people. However, if we are going to have immigration we need to return to allowing only White Europeans (providing they are not socialist) and restore the balance we use to enjoy.
Your honesty is refreshing.

If some intolerant asshole wants to hate me because I am proud of my race then that is their problem, not mine.

They want us to apologize for being white. fk them all
STOP Immigration , there is no need for importing third worlders that can't build and KEEP a functioning society in 6000 years . As i may have mentioned USA was 210 million in 1970 Census and 310 million not counting Illegals in the 2010 census . Imported people try to influence and do diminish the power of American voters votes SGuy !!
How can you possibly know that before you've actually made a determination about the persons in question? The fact that Haiti is a shithole doesn't mean that some Haitians could come here and do well as American citizens. How about Cuba? Ted Cruz is the son of a Cuban immigrant.

If you want to say that we need to lower immigration because we have big problems we need to solve with the people already here, then fine. If you're saying "brown people are stupid i don't want them here" then you're a straight up racist. If that's the case, just own it.
Haha...actually there’s tons of data to prove my point.
There’s a little tiny website at up welfare stats by ethnicity, criminality by ethnicity, abortion by ethnicity, school dropouts by ethnicity, college graduates by ethnicity. Think per capita.
You’ll quickly learn who our most productive are. Simple shit.
Ethnicity doesn't mean "immigrants" dude. Look at the state of the black community as a whole. It's tragic how high the crime rates, abortions and single motherhood are and that has nothing to do with immigration. Meanwhile, you've got Indians, who on the whole, do pretty well. Asians do even better than Americans. It has much, much more to do with where you're jumping off from rather than what your skin color is.

Nonetheless, i'll use an anecdotal example. I'd much rather grab lunch from a shop run by a poorer "brown" immigrant who's nice and works their ass off to make sure what i buy from them tastes great every time rather than a local chain owned/ran by some white asshole who's food is meh and he doesn't appreciate my business. It all comes down to the individual and their motivations.

You’re staying awfully acute in keeping with your point of view.
You: “This ONE immigrant I know is awesome.”
You: “This ONE immigrant family I know is nice and productive as all hell.”
That’s exactly what blinds LefTards...they judge the 98% on the actions of the 2% whereas logical, sane, decent people judge the 2% on the actions of the 98%...there’s a big difference. Yes, I said JUDGE...that scares the shit out of nutless fools but it’s what intuitive, rational beings do.
yep as Spock once said "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
You’re staying awfully acute in keeping with your point of view.
You: “This ONE immigrant I know is awesome.”
You: “This ONE immigrant family I know is nice and productive as all hell.”
That’s exactly what blinds LefTards...they judge the 98% on the actions of the 2% whereas logical, sane, decent people judge the 2% on the actions of the 98%...there’s a big difference. Yes, I said JUDGE...that scares the shit out of nutless fools but it’s what intuitive, rational beings do.
You're strawmanning. The basis of my initial statement was that i want prospective immigrants to be judged before they're allowed to come in, i just want them judged on what they believe and what their values are, not where they're coming from or what color they are.
STOP Immigration , there is no need for importing third worlders that can't build and KEEP a functioning society in 6000 years . As i may have mentioned USA was 210 million in 1970 Census and 310 million not counting Illegals in the 2010 census . Imported people try to influence and do diminish the power of American voters votes SGuy !!
How can you possibly know that before you've actually made a determination about the persons in question? The fact that Haiti is a shithole doesn't mean that some Haitians could come here and do well as American citizens. How about Cuba? Ted Cruz is the son of a Cuban immigrant.

If you want to say that we need to lower immigration because we have big problems we need to solve with the people already here, then fine. If you're saying "brown people are stupid i don't want them here" then you're a straight up racist. Own it.
it's simple, anyone who violates the laws of this land by coming in illegal, aren't worth our time to evaluate. there, it's simple. I don't want criminals here. The ones here already falsify Social Security and steal identities. yep great people.
I’m really trying hard to wrap my head around it exactly do Americans and American democracy benefit from diversity? Can someone articulate that to me?
It’s seems as though all the data strongly suggests
Is the data racist?
Is Japan fucking themselves...Would they be kicking a bunch more ass if they imported millions from Mexico, Central and South America? If so, someone should let them know.
Steve Jobs (Syrian father)
Einstein (German/Jewish)
Jerry Yang from Yahoo (chinese)
Elon Musk, Tesla (south Africa)
I can go on forever...from university teachers, surgeons, NASA, sports, entertainment and so on.
Quiet honestly it was a stupid question, this country is built on immigration and immigrants.

Most of these look pretty White, I mean Jobs, and Einstein could've passed as Greeks, or Italians, and Elon Musk looks very White, like a Scandinavian really.
Musk is a white South African, but those are exactly the kind the open-borders growd doesn't want. Einstein was German.

Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, to parents who put him up for adoption at birth. He was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1960s.

So jobs was raised by average Americans. He didn't bring any foreign cultural enlightenment to America. Do we even know what country his parents were from?
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I am a racist xenophobe and make no apologies for it. I am protective of my race and my culture. The race and culture that built the greatest nation on the face of the earth and I am proud of it.

As an example of what I am talking about California use to be a conservative state. Whites mostly built the state. It built up great wealth. The Browns flooded in illegally and joined the Blacks and White Guilt dumbasses and pretty well used the democracy to rob the state of its wealth. Nowadays it still has residue of its wealth but it is losing it fast. It is a debt ridden welfare state that is oppressive to freedom with state mandated politically correctness to accommodate diversity.

We need to stop importing third world shitheads. In my opinion we need to put an end to all immigration now that we have over 300 million people. However, if we are going to have immigration we need to return to allowing only White Europeans (providing they are not socialist) and restore the balance we use to enjoy.
Your honesty is refreshing.

If some intolerant asshole wants to hate me because I am proud of my race then that is their problem, not mine.

They want us to apologize for being white. fk them all

The Libtards love Black pride and Hispanic pride and Muslim diversity and all that other Third World shit but hate White pride. The intolerant assholes.
---------------------------------------------------------- everything in your post is cool . But 'muslims' for example need to put their 'gawds shariah laws' over and above USA Constitution and American law to be faithful 'muslims' . Also , let them stay in their own messed up lands and practice their so called freedoms in those lands . They come here though and try and do influence Americans Freedoms like the Second Amendment and Free Speech using political power and votes . I want third worlders to stay where they belong and to work to raise themselves up . And NO , i don't care about raising some third worlder living conditions [or meal count per day] status SGuy !!
What you're explaining, in essence, is someone who doesn't share what i listed above, and thus, i wouldn't want them here. Quite simple. Not all muslims that want to come here practice their faith in that way though.

I never said that discerning someone's true intentions would be easy. ;)
I don't care if a potential immigrant has all the qualities you listed. This country doesn't need more people. All immigration should be halted, except for certain special cases, like wives married overseas.
They want us to apologize for being white. fk them all
Dude, i'm white, and i certainly won't apologize for it. "White" people have done some pretty awesome stuff, but within "white" has been all kinds of differences throughout history. Saxons and Norse and Germanic, Christian and Jew, to the simple Irish and British, German and Russian, etc. To act like "white people" were some unified force for all good in the history of the world is just ignorant and wrong.

What i think you might mean to say is that generally, white people are most responsible for the implementation of western culture, and western culture is most responsible for the prosperity we see in the world today, of which i would agree. But that doesn't preclude people who aren't white from being part of that culture and adding to it. I work with a lot of Indian people in Information Technology on a daily basis, guys and girls who live both in the U.S. and in India. Guess what? Most of them are really cool, nice people who are good at what they do. And, a handful aren't. The point: it's exactly the same for the white people i work with. People should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin or where they come from.
I don't care if a potential immigrant has all the qualities you listed. This country doesn't need more people. All immigration should be halted, except for certain special cases, like wives married overseas.
I think that's a fair position.
You’re staying awfully acute in keeping with your point of view.
You: “This ONE immigrant I know is awesome.”
You: “This ONE immigrant family I know is nice and productive as all hell.”
That’s exactly what blinds LefTards...they judge the 98% on the actions of the 2% whereas logical, sane, decent people judge the 2% on the actions of the 98%...there’s a big difference. Yes, I said JUDGE...that scares the shit out of nutless fools but it’s what intuitive, rational beings do.
You're strawmanning. The basis of my initial statement was that i want prospective immigrants to be judged before they're allowed to come in, i just want them judged on what they believe and what their values are, not where they're coming from or what color they are.

I’m not “strawmanning” at all bud.
Look back at your’ve made it clear that your opinion derives from your personal experiences. That’s awfully acute thinking when you are aware of the large amounts of data that conflicts with your personal experiences. No offense, but we sometimes call that Headinassitus.
You did suggest screening immigrants before they suggested we make sure they’re hard working, productive and with values that align with Americans. I asked you if you were inventing such a scanner to detect said never replied for obvious reasons...remember?

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